@echo off set globalErrorLevel=0 echo oss-install... rem Usage: rem > oss-install.cmd rem > oss-install.cmd [project] rem > oss-install.cmd [project] ["compiler_dir"] rem with: rem : Target directory where all binaries etc. are going to be installed by this script rem [project] : (optional) project to install. If missing, "everything" is installed rem ["compiler_dir"] : (optional) Directory containing compiler specific dll's to be installed, rem surrounded by quotes to be able to handle white spaces in the path rem rem Example calls: rem > install.cmd # Install entire solution rem > install.cmd flow2d3d # Install only project flow2d3d (and its dependencies) rem > install.cmd flow2d3d "c:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2011 SP1\redist\ia32\compiler\" # Install only project flow2d3d (and its dependencies) rem including compiler specific dll's rem 0. defaults: set project= set dest_main= rem The next statement is needed in order for the set commands to work inside the if statement setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if [%2] EQU [] ( rem Install all engines, assume the first argument is a target directory set dest_main=%1 set project=install_all echo Target directory: !dest_main! echo Source : all engines ) else ( rem Install the package/engine specified by the first argument. The second argument is assumed to be the target directory. set dest_main=%2 set project=%1 echo Target directory: !dest_main! echo Source : package/engine !project! ) if [%dest_main%] EQU [] ( echo "ERROR: No target directory specified as argument of oss-install.cmd" goto end ) if [%3] EQU [] ( set compiler_dir="" ) else ( set compiler_dir_read=%3 rem Remove leading and trailing quote (") rem These quotes MUST be present in argument number 3, because "compiler_dir" may contain white spaces set compiler_dir=!compiler_dir_read:~1,-1! ) rem Change to directory tree where this batch file resides (necessary when oss-install.cmd is called from outside of oss/trunk/src) cd %~dp0\..\.. call :generic call :!project! goto end rem Actual install "routines" rem ============================================================ rem === if the command before a call to handle_error returns === rem === an error, the script will return with an error === rem ============================================================ :handle_error if NOT %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 ( set globalErrorLevel=%ErrorLevel% ) rem go back to call site goto :endproc rem ============================================================= rem === makeDir accepts one argument: the name of the === rem === directory it will create if it doesn't already exists === rem === === rem === NOTE: errors will be reported and the script will === rem === return with an error code after executing the rest of === rem === its statements === rem ============================================================= :makeDir set dirName=%~1 if not exist !dirName! mkdir !dirName! if not !ErrorLevel! EQU 0 ( echo ERROR: while creating directory "!dirName!" ) call :handle_error goto :endproc rem ============================================================= rem === copyFile takes two arguments: the name of the file to === rem === copy to the destiny directory === rem === === rem === NOTE: errors will be reported and the script will === rem === with an error code after executing the rest of its === rem === statements === rem ============================================================= :copyFile set fileName=%~1 set dest=%~2 rem rem "echo f |" is (only) needed when dest does not exist rem and does not harm in other cases rem echo f | xcopy "%fileName%" %dest% /F /Y if NOT !ErrorLevel! EQU 0 ( echo ERROR: while copying "!fileName!" to "!dest!" ) call :handle_error goto :endproc rem ============================================================= rem === copyNetcdf copy the appropriate netcdf.dll === rem ============================================================= :copyNetcdf set dest=%~1 if not exist !dest! mkdir !dest! if not !ErrorLevel! EQU 0 ( echo ERROR: while creating directory "!dest!" ) call :copyFile "third_party_open\netcdf\src\win32\2005\libsrc\x64\Release\netcdf.dll" !dest! goto :endproc rem =============== rem === INSTALL_ALL rem =============== :install_all echo "installing all open source projects . . ." call :d_hydro call :dflowfm call :dimr call :flow2d3d call :flow2d3d_openda call :delwaq1 call :delwaq2 call :delwaq_dll rem call :delwaq2_openda_lib call :waq_plugin_wasteload call :part call :wave call :waveexe call :plugin_culvert call :plugin_delftflow_traform call :datsel call :kubint call :lint call :mormerge call :vs call :nesthd1 call :nesthd2 call :nestwq1 call :nestwq2 goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL_DELFT3D rem =================== :delft3d call delft3d-flow rem ======================== rem === INSTALL_DELFT3D-FLOW rem ======================== :delft3d-flow echo "installing delft3d-flow . . ." call :d_hydro call :dimr call :flow2d3d call :flow2d3d_openda call :plugin_culvert call :plugin_delftflow_traform call :mormerge goto :endproc rem ==================== rem === INSTALL_GENERIC rem ==================== :generic rem rem Put the newest version of generic dlls in dest_share. rem When compiling a kernel, the actual generic dlls are place in the kernels bin folder. rem The DIMRset collector runs script "...\src\engines_gpl\dimr\scripts\dimr_artifacts.py", rem which removes duplicate dlls, assuming the version in dest_share must be kept, rem assuming the newest version of the dll can be used in combination with kernels build with older versions. rem echo "installing generic . . ." set dest_share="!dest_main!\x64\share\bin" call :makeDir !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\expat\x64\x64\Release\libexpat.dll" !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\intelredist\lib\x64\*.dll" !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\mpich2\x64\bin\*.exe" !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\mpich2\x64\lib\*.dll" !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\pthreads\bin\x64\*.dll" !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\vcredist\x64\Microsoft.VC100.CRT\*.dll" !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\vcredist\x64\Microsoft.VC110.CRT\*.dll" !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\vcredist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT\*.dll" !dest_share! call :copyFile "third_party_open\vcredist\x64\Microsoft.VC140.CRT\*.dll" !dest_share! call :copyNetcdf !dest_share! echo This directory is automatically created by script https://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/delft3d/trunk/src/scripts_lgpl/win64/oss-install_x64.cmd >!dest_share!\readme.txt echo This script is executed via a post-build event >>!dest_share!\readme.txt echo Further modifications can be done via a Python script executed via "DIMR_collector" projects in TeamCity >>!dest_share!\readme.txt goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL_D_HYDRO rem =================== :d_hydro echo "installing d_hydro . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" set dest_menu="!dest_main!\x64\menu\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :makeDir !dest_menu! call :copyFile engines_gpl\d_hydro\bin\x64\Release\d_hydro.exe !dest_bin! call :copyFile engines_gpl\d_hydro\scripts\create_config_xml.tcl !dest_menu! goto :endproc rem ==================== rem === INSTALL_DFLOWFM rem ==================== :dflowfm echo "installing dflowfm . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflowfm\bin" set dest_default="!dest_main!\x64\dflowfm\default" set dest_scripts="!dest_main!\x64\dflowfm\scripts" set dest_plugins="!dest_main!\x64\plugins\bin" set dest_share="!dest_main!\x64\share\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :makeDir !dest_default! call :makeDir !dest_scripts! call :makeDir !dest_plugins! call :makeDir !dest_share! if !compiler_dir!=="" ( rem Compiler_dir not set ) else ( rem "Compiler_dir:!compiler_dir!" set localstring="!compiler_dir!*.dll" rem Note the awkward usage of !-characters call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! ) goto :endproc rem ================ rem === INSTALL_DIMR rem ================ :dimr echo "installing dimr . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dimr\bin" set dest_menu="!dest_main!\x64\menu\bin" set dest_scripts="!dest_main!\x64\dimr\scripts" set dest_share="!dest_main!\x64\share\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :makeDir !dest_menu! call :makeDir !dest_scripts! call :makeDir !dest_share! call :copyFile engines_gpl\dimr\bin\x64\Release\dimr.exe !dest_bin! call :copyFile engines_gpl\dimr\bin\x64\Release\dimr_dll.dll !dest_bin! call :copyFile engines_gpl\d_hydro\scripts\create_config_xml.tcl !dest_menu! call :copyFile "engines_gpl\dimr\scripts\generic\win64\*.*" !dest_scripts! goto :endproc rem ==================== rem === INSTALL_FLOW2D3D rem ==================== :flow2d3d echo "installing flow2d3d . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" set dest_default="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\default" set dest_scripts="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\scripts" set dest_plugins="!dest_main!\x64\plugins\bin" set dest_share="!dest_main!\x64\share\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :makeDir !dest_default! call :makeDir !dest_scripts! call :makeDir !dest_plugins! call :makeDir !dest_share! set ErrorLevel_flowdll=0 copy engines_gpl\flow2d3d\bin\x64\Release\flow2d3d.dll !dest_bin! if NOT %ErrorLevel%==0 ( set ErrorLevel_flowdll=1 ) copy engines_gpl\flow2d3d\bin\x64\Release\flow2d3d_sp.dll !dest_bin! if NOT !ErrorLevel!==0 ( if NOT !ErrorLevel_flowdll!==0 ( set GlobalErrorLevel=1 ) ) rem One of these two dlls will not exist and cause an ErrorLevel=1. Reset it. set ErrorLevel=0 call :copyFile "engines_gpl\flow2d3d\scripts\meteo_old2new.m" !dest_scripts! call :copyFile "engines_gpl\flow2d3d\default\*" !dest_default! call :copyFile "utils_lgpl\delftonline\lib\x64\Release\dynamic\delftonline.dll" !dest_bin! call :copyFile "utils_lgpl\delftonline\lib\x64\Release\dynamic\delftonline.dll" !dest_plugins! call :copyFile "engines_gpl\flow2d3d\scripts\run_*.bat" !dest_scripts! call :copyFile "third_party_open\tcl\bin\win64\tclkitsh852.exe" !dest_share! if !compiler_dir!=="" ( rem Compiler_dir not set ) else ( rem "Compiler_dir:!compiler_dir!" set localstring="!compiler_dir!*.dll" rem Note the awkward usage of !-characters call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! ) goto :endproc rem =========================== rem === INSTALL_FLOW2D3D_OPENDA rem =========================== :flow2d3d_openda rem echo "installing flow2d3d_openda . . ." rem rem copy engines_gpl\flow2d3d\bin\x64\Release\flow2d3d_openda.dll !dest_bin! rem if NOT %ErrorLevel%==0 ( rem set ErrorLevel_opendadll=1 rem ) rem copy engines_gpl\flow2d3d\bin\x64\Release\flow2d3d_openda_sp.dll !dest_bin! rem if NOT !ErrorLevel!==0 ( rem if NOT !ErrorLevel_opendadll!==0 ( rem set GlobalErrorLevel=1 rem ) rem ) rem rem One of these two dlls will not exist and cause an ErrorLevel=1. Reset it. rem set ErrorLevel=0 rem call :copyFile "third_party_open\openda\core\native\lib\win64\*.dll" !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL_DELWAQ1 rem =================== :delwaq1 echo "installing delwaq1 . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\bin\x64\Release\delwaq1.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL_DELWAQ2 rem =================== :delwaq2 echo "installing delwaq2 . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\bin\x64\Release\delwaq2.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ============================ rem === INSTALL_DELWAQ_DIMR_TEST rem ============================ :delwaq_dimr_test echo "installing delwaq_dimr_test . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\bin\x64\Release\delwaq_dimr_test.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ====================== rem === INSTALL_DELWAQ_DLL rem ====================== :delwaq_dll echo "installing delwaq dll . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\bin" set dest_default="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\default" set dest_scripts="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\scripts" set dest_share="!dest_main!\x64\share\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :makeDir !dest_default! call :makeDir !dest_scripts! call :makeDir !dest_share! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\bin\x64\Release\delwaq.dll !dest_bin! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\default\bloom.spe !dest_default! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\default\bloominp.d09 !dest_default! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\default\proc_def.dat !dest_default! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\default\proc_def.def !dest_default! if !compiler_dir!=="" ( rem Compiler_dir not set ) else ( rem "Compiler_dir:!compiler_dir!" rem Note the awkward usage of !-characters set localstring="!compiler_dir!libiomp5md.dll" call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! set localstring="!compiler_dir!libifcoremd.dll" call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! set localstring="!compiler_dir!libifportmd.dll" call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! set localstring="!compiler_dir!libmmd.dll" call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! set localstring="!compiler_dir!svml_dispmd.dll" call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! ) call :copyFile "engines_gpl\waq\scripts\run_*.bat" !dest_scripts! goto :endproc rem ============================== rem === INSTALL_DELWAQ2_OPENDA_LIB rem ============================== :delwaq2_openda_lib rem echo "installing delwaq2_openda_lib . . ." rem rem set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\bin" rem rem call :makeDir !dest_bin! rem rem call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\bin\Release\delwaq2_openda_lib.dll !dest_bin! rem rem if !compiler_dir!=="" ( rem rem Compiler_dir not set rem ) else ( rem rem "Compiler_dir:!compiler_dir!" rem rem Note the awkward usage of !-characters rem set localstring="!compiler_dir!libiomp5md.dll" rem call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! rem set localstring="!compiler_dir!libifcoremd.dll" rem call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! rem set localstring="!compiler_dir!libifportmd.dll" rem call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! rem set localstring="!compiler_dir!libmmd.dll" rem call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! rem set localstring="!compiler_dir!svml_dispmd.dll" rem call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! rem ) goto :endproc rem ================================ rem === INSTALL_WAQ_PLUGIN_WASTELOAD rem ================================ :waq_plugin_wasteload echo "installing waq_plugin_wasteload . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile engines_gpl\waq\bin\x64\Release\waq_plugin_wasteload.dll !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ================ rem === INSTALL PART rem ================ :part echo "installing part . . ." set dest="!dest_main!\x64\dpart\bin" set dest_scripts="!dest_main!\x64\dpart\scripts" call :makeDir !dest! call :makeDir !dest_scripts! call :copyFile engines_gpl\part\bin\x64\release\delpar.exe !dest! call :copyFile "engines_gpl\part\scripts\run_*.bat" !dest_scripts! if !compiler_dir!=="" ( rem Compiler_dir not set ) else ( rem "Compiler_dir:!compiler_dir!" rem Note the awkward usage of !-characters set localstring="!compiler_dir!libiomp5md.dll" call :copyFile !localstring! !dest! ) goto :endproc rem ================ rem === INSTALL_WAVE rem ================ :wave echo "installing wave . . .%1" if [%1] EQU [exe] ( set binary=exe ) else ( set binary=dll ) rem echo "binary:%binary% set dest_bin=!dest_main!\x64\dwaves\bin set dest_default=!dest_main!\x64\dwaves\default set dest_swan_bin=!dest_main!\x64\swan\bin rem When adding quotes here AND when using dest_swan_scripts, xcopy also gets confused rem Neat solution: do not add quotes on defining the destination folders, but only at calling :copyFile set dest_swan_scripts=!dest_main!\x64\swan\scripts set dest_esmf_bin=!dest_main!\x64\esmf\bin set dest_esmf_scripts=!dest_main!\x64\esmf\scripts set dest_scripts=!dest_main!\x64\dwaves\scripts call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :makeDir !dest_default! call :makeDir !dest_swan_bin! call :makeDir !dest_swan_scripts! call :makeDir !dest_esmf_bin! call :makeDir !dest_esmf_scripts! call :makeDir !dest_scripts! rem rem This wave block is called twice: rem - once for wave.dll (then wave_exe.exe might not be present yet) rem - once for wave_exe.exe (then wave.dll might not be present yet) rem if [%binary%] EQU [dll] ( call :copyFile engines_gpl\wave\bin\x64\release\wave.dll "!dest_bin!" ) else ( call :copyFile engines_gpl\wave\bin\x64\release\wave_exe.exe "!dest_bin!\wave.exe" ) call :copyFile engines_gpl\flow2d3d\default\dioconfig.ini "!dest_default!" call :copyFile "third_party_open\swan\bin\w64_i11\*.*" "!dest_swan_bin!" call :copyFile third_party_open\swan\scripts\swan.bat "!dest_swan_scripts!" call :copyFile "third_party_open\esmf\win64\bin\*.*" "!dest_esmf_bin!" call :copyFile "third_party_open\esmf\win64\scripts\*.*" "!dest_esmf_scripts!" call :copyFile "engines_gpl\wave\scripts\run_*.bat" "!dest_scripts!" if !compiler_dir!=="" ( rem Compiler_dir not set ) else ( rem "Compiler_dir:!compiler_dir!" set localstring="!compiler_dir!*.dll" rem Note the awkward usage of !-characters call :copyFile !!localstring! !dest_bin!! ) goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL_WAVEEXE rem =================== :waveexe echo "installing waveexe . . ." call :wave exe goto :endproc rem ========================== rem === INSTALL_PLUGIN_CULVERT rem ========================== :plugin_culvert echo "installing plugin_culvert . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile plugins_lgpl\plugin_culvert\bin\x64\Release\plugin_culvert.dll !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ==================================== rem === INSTALL_PLUGIN_DELFTFLOW_TRAFORM rem ==================================== :plugin_delftflow_traform echo "installing plugin_delftflow_traform . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile plugins_lgpl\plugin_delftflow_traform\bin\x64\Release\plugin_delftflow_traform.dll !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ================== rem === INSTALL_DATSEL rem ================== :datsel echo "installing datsel . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile tools_gpl\datsel\bin\x64\Release\datsel.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ================== rem === INSTALL_KUBINT rem ================== :kubint echo "installing kubint . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile tools_gpl\kubint\bin\x64\Release\kubint.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ================ rem === INSTALL_LINT rem ================ :lint echo "installing lint . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile tools_gpl\lint\bin\x64\Release\lint.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ==================== rem === INSTALL_MORMERGE rem ==================== :mormerge echo "installing mormerge . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" set dest_scripts="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\scripts" set dest_share="!dest_main!\x64\share\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :makeDir !dest_scripts! call :copyFile engines_gpl\flow2d3d\scripts\mormerge.tcl !dest_scripts! call :copyFile engines_gpl\flow2d3d\scripts\run_mormerge.bat !dest_scripts! call :copyFile tools_gpl\mormerge\packages\mormerge\x64\Release\mormerge.exe !dest_bin! call :copyFile third_party_open\tcl\bin\win64\tclkitsh852.exe !dest_share! goto :endproc rem ============== rem === INSTALL_VS rem ============== :vs echo "installing vs . . ." set dest="!dest_main!\x64\util\bin" call :makeDir !dest! call :copyFile tools_gpl\vs\bin\x64\Release\vs.exe !dest! goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL NESTHD1 rem =================== :nesthd1 echo "installing nesthd1 . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile tools_gpl\nesthd1\packages\nesthd1\x64\Release\nesthd1.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL NESTHD2 rem =================== :nesthd2 echo "installing nesthd2 . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dflow2d3d\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile tools_gpl\nesthd2\packages\nesthd2\x64\Release\nesthd2.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL NESTWQ1 rem =================== :nestwq1 rem echo "installing nestwq1 . . ." rem set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\bin" rem call :makeDir !dest_bin! rem call :copyFile tools\nestwq1\packages\nestwq1\x64\Release\nestwq1.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem =================== rem === INSTALL NESTWQ2 rem =================== :nestwq2 rem echo "installing nestwq2 . . ." rem set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\dwaq\bin" rem call :makeDir !dest_bin! rem call :copyFile tools\nestwq2\packages\nestwq2\x64\Release\nestwq2.exe !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ===================== rem === INSTALL IO_NETCDF rem ===================== :io_netcdf echo "installing io_netcdf . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\share\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile "utils_lgpl\io_netcdf\packages\io_netcdf\dll\x64\Release\io_netcdf.dll" !dest_bin! goto :endproc rem ===================== rem === INSTALL GRIDGEOM rem ===================== :gridgeom echo "installing gridgeom . . ." set dest_bin="!dest_main!\x64\share\bin" call :makeDir !dest_bin! call :copyFile "utils_lgpl\gridgeom\packages\gridgeom\dll\x64\Release\gridgeom.dll" !dest_bin! goto :endproc :end if NOT %globalErrorLevel% EQU 0 ( rem rem Only jump to :end when the script is completely finished rem echo An error occurred while executing this file echo Returning with error number %globalErrorLevel% exit %globalErrorLevel% ) :endproc rem rem No exit here rem Otherwise the script exits directly at the first missing artefact