1 3.0000000e+002 [kg/m3] :LSED, no. of sediment; CSOIL, reference density for hindered settling mud :SEDTYP, type of sediment (sand or mud) 2.6500000e+003 [kg/m3] :RHOSOL, specific density 0.0 [m] :SEDDIA, mean sediment diameter (D50) 0.0000000e+000 [ppt] :SALMAX, salinity saline water 5.0000001e-003 [m/s] :WS0, settling velocity fresh water 5.0000001e-003 [m/s] :WSM, settling velocity saline water 1.0000000e-001 [N/m2] :TCDUNI, critical bed shear stress for sedimentation 1.0000000e+000 [N/m2] :TCEUNI, critical bed shear stress for erosion 9.9999997e-006 [kg/m2/s] :EROUNI, sediment erosion rate 5.0000000e+002 [kg/m3] :CDRYB, dry bed density 2.5000000e+001 [kg/m2] :SDBUNI, initial sediment mass at bed per unit area