subroutine main_lint () !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision implicit none ! ! Local parameters ! integer, parameter :: mnmax = 100000, npmax = 10000 ! COMMON variables ! integer :: ncol common /coln / ncol ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: ic integer :: icu integer :: icv integer :: icx integer :: icy integer :: ip integer :: ipoly integer :: ipp integer :: iprint integer :: ipt integer :: itel integer :: k integer :: lunlog integer :: m integer :: mn integer :: n integer :: np integer :: npoly integer :: npt integer :: nsteps integer :: j integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: iref integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: code integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: iflag integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: np0 integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: nrin integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: nrx integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: nry logical :: ex logical :: intact real(hp) :: ang real(hp) :: crostra real(hp) :: crosvec real(hp) :: cumdist real(hp) :: cumtra real(hp) :: cumtraneg real(hp) :: cumtrapos real(hp) :: dist real(hp) :: dx real(hp) :: dy real(hp) :: um real(hp) :: vm real(hp) :: xm real(hp) :: ym real(hp), dimension(15) :: val real(hp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: w real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: u real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: v real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: x real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: y real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: xpoly real(hp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: xpoly0 real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: xs real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: ypoly real(hp), dimension(:,:), pointer :: ypoly0 real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: ys real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: up real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: vp real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: xp real(hp), dimension(:) , pointer :: yp real(hp) :: xymiss character(120) :: cident character(256) :: error1 character(256) :: error2 character(256) :: fpol character(256) :: fvect character(256) :: inpnam character(4) :: blname ! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Allocate ! allocate(iref(4, npmax)) allocate(code(mnmax)) allocate(iflag(npmax)) allocate(np0(1000)) allocate(nrin(npmax)) allocate(nrx(npmax)) allocate(nry(npmax)) allocate(w(4, npmax)) allocate(u(mnmax)) allocate(v(mnmax)) allocate(x(mnmax)) allocate(y(mnmax)) allocate(xpoly(npmax)) allocate(xpoly0(10000,1000)) allocate(xs(npmax)) allocate(ypoly(npmax)) allocate(ypoly0(10000,1000)) allocate(ys(npmax)) allocate(up(npmax)) allocate(vp(npmax)) allocate(xp(npmax)) allocate(yp(npmax)) ! ! ! LINT computes the line integral of a 2D vector quantity over ! specified polylines ! cident = ' ' call getfullversionstring_LINT(cident) ! call pldep ! k = len_trim(cident) write(*, '(A)') write(*, '(A)') cident(5:k) write(*, '(A)') write(*, '(A,$)') 'Input filename: ' read (*, '(A)') inpnam ! intact = .false. if (inpnam==' ') then intact = .true. else inquire (file = trim(inpnam), exist = ex) if (.not.ex) intact = .true. endif ! write(*, '(A)') write(*, '(a)') 'Diagnostics will be written to file lint.log' ! lunlog = 10 open (10, file = 'lint.log') k = len_trim(cident) write(10, '(A)') write(10, '(A)') cident(5:k) write(10, '(A)') ! ! Read user input interactive ! if (intact) then open (9, file = 'lint.inp') write( *, '(a)') 'Your manually created input will be written to the file lint.inp' ! write (*, '(A)') ' ' write (*, '(A)') 'Interactive input' write (*, '(A)') ' ' write (9,*) ! write( *, '(A,$)') 'Filename TEKAL datafile is : ' read ( *, '(A)') fvect write( 9, '(A)') trim(fvect) write(10, '(A,a)') 'Filename TEKAL datafile is : ', trim(fvect) write( *, '(A,$)') 'Column nrs. x, y, u, v are : ' read ( *, *) icx, icy, icu, icv write( 9, *) icx, icy, icu, icv write(10, '(A,4(1x,i8))') 'Column nrs. x, y, u, v are : ', icx, icy, icu, icv write( *, '(A,$)') 'Filename detailed output is : ' read ( *, '(A)') error1 write( 9, '(A)') trim(error1) write(10, '(A,a)') 'Filename detailed output is : ', trim(error1) write( *, '(A,$)') 'Filename integrated output is : ' read ( *, '(A)') error2 write( 9, '(A)') trim(error2) write(10, '(A,a)') 'Filename integrated output is : ', trim(error2) write( *, '(A,$)') 'Number of subdivisions per polygon element is: ' read ( *, *) nsteps write( 9, *) nsteps write(10, '(A,1x, i8)') 'Subdivisions per polygon element: ', nsteps write( *, '(A,$)') 'Detailed screen output (0/1) is : ' read ( *, *) iprint write( 9, *) iprint write(10, '(A,1x,i8)') 'Detailed screen output (0/1) : ', iprint write( *, '(A,$)') 'Filename polygon file is : ' read ( *, '(A)') fpol write( 9, '(A)') trim(fpol) write(10, '(A,a)') 'Filename polygon file is : ', trim(fpol) ! ! Read user input from file ! else inquire (file = trim(inpnam), exist = ex) if (.not.ex) then write( *, '(a,a,a)') 'ERROR: File ', trim(inpnam), ' not found' write(10, '(a,a,a)') 'ERROR: File ', trim(inpnam), ' not found' goto 9999 endif open (9, file = trim(inpnam)) ! ! Reading input file ! read ( 9, *) ! skip record with input filename ! read ( 9, '(a)') fvect write(10, '(a,a)') 'Filename TEKAL datafile is : ', trim(fvect) ! read ( 9, *) icx, icy, icu, icv write(10, '(a,4(1x,i8))') 'Column nrs. x, y, u, v are : ', icx, icy, icu, icv ! read ( 9, '(a)') error1 write(10, '(a,a)') 'Filename detailed output is : ', trim(error1) ! read ( 9, '(a)') error2 write(10, '(a,a)') 'Filename integrated output is : ', trim(error2) ! read ( 9, *) nsteps write(10, '(a,1x, i8)') 'Subdivisions per polygon element: ', nsteps ! read ( 9, *) iprint write(10, '(a,1x,i8)') 'Detailed screen output (0/1) : ', iprint ! read ( 9, '(a)') fpol write(10, '(a,a)') 'Filename polygon file is : ', trim(fpol) endif ! open (12, file = trim(error1)) k = len_trim(cident) ! write (12, '(a)') '*' write (12, '(a,a )') '* ', cident(5:k) ! open (13, file = trim(error2)) ! ! Read vector file inquire (file = trim(fvect), exist = ex) if (ex) then open (11, file = trim(fvect)) else write ( *, '(a)') 'ERROR: File ', trim(fvect), ' does not exist' write (10, '(a)') 'ERROR: File ', trim(fvect), ' does not exist' goto 9999 endif ! ! --> 30 continue read (11, '(A4)') blname if (blname(1:1)=='*') goto 30 ! <-- read (11, *) mn, ncol, m if (m>0) then n = mn/m else write (10, '(a)') ' ERROR: m=0' write ( *, '(a)') ' ERROR: m=0' goto 9998 endif if (mn > mnmax) then write ( *, '(a, a)') 'ERROR: Too many lines in block: ', blname write ( *, '(a,i5)') 'Decrease number of lines to : ', mnmax write ( *, '(a, a)') 'ERROR: Too many lines in block: ', blname write ( *, '(a,i5)') 'Decrease number of lines to : ', mnmax goto 9999 endif ! itel = 0 xymiss = 999.999_hp do i = 1, mn itel = itel + 1 read (11, *) (val(ic), ic = 1, icv) x(itel) = val(icx) y(itel) = val(icy) u(itel) = val(icu) v(itel) = val(icv) if (abs(x(itel) - xymiss)<1.D-6 .and. abs(y(itel) - xymiss)<1.D-6) then code(itel) = -1 else code(itel) = 1 endif enddo ! ! Read polygon file ! inquire (file = trim(fpol), exist = ex) if (ex) then call readldb(xpoly0,ypoly0,npoly,np0,fpol) else write ( *, '(a)') 'ERROR: File ', trim(fpol), ' does not exist' write (10, '(a)') 'ERROR: File ', trim(fpol), ' does not exist' goto 9999 endif ! write(13,'(a)') '*' write(13,'(a,a )') '* ', cident(5:k) write(13,'(a)') '*' write(13,'(a)')'* column 1 : transect number' write(13,'(a)')'* column 2 : integrated net transport' write(13,'(a)')'* column 3 : integrated positive transport' write(13,'(a)')'* column 4 : integrated negative transport' write(13,'(a)')'*' write(13, '(a)')'BL01' write(13, '(2(1x,I5))') npoly, 4 ! ! Loop over polygons do ipoly = 1, npoly np = np0(ipoly) do ip = 1, np xpoly(ip) = xpoly0(ip,ipoly) ypoly(ip) = ypoly0(ip,ipoly) enddo ! ! Subdivide polygon xp(1) = xpoly(1) yp(1) = ypoly(1) ipt = 1 do ip = 1, np - 1 do ipp = 1, nsteps ipt = ipt + 1 xp(ipt) = xpoly(ip) + real(ipp,hp)/real(nsteps,hp) & & *(xpoly(ip + 1) - xpoly(ip)) yp(ipt) = ypoly(ip) + real(ipp,hp)/real(nsteps,hp) & & *(ypoly(ip + 1) - ypoly(ip)) enddo enddo npt = ipt if (npt > npmax) then write ( *, '(a,i5)') 'ERROR: Too many parts in polyline : ', ipoly write ( *, '(a,i5)') 'Decrease subdivision per element to: ', npmax/np write (10, '(a,i5)') 'ERROR: Too many parts in polyline : ', ipoly write (10, '(a,i5)') 'Decrease subdivision per element to: ', npmax/np goto 9999 endif ! Interpolate vector values to expanded polygon points call mkmap(code ,x ,y ,m ,n , & & xp ,yp ,npt ,xs ,ys , & & nrx ,nry ,iflag ,nrin ,w , & & iref ,iprint ,lunlog ) call grmap(u ,mn ,up ,npt ,iref , & & w ,4 ,iprint ) call grmap(v ,mn ,vp ,npt ,iref , & & w ,4 ,iprint ) ! ! Compute transport across each section ! cumdist = 0.0 cumtra = 0.0 cumtrapos = 0.0 cumtraneg = 0.0 ! dx = xp(2) - xp(1) dy = yp(2) - yp(1) ang = atan2(dy, dx) crosvec = -up(1)*sin(ang) + vp(1)*cos(ang) ! write(12,'(a)')'*' write(12,'(a)')'* column 1 : distance' write(12,'(a)')'* column 2 : x' write(12,'(a)')'* column 3 : y' write(12,'(a)')'* column 4 : vector' write(12,'(a)')'* column 5 : cumulative transport' write(12,'(a)')'*' write (12, '(''B'',i3.3)') ipoly write (12, '(2(1x,I5))') npt, 5 write (12, '(6(1pe15.7))') 0.0 ,xp(1) ,yp(1), crosvec ,0.0 ! do ip = 2, npt dx = xp(ip) - xp(ip - 1) dy = yp(ip) - yp(ip - 1) xm = 0.5*(xp(ip) + xp(ip - 1)) ym = 0.5*(yp(ip) + yp(ip - 1)) um = 0.5*(up(ip) + up(ip - 1)) vm = 0.5*(vp(ip) + vp(ip - 1)) ! dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) ang = atan2(dy, dx) crosvec = -um*sin(ang) + vm*cos(ang) crostra = crosvec*dist cumdist = cumdist + dist cumtra = cumtra + crostra if (crostra>0.0) then cumtrapos = cumtrapos + crostra else cumtraneg = cumtraneg + crostra endif ! crosvec = -up(ip)*sin(ang) + vp(ip)*cos(ang) ! write (12, '(6(1pe15.7))') cumdist, xp(ip), yp(ip), crosvec, cumtra ! enddo write (13,'(i5,3(1pe15.7))') ipoly,cumtra,cumtrapos,cumtraneg enddo 9998 continue 9999 continue close (9) close (10) close (11) close (12) close (13) ! ! Deallocate ! deallocate(iref) deallocate(code) deallocate(iflag) deallocate(np0) deallocate(nrin) deallocate(nrx) deallocate(nry) deallocate(w) deallocate(u) deallocate(v) deallocate(x) deallocate(y) deallocate(xpoly) deallocate(xpoly0) deallocate(xs) deallocate(ypoly) deallocate(ypoly0) deallocate(ys) deallocate(up) deallocate(vp) deallocate(xp) deallocate(yp) end subroutine main_lint