module swan_input
!----- GPL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014.
! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation version 3.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program. If not, see .
! contact:
! Stichting Deltares
! P.O. Box 177
! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands
! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares"
! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of
! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved.
! $Id$
! $HeadURL$
! WAVE-GUI version number dependencies:
! 4.87.00 (Older than) : not supported
! ......
! ......
! * Level of test output, debug level, Y/N compute waves
! 0 0 1
! 4.88.08 (Newer than or equal to) :
! * Reflection (0/1), specular or diffuse (1/2), reflection coefficient [0-1]
! 0 1 0.0000000e+000
! ......
! * Diffraction, smoothing coefficient, smoothing steps, adaptation of propagation
! * - interactions: 0 = de-activated, 1 = activated
! 1 0.2 1 1
! ......
! * Level of test output, debug level, Y/N compute waves, Y/N activate hotstart file
! 0 0 1 0
! * Number of tidal time points
! 39
! 4.89.05 (Newer than or equal to) :
! * Number of tidal time points, Reference date
! 39 2006-02-07
! * Water level correction
! 0.0000000e+000
! 4.90.00 (Newer than or equal to) :
! * Water level correction, Extrapolate flow data on the last # grid(s)
! 0.0000000e+000 0
! * Y/N Use bathmetry, use waterlevel, use current
! 0 0 0
! ......
! * Water level correction, Extend flow data on the last # grid(s),
! 0.0000000e+000 1
! ......
! * Level of test output, debug level, Y/N compute waves, Y/N activate hotstart file
! 0 0 1 0
! 4.90.06 (Newer than or equal to) :
! * Y/N Use bathmetry, use waterlevel, use current, use wind
! 0 0 0 0
! ......
! * Water level correction, Extend flow data on the last # grid(s),
! * Extend bathymetry, water level, current, wind
! 0.0000000e+000 1 1 0 0 0
! ......
! * Level of test output, debug level, Y/N compute waves, Y/N activate hotstart file
! * Output time interval, Computational mode: 0 = stationary, 1 = non-stationary
! * Non-stationary interval, timestep
! 0 0 1 0 2.2000000e+001 0 6.00000+001 2.00000+000
! '40.01'
! 4.91.00 (Newer than or equal to) :
!!--pseudo code and references--------------------------------------------------
use wave_data
use handles
use table_handles
use utilities
use rdsec_module
type swan_dom
real :: freqmax ! maximum frequency
real :: freqmin ! minimum frequency
real :: enddir ! end direction for sector
real :: startdir ! start direction for sector
real :: veg_height ! vegetation height per layer
real :: veg_diamtr ! vegetation diameter
real :: veg_drag ! vegetation drag coefficient
integer :: veg_nstems ! the number of plant stands per square meter
integer :: curvibot
integer :: dirspace ! 1: circle, 2: sector
integer :: ndir ! number of directional bins
integer :: nfreq ! number of frequency bins
integer :: nestnr
integer :: n_meteofiles_dom ! number of meteo input files
integer :: mxb
integer :: myb
integer :: mxc
integer :: myc
integer :: vegetation
integer , dimension(4) :: qextnd ! 0: not used, 1: used and not extended, 2: used and extended
integer :: flowVelocityType = FVT_DEPTH_AVERAGED
! Possible values:
! FVT_SURFACE_LAYER : use FLOW velocity at surface
! FVT_DEPTH_AVERAGED (default): use depth averaged FLOW velocity
! FVT_WAVE_DEPENDENT : use FLOW velocity, averaged in a wave dependent way
logical :: cgnum
character(256) :: botfil
character(256) :: curlif
character(256) :: depfil
character(256) :: nesfil
character(37) :: vegfil
character(20) :: nesnam ! dummy
character(80), dimension(:), allocatable :: meteofile_dom
end type swan_dom
type swan_bnd
integer :: parread ! 1 = from-file, 2 = parametric
integer :: sshape ! 1 = Jonswap, 2 = Pierson-Moskowitz, 3 = Gauss
integer :: periodtype ! 1 = Peak, 2 = Mean
integer :: dsprtype ! 1 = Power, 2 = Degrees
integer :: bndtyp ! 1 = orientation, 2 = grid-coordinates, 3 = xy-coordinates
integer :: orient ! 1 = N, 2 = NW, 3 = W, 4 = SW, 5 = S, 6 = SE, 7 = E, 8 = NE
integer :: turn ! 0 = clockwise, 1 = counterclockwise (distance measurement along boundary)
integer :: convar ! 1 = uniform, 2 = space-varying
integer :: nsect ! previously swani(iindx+9)
integer , dimension(4) :: bndcrd_mn
real , dimension(4) :: bndcrd_xy
real :: gamma0
real :: sigfr
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_hs
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_tp
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_wd
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_ds
real , dimension(:), pointer :: distance
real , dimension(:), pointer :: waveheight
real , dimension(:), pointer :: period
real , dimension(:), pointer :: direction
real , dimension(:), pointer :: dirspread
character(20) :: name
character(37) , dimension(:), pointer :: spectrum
end type swan_bnd
type swan
integer :: maxbound
integer :: maxcurv
integer :: maxnest
integer :: maxobst
integer :: maxpoints
integer , dimension(:), pointer :: maxsect
integer :: maxsteps
integer :: diffraction
integer :: diffr_smsteps
integer :: diffr_adapt_propag
integer :: error
integer :: frictype
integer :: genmode
integer :: inrhog
integer :: itermx
integer :: itest
integer :: itrace
integer :: modsim ! 0: stationary, 2: non-stationary input, 3: non-stationary input and calculation
! modsim = 1 may not be used: is replaced by hotfile
! stationary: modsim is set to 2 (0 is not used anymore)
integer :: mxr
integer :: mxw
integer :: myr
integer :: myw
integer :: nbound
integer :: ncrp
integer :: ncrv
integer :: ncurv
integer :: n_meteofiles_gen
integer :: nnest
integer :: nobst
integer :: npoints
integer :: nscr
integer :: nttide
integer :: refjulday
integer :: whitecap ! 0: off, 1: on, 2: westhuysen
integer :: nloc
integer :: swdis
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_wl
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_xv
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_yv
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_ws
integer , dimension(4) :: ts_wd
integer , dimension(:), pointer :: reflection
integer , dimension(:), pointer :: refl_type ! 1: specular, 2: diffuse
integer , dimension(:), pointer :: nclin
integer , dimension(:), pointer :: nlin
logical :: append_com
logical :: breaking
logical :: checkVersionNumber = .true.
logical :: compmode
logical :: corht
logical :: curvi
logical :: curviwind
logical :: fshift
logical :: hotfile
logical :: nautconv
logical :: output_points
logical :: output_pnt_file
logical :: output_spec1d
logical :: output_spec2d
logical :: output_table
logical :: quadruplets
logical :: refraction
logical :: setup
logical :: sferic
logical :: swbot
logical :: swflux
logical :: swmor
logical :: swuvi
logical :: swuvt
logical :: swwindt
logical :: swwav
logical :: swwlt
logical :: timedependent
logical :: triads
logical :: useflowdata ! true when FLOW data is used
logical :: varwin
logical :: varfri
logical :: windgrowth
real :: alpw
real :: cdd
real :: cfbr1
real :: cfbr2
real :: cftriad1
real :: cftriad2
real :: css
real :: deltc ! used when modsim = 3: Time step in non-stat SWAN runs
real :: deltcom ! used when modsim = 3: Interval of communication FLOW-WAVE
real :: inthotf
real :: depmin
real :: dh_abs
real :: diffr_coeff
real :: drel
real :: dt_abs
real :: dxw
real :: dyw
real :: excval
real :: frcof
real :: gamma0 ! Default gamma0, having a realistic value even if no boundaries are modelled. If boundaries are present gamma0 = bnd(1)%gamma0
real :: grav
real :: northdir
real :: percwet
real :: rho
real :: rhomud
real :: viscmud
real :: xw
real :: yw
real :: wavm_write_interval
real :: int2keephotfile
real :: veg_height
real :: veg_diamtr
integer :: veg_nstems
integer :: maxerr = 2 ! Corresponds to maxerr in SWAN: maximum level of errors with which the calculation will continue
real :: veg_drag
real :: wlevelcorr ! Overall water level correction; see Time frame input in GUI
real , dimension(:), pointer :: timwav
real , dimension(:), pointer :: zeta ! Default water level of a selected time point (when running stand-alone); see Time frame input in GUI
real , dimension(:), pointer :: ux0
real , dimension(:), pointer :: uy0
real , dimension(:), pointer :: wdir
real , dimension(:), pointer :: wvel
real , dimension(:), pointer :: f
real , dimension(:), pointer :: obet
real , dimension(:), pointer :: ogam
real , dimension(:), pointer :: refl_coeff
real , dimension(:), pointer :: trane
real , dimension(:), pointer :: xpcu
real , dimension(:), pointer :: xpob
real , dimension(:), pointer :: ypcu
real , dimension(:), pointer :: ypob
real , dimension(:,:), pointer :: xyloc
character(4) :: prnumb
character(7) , dimension(:), allocatable :: add_out_names
character(80), dimension(:), allocatable :: meteofile_gen
character(20) :: versionNumberOK = '40.51a' ! No capitals!!!
character(16) :: prname
character(37) :: rgfout
character(37) :: wfil
character(37) :: ffil
character(37) :: curvefil
character(37) :: pntfil
character(72) :: title1
character(72) :: title2
character(72) :: title3
character(256) :: casl
character(256) :: filcom
character(256) :: filnam
character(256) :: specfile
character(15) :: usehottime = '00000000.000000' ! Time in the name of the hotfile that has to be used by SWAN
character(15) :: writehottime = '00000000.000000' ! Time in the name of the hotfile that has to be written by SWAN
character(15) :: keephottime = '00000000.000000' ! Time in the name of the hotfile that should not be deleted
character(20), dimension(:), allocatable :: pntfilnam
type(handletype) :: tseriesfile
type(swan_bnd), dimension(:), pointer :: bnd
type(swan_dom), dimension(:), pointer :: dom
end type swan
type (swan),save :: swan_run
integer, parameter :: q_bath = 1 ! used as index in array qextnd
integer, parameter :: q_wl = 2 ! used as index in array qextnd
integer, parameter :: q_cur = 3 ! used as index in array qextnd
integer, parameter :: q_wind = 4 ! used as index in array qextnd
subroutine alloc_swan(sr)
implicit none
type (swan) :: sr
integer :: i
allocate (sr%timwav (sr%maxsteps ))
allocate (sr%zeta (sr%maxsteps ))
allocate (sr%ux0 (sr%maxsteps ))
allocate (sr%uy0 (sr%maxsteps ))
allocate (sr%wvel (sr%maxsteps ))
allocate (sr%wdir (sr%maxsteps ))
allocate (sr%nclin (sr%maxcurv))
allocate (sr%nlin (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%f (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%obet (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%ogam (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%trane (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%xpcu (sr%maxcurv))
allocate (sr%xpob (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%ypcu (sr%maxcurv))
allocate (sr%ypob (sr%maxobst))
! Only allocate the array below if output to locations has been defined
! in the mdw file
if (sr%output_points .and. .not. sr%output_pnt_file) &
allocate (sr%xyloc (2,sr%maxpoints))
allocate (sr%reflection (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%refl_type (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%refl_coeff (sr%maxobst))
allocate (sr%bnd (sr%maxbound ))
do i = 1, sr%maxbound
allocate (sr%bnd(i)%distance (sr%maxsect(i)))
allocate (sr%bnd(i)%waveheight(sr%maxsect(i)))
allocate (sr%bnd(i)%period (sr%maxsect(i)))
allocate (sr%bnd(i)%direction (sr%maxsect(i)))
allocate (sr%bnd(i)%dirspread (sr%maxsect(i)))
allocate (sr%bnd(i)%spectrum (sr%maxsect(i)))
allocate (sr%dom (sr%maxnest ))
sr%dom(:)%n_meteofiles_dom = 0
end subroutine alloc_swan
subroutine read_swan (filnam, sr, wavedata)
implicit none
character(256) :: filnam
type(swan) :: sr
type(wave_data_type) :: wavedata
integer :: ind
integer :: iuntim
integer :: istat
integer :: it01
integer, external :: new_lun
real :: tscale
logical :: ex
logical :: keywbased
character(256) :: line
sr%filnam = filnam
sr%prname = ''
sr%prnumb = ''
sr%title1 = ''
sr%title2 = ''
sr%title3 = ''
sr%useflowdata = .false.
sr%swmor = .false.
sr%swwlt = .false.
sr%swuvt = .false.
sr%swwindt = .false.
sr%timedependent = .false.
keywbased = .false.
call read_keyw_mdw(sr, wavedata, keywbased)
if (.not.keywbased) then
! The following select case is copied from waves_main to here and to the keyword reading version
! to enable "online" activation via the keyword based mdw-file
select case (wavedata%mode)
case (stand_alone)
write(*,'(a)') '*** MESSAGE: Delft3D-WAVE runs stand alone'
case (flow_online)
write(*,'(a)') '*** MESSAGE: Delft3D-WAVE runs online with Delft3D-FLOW'
case (flow_mud_online)
write(*,'(a)') '*** MESSAGE: Delft3D-WAVE runs online with Delft3D-FLOW, including MUD'
end select
! overcome the problem of fixed array sizes by first scanning the mdw file
call scan_mdw(sr)
! Return to main code if scan routine gave errors
if ( sr%error /= 0 ) return
! default memory allocation for old files
call alloc_swan(swan_run)
! The following if part is moved from wave_init to here
! to avoid "waves_alone" reading when the mdw-file is keyword based
if (wavedata%mode == stand_alone) then
! Old way of running stand alone:
! File with name 'waves_alone', containing tscale and it01
! New way of running stand alone:
! Read it01 from mdw-file (see file swan_input.f90)
inquire (file = 'waves_alone', exist = ex)
if (ex) then
iuntim = new_lun()
open (iuntim, file = 'waves_alone', status = 'old', iostat = istat)
if (istat /= 0) goto 999
read (iuntim, "(A)", iostat = istat) line
if (istat /= 0) goto 999
read (line, * ,iostat = istat) tscale
if (istat /= 0) goto 999
call settscale(wavedata%time, tscale)
read (iuntim, "(A)", iostat = istat) line
if (istat /= 0) goto 999
read (line, * ,iostat = istat) it01
if (istat /= 0) goto 999
call setrefdate(wavedata%time, it01)
close (iuntim)
write (*,'(a)') ' File ''waves_alone'' read.'
call read_swan_mdw(sr%casl ,wavedata , &
& sr%swmor ,sr%swwlt ,sr%swuvt , &
& sr%swwav ,sr%swuvi ,sr%corht ,sr%curvi , &
& sr%swbot ,sr%swflux ,sr%filcom ,sr%rgfout ,sr%prname , &
& sr%prnumb ,sr%title1 ,sr%title2 ,sr%title3 , &
& sr%nnest ,sr%nttide ,sr%itest ,sr%itrace , &
& sr%zeta ,sr%ux0 ,sr%uy0 ,sr%css ,sr%cdd , &
& sr%grav ,sr%rho , &
& sr%timwav ,sr%wfil ,sr%nobst ,sr%nscr , &
& sr%xw ,sr%yw ,sr%alpw ,sr%mxw ,sr%myw , &
& sr%dxw ,sr%dyw ,sr%trane ,sr%f ,sr%ogam , &
& sr%obet ,sr%xpob ,sr%ypob ,sr%nlin ,sr%varwin , &
& sr%ncurv ,sr%ncrv ,sr%nclin ,sr%xpcu ,sr%ypcu , &
& sr%ncrp ,sr%filnam ,sr%error ,sr%inrhog , &
& sr%mxr ,sr%myr ,sr%ffil , &
& sr%maxsteps ,sr%maxobst ,sr%maxcurv ,sr )
999 continue
write (*,'(a)') '*** ERROR: While reading file ''waves_alone''.'
end subroutine read_swan
subroutine scan_mdw(sr)
implicit none
! Global variables
type(swan) :: sr
! Local variables
integer :: bndtyp
integer :: convar
integer :: cp
integer :: cs
integer :: error
integer :: gridtype
integer :: i, j
integer :: ios
integer :: ipfl
integer :: irec
integer :: iuni
integer :: nclin
integer :: ncurv
integer :: nlin
integer :: nnest_rec
integer :: nttide_rec
integer :: nwind_rec
integer :: num
integer :: obstyp
integer :: parread
integer :: pnts
integer :: swmr
integer :: swwt
integer :: swut
integer :: swwnd
integer :: turn
integer :: windtype
integer, external :: new_lun
integer, parameter :: NWIND = 7
integer, parameter :: NNEST = 8
integer, parameter :: NTTIDE = 14
real :: xpcu
real :: ypcu
character(len=256) :: line
character(len=256) :: vers
character(len=256) :: bndnam
character(len=256) :: wfil
! Executable statements --------------------------------------------------------
num = 0
irec = 0
iuni = new_lun()
open (iuni, file = sr%filnam, iostat = ios)
if (ios /= 0) then
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While opening file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5,a,a,a)') ' Error on Record ',irec, ' in file ''',trim(sr%filnam),'''.'
sr%error = 1
rewind (iuni, iostat = ios)
if (ios /= 0) then
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While reading file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Record ',irec
sr%error = 4
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if (ios /= 0) then
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While reading file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Record ',irec
sr%error = 4
! We need to know the swan version number before scanning the mdw file
! The code below takes care of that
i = index (line,'version')
read (line(i+8:),'(a)') vers
! Checking on versionnumber is done on character basis (as in WAVE-GUI)
! This can be disturbed when the strings contains trailing spaces
! Clean up the variable vers, such that it has the format '1.11.11'
! Do not bother about wrongly placed dots or digits
vers = adjustl(vers)
do j=1,len(vers)
select case(vers(j:j))
case(' ')
if (j==2 .or. j==5) then
vers(j:j) = '.'
vers(j:j) = '0'
! nothing
! nothing
case default
write (*,'(a)') '*** ERROR: Unable to read WAVE-GUI version number'
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While reading file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Record ',irec
sr%error = 4
end select
if (i==0 .or. llt(vers,'4.87.00')) then
write (*,'(3a)') '*** ERROR: mdw_file created with WAVE-GUI version ', &
& trim(vers), ' is not supported.'
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While reading file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Record ',irec
sr%error = 4
!------SWAN version number---------------------------------------
! The records within the mdw file shift a single line when there
! is no SWAN version number anymore in the newer versions
if (lge(vers, '4.91.00')) then
! SWAN version number is removed
irec = 0
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
irec = irec + 1
! This is the record for checking wind use
nwind_rec = NWIND + irec
! This is the record for the number of computational grids
nnest_rec = NNEST + irec
! This is the record for the number of tidal points
nttide_rec = NTTIDE + irec
! Now scan the file to obtain the maxbound, maxnest, maxpoints, and maxsteps values
! to be able to allocate the arrays dynamically in the alloc_swan routine
do while ( ios == 0 )
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) then
! This is a 'true' record so increase irec
irec = irec + 1
! Fixed lines in the input file contain the wanted information so obtain them
! using the correct record indices
if (irec == nwind_rec) then
swmr = 0
swwt = 0
swut = 0
swwnd = 0
if (lge(vers, '4.90.06')) then
read (line, *, iostat = ios) swmr, swwt, swut, swwnd
if (swwnd == 1) sr%swwindt = .true.
sr%swwindt = .false.
elseif (irec == nnest_rec) then
! This is the record that contains the number of computational grids
read (line, *, iostat = ios) sr%maxnest
elseif (irec == (nttide_rec + (sr%maxnest - 1)*5)) then
! Obtain the number of tidal points to be able to find the correct line
! for the boundaries
read (line, *, iostat = ios) sr%maxsteps
elseif (irec == (nttide_rec + ((sr%maxnest - 1)*5) + sr%maxsteps + 2)) then
! This is the record that contains the number of boundaries
read (line, *, iostat = ios) sr%maxbound
elseif (irec == (nttide_rec + ((sr%maxnest - 1)*5) + sr%maxsteps + 3)) then
! Here the records that contain information about sections within boundaries
! start, so allocate the memory for those sections (only if maxbound > 0)
if (sr%maxbound > 0) allocate (sr%maxsect(sr%maxbound))
do i = 1, sr%maxbound
! Now scan the properties of the boundaries to find out the value of nsect
! Skip lines with unnecessary information and increase irec
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) then
! This is the first boundary in the mdw file so line has already been read
read (line, *, iostat = ios) bndnam, parread, bndtyp, convar
! This is not the first boundary so read parameters from file and increase irec
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
read (line, *, iostat = ios) bndnam, parread, bndtyp, convar
irec = irec + 1
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
if (parread==2) then
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
if (convar==1) then
sr%maxsect(i) = 1
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
read (line, *, iostat = ios) sr%maxsect(i), turn
irec = irec + 1
do j = 1, sr%maxsect(i)
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
line = '*'
! At this point we are sure that we are at the location where the obstacles are defined
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
if ( line(1:1) == '*' ) then
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! This is the record that contains the number of obstacles
read (line, *, iostat = ios) sr%maxobst
cp = 0
if (sr%maxobst>0) then
! Loop over all obstacles to find out the amount of corner points (cp)
! Then make sure maxobst has the size of the amount of cornerpoints for
! allocation purposes
do i = 1, sr%maxobst
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
read (line, *, iostat = ios) obstyp
irec = irec + 1
if (obstyp==1) then
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
elseif (obstyp==2) then
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
if (lge(vers, '4.88.08')) then
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
read (line, *, iostat = ios) nlin
irec = irec + 1
do j = 1, nlin
cp = cp + 1
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
sr%maxobst = cp
! Continue scanning the file until (finally) we've reached the curves part
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
! Gravity etc.
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Convention, setup, forces
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Wind, only when not using FLOW wind
if (.not. sr%swwindt) then
! If wind info is present, read it
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
read (line, *, iostat = ios) windtype
if (windtype == 1) then
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
elseif (windtype == 2) then
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
read (line, *, iostat = ios) gridtype, wfil
if (gridtype==2) then
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: Wrong wind type in file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While reading file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Record ',irec
sr%error = 4
! Type of formulations
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Depth induced breaking, alpha, gamma
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Bottom friction, friction coefficient
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Non-linear triad interactions, alpha, beta
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Diffraction, smoothing coefficient, smoothing steps, adaptation of propagation
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
if (lge(vers, '4.88.08')) then
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Y/N windgrowth, white-capping, quadruplets, refraction, frequency shift
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Directional space, frequency space
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Hs-Tm01, Hs, Tm01, percentage of wet grid points, maximum number of iterations
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Finally we've reached the point where we can determine sr%maxcurv!
! Loop over all curves to find out the amount of curve segments (cs)
! Then make sure maxcurv has the size of the amount of curve segments for
! allocation purposes
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
read (line, *, iostat = ios) ncurv
cs = 0
if (ncurv>0) then
do i = 1, ncurv
cs = cs + 1
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
read (line, *, iostat = ios) nclin, xpcu, ypcu
nclin = nclin + 1
do j = 2, nclin
cs = cs + 1
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
read (line, *, iostat = ios) nclin, xpcu, ypcu
sr%maxcurv = cs
! Level of test output, debug level, Y/N compute waves, Y/N activate hotstart file
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Y/N output to Flow grid; filename of Flow grid
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
! Y/N output to locations, this is the place to find the maxpoints number to
! dynamically allocate sr%xyloc within the alloc_swan routine
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
read (line, *, iostat = ios) pnts
if (pnts == 1) then
sr%output_points = .true.
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
read (line, *, iostat = ios) ipfl
if (ipfl == 1) then
sr%output_pnt_file = .true.
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
sr%output_pnt_file = .false.
! Here the number of locations are defined, which
! define maxpoints
! Again skip the lines that start with a '*'
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios) line
if ( line(1:1) /= '*' ) exit
irec = irec + 1
read (line, *, iostat = ios) sr%maxpoints
! Read the next line
read (iuni, '(a)', iostat = ios, end = 100) line
if (ios /= 0) then
! An error during the reading of the file, no eof found yet
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While reading file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Record ',irec
sr%error = 4
100 continue
! The maxbound variable may not be zero, since it will lead to an error within
! the read_swan_mdw routine. Change it here to not disturb the scanning of the file
! Also allocate sr%maxsect since it has not been done within the loop since maxbound = 0
if (sr%maxbound == 0) then
sr%maxbound = 1
allocate (sr%maxsect(sr%maxbound))
sr%maxsect = 0
close(iuni, iostat = ios)
if (ios /= 0) then
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While closing file ''',trim(sr%filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5,a,a,a)') ' Error on Record ',irec, ' in file ''',trim(sr%filnam),'''.'
sr%error = 2
end subroutine scan_mdw
subroutine read_keyw_mdw(sr ,wavedata ,keywbased )
use properties
use read_grids
implicit none
type(swan) :: sr
type(wave_data_type) :: wavedata
logical :: keywbased
type(tree_data) , pointer :: mdw_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: gen_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: out_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: node_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: obst_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: pol_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: bnd_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: dom_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: tmp_ptr
integer :: boundnr
integer :: def_dirspace
integer :: def_ndir
integer :: def_nfreq
integer :: domainnr
integer :: i
integer :: ii
integer :: io
integer :: istat
integer :: j
integer :: nbound
integer :: nlocc
integer :: jj
integer :: ndomains
integer :: nobst
integer :: nobstpnt
integer :: nsect
integer :: ntimes
integer :: obstnr
integer :: obstpnt
integer :: refdate
integer :: sectnr
integer :: timenr
integer :: timetable
integer :: iter
integer :: n_outpars
integer :: par
integer, dimension(4) :: def_ts_hs
integer, dimension(4) :: def_ts_tp
integer, dimension(4) :: def_ts_wd
integer, dimension(4) :: def_ts_ds
logical :: flag
logical :: success
real :: def_startdir
real :: def_enddir
real :: def_freqmin
real :: def_freqmax
real :: tscale
real, dimension(2) :: xy
character(10) :: versionstring
character(37) :: obstfil
character(37) :: tseriesfilename
character(37) :: polylinefile
character(80) :: parname
character(256) :: errorstring
character(80),dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp_add_out_names
character(80),dimension(:), allocatable :: tmp_meteofile
character(1), dimension(:), pointer :: data_ptr
type(swan_bnd) , pointer :: bnd
type(swan_dom) , pointer :: dom
! Try opening wave file as keyword based file
call tree_create('Delft3D-WAVE input', mdw_ptr)
istat = 0
call prop_file('ini', trim(sr%filnam), mdw_ptr, istat)
if (istat /= 0) then
select case (istat)
write(*,*) '*** ERROR File: '//trim(sr%filnam)//' not found'
write(*,*) '*** ERROR Premature EOF in file: '//trim(sr%filnam)
case default
write(*,*) '*** ERROR Read error from file: '//trim(sr%filnam)
! Check version number of wave input file
versionstring = ''
call prop_get_string(mdw_ptr, 'WaveFileInformation', 'FileVersion', versionstring)
if (trim(versionstring) /= '02.00') return
keywbased = .true.
! gen_ptr is used later on
call tree_get_node_by_name( mdw_ptr, 'General', gen_ptr )
! From here on we know that we read the input data from a keyword based
! mdw file.
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'Projectname' , sr%prname)
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'Projectnr' , sr%prnumb)
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'Description1' , sr%title1)
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'Description2' , sr%title2)
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'Description3' , sr%title3)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'OnlyInputVerify', flag)
sr%compmode = .not. flag
sr%deltc = -999.0
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'SimMode', parname)
select case (parname)
case ('stationary')
! Use modsim = 2 also for stationary input
sr%modsim = 2
case ('quasi-stationary')
sr%modsim = 2
case ('non-stationary')
sr%modsim = 3
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'TimeStep', sr%deltc)
if (sr%deltc < 0.0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid non-stationary time step'
goto 999
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid simulation mode'
goto 999
end select
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FlowFile', parname)
if (parname /= ' ') then
call setmode(wavedata, flow_online)
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FlowMudFile', parname)
if (parname /= ' ') then
call setmode(wavedata, flow_mud_online)
select case (wavedata%mode)
case (stand_alone)
write(*,'(a)') '*** MESSAGE: Delft3D-WAVE runs stand alone'
case (flow_online)
write(*,'(a)') '*** MESSAGE: Delft3D-WAVE runs online with Delft3D-FLOW'
case (flow_mud_online)
write(*,'(a)') '*** MESSAGE: Delft3D-WAVE runs online with Delft3D-FLOW, including MUD'
end select
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'DirConvention', parname)
call lowercase(parname, len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('nautical')
sr%nautconv = .true.
case ('cartesian')
sr%nautconv = .false.
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid direction convention'
goto 999
end select
obstfil = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'ObstacleFile', obstfil)
! Determine reference date. Date string converted from YYYY-MM-DD
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'ReferenceDate', parname)
parname(5:6) = parname(6:7)
parname(7:8) = parname(9:10)
parname(9:) = ' '
read(parname,*,iostat=istat) refdate
if (istat /= 0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid reference date'
goto 999
call setrefdate(wavedata%time,refdate)
call juldat(refdate ,sr%refjulday)
tscale = 60.0
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'TScale', tscale)
call settscale(wavedata%time, tscale)
tseriesfilename = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'TSeriesFile', tseriesfilename)
if (tseriesfilename /= ' ') then
sr%timedependent = .true.
call readtable(sr%tseriesfile, newlun(), tseriesfilename, sr%refjulday, errorstring)
if (errorstring /= ' ') then
write(*,'(A)') trim(errorstring)
goto 999
! Time points
timetable = -999
if (sr%timedependent) then
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'TimePntBlock', timetable)
if (timetable > 0) then
! time points from TSeriesFile
ntimes = gettablentimes(sr%tseriesfile, timetable, errorstring)
if (errorstring /= ' ') then
write(*,'(A)') trim(errorstring)
goto 999
! Count number of time points
ntimes = 0
do i = 1, size(mdw_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => mdw_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if (parname == 'timepoint') ntimes = ntimes + 1
ntimes = max(ntimes,1)
sr%nttide = ntimes
istat = 0
allocate (sr%timwav (ntimes ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%zeta (ntimes ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%ux0 (ntimes ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%uy0 (ntimes ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%wdir (ntimes ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%wvel (ntimes ), stat = istat)
if (istat/=0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: memory alloc error (ntimes)'
goto 999
sr%timwav = -999.0
sr%zeta = 0.0
sr%ux0 = 0.0
sr%uy0 = 0.0
sr%wvel = 0.0
sr%wdir = 0.0
sr%swuvi = .true.
! Get default values for time-varying quantities
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'WaterLevel', sr%zeta(1))
sr%zeta = sr%zeta(1)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'XVeloc' , sr%ux0(1))
sr%ux0 = sr%ux0(1)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'YVeloc' , sr%uy0(1))
sr%uy0 = sr%uy0(1)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'WindSpeed' , sr%wvel(1))
sr%wvel = sr%wvel(1)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'WindDir' , sr%wdir(1))
sr%wdir = sr%wdir(1)
if (timetable > 0) then
! Times obtained from table module are in hours
call gettabletimes(sr%tseriesfile, timetable, sr%timwav, sr%refjulday, &
& errorstring)
sr%timwav = sr%timwav * 60.0
timenr = 0
i = 1
do j = 1, size(mdw_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => mdw_ptr%child_nodes(j)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
select case (parname)
case ('timepoint')
timenr = timenr + 1
i = timenr
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'Time' , sr%timwav(timenr))
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'WaterLevel', sr%zeta(i))
if (timenr==0) sr%zeta = sr%zeta(1)
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'XVeloc' , sr%ux0(i))
if (timenr==0) sr%ux0 = sr%ux0(1)
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'YVeloc' , sr%uy0(i))
if (timenr==0) sr%uy0 = sr%uy0(1)
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'WindSpeed' , sr%wvel(i))
if (timenr==0) sr%wvel = sr%wvel(1)
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'WindDir' , sr%wdir(i))
if (timenr==0) sr%wdir = sr%wdir(1)
case default
! nothing
end select
! The following if statement is added to compare with old version
if (sr%ux0(1) == 0.0 .and. sr%uy0(1) == 0.0 ) then
sr%swuvi = .false.
! Optionally find these general quantities in the tables
if (sr%timedependent) then
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'WaterLevel', sr%ts_wl, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (sr%ts_wl(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many WaterLevel entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'XVeloc', sr%ts_xv, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (sr%ts_xv(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many XVeloc entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'YVeloc', sr%ts_yv, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (sr%ts_yv(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many YVeloc entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'WindSpeed', sr%ts_ws, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (sr%ts_ws(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many WindSpeed entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'WindDir', sr%ts_wd, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (sr%ts_wd(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many WindDir entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
! Default settings for domains
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'DirSpace', parname)
call lowercase(parname, len(parname))
def_dirspace = -999
select case (parname)
case ('circle')
def_dirspace = 1
case ('sector')
def_dirspace = 2
case default
if (parname /= '') then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: unknown General/DirSpace: ', parname
goto 999
end select
def_ndir = -999
def_startdir = -999.0
def_enddir = -999.0
def_nfreq = -999
def_freqmin = -999.0
def_freqmax = -999.0
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'NDir' , def_ndir)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'StartDir', def_startdir)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'EndDir' , def_enddir)
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'NFreq' , def_nfreq)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FreqMin' , def_freqmin)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FreqMax' , def_freqmax)
! Count number of meteofiles in group General
call count_occurrences(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'meteofile', sr%n_meteofiles_gen)
if (sr%n_meteofiles_gen > 0) then
! Allocate temporary array for meteofiles
allocate(tmp_meteofile(sr%n_meteofiles_gen), stat = istat)
tmp_meteofile = ''
! The input can be read
par = 0
call tree_get_node_by_name(mdw_ptr, 'General', tmp_ptr)
do j = 1, size(tmp_ptr%child_nodes)
! Does tmp_ptr contain one or more children with name MeteoFile?
node_ptr => tmp_ptr%child_nodes(j)%node_ptr
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(node_ptr, '*', 'meteofile', parname)
if ( parname /= '') then
par = par + 1
! Read value for keyword meteofile
call tree_get_data_string(node_ptr, parname, success)
! Check double occurrences
do i = 1, par
if (tmp_meteofile(i) == parname) then
write(*,'(a,a,a)') 'SWAN input: Group General: MeteoFile ', trim(parname), ' has already been read'
par = par - 1
sr%n_meteofiles_gen = sr%n_meteofiles_gen - 1
if (tmp_meteofile(par) == '') then
! Array location for MeteoFile empty, so store the read item in the temporary meteofile array
tmp_meteofile(par) = trim(parname)
if (par == sr%n_meteofiles_gen) then
! Correct number of meteofiles read
! Allocate array for meteofiles in group General
allocate (sr%meteofile_gen(sr%n_meteofiles_gen), stat = istat)
! Fill the array with meteofiles in group General
sr%meteofile_gen(1:sr%n_meteofiles_gen) = tmp_meteofile(1:sr%n_meteofiles_gen)
sr%swwindt = .true.
! Constants
sr%grav = 9.81
sr%rho = 1025.0
sr%northdir = 90.0
sr%depmin = 0.05
sr%inrhog = 1
sr%wlevelcorr = 0.0
sr%maxerr = 2
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Constants', 'Gravity' , sr%grav)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Constants', 'WaterDensity' , sr%rho)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Constants', 'NorthDir' , sr%northdir)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Constants', 'MinimumDepth' , sr%depmin)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Constants', 'WaterLevelCorrection', sr%wlevelcorr)
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'Constants', 'MaxErrorLevel' , sr%maxerr)
! Processes
sr%genmode = -999
sr%setup = .false.
sr%breaking = .true.
sr%cfbr1 = 1.0
sr%cfbr2 = 0.73
sr%triads = .false.
sr%cftriad1 = 0.1
sr%cftriad2 = 2.2
sr%frictype = 1
sr%frcof = 0.067
sr%diffr_coeff = 0.2
sr%diffr_smsteps = 5
sr%windgrowth = .true.
sr%whitecap = 1
sr%quadruplets = .false.
sr%refraction = .true.
sr%fshift = .true.
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'GenModePhys', sr%genmode)
if (sr%genmode < 0 .or. sr%genmode > 3) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid generation mode'
goto 999
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'WaveSetup' , sr%setup)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'Breaking' , sr%breaking)
if (sr%breaking) then
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'BreakAlpha', sr%cfbr1)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'BreakGamma', sr%cfbr2)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'Triads' , sr%triads)
if (sr%triads) then
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'TriadsAlpha', sr%cftriad1)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'TriadsBeta' , sr%cftriad2)
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'BedFriction', parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('none', ' ')
sr%frictype = 0
sr%frcof = 0.0
case ('jonswap')
sr%frictype = 1
sr%frcof = 0.067
case ('collins')
sr%frictype = 2
sr%frcof = 0.015
case ('madsen et al.')
sr%frictype = 3
sr%frcof = 0.05
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid bed friction type'
goto 999
end select
if (sr%frictype > 0) then
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'BedFricCoef', sr%frcof)
flag = .true.
sr%diffraction = 1
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'Diffraction', flag)
if (.not. flag) sr%diffraction = 0
if (sr%diffraction == 1) then
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'DiffracCoef' , sr%diffr_coeff)
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'DiffracSteps', sr%diffr_smsteps)
flag = .true.
sr%diffr_adapt_propag = 1
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'DiffracProp' , flag)
if (.not. flag) sr%diffr_adapt_propag = 0
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'WindGrowth' , sr%windgrowth)
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'WhiteCapping', parname)
call lowercase(parname, len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('off')
sr%whitecap = WC_OFF
case ('komen',' ')
sr%whitecap = WC_KOMEN
case ('westhuysen')
sr%whitecap = WC_WESTHUYSEN
if (sr%genmode /= 3) then
write (*,'(2a,i0)') 'SWAN_INPUT: WhiteCapping=Westhuysen can not be', &
& ' combined with formulations of generation ',sr%genmode
goto 999
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: [Processes] WhiteCapping: invalid input:',trim(parname)
goto 999
end select
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'Quadruplets', sr%quadruplets)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'Refraction' , sr%refraction)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'FreqShift' , sr%fshift)
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'Processes', 'WaveForces', parname)
call lowercase(parname, len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('radiation stresses <2013')
sr%swdis = 1
case ('radiation stresses',' ')
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: [Processes] WaveForces is set to "dissipation 3d"'
write(*,*) 'To switch on radiation stresses: "WaveForces = radiation stresses <2013"'
sr%swdis = 3
case ('dissipation')
sr%swdis = 2
case ('dissipation 3d')
sr%swdis = 3
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid method to compute wave forces'
goto 999
end select
! Numerics
sr%cdd = 0.5
sr%css = 0.5
sr%drel = 0.02
sr%dh_abs = 0.02
sr%dt_abs = 0.02
sr%percwet = 98.0
sr%itermx = 15
sr%gamma0 = 3.3
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Numerics', 'DirSpaceCDD' , sr%cdd)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Numerics', 'FreqSpaceCSS' , sr%css)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Numerics', 'RChHsTm01' , sr%drel)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Numerics', 'RChMeanHs' , sr%dh_abs)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Numerics', 'RChMeanTm01' , sr%dt_abs)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Numerics', 'PercWet' , sr%percwet)
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'Numerics', 'MaxIter' , sr%itermx)
! General output options
sr%itest = 0
sr%itrace = 0
sr%hotfile = .false.
sr%wavm_write_interval = 0.0
sr%swwav = .false.
sr%deltcom = 0.0
sr%append_com = .false.
sr%output_points = .false.
sr%output_pnt_file = .false.
sr%pntfil = ' '
sr%curvefil = ' '
sr%swflux = .true.
! Standard output options
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'TestOutputLevel' , sr%itest)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'TraceCalls' , flag)
if (flag) sr%itrace = 1
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'UseHotFile' , sr%hotfile)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'MapWriteInterval', sr%wavm_write_interval)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'WriteCOM' , sr%swwav)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'MassFluxToCOM' , sr%swflux)
call prop_get_real (mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'COMWriteInterval', sr%deltcom)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'AppendCOM' , sr%append_com)
! determine the number of location files
nlocc = 0
call tree_get_node_by_name( mdw_ptr, 'Output', out_ptr )
do jj = 1,size(out_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => out_ptr%child_nodes(jj)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if (parname == 'locationfile') then
nlocc = nlocc+1
if (nlocc > 0) then
sr%output_points = .true.
sr%output_pnt_file = .true.
allocate (sr%pntfilnam(nlocc), stat = istat)
if (istat/=0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: memory alloc error (pntfilnam)'
goto 999
! read the location files
nlocc = 0
call tree_get_node_by_name( mdw_ptr, 'Output', out_ptr )
do jj = 1,size(out_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => out_ptr%child_nodes(jj)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if (parname == 'locationfile') then
nlocc = nlocc+1
call prop_get_string(tmp_ptr, '*', 'locationfile' ,sr%pntfilnam(nlocc))
sr%nloc = nlocc
sr%output_table = .false.
sr%output_spec1d = .false.
sr%output_spec2d = .false.
if (sr%output_pnt_file) then
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'WriteTable' , sr%output_table)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'WriteSpec1D' , sr%output_spec1d)
call prop_get_logical(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'WriteSpec2D' , sr%output_spec2d)
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'CurveFile', sr%curvefil)
if (sr%curvefil /= ' ') then
! unknown number of output curves defined in a Tekal file
! use ncurv = -1 to flag this
sr%ncurv = -1
! Additional keywords? Count the number of occurrences
n_outpars = 0
call count_occurrences(mdw_ptr, 'output', 'additionaloutput', n_outpars)
if (n_outpars > 0) then
! Allocate temporary array for additional output parameters
allocate (tmp_add_out_names(n_outpars), stat = istat)
! Initialize array
tmp_add_out_names = ' '
! The input can be read
par = 0
call tree_get_node_by_name(mdw_ptr, 'output', out_ptr)
do j = 1, size(out_ptr%child_nodes)
! Does out_ptr contain one or more children with name AdditionalOutput?
node_ptr => out_ptr%child_nodes(j)%node_ptr
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(node_ptr, '*', 'AdditionalOutput', parname)
if ( parname /= '') then
par = par + 1
! Read the additional output parameter
call tree_get_data_string(node_ptr, parname, success)
do i = 1, par
if (tmp_add_out_names(i) == parname) then
write(*,'(3a)') 'SWAN input: Additional output parameter ', trim(parname), ' has already been read'
par = par - 1
n_outpars = n_outpars - 1
if (tmp_add_out_names(par) == ' ') then
tmp_add_out_names(par) = trim(parname)
if (par == n_outpars) then
! Allocate array for additional output parameters
allocate (sr%add_out_names(n_outpars), stat = istat)
! Fill the array with additional output names
sr%add_out_names(1:n_outpars) = tmp_add_out_names(1:n_outpars)
! Interval to keep the hotfile
sr%int2keephotfile = 0.0
call prop_get_real(mdw_ptr, 'Output', 'Int2KeepHotfile', sr%int2keephotfile)
! Determine the number of domains
ndomains = 0
do i = 1, size(mdw_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => mdw_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if ( parname == 'domain') ndomains = ndomains + 1
if (ndomains == 0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: no domains found!'
goto 999
sr%nnest = ndomains
istat = 0
allocate (sr%dom(ndomains ), stat = istat)
if (istat /= 0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: memory alloc error (ndomains)'
goto 999
sr%dom(1)%qextnd = 0
sr%dom(1)%flowVelocityType = FVT_DEPTH_AVERAGED
! Put general FLOW mapping flags in dom(1)
if (wavedata%mode /= stand_alone) then
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FlowBedLevel' , sr%dom(1)%qextnd(q_bath))
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FlowWaterLevel', sr%dom(1)%qextnd(q_wl) )
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FlowVelocity' , sr%dom(1)%qextnd(q_cur) )
call prop_get_integer(mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FlowWind' , sr%dom(1)%qextnd(q_wind))
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (mdw_ptr, 'General', 'FlowVelocityType', parname)
call lowercase(parname, len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('depth-averaged')
sr%dom(1)%flowVelocityType = FVT_DEPTH_AVERAGED
case ('surface-layer')
sr%dom(1)%flowVelocityType = FVT_SURFACE_LAYER
case ('wave-dependent')
sr%dom(1)%flowVelocityType = FVT_WAVE_DEPENDENT
case (' ')
! Default value used
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid option for [General], FlowVelocityType'
goto 999
end select
do i = 1, ndomains
dom => sr%dom(i)
dom%curvibot = -999
dom%dirspace = def_dirspace
dom%ndir = def_ndir
dom%nfreq = def_nfreq
dom%nestnr = -999
dom%cgnum = .true.
dom%botfil = ''
dom%curlif = ''
dom%depfil = ''
dom%nesfil = ''
dom%vegfil = ''
dom%nesnam = '--DUMMY--' !!dummy
dom%mxb = -999
dom%myb = -999
dom%mxc = -999
dom%myc = -999
dom%freqmin = def_freqmin
dom%freqmax = def_freqmax
dom%startdir = def_startdir
dom%enddir = def_enddir
dom%veg_height = -999.0
dom%veg_diamtr = -999.0
dom%veg_nstems = 1
dom%veg_drag = 1
dom%qextnd(q_bath) = sr%dom(1)%qextnd(q_bath)
dom%qextnd(q_wl) = sr%dom(1)%qextnd(q_wl)
dom%qextnd(q_cur) = sr%dom(1)%qextnd(q_cur)
dom%qextnd(q_wind) = sr%dom(1)%qextnd(q_wind)
dom%flowVelocityType = sr%dom(1)%flowVelocityType
domainnr = 0
do i = 1, size(mdw_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => mdw_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if ( parname /= 'domain') cycle
domainnr = domainnr + 1
dom => sr%dom(domainnr)
! Read computational grid
call prop_get_string(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Grid', dom%curlif)
call readgriddims(dom%curlif, dom%mxc, dom%myc)
if (dom%curlif == '') then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: grid not found for domain', domainnr
goto 999
! poles? No, fences!
dom%mxc = dom%mxc - 1
dom%myc = dom%myc - 1
! Read bathymetry
dom%depfil = ''
call prop_get_string(tmp_ptr, '*', 'BedLevelGrid', dom%depfil)
if (dom%depfil /= '') then
call readgriddims(dom%depfil, dom%mxb, dom%myb)
! poles? No, fences!
dom%mxb = dom%mxb - 1
dom%myb = dom%myb - 1
dom%curvibot = 0
dom%depfil = dom%curlif
dom%mxb = dom%mxc
dom%myb = dom%myc
dom%curvibot = 1
call prop_get_string(tmp_ptr, '*', 'BedLevel', dom%botfil)
if (dom%botfil == '') then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: bathymetry not found for domain', domainnr
goto 999
flag = .false.
dom%vegetation = 0
call prop_get_logical(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Vegetation', flag)
if (flag) dom%vegetation = 1
if (dom%vegetation == 1) then
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'VegHeight' , dom%veg_height)
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'VegDiamtr' , dom%veg_diamtr)
call prop_get_integer(tmp_ptr, '*', 'VegNstems' , dom%veg_nstems)
call prop_get_real (tmp_ptr, '*', 'VegDrag' , dom%veg_drag)
! Read vegetation map
call prop_get_string(tmp_ptr, '*', 'VegetationMap', dom%vegfil)
if (dom%vegfil == '') then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: vegetation map not found for domain ', domainnr
goto 999
! Read directional space
call prop_get_integer(tmp_ptr, '*', 'NDir', dom%ndir)
if (dom%ndir < 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid number of directions: ', dom%ndir
goto 999
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(tmp_ptr, '*', 'DirSpace', parname)
call lowercase(parname, len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('circle')
dom%dirspace = 1
case ('sector')
dom%dirspace = 2
case default
if (parname /= '' .or. dom%dirspace < 0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: unknown DirSpace: ', parname
goto 999
end select
if (dom%dirspace == 2) then
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'StartDir', dom%startdir)
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'EndDir' , dom%enddir)
! Read modelled frequency range
call prop_get_integer(tmp_ptr, '*', 'NFreq', dom%nfreq)
if (dom%nfreq < 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid number of frequencies: ', dom%nfreq
goto 999
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'FreqMin', dom%freqmin)
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'FreqMax', dom%freqmax)
! Read in which domain this domain is nested
call prop_get_integer(tmp_ptr, '*', 'NestedInDomain', dom%nestnr)
if (domainnr > 1 .and. &
& (dom%nestnr<1 .or. dom%nestnr>=domainnr)) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: domain', domainnr, ' not nested in a valid domain'
goto 999
dom%nesfil(1:4) = 'NEST'
write(dom%nesfil(5:7),'(I3.3)') domainnr
! Verify whether quantities should be mapped and optionally be extended
! for the current grid.
call prop_get_integer(tmp_ptr, '*', 'FlowBedLevel' , dom%qextnd(q_bath))
call prop_get_integer(tmp_ptr, '*', 'FlowWaterLevel', dom%qextnd(q_wl) )
call prop_get_integer(tmp_ptr, '*', 'FlowVelocity' , dom%qextnd(q_cur) )
call prop_get_integer(tmp_ptr, '*', 'FlowWind' , dom%qextnd(q_wind))
if (dom%qextnd(q_bath)>0) sr%swmor = .true.
if (dom%qextnd(q_wl )>0) sr%swwlt = .true.
if (dom%qextnd(q_cur )>0) sr%swuvt = .true.
if (dom%qextnd(q_wind)>0) sr%swwindt = .true.
if (sr%swuvt) then
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (tmp_ptr, '*', 'FlowVelocityType', parname)
call lowercase(parname, len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('depth-averaged')
dom%flowVelocityType = FVT_DEPTH_AVERAGED
case ('surface-layer')
dom%flowVelocityType = FVT_SURFACE_LAYER
case ('wave-dependent')
dom%flowVelocityType = FVT_WAVE_DEPENDENT
case (' ')
! Default value used
case default
write(*,'(a,i0,a)') 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid option for [Domain ', domainnr, '], FlowVelocityType'
goto 999
end select
! echo to screen
select case(dom%flowVelocityType)
write(*,*) 'Domain ', domainnr, ' is using depth averaged flow velocity.'
write(*,*) 'Domain ', domainnr, ' is using surface layer flow velocity.'
write(*,*) 'Domain ', domainnr, ' is using wave dependent flow velocity.'
case default
! nothing
end select
! Verify whether output to wavm-file should be written for this domain
! (default true)
call prop_get_logical(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Output', dom%cgnum)
! Count number of meteofiles in current group Domain
dom%n_meteofiles_dom = 0
do ii = 1, size(tmp_ptr%child_nodes)
dom_ptr => tmp_ptr%child_nodes(ii)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( dom_ptr )
if (parname == 'meteofile') then
dom%n_meteofiles_dom = dom%n_meteofiles_dom + 1
if (dom%n_meteofiles_dom > 0) then
! Allocate temporary array for meteofiles
allocate(tmp_meteofile(dom%n_meteofiles_dom), stat = istat)
tmp_meteofile = ''
! The input can be read
par = 0
do j = 1, size(tmp_ptr%child_nodes)
! Does tmp_ptr contain one or more children with name MeteoFile?
node_ptr => tmp_ptr%child_nodes(j)%node_ptr
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(node_ptr, '*', 'MeteoFile', parname)
if ( parname /= '') then
par = par + 1
! Read value for keyword meteofile
call tree_get_data_string(node_ptr, parname, success)
! Check double occurrences
do ii = 1, par
if (tmp_meteofile(ii) == parname) then
write(*,'(a,a,a)') 'SWAN input: Group Domain: MeteoFile ', trim(parname), ' has already been read'
par = par - 1
dom%n_meteofiles_dom = dom%n_meteofiles_dom - 1
if (tmp_meteofile(par) == '') then
! Array location for MeteoFile empty, so store the read item in the temporary meteofile array
tmp_meteofile(par) = trim(parname)
if (par == dom%n_meteofiles_dom) then
! Correct number of meteofiles read
! Allocate array for meteofiles in group Domain
allocate (dom%meteofile_dom(dom%n_meteofiles_dom), stat = istat)
! Fill the array with meteofiles in group Domain
dom%meteofile_dom(1:dom%n_meteofiles_dom) = tmp_meteofile(1:dom%n_meteofiles_dom)
sr%swwindt = .true.
! Check whether also global meteofiles were provided.
! If so, the meteofile(s) specified in the DOMAIN group are used.
if (sr%n_meteofiles_gen > 0 .and. dom%n_meteofiles_dom > 0) then
write(*, '(a,i0)') 'SWAN_INPUT: Meteofiles specified in group Domain used instead of meteofiles specified in group General for domain ', domainnr
elseif (sr%n_meteofiles_gen > 0 .and. dom%n_meteofiles_dom == 0) then
! Meteofiles specified in group general will be used for this domain
dom%n_meteofiles_dom = sr%n_meteofiles_gen
! Allocate array for meteofiles in group Domain
allocate (dom%meteofile_dom(dom%n_meteofiles_dom), stat = istat)
! Fill the array with meteofiles in group Domain
dom%meteofile_dom = sr%meteofile_gen
sr%swwindt = .true.
write(*, '(a,i0)') 'SWAN_INPUT: Meteofiles specified in group General used for domain ', domainnr
if (dom%n_meteofiles_dom > 0 .and. dom%qextnd(q_wind) > 0) then
! User specified wind to be read from COM-file (from FLOW simulation),
! but user also specified wind via one or more meteofiles.
! The wind from the meteofiles will be used.
! These will cover the whole WAVE domain for sure.
write(*, '(a,i0)') 'SWAN_INPUT: Meteofiles specified in group Domain used instead of meteo input from FLOW for domain ', domainnr
dom%qextnd(q_wind) = 0
if (sr%swwindt) then
! switch on varying wind (varwin) on curvilinear grid (curviwind)
! set exclusion value on the default one (excval)
sr%varwin = .true.
sr%curviwind = .true.
sr%excval = -999.0
! determine whether flow data is used
sr%useflowdata = sr%swmor .or. sr%swwlt .or. sr%swuvt .or. (sr%swwindt .and. dom%n_meteofiles_dom == 0)
! determine the number of boundaries
nbound = 0
do i = 1, size(mdw_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => mdw_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if ( parname == 'boundary') nbound = nbound + 1
sr%nbound = nbound
istat = 0
allocate (sr%bnd(nbound ), stat = istat)
if (istat /= 0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: memory alloc error (nbound)'
goto 999
do i = 1, nbound
bnd => sr%bnd(i)
bnd%parread = -999
bnd%sshape = -999
bnd%periodtype = -999
bnd%dsprtype = -999
bnd%bndtyp = -999
bnd%orient = -999
bnd%turn = -999
bnd%convar = -999
bnd%nsect = -999
bnd%bndcrd_mn = -999
bnd%bndcrd_xy = -999.0
bnd%gamma0 = 3.3
bnd%sigfr = -999.0
bnd%name = ' '
sr%specfile = ' '
! Optionally find these general quantities in the tables
if (sr%timedependent) then
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'WaveHeight', def_ts_hs, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (def_ts_hs(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many WaveHeight entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'Period', def_ts_tp, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (def_ts_tp(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many Period entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'Direction', def_ts_wd, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (def_ts_wd(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many Direction entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, 'General', 'DirSpreading', def_ts_ds, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (def_ts_ds(3) > 1) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: too many DirSpreading entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
boundnr = 0
do i = 1, size(mdw_ptr%child_nodes)
bnd_ptr => mdw_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( bnd_ptr )
if ( parname /= 'boundary') cycle
boundnr = boundnr + 1
bnd => sr%bnd(boundnr)
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'Name', bnd%name)
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'Definition', parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('orientation')
bnd%bndtyp = 1
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'Orientation' , parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('n','north')
bnd%orient = 1
case ('nw','northwest')
bnd%orient = 2
case ('w','west')
bnd%orient = 3
case ('sw','southwest')
bnd%orient = 4
case ('s','south')
bnd%orient = 5
case ('se','southeast')
bnd%orient = 6
case ('e','east')
bnd%orient = 7
case ('ne','northeast')
bnd%orient = 8
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid boundary orientation'
goto 999
end select
bnd%turn = 1
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'DistanceDir' , parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('clockwise')
bnd%turn = 0
case ('counter','counter-clockwise',' ')
bnd%turn = 1
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid distance measurement direction'
goto 999
end select
case ('grid','grid-coordinates')
bnd%bndtyp = 2
call prop_get_integer(bnd_ptr, '*', 'StartCoordM' , bnd%bndcrd_mn(1))
call prop_get_integer(bnd_ptr, '*', 'StartCoordN' , bnd%bndcrd_mn(2))
call prop_get_integer(bnd_ptr, '*', 'EndCoordM' , bnd%bndcrd_mn(3))
call prop_get_integer(bnd_ptr, '*', 'EndCoordN' , bnd%bndcrd_mn(4))
case ('xy','xy-coordinates')
bnd%bndtyp = 3
call prop_get_real(bnd_ptr, '*', 'StartCoordX' , bnd%bndcrd_xy(1))
call prop_get_real(bnd_ptr, '*', 'StartCoordY' , bnd%bndcrd_xy(2))
call prop_get_real(bnd_ptr, '*', 'EndCoordX' , bnd%bndcrd_xy(3))
call prop_get_real(bnd_ptr, '*', 'EndCoordY' , bnd%bndcrd_xy(4))
case ('fromsp2file')
bnd%bndtyp = 4
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'OverallSpecfile' , sr%specfile)
write(*,*) 'Boundary conditions from overall 2D spectra file'
case ('fromwwfile')
bnd%bndtyp = 5
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'WWspecfile' , sr%specfile)
write(*,*) 'Boundary conditions from WAVEWATCH III spectra file'
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid boundary orientation definition type'
goto 999
end select
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'SpectrumSpec' , parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('from file')
bnd%parread = 1
bnd%sshape = 1 ! jonswap
bnd%periodtype= 1 ! peak
bnd%dsprtype = 1 ! power
case ('parametric')
bnd%parread = 2
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'SpShapeType' , parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('jonswap')
bnd%sshape = 1
case ('pm','pierson-moskowitz')
bnd%sshape = 2
case ('gauss')
bnd%sshape = 3
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid boundary spectrum shape type'
goto 999
end select
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'PeriodType' , parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('peak')
bnd%periodtype = 1
case ('mean')
bnd%periodtype = 2
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid boundary spectrum period type'
goto 999
end select
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(bnd_ptr, '*', 'DirSpreadType' , parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('power')
bnd%dsprtype = 1
case ('degrees')
bnd%dsprtype = 2
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid boundary spectrum directional spreading type'
goto 999
end select
case default
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing or invalid boundary spectrum specification type'
goto 999
end select
select case (bnd%sshape)
case (1) ! jonswap
call prop_get_real(bnd_ptr, '*', 'PeakEnhanceFac' , bnd%gamma0)
if (boundnr == 1) then
! use this gamm0 instead of the default value
sr%gamma0 = bnd%gamma0
case (3) ! gauss
call prop_get_real(bnd_ptr, '*', 'GaussSpread' , bnd%sigfr)
end select
! Determine the number of boundary sections
nsect = 0
do j = 1,size(bnd_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => bnd_ptr%child_nodes(j)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if ( parname == 'condspecatdist') nsect = nsect+1
bnd%nsect = nsect
bnd%convar = 2
if (nsect==0) then
! uniform condition
nsect = nsect+1
bnd%convar = 1
istat = 0
allocate (bnd%distance (nsect ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (bnd%waveheight(nsect ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (bnd%period (nsect ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (bnd%direction (nsect ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (bnd%dirspread (nsect ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (bnd%spectrum (nsect ), stat = istat)
if (istat/=0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: memory alloc error (nsect)'
goto 999
bnd%distance = -999.0
bnd%waveheight= -999.0
bnd%period = -999.0
bnd%direction = -999.0
bnd%dirspread = -999.0
bnd%spectrum = ' '
sectnr = 0
if (bnd%nsect==0) then
! uniform condition
sectnr = 1
do j = 1,size(bnd_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => bnd_ptr%child_nodes(j)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
select case (parname)
case ('condspecatdist')
sectnr = sectnr+1
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'CondSpecAtDist', bnd%distance(sectnr))
case ('waveheight')
if (sectnr==0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: premature wave height specification at ',trim(bnd%name)
goto 999
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'WaveHeight', bnd%waveheight(sectnr))
case ('period')
if (sectnr==0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: premature period specification at ',trim(bnd%name)
goto 999
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Period', bnd%period(sectnr))
case ('direction')
if (sectnr==0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: premature direction specification at ',trim(bnd%name)
goto 999
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Direction', bnd%direction(sectnr))
case ('dirspreading')
if (sectnr==0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: premature direction spreading specification at ',trim(bnd%name)
goto 999
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'DirSpreading', bnd%dirspread(sectnr))
case ('spectrum')
if (sectnr==0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: premature spectrum file specification at ',trim(bnd%name)
goto 999
call prop_get_string(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Spectrum', bnd%spectrum(sectnr))
end select
! Optionally find these general quantities in the tables
if (sr%timedependent) then
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, bnd%name, 'WaveHeight', bnd%ts_hs, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (bnd%ts_hs(1)<0) bnd%ts_hs = def_ts_hs
if (bnd%ts_hs(3)>1 .and. bnd%ts_hs(3)/=bnd%nsect) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid number of WaveHeight entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, bnd%name, 'Period', bnd%ts_tp, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (bnd%ts_tp(1)<0) bnd%ts_tp = def_ts_tp
if (bnd%ts_tp(3)>1 .and. bnd%ts_tp(3)/=bnd%nsect) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid number of Period entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, bnd%name, 'Direction', bnd%ts_wd, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (bnd%ts_wd(1)<0) bnd%ts_wd = def_ts_wd
if (bnd%ts_wd(3)>1 .and. bnd%ts_wd(3)/=bnd%nsect) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid number of Direction entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
call gettable(sr%tseriesfile, bnd%name, 'DirSpreading', bnd%ts_ds, &
& 0 , errorstring)
if (bnd%ts_ds(1)<0) bnd%ts_ds = def_ts_ds
if (bnd%ts_ds(3)>1 .and. bnd%ts_ds(3)/=bnd%nsect) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: invalid number of DirSpreading entries in TSeriesFile'
goto 999
! Determine the number of obstacles
if (obstfil /= ' ') then
call tree_create_node( mdw_ptr, 'Obstacle Input', obst_ptr )
call tree_put_data( obst_ptr, transfer(trim(obstfil),node_value), 'STRING' )
call prop_file('ini',trim(obstfil),obst_ptr,istat)
if (istat /= 0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: error reading obstacle file ''', trim(obstfil), ''''
goto 999
call tree_get_node_by_name( obst_ptr, 'ObstacleFileInformation', tmp_ptr )
call tree_get_node_by_name( tmp_ptr, 'PolylineFile', pol_ptr )
if (.not.associated (pol_ptr)) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: missing PolylineFile keyword in obstacle file'
goto 999
call tree_get_data_string(pol_ptr,polylinefile,flag)
call prop_file('tekal',polylinefile,pol_ptr,istat)
if (istat /= 0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: error reading obstacle polygon file ''', trim(polylinefile), ''''
goto 999
nobst = 0
nobstpnt = 0
do i = 1, size(obst_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => obst_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if ( parname /= 'obstacle') cycle
nobst = nobst + 1
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (tmp_ptr, '*', 'Name' , parname)
call tree_get_node_by_name(pol_ptr, parname, tmp_ptr )
if ( .not. associated(tmp_ptr) ) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: obstacle polygon ''', trim(parname), ''' not found'
goto 999
call tree_get_data_ptr( tmp_ptr, data_ptr, parname)
nobstpnt = nobstpnt + transfer( data_ptr, nobstpnt )
nobst = 0
nobstpnt = 0
sr%nobst = nobst
sr%nscr = nobstpnt
istat = 0
allocate (sr%trane (nobst ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%f (nobst ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%obet (nobst ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%ogam (nobst ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%reflection(nobst ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%refl_type (nobst ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%refl_coeff(nobst ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%nlin (nobst ), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%xpob (nobstpnt), stat = istat)
if (istat==0) allocate (sr%ypob (nobstpnt), stat = istat)
if (istat/=0) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: memory alloc error (nobst)'
goto 999
if (nobst > 0) then
obstnr = 0
obstpnt = 0
do i = 1, size(obst_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => obst_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( tmp_ptr )
if ( parname /= 'obstacle') cycle
obstnr = obstnr + 1
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (tmp_ptr, '*', 'Type' , parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('sheet')
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'TransmCoef' , sr%trane(obstnr))
case ('dam')
sr%trane(obstnr) = 999.9
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Height' , sr%f(obstnr))
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Alpha' , sr%ogam(obstnr))
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'Beta' , sr%obet(obstnr))
end select
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (tmp_ptr, '*', 'Reflections' , parname)
call lowercase(parname,len(parname))
select case (parname)
case ('no')
sr%reflection(obstnr) = 0
sr%refl_type(obstnr) = 0
case ('specular')
sr%reflection(obstnr) = 1
sr%refl_type(obstnr) = 1
case ('diffuse')
sr%reflection(obstnr) = 1
sr%refl_type(obstnr) = 2
end select
if (sr%refl_type(obstnr)>0) then
call prop_get_real(tmp_ptr, '*', 'ReflecCoef' , sr%refl_coeff(obstnr))
parname = ''
call prop_get_string (tmp_ptr, '*', 'Name' , parname)
call tree_get_node_by_name(pol_ptr, parname, tmp_ptr )
if ( .not. associated(tmp_ptr) ) then
write(*,*) 'SWAN_INPUT: obstacle polygon not found'
goto 999
! get x,y coordinates ...
call tree_get_data_ptr( tmp_ptr, data_ptr, parname)
sr%nlin(obstnr) = transfer( data_ptr, nobstpnt )
do io = 1, sr%nlin(obstnr)
obstpnt = obstpnt+1
write (parname,'(a,i0)')'row_',io
call tree_get_node_by_name( tmp_ptr, parname, node_ptr )
call tree_get_data_ptr( node_ptr, data_ptr, parname )
xy = transfer( data_ptr, xy(1), 2 )
sr%xpob(obstpnt) = xy(1)
sr%ypob(obstpnt) = xy(2)
write(*,*) 'Done reading input'
999 continue
end subroutine read_keyw_mdw
subroutine read_swan_mdw(casl ,wavedata , &
& swmor ,swwlt ,swuvt , &
& swwav ,swuvi ,corht ,curvi , &
& swbot ,swflux ,filcom ,rgfout ,prname , &
& prnumb ,title1 ,title2 ,title3 , &
& nnest ,nttide ,itest ,itrace , &
& zeta ,ux0 ,uy0 ,css ,cdd , &
& grav ,rho , &
& timwav ,wfil ,nobst ,nscr , &
& xw ,yw ,alpw ,mxw ,myw , &
& dxw ,dyw ,trane ,f ,ogam , &
& obet ,xpob ,ypob ,nlin ,varwin , &
& ncurv ,ncrv ,nclin ,xpcu ,ypcu , &
& ncrp ,filnam ,error ,inrhog , &
& mxr ,myr ,ffil , &
& maxsteps ,maxobst ,maxcurv ,sr )
use read_grids
implicit none
! Global variables
integer :: maxsteps
integer :: maxobst
integer :: maxcurv
integer :: error
integer ,intent(out) :: inrhog
integer ,intent(out) :: itest
integer ,intent(out) :: itrace
integer ,intent(out) :: mxw
integer ,intent(out) :: myw
integer ,intent(out) :: mxr
integer ,intent(out) :: myr
integer :: ncrp
integer ,intent(out) :: ncrv
integer :: ncurv
integer :: nnest
integer :: nobst
integer ,intent(out) :: nscr
integer :: nttide
integer, dimension(maxcurv) :: nclin
integer, dimension(maxobst) :: nlin
logical ,intent(out) :: corht
logical ,intent(out) :: curvi
logical ,intent(out) :: swbot
logical ,intent(out) :: swflux
logical ,intent(out) :: swmor
logical ,intent(out) :: swuvi
logical ,intent(out) :: swuvt
logical ,intent(out) :: swwav
logical ,intent(out) :: swwlt
logical :: varwin
real ,intent(out) :: alpw
real ,intent(out) :: cdd
real ,intent(out) :: css
real ,intent(out) :: dxw
real ,intent(out) :: dyw
real :: grav
real ,intent(out) :: rho
real ,intent(out) :: xw
real ,intent(out) :: yw
real, dimension(maxobst) ,intent(out) :: f
real, dimension(maxobst) ,intent(out) :: obet
real, dimension(maxobst) ,intent(out) :: ogam
real, dimension(maxsteps) ,intent(out) :: zeta
real, dimension(maxsteps) ,intent(out) :: timwav
real, dimension(maxobst) ,intent(out) :: trane
real, dimension(maxsteps) ,intent(out) :: ux0
real, dimension(maxsteps) ,intent(out) :: uy0
real, dimension(maxcurv) ,intent(out) :: xpcu
real, dimension(maxobst) ,intent(out) :: xpob
real, dimension(maxcurv) ,intent(out) :: ypcu
real, dimension(maxobst) ,intent(out) :: ypob
character(*) :: casl
character(4) ,intent(out) :: prnumb
character(16) ,intent(out) :: prname
character(*) ,intent(out) :: filcom
character(37) ,intent(out) :: rgfout
character(37) :: wfil
character(37) :: ffil
character(72) ,intent(out) :: title1
character(72) ,intent(out) :: title2
character(72) ,intent(out) :: title3
character(*) ,intent(in) :: filnam
type(swan) :: sr
type(wave_data_type) :: wavedata
! Local variables
integer :: bndtyp
integer :: breaking
integer :: carn
integer :: cindx
integer :: compmode
integer :: convar
integer :: fshift
integer :: gridtype
integer :: hotfile
integer :: i
integer :: ierr
integer :: in
integer :: ind
integer :: ipfl
integer :: it
integer :: iuni
integer :: j
integer :: k
integer :: l
integer :: lunsm
integer :: nbound
integer :: nextnd
integer :: non_stationary ! read from mdw-file: 0: stationary, 1: non-stationary
integer :: npoints
integer :: nsect
integer :: obstyp
integer :: orient
integer :: parread
integer :: pnts
integer :: quad
integer :: rccnt
integer :: refdate
integer :: refrac
integer :: rindx
integer :: setup
integer :: spec1d
integer :: spec2d
integer :: swdiss
integer :: swmr
integer :: swou
integer :: swut
integer :: swwt
integer :: swwv
integer :: swwnd
integer :: table
integer :: triads
integer :: windgrowth
integer :: windtype
integer, external :: new_lun
integer, external :: skcomc
logical :: exists
character(7) :: vers
character(20) :: bndnam
character(120) :: line
character(256) :: message
type(swan_bnd), pointer :: bnd
type(swan_dom), pointer :: dom
!! executable statements -------------------------------------------------------
error = 0
rccnt = 0
vers = ' '
iuni = new_lun()
message = filnam
open (iuni, file = filnam, status = 'old', err = 1001)
rewind (iuni, err = 1002)
! General information
! Switches
! SWMOR bottom from MORFO
! SWBOT bottom/current from BOTTOM/CURREN file(s)
! SWWLT water level from TRISU
! SWUVT velocity from TRISU
! SWUVI velocity from input (constant over field)
! SWWINDT wind field from TRISU
! SWWAV wave data to WAVE
! SWDIS wave forces from dissipation
! CORHT correction HISWA wave height, period (CORRHT)
! SWOUT store HISWA output
! CURVI curvi linear FLOW grid
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------version number WAVE-GUI-------------------------------
read (iuni,'(A)') line
i = index (line,'version')
read (line(i+8:),'(a)') vers
! Checking on versionnumber is done on character base (as in WAVE-GUI)
! This can be disturbed when the strings contains trailing spaces
! Clean up vers, such that it has the format '1.11.11'
! Do not bother about wrongly placed dots or digits
vers = adjustl(vers)
do j=1,len(vers)
select case(vers(j:j))
case(' ')
if (j==2 .or. j==5) then
vers(j:j) = '.'
vers(j:j) = '0'
! nothing
! nothing
case default
write (*,'(a)') '*** ERROR: Unable to read WAVE-GUI version number'
goto 1002
end select
if (i==0 .or. llt(vers,'4.87.00')) then
write (*,'(3a)') '*** ERROR: mdw_file created with WAVE-GUI version ', &
& trim(vers), ' is not supported.'
goto 1002
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------SWAN version number------------------------------------
if (lge(vers, '4.91.00')) then
! SWAN version number is removed
read (iuni,'(1X)')
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------General project data-----------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) prname
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) prnumb
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) title1
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) title2
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) title3
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---Parameters from FLOW: bathymetry, waterlevel, current, wind---
swmr = 0
swwt = 0
swut = 0
swwnd = 0
if (lge(vers, '4.90.06')) then
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) swmr, swwt, swut, swwnd
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) swmr, swwt, swut
swbot = .true.
swmor = .false.
swwlt = .false.
swuvt = .false.
sr%swwindt = .false.
swuvi = .true.
swflux = .true.
corht = .false.
curvi = .true.
if (swmr == 1) swmor = .true.
if (swwt == 1) swwlt = .true.
if (swut == 1) swuvt = .true.
if (swwnd == 1) then
sr%swwindt = .true.
! switch on varying wind (varwin) on curvilinear grid (curviwind)
! set exclusion value on the default one (excval)
varwin = .true.
sr%curviwind = .true.
sr%excval = -999.0
if (swmor .or. swwlt .or. swuvt .or. sr%swwindt) then
! FLOW data is used
sr%useflowdata = .true.
sr%useflowdata = .false.
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---number of nested computations, including first one--------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) nnest
mxr = 0
myr = 0
do in = 1, nnest
dom => sr%dom(in)
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------filename comp. grid------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err =1002, end = 1009) dom%curlif
call readgriddims(dom%curlif, dom%mxc, dom%myc)
if (dom%mxc * dom%myc> mxr*myr) then
mxr = dom%mxc
myr = dom%myc
! poles? no, fences!
dom%mxc = dom%mxc-1
dom%myc = dom%myc-1
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------depth comp. gird-file name bottom grid----------------
read (iuni, *, err =1002, end = 1009) dom%curvibot,line
if (dom%curvibot==1) then
dom%mxb = dom%mxc
dom%myb = dom%myc
dom%depfil = dom%curlif
if (swmor) then
write (*,'(a)') '*** ERROR: Bathymetry specified on rectilinear grid'
write (*,'(11x,a,i5)') 'Line ',rccnt
write (*,'(11x,a)') 'This option is only supported when ''Bathymetry from FLOW'' is not used'
read(line,*, err =1002, end = 1009) dom%depfil
call readgriddims(dom%depfil, dom%mxb, dom%myb)
! poles? no, fences!
dom%mxb = dom%mxb-1
dom%myb = dom%myb-1
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------filename depth file------------------------------------
dom%botfil = ' '
read (iuni, *, err =1002, end = 1009) dom%botfil
if (dom%botfil == ' ') then
write (*,'(3a)') '*** ERROR: Bathymetry file not specified in file ''',trim(filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Line ',rccnt
error = 4
goto 1010
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------directional space(c/s)--numb. of dir.--start,end dir.--
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) dom%dirspace, &
& dom%ndir, dom%startdir, dom%enddir
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------flow--fhigh--numb. of freq.--nesting grid number-output
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end =1009) dom%freqmin, &
& dom%freqmax, dom%nfreq, dom%nestnr, swou
dom%nesnam = ' '
dom%nesnam(1:4) = 'NEST'
write (dom%nesnam(5:7),'(I3.3)') in
dom%nesfil = dom%nesnam
if (swou>0) then
dom%cgnum = .true.
dom%cgnum = .false.
dom%qextnd = 0
!---tidal information
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---number of tide steps ntide--reference date----------------
if (lge(vers, '4.89.05')) then
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) nttide, line
! line contains reference date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
! Convert it to yyyymmdd and put it in wavetime
line = adjustl(line)
line(5:5) = line(6:6)
line(6:6) = line(7:7)
line(7:7) = line(9:9)
line(8:8) = line(10:10)
line(9:) = ' '
read (line, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) refdate
call setrefdate(wavedata%time, refdate)
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) nttide
!---time--water level--ux--uy---------------------------------
zeta = 0.0
ux0 = 0.0
uy0 = 0.0
nextnd = 0
do it = 1, nttide
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) &
& timwav(it), zeta(it), ux0(it), uy0(it)
! Old way to switch on data extension (from FLOW to SWAN grid)
! If wl/ux/uy = -999.0, the value MUST be set to 0.0,
! because the way extension is performed has changed.
if (zeta(it)<-998.9 .and. zeta(it)>-999.1) then
nextnd = nnest
do in = 1, nnest
sr%dom(in)%qextnd = 1
zeta(it) = 0.0
if (ux0(it)<-998.9 .and. ux0(it)>-999.1) then
nextnd = nnest
do in = 1, nnest
sr%dom(in)%qextnd = 1
ux0(it) = 0.0
if (uy0(it)<-998.9 .and. uy0(it)>-999.1) then
nextnd = nnest
do in = 1, nnest
sr%dom(in)%qextnd = 1
uy0(it) = 0.0
if (ux0(1) == 0.0 .and. uy0(1) == 0.0 ) then
swuvi = .false.
if (wavedata%mode /= stand_alone .and. nttide > 1) then
write(*,'(a)') ' Warning : number of tidal time points must be 1'
write(*,'(a)') ' (when running online with Delft3D-FLOW)'
write(*,'(a)') ' value is reset, time 0.0 is used'
nttide = 1
timwav(1) = 0.0
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---level--num grids to extend on--quantities to extend--
if (lge(vers, '4.90.06')) then
! Varying number of input values on the next line:
! - Read the line as character string
! - Read always present parameters from variable "line"
! - If additional parameters are present:
! Read always present parameters AND additional parameters from variable "line"
read (iuni, '(a)', err = 1002, end = 1009) line
read (line, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%wlevelcorr, nextnd
if (nextnd > 0) then
read (line, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%wlevelcorr, nextnd, &
& sr%dom(nnest)%qextnd(q_bath), &
& sr%dom(nnest)%qextnd(q_wl) , &
& sr%dom(nnest)%qextnd(q_cur) , &
& sr%dom(nnest)%qextnd(q_wind)
do in = nnest-nextnd+1, nnest
dom => sr%dom(in)
dom%qextnd(q_bath) = sr%dom(nnest)%qextnd(q_bath)
dom%qextnd(q_wl) = sr%dom(nnest)%qextnd(q_wl)
dom%qextnd(q_cur) = sr%dom(nnest)%qextnd(q_cur)
dom%qextnd(q_wind) = sr%dom(nnest)%qextnd(q_wind)
elseif (lge(vers, '4.90.00')) then
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%wlevelcorr, nextnd
if (nextnd > 0) then
do in = nnest-nextnd+1, nnest
sr%dom(in)%qextnd = 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%wlevelcorr
! By the code above, qextnd is set to
! 0 if it should not be extended
! 1 if it should be extended
! for the considered grid and quantity.
! qextnd should be 0 if not used
! 1 if used and not extended
! 2 if used and extended
! for the considered grid and quantity.
! transfer swmor/swwlt/swuvt/swwindt to qextnd.
do in = 1, nnest
dom => sr%dom(in)
if (swmor) then
dom%qextnd(q_bath) = dom%qextnd(q_bath) + 1
dom%qextnd(q_bath) = 0
if (swwlt) then
dom%qextnd(q_wl) = dom%qextnd(q_wl) + 1
dom%qextnd(q_wl) = 0
if (swuvt) then
dom%qextnd(q_cur) = dom%qextnd(q_cur) + 1
dom%qextnd(q_cur) = 0
if (sr%swwindt) then
dom%qextnd(q_wind) = dom%qextnd(q_wind) + 1
dom%qextnd(q_wind) = 0
! option to overrule per grid and quantity
call adjustinput(sr)
! update global flags that determine usage
swmor = .false.
swwlt = .false.
swuvt = .false.
sr%swwindt = .false.
do in = 1, nnest
dom => sr%dom(in)
swmor = swmor .or. (dom%qextnd(q_bath)>0)
swwlt = swwlt .or. (dom%qextnd(q_wl)>0)
swuvt = swuvt .or. (dom%qextnd(q_cur)>0)
sr%swwindt = sr%swwindt .or. (dom%qextnd(q_wind)>0)
!---read boundary conditions commands-------------------------
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---number of boundaries--------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) nbound
rindx = 30 + 4*nnest
cindx = 2
sr%gamma0 = 3.3 ! We need this even if the number of boundaries is 0!
do i = 1, nbound
bnd => sr%bnd(i)
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------bnd name--par/read--bndtyp--condition------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) bndnam, parread,&
& bndtyp, convar
bnd%name = bndnam
bnd%parread = parread
bnd%bndtyp = bndtyp
bnd%convar = convar
bnd%sshape = 1
bnd%periodtype= 1
bnd%dsprtype = 1
bnd%gamma0 = 3.3
if (bndtyp==1) then
! Side
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) orient
bnd%orient = orient
bnd%turn = 1
elseif (bndtyp==2) then
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---------bndtyp=2 i,j-------------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) &
& bnd%bndcrd_mn(1), bnd%bndcrd_mn(2), &
& bnd%bndcrd_mn(3), bnd%bndcrd_mn(4)
rindx = rindx + 4
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---------bndtyp=3 x,y-------------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) &
& bnd%bndcrd_xy(1), bnd%bndcrd_xy(2), &
& bnd%bndcrd_xy(3), bnd%bndcrd_xy(4)
rindx = rindx + 4
if (parread==2) then
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) bnd%sshape, &
& bnd%periodtype, bnd%dsprtype ,bnd%gamma0,bnd%sigfr
if (i == 1) then
sr%gamma0 = bnd%gamma0
! read sections
error = rdsec(iuni, parread, convar, nsect, &
& bnd%distance ,bnd%waveheight, &
& bnd%period ,bnd%direction , &
& bnd%dirspread, &
& bnd%spectrum , bnd%turn, rccnt)
if (error/=0) goto 1002
bnd%nsect = nsect
rindx = rindx + 5*nsect
cindx = cindx + nsect
! Obstacles
nscr = 0
nobst = 0
ncrv = 0
ncrp = 0
ncurv = 0
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---number of obstacles----------------------------------------------
! array trane must be initialized on 999.9
! see usage in write_swan_inp
trane = 999.9
sr%reflection = 0
sr%refl_type = 0
sr%refl_coeff = 999.9
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) nobst
l = 0
if (nobst>0) then
k = 0
do i = 1, nobst
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---------obstacle type----------------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) obstyp
if (obstyp==1) then
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) &
& f(i), ogam(i), obet(i)
elseif (obstyp==2) then
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------------transm. coefficient--(sheet)-----------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) trane(i)
write (*,*) 'Wrong obstacle type'
goto 1002
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
if (lge(vers, '4.88.08')) then
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%reflection(i), &
& sr%refl_type(i), sr%refl_coeff(i)
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---------numb. of corner pts----------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) nlin(i)
k = k + nlin(i)
do j = 1, nlin(i)
l = l + 1
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------------x- y-coordinates----------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) xpob(l), ypob(l)
nscr = l
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) grav,rho,sr%northdir,sr%depmin
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) carn, setup, swdiss
sr%nautconv = carn==1
sr%setup = setup/=0
sr%swdis = swdiss
! Wind, only when not using FLOW wind
sr%wvel = 0.0
sr%wdir = 0.0
if (.not. sr%swwindt) then
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---wind type--------------------------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err =1002, end = 1009) windtype
if (windtype == 1) then
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------wind speed--wind direction--(constant)------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%wvel(1), sr%wdir(1)
sr%wvel = sr%wvel(1)
sr%wdir = sr%wdir(1)
varwin = .false.
elseif (windtype == 2) then
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!------wind grid--file name wind--(variable)-------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) gridtype,wfil
varwin = .true.
if (gridtype==2) then
sr%curviwind = .false.
call small(wfil, 37)
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---------wind grid spec.--(x0,y0,alpha,nx,ny,dx,dy)-----------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) &
& xw, yw, alpw, mxw, myw, dxw, dyw
sr%curviwind = .true.
write (*,'(3a)') '*** ERROR: Wrong wind type in file ''',trim(filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Line ',rccnt
goto 1002
! *** read physics commands ***
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%genmode
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) breaking, sr%cfbr1, sr%cfbr2
sr%breaking = breaking/=0
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%frictype, line
if (sr%frictype == 0) then
sr%frcof = 0.0
read (line, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%frcof
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) triads, sr%cftriad1,sr%cftriad2
sr%triads = triads==1
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
if (lge(vers, '4.88.08')) then
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%diffraction, &
& sr%diffr_coeff, sr%diffr_smsteps, sr%diffr_adapt_propag
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
sr%diffraction = 0
sr%diffr_smsteps = 0
sr%diffr_adapt_propag = 0
sr%diffr_coeff = 0.0
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) windgrowth, sr%whitecap, quad, &
& refrac, fshift
sr%windgrowth = windgrowth /= 0
sr%quadruplets = quad == 1
sr%refraction = refrac == 1
sr%fshift = fshift /= 0
if (sr%whitecap==2 .and. sr%genmode/=3) then
write (*,'(2a,i0)') '*** ERROR: wcap=2 (WESTHuysen) can not be', &
& ' combined with formulations of generation ',sr%genmode
goto 1002
! *** read numerical accuracy commands ***
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---directional space--freq. space----------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) cdd,css
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) &
& sr%drel, sr%dh_abs, sr%dt_abs, sr%percwet, sr%itermx
! Output at curves
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---number of output curves-----------------------------------------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) ncurv
l = 0
if (ncurv>0) then
k = 0
do i = 1, ncurv
l = l + 1
ncrp = ncrp + 1
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
!---------number of segments along curve--x- y-coordinate-----------
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) nclin(l), &
& xpcu(l), ypcu(l)
nclin(l) = nclin(l) + 1
k = k + nclin(l)
do j = 2, nclin(l)
l = l + 1
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) nclin(l), &
& xpcu(l), ypcu(l)
ncrp = ncrp + nclin(l)
ncrv = l
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
sr%modsim = 0
hotfile = 0
sr%wavm_write_interval = 0.0
if (lge(vers, '4.90.06')) then
! Varying number of input values on the next line:
! - Read the line as character string
! - Read always present parameters from variable "line"
! - If additional parameters are present:
! Read always present parameters AND additional parameters from variable "line"
read (iuni, '(a)', err = 1002, end = 1009) line
read (line, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) itest, itrace, compmode, &
& hotfile, sr%wavm_write_interval, non_stationary
if (non_stationary == 1) then
!---------non-stationary: timeinterval--timestep-------------------------
read (line, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) itest, itrace, compmode, &
& hotfile, sr%wavm_write_interval, sr%modsim, &
& sr%deltcom, sr%deltc
! non-stationary switched on: modsim = 3
sr%modsim = 3
! Always use modsim = 2 for all stationary and quasi-stationary calculations
sr%modsim = 2
elseif (lge(vers, '4.88.08')) then
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) itest, itrace, compmode, hotfile
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) itest, itrace, compmode
sr%hotfile = hotfile>0
sr%compmode = compmode/=0
! The modsim in file simulation_mode overrules the modsim read in mdw-file
inquire (file = 'simulation_mode', exist = exists)
if (exists) then
lunsm = new_lun()
open (lunsm, file = 'simulation_mode')
! modsim==2: quasi-stationary run; time-varying input
! modsim==3: non-stationary run with restart
read (lunsm, *,iostat=ierr) sr%modsim
if (ierr /= 0) then
write(*,*)'*** ERROR: Unable to read modsim from file ''simulation_mode'''
close (lunsm)
read (lunsm, *,iostat=ierr) sr%deltc ! Time step in non-stat SWAN runs
if (ierr /= 0 .and. sr%modsim == 3) then
write(*,*)'*** ERROR: Unable to read deltc from file ''simulation_mode'''
write(*,*)' Necessary when modsim =3'
close (lunsm)
if (ierr == 0) then
read (lunsm, *,iostat=ierr) sr%deltcom ! Interval of communication FLOW-WAVE
if (ierr /= 0 .and. sr%modsim == 3) then
write(*,*)'*** ERROR: Unable to read deltcom from file ''simulation_mode'''
write(*,*)' Necessary when modsim =3'
close (lunsm)
close (lunsm)
!---flow grid-flow grid name---------------------------------------
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) swwv,rgfout
swwav = .false.
if (swwv==1) then
if (wavedata%mode == stand_alone) then
write(*,'(a)') '*** WARNING : Assuming com-file is present to add wave information.'
swwav = .true.
swwav = .true.
!---output to locations--------------------------------------------
npoints = 0
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) pnts
sr%output_points = pnts==1
if (sr%output_points) then
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) ipfl
sr%output_pnt_file = ipfl==1
if (sr%output_pnt_file) then
!---------file name output locations------------------------------
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) sr%pntfil
!---------number of locations-------------------------------------
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) npoints
do i = 1, npoints
!------------x y coordinate of location---------------------------
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) &
& sr%xyloc(1,i), sr%xyloc(2,i)
rccnt = rccnt + skcomc(iuni)
rccnt = rccnt + 1
read (iuni, *, err = 1002, end = 1009) table, spec1d, spec2d
sr%output_table = table==1
sr%output_spec1d = spec1d==1
sr%output_spec2d = spec2d==1
! Communication file names; fill in dummy name if not required
! File md-wave is no longer accepted
filcom = ' '
filcom(1:4) = 'com-'
filcom(5:) = casl
inrhog = 1
sr%nbound = nbound ! number of boundaries
sr%npoints = npoints
goto 1010
1002 continue
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While reading file ''',trim(filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Line ',rccnt
error = 4
! read
goto 1010
1009 continue
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: EOF While reading file ''',trim(filnam),''','
write (*,'(a,i5)') ' Line ',rccnt
error = 6
! eof
1010 continue
message = filnam
close (iuni, err = 1011)
goto 1012
! close
1011 continue
error = 2
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While closing file ''',trim(message),''','
write (*,'(a,i5,a,a,a)') ' Error on Line ',rccnt, ' in file ''',trim(filnam),'''.'
goto 1012
! open
1001 continue
write (*,'(a,a,a)') '*** ERROR: While opening file ''',trim(message),''','
write (*,'(a,i5,a,a,a)') ' Error on Line ',rccnt, ' in file ''',trim(filnam),'''.'
error = 1
1012 continue
if (error /= 0) stop
end subroutine read_swan_mdw
subroutine write_swan_input (sr, itide, outcnt, inest, wavedata)
implicit none
integer :: itide
integer :: inest
integer :: outcnt
real :: wdir
real :: wvel
character(37) :: curlif
type(swan) :: sr
type(wave_data_type) :: wavedata
curlif = sr%dom(inest)%curlif(1:37)
wvel = sr%wvel(itide)
wdir = sr%wdir(itide)
call write_swan_inp (wavedata, outcnt, &
& itide ,sr%nttide ,inest ,sr%nnest ,sr%swuvt , &
& sr%swuvi ,sr%prname ,sr%prnumb ,sr%title1 ,sr%title2 , &
& sr%title3 ,sr%itest ,sr%itrace , &
& sr%inrhog ,wvel ,wdir , &
& sr%wlevelcorr,sr%grav ,sr%rho ,sr%nobst ,sr%nscr , &
& sr%wfil ,sr%ffil ,sr%xw , &
& sr%yw ,sr%alpw ,sr%mxw ,sr%myw ,sr%dxw , &
& sr%dyw ,sr%trane ,sr%f , &
& sr%ogam ,sr%obet ,sr%xpob ,sr%ypob ,sr%nlin , &
& sr%varwin ,sr%varfri ,sr%ncurv ,sr%ncrv ,sr%nclin , &
& sr%xpcu ,sr%ypcu ,curlif ,sr%casl , &
& sr%cdd ,sr%css ,sr%sferic ,sr )
end subroutine write_swan_input
subroutine write_swan_inp (wavedata, outcnt, &
& itide ,nttide ,inest ,nnest ,swuvt , &
& swuvi ,prname ,prnumb ,title1 ,title2 , &
& title3 ,itest ,itrace , &
& inrhog ,wvel ,wdir , &
& wlevelcorr,grav ,rho ,nobst ,nscr , &
& wfil ,ffil ,xw , &
& yw ,alpw ,mxw ,myw ,dxw , &
& dyw ,trane ,f , &
& ogam ,obet ,xpob ,ypob ,nlin , &
& varwin ,varfri ,ncurv ,ncrv ,nclin , &
& xpcu ,ypcu ,curlif ,casl , &
& cdd ,css ,sferic ,sr )
use properties
use read_grids
use wave_data
implicit none
! Global variables
integer , intent(in) :: inest
integer , intent(in) :: inrhog
integer , intent(in) :: itest
integer , intent(in) :: itide
integer , intent(in) :: itrace
integer , intent(in) :: mxw
integer , intent(in) :: myw
integer , intent(in) :: ncrv
integer , intent(in) :: ncurv
integer , intent(in) :: nnest
integer , intent(in) :: nobst
integer , intent(in) :: nscr
integer , intent(in) :: nttide
integer , intent(in) :: outcnt
integer , dimension(ncrv) , intent(in) :: nclin
integer , dimension(nobst), intent(in) :: nlin
logical , intent(in) :: sferic
logical , intent(in) :: swuvi
logical , intent(in) :: swuvt
logical , intent(in) :: varfri
logical , intent(in) :: varwin
real , intent(in) :: alpw
real , intent(in) :: cdd
real , intent(in) :: css
real , intent(in) :: dxw
real , intent(in) :: dyw
real , intent(in) :: grav
real , intent(in) :: rho
real , intent(in) :: wdir
real , intent(in) :: wlevelcorr
real , intent(in) :: wvel
real , intent(in) :: xw
real , intent(in) :: yw
real , dimension(ncrv) , intent(in) :: xpcu
real , dimension(ncrv) , intent(in) :: ypcu
real , dimension(nobst), intent(in) :: f
real , dimension(nobst), intent(in) :: obet
real , dimension(nobst), intent(in) :: ogam
real , dimension(nobst), intent(in) :: trane
real , dimension(nscr) , intent(in) :: xpob
real , dimension(nscr) , intent(in) :: ypob
character(16) , intent(in) :: prname
character(*) , intent(in) :: casl
character(37) , intent(in) :: curlif
character(37) , intent(in) :: ffil
character(37) :: wfil
character(4) , intent(in) :: prnumb
character(72) , intent(in) :: title1
character(72) , intent(in) :: title2
character(72) , intent(in) :: title3
type(swan) :: sr
type(wave_data_type) :: wavedata
! Local variables
integer :: bound
integer :: cindx
integer :: convar
integer :: cs
integer :: dsprtype
integer :: i
integer :: ind
integer :: j
integer :: jendcrv
integer :: k
integer :: kst
integer :: l
integer :: lc
integer :: lunhot
integer :: luninp
integer :: mdc1
integer :: msc
integer :: mxfr
integer :: myfr
integer :: n
integer :: nb
integer :: npoints
integer :: nsect
integer :: orient
integer :: parread
integer :: periodtype
integer :: rindx
integer :: sect
integer :: shape
integer :: loc
integer, external :: new_lun
logical :: exists
logical :: frame
real :: alpb
real :: alpfr
real :: dir1
real :: dir2
real :: dxb
real :: dyb
real :: fhigh
real :: flow
real :: timsec
real :: xlenfr
real :: xpfr
real :: xpb
real :: ypb
real :: ylenfr
real :: ypfr
real :: tal
real :: tap
character(6) :: oldhot
character(7), dimension(20) :: varnam1
character(7), dimension(9) :: varnam2
character(8) :: casl_short
character(15) :: tbegc
character(15) :: tendc
character(15), external :: datetime_to_string
character(37) :: botfil
character(37) :: curfil
character(37) :: mudfil
character(37) :: vegfil
character(60) :: lijn
character(79) :: line
character(79) :: pointname
character(256) :: fname
type(swan_bnd), pointer :: bnd
type(swan_dom), pointer :: dom
! Do not add more variables to varnam1
data varnam1/'HSIGN ', 'DIR ', 'TM01 ', 'DEPTH ', 'VELOC ', &
& 'TRANSP ', 'DSPR ', 'DISSIP ', 'LEAK ', 'QB ', &
& 'XP ', 'YP ', 'DIST ', 'UBOT ', 'STEEPW', &
& 'WLENGTH', 'FORCES ', 'RTP ', 'PDIR ', 'WIND ' /
data varnam2/'TPS ', 'TM02 ', 'TMM10 ', 'DHSIGN', 'DRTM01', &
!! executable statements -------------------------------------------------------
dom => sr%dom(inest)
! *** additional swan arrays ***
botfil = 'BOTNOW'
curfil = 'CURNOW'
mudfil = 'MUDNOW'
vegfil = 'VEGNOW'
if (dom%qextnd(q_wind)>0 .or. dom%n_meteofiles_dom > 0) wfil = 'WNDNOW'
nb = sr%nbound
mxfr = 0 !swani(11)
myfr = 0 !swani(12)
npoints = sr%npoints
msc = dom%nfreq
mdc1 = dom%ndir
cs = dom%dirspace
xpfr = 0.0 !swanr(14)
ypfr = 0.0 !swanr(15)
alpfr = 0.0 !swanr(16)
xlenfr = 0.0 !swanr(17)
ylenfr = 0.0 !swanr(18)
flow = dom%freqmin
fhigh = dom%freqmax
dir1 = dom%startdir
dir2 = dom%enddir
! *** Swan file is written *****************************************
! General project data of SWAN file
lc = len_trim(casl)
casl_short = casl(1:8)
if (lc > 8) then
write(*,'(5a)') '*** MESSAGE: ''',trim(casl),''' is truncated to ''',trim(casl_short),''' in SWAN input file'
lc = len_trim(casl_short)
luninp = new_lun()
open (luninp, file = 'swan.inp')
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:72) = &
& '$***************************** HEADING ************&
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:9) = 'PROJECT '
i = 10
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(11:26) = prname
line(27:30) = ''' '''
line(31:34) = prnumb
i = 35
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(36:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:35)
i = 1
line(i:i) = ''''''
i = 74
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(2:73) = title1
write (luninp, '(5X,A)') line(1:74)
line(2:73) = title2
write (luninp, '(5X,A)') line(1:74)
line(2:73) = title3
write (luninp, '(5X,A)') line(1:74)
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:72) = &
& '$***************************** MODEL INPUT ********&
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! Coefficient settings
line(1:22) = 'SET LEVEL = '
line(23:47) = 'NOR = DEPMIN = '
write (line(15:21), '(F6.2)') wlevelcorr
write (line(29:34), '(F6.2)') sr%northdir
write (line(48:53), '(F6.2)') sr%depmin
line(54:55) = ' _'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
if (sr%modsim > 0) then
write(line,'(a,i0,a)') ' MAXMES = 1000 MAXERR = ', sr%maxerr, ' _'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(7:22) = 'GRAV = '
line(23:47) = 'RHO = INRHOG = '
write (line(15:21), '(F6.2)') grav
write (line(29:36), '(F8.2)') rho
write (line(48:53), '( I6)') inrhog
line(54:55) = ' _'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
if (sr%nautconv) then
line(7:11) = 'NAUT '
line(7:11) = 'CART '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! hotfile= .true.: use hotfile
! modsim = 2 : quasi-stationary
! modsim = 3 : non-stationary
if (sr%modsim <= 1) then
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:10) = 'MODE STAT '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
elseif (sr%modsim > 1) then
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:10) = 'MODE NONST'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
if (sferic) then
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:11) = 'COORD SPHE '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
! *** activate Setup in SWAN ***
if (sr%setup) then
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:5) = 'SETUP'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
! Definition computation grid(s). Note: these definitions are
! also used in preparing NEST files.
! *** ***
! *** additional commands for CURVI-LINEAR grid ***
! *** ***
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:6) = 'CGRID '
line(7:11) = 'CURV '
write (line(12:21), '(2(I4,1X))') dom%mxc, dom%myc
line(31:48) = 'EXCEPT 0.0 0.0'
line(57:58) = ' _'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
if (cs==1) then
line(7:22) = 'CIR '
elseif (cs==2) then
line(7:11) = 'SEC '
write (line(12:32), '(F10.2,1X,F10.2)') dir1, dir2
write (line(33:37), '(I4,1X)') mdc1
write (line(38:59), '(2(F10.2,1X))') flow, fhigh
write (line(60:64), '(I4,1X)') msc
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! READING of coordinates CURVILINEAR computational grid
line(1:13) = 'READ COOR 1. '
ind = index(curlif, ' ')
i = 14
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(15:14 + ind) = curlif
line(14 + ind:14 + ind) = ''''''
line(15 + ind:16 + ind) = ' _'
line(17 + ind:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:) = ' 4 0 1 FREE'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! Definition of bottom grid(s)
lijn = 'INPGRID _'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') lijn
if (dom%curvibot==1) then
line(1:18) = 'BOTTOM CURV 0. 0. '
write (line(19:28), '(2(I4,1X))') dom%mxb, dom%myb
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
fname = dom%depfil
call readregulargrid(fname, sferic, xpb, ypb, alpb, &
& dom%mxb, dom%myb, dxb, dyb)
! poles? no, fences!
dom%mxb = dom%mxb - 1
dom%myb = dom%myb - 1
line(1:11) = 'BOTTOM REG '
write (line(12:74), &
& '(2(F10.2,4X),F6.1,1X,2(I4,1X),2(F8.2,1X))') &
& xpb, ypb, alpb, &
& dom%mxb, dom%myb, dxb, dyb
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
botfil = dom%botfil(1:37)
line(1:79) = ' '
! File-name bottom depth (use temporary file)
line(1:18) = 'READINP BOTTOM 1.0'
! Write (line(16:21),'(F5.1,1X)') fac
ind = index(botfil, ' ')
i = 22
line(i:i) = ''''''
i = i+1
line(i:) = trim(botfil)
i = i+(ind-1)
line(i:i) = ''''''
i = i+1
if (dom%curvibot==1) then
line(i:) = ' 4'
line(i:) = ' 3'
i = i+2
line(i:) = ' 0 FREE'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
! File-name current field (temporary file)
if (dom%qextnd(q_cur)>0 .or. swuvi) then
lijn = 'INPGRID _'
line(1:18) = 'CURREN CURV 0. 0. '
write (line(19:28), '(2(I4,1X))') dom%mxc, dom%myc
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') lijn
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
! *** read current grid ***
line(1:21) = 'READ CUR FAC= 1. _'
line(22:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
ind = index(curfil, ' ')
i = 1
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(2:) = curfil
line(ind + 1:ind + 1) = ''''''
line(ind + 4:ind + 10) = 'IDLA=4 '
line(ind + 11:ind + 14) = 'FREE'
line(ind + 15:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:79) = ' '
! Fluid Mud
if (wavedata%mode == flow_mud_online) then
lijn = 'INPGRID _'
line(1:18) = 'MUDL CURV 0. 0. '
write (line(19:28), '(2(I4,1X))') dom%mxc, dom%myc
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') lijn
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
! File-name mud depth (use temporary file)
line(1:18) = 'READINP MUDL 1.0'
ind = index(mudfil, ' ')
i = 22
line(i:i) = ''''''
i = i+1
line(i:) = trim(mudfil)
i = i+(ind-1)
line(i:i) = ''''''
i = i+1
line(i:) = ' 4'
i = i+2
line(i:) = ' 0 FREE'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
! Vegetation map
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
if (dom%vegetation == 1) then
lijn = 'INPGRID _'
line(1:19) = 'NPLANTS CURV 0. 0. '
write (line(20:29), '(2(I4,1X))') dom%mxc, dom%myc
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') lijn
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
! File-name vegetation map
line = 'READINP NPLANTS 1.0 ''' // trim(vegfil) // ''' 4 0 FREE'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! diffraction
if (sr%diffraction == 1) then
line(1:7) = 'DIFFRAC'
write (line( 9: 9), '(I1)' ) sr%diffraction
write (line(11:20), '(F10.5)') sr%diffr_coeff
write (line(22:25), '(I4)' ) sr%diffr_smsteps
write (line(27:27), '(I1)' ) sr%diffr_adapt_propag
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! definition of grid for wind field
if (dom%qextnd(q_wind)>0 .or. dom%n_meteofiles_dom > 0) then
! *** definition of grid ***
if ( then
lijn = 'INPGRID _'
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:7) = 'WIND '
write (line(8:35), '(2(F10.2,4X))') xw, yw
write (line(36:43), '( F7.1 ,1X) ') alpw
write (line(44:53), '(2(I4 ,1X))') mxw, myw
write (line(54:71), '(2(F8.2 ,1X))') dxw, dyw
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') lijn
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
lijn = 'INPGRID _'
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:18) = 'WIND CURV 0. 0. '
write (line(19:28), '(2(I4,1X))') dom%mxc, dom%myc
if (sr%excval> - 998.99 .or. sr%excval< - 999.01) then
line(29:37) = ' EXCVAL '
write (line(38:49), '(F12.4)') sr%excval
line(50:79) = ' '
line(29:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') lijn
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
! *** read wind grid ***
line(1:20) = 'READ WIN FAC= 1. _'
line(21:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
ind = index(wfil, ' ')
i = 1
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(2:) = wfil
line(ind + 1:ind + 1) = ''''''
line(ind + 4:ind + 10) = 'IDLA=4 '
line(ind + 11:ind + 14) = 'FREE'
line(ind + 15:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! Uniform wind velocity and direction
if (.not.varwin .and. dom%n_meteofiles_dom == 0) then
if (sr%genmode==0) then
line(1:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
elseif (abs(wvel)>0.) then
line(1:10) = 'WIND VEL='
write (line(11:20), '(F10.2)') wvel
line(21:25) = ' DIR='
write (line(26:35), '(F10.2)') wdir
line(36:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! definition of grid for friction field
if (varfri) then
lijn = 'INPGRID _'
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:18) = 'FRIC CURV 0. 0. '
write (line(19:28), '(2(I4,1X))') dom%mxc, dom%myc
if (sr%excval> - 998.99 .or. sr%excval< - 999.01) then
line(29:37) = ' EXCVAL '
write (line(38:49), '(F12.4)') sr%excval
line(50:79) = ' '
line(29:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') lijn
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:20) = 'READ FRI FAC= 1. _'
line(21:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
ind = index(ffil, ' ')
i = 1
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(2:) = ffil
line(ind + 1:ind + 1) = ''''''
line(ind + 4:ind + 10) = 'IDLA=4 '
line(ind + 11:ind + 14) = 'FREE'
line(ind + 15:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line(1:79)
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
! Input wave parameters:
! Note that different sides can be chosen (this in contrast with
! HISWA in which the boundary conditions are allways described
! at x=0
! boundary condition: par/read
! also for nested runs side/segment
! xy/ij
rindx = 30 + 4*nnest
cindx = 2
if (inest==1) then
do bound = 1, nb
bnd => sr%bnd(bound)
if (bnd%bndtyp==4) then
line = ' '
line( 1:10) = 'BOUN NEST '
line(11:11) = ''''''
ind = index(sr%specfile, ' ') - 1
line(12:12 + ind) = sr%specfile
line(12+ind:12+ind) = ''''''
line(12+ind+1:12+ind+7) = ' CLOSED'
write(luninp, '(1X,A)') line
elseif (bnd%bndtyp==5) then
line = ' '
line( 1:11) = 'BOUN WWIII '
line(12:12) = ''''''
ind = index(sr%specfile, ' ') - 1
line(13:13 + ind) = sr%specfile
line(13+ind:13+ind) = ''''''
line(13+ind+1:13+ind+5) = ' OPEN'
write(luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
parread = bnd%parread
! User specified conditions
shape = bnd%sshape
periodtype= bnd%periodtype
dsprtype = bnd%dsprtype
line(1:) = 'BOUN SHAPE'
if (shape==1) then
write (line(12:), '(A, 1X, F6.2)') 'JONSWAP', bnd%gamma0
elseif (shape==2) then
line(12:) = 'PM'
elseif (shape==3) then
write (line(12:), '(A, 1X, F6.2)') 'GAUSS', bnd%sigfr
if (periodtype==1) then
line(27:) = 'PEAK'
line(27:) = 'MEAN'
if (dsprtype==1) then
line(32:) = 'DSPR POWER'
line(32:) = 'DSPR DEGR'
if (.not.(shape==1 .and. bnd%gamma0==0.0)) then
! something was actually defined
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:) = 'BOUN'
nsect = bnd%nsect
convar = bnd%convar
if (bnd%bndtyp==1) then
! Side
line(6:) = 'SIDE'
orient = bnd%orient
if (orient==1) then
line(11:) = 'N'
elseif (orient==2) then
line(11:) = 'NW'
elseif (orient==3) then
line(11:) = 'W'
elseif (orient==4) then
line(11:) = 'SW'
elseif (orient==5) then
line(11:) = 'S'
elseif (orient==6) then
line(11:) = 'SE'
elseif (orient==7) then
line(11:) = 'E'
elseif (orient==8) then
line(11:) = 'NE'
if (bnd%turn==1) then
line(14:) = 'CCW'
line(14:) = 'CLOCKW'
line(22:) = '_'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
! Segment
line(6:) = 'SEGM'
if (bnd%bndtyp == 3) then
line(11:) = 'XY'
write (line(14:), '(4(F12.3,2X))') &
& bnd%bndcrd_xy(1), bnd%bndcrd_xy(2), &
& bnd%bndcrd_xy(3), bnd%bndcrd_xy(4)
elseif (bnd%bndtyp == 2) then
line(11:) = 'IJ'
write (line(14:), '(4I10)') &
& bnd%bndcrd_mn(1), bnd%bndcrd_mn(2), &
& bnd%bndcrd_mn(3), bnd%bndcrd_mn(4)
line(72:) = '&'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
rindx = rindx + 4
line(1:79) = ' '
if (convar==1) then
! Constant conditions
line(21:) = 'CON'
if (parread==2) then
! User specified conditions
write (line(26:), '(A,4F8.2)') 'PAR ', &
& bnd%waveheight(1), bnd%period(1) , &
& bnd%direction (1), bnd%dirspread(1)
! Read conditions from file
ind = index(bnd%spectrum(1), ' ') - 1
line(26:30) = 'FILE '
i = 31
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i + 1:i + ind) = bnd%spectrum(1)
i = i + ind
line(i + 1:i + 1) = ''''''
line(i + 3:i + 4) = ' 1'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
rindx = rindx + 5
cindx = cindx + 1
! Variable conditions
line(21:) = 'VAR'
if (parread==2) then
! User specified conditions
line(25:) = 'PAR'
do sect = 1, nsect
write (line(29:), '(5F9.2)') bnd%distance(sect) , &
& bnd%waveheight(sect), bnd%period(sect) , &
& bnd%direction (sect), bnd%dirspread(sect)
if (sect0) then
l = 0
do i = 1, nobst
line(1:79) = ' '
if (trane(i)<999.0) then
line(1:11) = 'OBST TRANS '
write (line(12:17), '(F6.3)') trane(i)
line(1:9) = 'OBST DAM '
write (line(10:16), '(F6.2,1X)') f(i)
write (line(17:23), '(F6.2,1X)') ogam(i)
write (line(24:30), '(F6.2,1X)') obet(i)
if (sr%reflection(i) == 1) then
write (line(31:45), '(a,F9.6)') ' REFL ',sr%refl_coeff(i)
if (sr%refl_type(i) == 1) then
write (line(46:51), '(a)') ' RSPEC'
elseif (sr%refl_type(i) == 2) then
! With SWAN version 40.51A, 'RDIFF 1 1 1' is replaced with 'RDIFF 1'
! Not backwards compatible!
write (line(46:53), '(a)') ' RDIFF 1'
! Wrong type indicator
line(57:62) = ' LIN _'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
do j = 1, nlin(i)
line(1:79) = ' '
l = l + 1
write (line(13:70), '(2(E25.17,4X))') xpob(l), ypob(l)
if (j/=nlin(i)) line(72:72) = '_'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:72) = '$***************************** OUTPUT REQUEST **************************'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
do i=1, size(varnam1)
write (luninp, '(1X,3A)') 'QUANTITY ',varnam1(i), ' excv=-999.0'
do i=1, size(varnam2)
write (luninp, '(1X,3A)') 'QUANTITY ',varnam2(i), ' excv=-999.0'
if (allocated(sr%add_out_names)) then
do i=1, size(sr%add_out_names)
write (luninp, '(1X,3A)') 'QUANTITY ',sr%add_out_names(i), ' excv=-999.0'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') '$ '
line(1:79) = ' '
! *** output definitions ***
! definition of nested grid
if (nnest>1) then
if (inest 0) then
k = 0
do i = 1, ncurv
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:7) = 'CURVE '
j = 8
line(j:j) = ''''''
line(9:11) = 'cur'
write (line(12:13), '(I2.2)') i
write (line(14:15), '(I2.2)') inest
j = 16
line(j:j) = ''''''
k = k + 1
write (line(21:48), '(2(F10.2,4X))') xpcu(k), ypcu(k)
line(49:49) = '_'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
jendcrv = nclin(k)
do j = 2, jendcrv
k = k + 1
line(1:79) = ' '
write (line(11:15), '(I5)') nclin(k)
write (line(21:48), '(2(F10.2,4X))') xpcu(k), ypcu(k)
! Modification
if (j/=jendcrv) line(50:50) = '_'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:7) = 'TABLE '
j = 8
line(j:j) = ''''''
line(9:11) = 'cur'
write (line(12:13), '(I2.2)') i
write (line(14:15), '(I2.2)') inest
j = 16
line(j:j) = ''''''
line(21:26) = 'NOHEAD'
line(31:31) = ''''''
line(32:39) = 'SWANOUT_'
line(40:47) = line(9:16)
line(51:51) = '_'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(4(2X,A),A)') varnam1(11), varnam1(12), varnam1(13), &
& varnam1(4), ' _'
write (luninp, '(5(2X,A),A)') varnam1(1), varnam1(3), varnam1(2), &
& varnam1(7), varnam1(8), ' _'
write (luninp, '(2(2X,A))') varnam1(16), varnam1(5)
line(1:79) = ' '
elseif (ncurv == -1) then
! Output curves specified in a Tekal file
! Handle in a separate subroutine
write(*,'(1X,A)') ' Output curves are specified in a polyline file'
call outputCurvesFromFile
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
! Output locations
line(1:79) = ' '
! loop over the location files
if (sr%output_points) then
do loc = 1, sr%nloc
pointname = ' '
lc = len_trim(sr%pntfilnam(loc))
if (lc>8) then
pointname(1:) = sr%pntfilnam(loc)(1:8)
pointname(1:) = sr%pntfilnam(loc)
line(1:7) = 'POINTS '
i = 8
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i+1:) = pointname
i = i+1+8
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i+1:) = ' _'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
if (sr%output_pnt_file) then
line(1:5) = 'FILE '
i = 6
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(7:) = sr%pntfilnam(loc)
ind = index(sr%pntfilnam(loc), ' ')
if (ind==0) ind = 8
i = ind - 1 + 7
line(i:i) = ''''''
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
do n = 1, npoints
write (line(1:26), '(E25.17,1X)') sr%xyloc(1,n)
write (line(27:52), '(E25.17,1X)') sr%xyloc(2,n)
if (n1) then
line(i:) = 'n'
write (line(i+1:), '(I1)') inest
i = i+2
if (nttide>1 .or. wavedata%mode /= stand_alone) then
line(i:) = 't'
if (nttide > 1) then
write (line(i+1:), '(I6.6)') 100000*inest + itide
else ! wavedata%mode /= stand_alone
write (line(i+1:), '(I3.3)') outcnt
i = i+7
line(i:) = '.tab'
i = i+4
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i+1:) = ' XP YP DEP HS DIR RTP TM01 _'
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(37:56) = 'DSPR UBOT WIND VEL '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
if (sr%output_spec1d) then
line(1:6) = 'SPEC '
i = 7
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i+1:) = pointname
i = i+1+8
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i+1:) = ' '
line(i+2:) = 'SPEC1D '
i = i+9
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i+1:) = sr%pntfilnam(loc)
i = i+1+lc
if (nnest>1) then
line(i:) = 'n'
write (line(i+1:), '(I1)') inest
i = i+2
! Running online with Delft3D-FLOW: itide contains the output counter
if (nttide>1 .or. wavedata%mode /= stand_alone) then
line(i:) = 't'
if (nttide > 1) then
write (line(i+1:), '(I3.3)') itide
else ! wavedata%mode /= stand_alone
write (line(i+1:), '(I3.3)') outcnt
i = i+4
line(i:) = '.sp1'
i = i+4
line(i:i) = ''''''
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
if (sr%output_spec2d) then
line(1:6) = 'SPEC '
i = 7
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(8:10 + lc) = pointname
i = i+1+8
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i+1:) = ' '
line(i+2:) = 'SPEC2D '
i = i+9
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(i+1:) = sr%pntfilnam(loc)
i = i+1+8
if (nnest>1) then
line(i:) = 'n'
write (line(i+1:), '(I1)') inest
i = i+2
! Running online with Delft3D-FLOW: itide contains the output counter
if (nttide>1 .or. wavedata%mode /= stand_alone) then
line(i:) = 't'
if (nttide > 1) then
write (line(i+1:), '(I3.3)') itide
else ! wavedata%mode /= stand_alone
write (line(i+1:), '(I3.3)') outcnt
i = i+4
line(i:) = '.sp2'
i = i+4
line(i:i) = ''''''
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! frame not set anywhere!
frame = .false.
if (frame) then
line(1:5) = 'FRAME'
line(6:6) = ' '
i = 7
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(8:14) = 'clframe'
i = 15
line(i:i) = ''''''
line(16:16) = ' '
write (line(17:25), '(F8.2 ,1X)') xpfr
write (line(26:34), '(F8.2 ,1X)') ypfr
write (line(35:43), '(F8.2 ,1X)') alpfr
write (line(44:54), '(F10.2,1X)') xlenfr
write (line(55:65), '(F10.2,1X)') ylenfr
line(66:67) = '_ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
write (line(1:9), '(I4,1X,I4)') mxfr, myfr
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:2) = '$ '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
! Compute and test parameters
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:35) = 'TEST ITEST= ITRACE= '
write (line(14:16), '(I3)') itest
write (line(27:29), '(I3)') itrace
line(36:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
! Default: put current time in writehottime
! writehottime will be overwritten by tendc when quasi-/non-stationary
sr%writehottime = datetime_to_string(wavedata%time%refdate, wavedata%time%timsec)
if ( then
line(1:1) = '$'
line(2:79) = ' '
! modsim = 2 : quasi-stationary
! modsim = 3 : non-stationary
line(1:79) = ' '
if (sr%modsim <= 1) then
! stationary
line(1:7) = 'COMPUTE'
elseif (sr%modsim == 2) then
tendc = datetime_to_string(wavedata%time%refdate, wavedata%time%timsec)
write (line,'(A,1X,A)') 'COMPUTE STAT ',tendc
sr%writehottime = tendc
elseif (sr%modsim == 3) then
! non-stationary
! starttime
tbegc = datetime_to_string(wavedata%time%refdate, wavedata%time%timsec)
! endtime
tendc = datetime_to_string(wavedata%time%refdate, wavedata%time%timsec + sr%deltcom * 60.0)
! built line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:16) = 'COMPUTE NONSTAT '
write (line(17:31), '(a)') tbegc
write (line(33:40), '(f8.2)') sr%deltc
line(41:44) = ' MIN'
write (line(46:61), '(a)') tendc
sr%writehottime = tendc
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
! hotstart:
! hotfile= true: use hotfile
! modsim = 2 : quasi-stationary
! modsim = 3 : non-stationary
if (sr%hotfile) then
! line to ensure that SWAN is going to produce a hotfile
write (fname,'(a,i0,2a)') 'hot_', inest, '_', trim(sr%writehottime)
line = 'HOTF ''' // trim(fname) // ''''
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
line(1:4) = 'STOP'
line(5:79) = ' '
write (luninp, '(1X,A)') line
line(1:79) = ' '
close (luninp)
subroutine outputCurvesFromFile()
use precision_basics
integer :: i,j,istat
real(sp) , dimension(1:2) :: inputvals
character(1), pointer, dimension(:) :: data_ptr
character(30) :: node_type
character(30) :: parname
character(80) :: curname
character(80) :: line
type(tree_data) , pointer :: cur_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: pol_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: tmp_ptr
call tree_create('Delft3D-WAVE output curves', pol_ptr)
istat = 0
call prop_file('tekal',trim(sr%curvefil),pol_ptr,istat)
if (istat /= 0) then
select case (istat)
write(*,*) '*** ERROR File: '//trim(sr%curvefil)//' not found'
write(*,*) '*** ERROR Premature EOF in file: '//trim(sr%curvefil)
case default
write(*,*) '*** ERROR Read error from file: '//trim(sr%curvefil)
! if no line exists in the polyline file
if(.not. associated(pol_ptr%child_nodes) ) then
write(*,'(1X,A)') ' Error! 0 output curve is specified in the polyline file!'
do i = 1,size(pol_ptr%child_nodes)
cur_ptr => pol_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
curname = tree_get_name(cur_ptr)
write(luninp,'(1x,3a)') 'CURVE ''', trim(curname), ''' _'
do j = 1,size(cur_ptr%child_nodes)
tmp_ptr => cur_ptr%child_nodes(j)%node_ptr
write (parname,'(a,i0)') 'row_', j
! call tree_get_node_by_name( polygon_ptr, parname, node_ptr )
call tree_get_data_ptr( tmp_ptr, data_ptr, node_type )
! inputvals is of type real(fp)
! the data to be retrieved is in real(sp)
! call transfer with a real(sp) constant as second parameter
inputvals = transfer( data_ptr, 0., 2 )
write(line,'(18x,2(f10.2,4x))') inputvals(1), inputvals(2)
if (j /= 1) then
line(14:14) = '1'
if (j < size(cur_ptr%child_nodes)) then
write(line,'(2a)') trim(line), ' _'
write(luninp,'(a)') line
write(luninp,'(1x,a)') '$ '
write(luninp,'(1x,5a)') 'TABLE ''', trim(curname), ''' NOHEAD ''SWANOUT_', trim(curname), ''' _'
write(luninp, '(4(2X,A),A)') varnam1(11), varnam1(12), varnam1(13), &
& varnam1(4), ' _'
write(luninp, '(5(2X,A),A)') varnam1(1), varnam1(3), varnam1(2), &
& varnam1(7), varnam1(8), ' _'
write(luninp, '(2(2X,A))') varnam1(16), varnam1(5)
end subroutine outputCurvesFromFile
end subroutine write_swan_inp
subroutine adjustinput(sr)
use properties
implicit none
type(swan) :: sr
character(256) :: filnam
character(256) :: parname
integer :: i
integer :: in
integer :: istat
logical :: exists
type(tree_data) , pointer :: domain_ptr
type(tree_data) , pointer :: input_tree
type(swan_dom) , pointer :: dom
filnam = TRIM(sr%filnam) // '.opt'
inquire (file = trim(filnam), exist = exists)
if (.not.exists) return
! Create input tree
call tree_create ( "Delft3D-WAVE input", input_tree )
istat = 0
call prop_file('ini',trim(filnam),input_tree,istat)
if (istat /= 0) return
sr%append_com = .false.
call prop_get_logical(input_tree, '*', 'AppendCOM' , sr%append_com)
call prop_get_logical(input_tree, '*', 'checkVersionNumber' , sr%checkVersionNumber)
if ( then
write(*,'(a)') '*** MESSAGE: The check on the SWAN version number is disabled'
do i = 1,size(input_tree%child_nodes)
! Does input_tree contain a child with name 'domain'?
domain_ptr => input_tree%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr
parname = tree_get_name( domain_ptr )
if ( parname /= 'domain') cycle
parname = ''
call prop_get_string(domain_ptr, '*', 'Grid', parname)
do in = 1, sr%nnest
if (sr%dom(in)%curlif == parname) exit
if (in > sr%nnest) cycle
dom => sr%dom(in)
call prop_get_integer(domain_ptr, '*', 'FlowBedLevel' , dom%qextnd(q_bath))
call prop_get_integer(domain_ptr, '*', 'FlowWaterLevel', dom%qextnd(q_wl) )
call prop_get_integer(domain_ptr, '*', 'FlowVelocity' , dom%qextnd(q_cur) )
call prop_get_integer(domain_ptr, '*', 'FlowWind' , dom%qextnd(q_wind))
end subroutine adjustinput
end module swan_input