subroutine wrtmap(lundia ,error ,trifil ,selmap ,itmapc , & & rhow ,mmax , & & kmax ,nmaxus ,lstsci ,ltur , & & nsrc ,zmodel ,kcs ,kfs ,kfu , & & kfv ,kfumin ,kfvmin ,kfumax ,kfvmax , & & kfsmin ,kfsmax ,mnksrc ,ibuff ,s1 , & & dps ,dzs1 ,thick , & & u1 ,v1 ,w1 ,wphy ,r1 , & & rtur1 ,taubpu ,taubpv ,taubsu ,taubsv , & & vicww ,dicww ,rich ,rho ,p1 , & & vortic ,enstro ,umnldf ,vmnldf ,vicuv , & & taubmx ,windu ,windv ,velt ,cvalu0 , & & cvalv0 ,cfurou ,cfvrou ,rouflo ,patm , & & z0ucur ,z0vcur ,z0urou ,z0vrou ,ktemp , & & precip ,evap ,gdp ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Writes the time varying groups (1 & 3) to the ! NEFIS MAP-DAT file ! Selection is done using SELMAP. For elements like ! WPHY where KMAX must be > 1 this coupling between ! KMAX and SELMAP is done in subroutine RDPRFL ! Method used: ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use sp_buffer use dfparall use globaldata use wrtmap_pointer ! use dffunctionals ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! integer , pointer :: mfg integer , pointer :: mlg integer , pointer :: nfg integer , pointer :: nlg integer , pointer :: nmaxgl integer , pointer :: mmaxgl integer , pointer :: nmmax integer , pointer :: celidt integer , pointer :: keva integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: smlay real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: fluxu real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: fluxuc real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: fluxv real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , pointer :: fluxvc real(fp) , pointer :: mom_accum real(fp) , pointer :: rhum real(fp) , pointer :: tair real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: qeva_out real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: qco_out real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: qbl_out real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: qin_out real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: qnet_out real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: hlc_out real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: hfree_out real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: efree_out real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: rhumarr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: tairarr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: clouarr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: swrfarr real(fp) , dimension(:) , pointer :: qmis_out logical , pointer :: first logical , pointer :: rhum_file logical , pointer :: tair_file logical , pointer :: clou_file logical , pointer :: prcp_file logical , pointer :: swrf_file logical , pointer :: free_convec type (nefiselement) , pointer :: nefiselem type (flwoutputtype) , pointer :: flwoutput ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: itmapc !! Current time counter for the MAP data file integer :: kmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , intent(in) :: ktemp ! Description and declaration in tricom.f90 integer :: lstsci ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer :: ltur ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer :: lundia ! Description and declaration in inout.igs integer :: mmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer :: nmaxus ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer :: nsrc ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(7, nsrc) :: mnksrc ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kcs ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfs ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfsmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfsmin ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfu ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfumax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfumin ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfvmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: kfvmin ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , dimension(nmaxus, mmax) :: ibuff ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 logical , intent(out) :: error !! Flag=TRUE if an error is encountered logical , intent(in) :: zmodel ! Description and declaration in procs.igs real(fp) , intent(in) :: rhow ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(kmax) , intent(in) :: thick ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(prec) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: dps ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: patm ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: s1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: taubmx ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: taubpu ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: taubpv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: taubsu ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: taubsv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: umnldf ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: vmnldf ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: windu ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: windv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: precip ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: evap ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, 3) , intent(in) :: cfurou ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, 3) , intent(in) :: cfvrou ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: cvalu0 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: cvalv0 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, 0:kmax) , intent(in) :: dicww ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, 0:kmax) , intent(in) :: rich ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, 0:kmax) , intent(in) :: vicww ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, 0:kmax) , intent(in) :: w1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, 0:kmax, ltur) , intent(in) :: rtur1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax + 1) , intent(in) :: vicuv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax) , intent(in) :: dzs1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax) , intent(in) :: enstro ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax) , intent(in) :: p1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax) , intent(in) :: rho ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax) , intent(in) :: u1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax) , intent(in) :: v1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax) , intent(in) :: vortic ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax) , intent(in) :: wphy ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, kmax, lstsci) , intent(in) :: r1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: z0ucur ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: z0vcur ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: z0urou ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp) , dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: z0vrou ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 character(*) , intent(in) :: trifil !! File name for FLOW NEFIS output files (tri"h/m"-"casl""labl".dat/def) character(4) , intent(in) :: rouflo ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_char.f90 character(21) , intent(in) :: selmap ! Description and declaration in tricom.igs character(10) , intent(in) :: velt !! Velocity type 'eulerian' or 'GLM' ! ! Local variables ! integer :: fds integer :: i ! Help var. integer :: ierror ! Local error flag for NEFIS files integer :: istat integer :: k ! Help var. integer :: km integer :: kmaxout ! number of layers to be written to the (history) output files, 0 (possibly) included integer :: kmaxout_restr ! number of layers to be written to the (history) output files, 0 excluded integer :: l ! Help var. integer :: m ! Help var. integer :: n ! Help var. integer :: nm integer , dimension(1) :: idummy ! Help array to read/write Nefis files integer , dimension(3,5) :: uindex integer , external :: putelt integer , external :: inqmxi integer , external :: clsnef integer , external :: open_datdef integer , external :: neferr integer , dimension(4,0:nproc-1) :: iarrc ! array containing collected grid indices integer :: lenlo ! length of field of current subdomain integer :: lengl ! length of field containing collected data integer , dimension(0:nproc-1) :: mf ! first index w.r.t. global grid in x-direction integer , dimension(0:nproc-1) :: ml ! last index w.r.t. global grid in x-direction integer , dimension(0:nproc-1) :: nf ! first index w.r.t. global grid in y-direction integer , dimension(0:nproc-1) :: nl ! last index w.r.t. global grid in y-direction integer , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: ibuff2 integer , dimension(:) , allocatable :: smlay_restr ! copy of shlay, excluding layer zero real(fp) , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: rbuff2 real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: rbuff3 real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: rbuff4 real(fp) , dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: zkt ! Vertical coordinates of layering interfaces real(sp) , dimension(:,:,:) , allocatable :: rsbuff3 ! work array character(10) :: runit character(16) :: grnam1 ! Data-group name defined for the NEFIS-files group 1 character(16) :: grnam3 ! Data-group name defined for the NEFIS-files group 3 character(64) :: rdesc character(256) :: filnam ! Help var. for FLOW file name character(6) :: errmsg ! Character var. containing the error message to be written to file. The message depend on the error. ! ! Data statements ! data grnam1/'map-info-series'/ data grnam3/'map-series'/ ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! nefiselem => gdp%nefisio%nefiselem(nefiswrtmapinf) mfg => gdp%gdparall%mfg mlg => gdp%gdparall%mlg nfg => gdp%gdparall%nfg nlg => gdp%gdparall%nlg mmaxgl => gdp%gdparall%mmaxgl nmaxgl => gdp%gdparall%nmaxgl nmmax => gdp%d%nmmax celidt => nefiselem%celidt keva => gdp%gdtricom%keva smlay => gdp%gdpostpr%smlay fluxu => gdp%gdflwpar%fluxu fluxuc => gdp%gdflwpar%fluxuc fluxv => gdp%gdflwpar%fluxv fluxvc => gdp%gdflwpar%fluxvc flwoutput => gdp%gdflwpar%flwoutput rhum => gdp%gdheat%rhum tair => gdp%gdheat%tair qeva_out => gdp%gdheat%qeva_out qco_out => gdp%gdheat%qco_out qbl_out => gdp%gdheat%qbl_out qin_out => gdp%gdheat%qin_out qnet_out => gdp%gdheat%qnet_out hlc_out => gdp%gdheat%hlc_out hfree_out => gdp%gdheat%hfree_out efree_out => gdp%gdheat%efree_out qmis_out => gdp%gdheat%qmis_out rhumarr => gdp%gdheat%rhumarr tairarr => gdp%gdheat%tairarr clouarr => gdp%gdheat%clouarr first => nefiselem%first rhum_file => gdp%gdheat%rhum_file tair_file => gdp%gdheat%tair_file clou_file => gdp%gdheat%clou_file prcp_file => gdp%gdheat%prcp_file free_convec => gdp%gdheat%free_convec ! ! Initialize local variables ! kmaxout = size(smlay) if (smlay(1) == 0) then kmaxout_restr = kmaxout - 1 allocate(smlay_restr(kmaxout_restr)) smlay_restr = smlay(2:) else kmaxout_restr = kmaxout allocate(smlay_restr(kmaxout_restr)) smlay_restr = smlay endif filnam = trifil(1:3) // 'm' // trifil(5:) errmsg = ' ' ! ! initialize group index time dependent data ! uindex (1,1) = 1 ! start index uindex (2,1) = 1 ! end index uindex (3,1) = 1 ! increment in time ! if (first .and. inode == master) then ! ! Set up the element chracteristics ! ! map-info-series ! call addelm(nefiswrtmapinf,'ITMAPC',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'timestep number (ITMAPC*DT*TUNIT := time in sec from ITDATE)', & & 1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call defnewgrp(nefiswrtmapinf ,filnam ,grnam1 ,gdp) ! ! map-sed-series ! if (selmap(1:1) == 'Y') then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'S1',' ','[ M ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Water-level in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'KFU',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'Non-active/active in U-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'KFV',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'Non-active/active in V-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) if (zmodel .and. flwoutput%kf_minmax) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'KFSMIN',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'Bottom-most active layer at water level point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'KFSMAX',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'Top-most active layer at water level point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'KFUMIN',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'Bottom-most active layer at U-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'KFUMAX',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'Top-most active layer at U-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'KFVMIN',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'Bottom-most active layer at V-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'KFVMAX',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & 'Top-most active layer at V-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (index(selmap(2:3), 'Y') > 0) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'U1',' ','[ M/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'U-velocity per layer in U-point ('//trim(velt)//')', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'V1',' ','[ M/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'V-velocity per layer in V-point ('//trim(velt)//')', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (selmap(4:4) == 'Y') then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'W',' ','[ M/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'W-omega per layer in zeta point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (selmap(5:5) == 'Y') then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'WPHY',' ','[ M/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'W-velocity per layer in zeta point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (index(selmap(6:13), 'Y') /= 0) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'R1',' ','[ - ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Concentrations per layer in zeta point ', & & 4 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,lstsci ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%difuflux) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'R1FLX_UU',' ','[ - ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Constituent flux in u-direction (u point) ', & & 4 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,lstsci ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'R1FLX_VV',' ','[ - ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Constituent flux in v-direction (v point) ', & & 4 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,lstsci ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%cumdifuflux) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'R1FLX_UUC',' ','[ - ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Cumulative constituent flux in u-direction (u point) ', & & 4 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,lstsci ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'R1FLX_VVC',' ','[ - ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Cumulative constituent flux in v-direction (v point) ', & & 4 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,lstsci ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%momentum) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_DUDT ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Acceleration in GLM coordinate (u point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UDENSITY ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Density term (u point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_URESISTANCE ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Flow resistance term (u point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UCORIOLIS ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Coriolis term (u point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UVISCO ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Viscosity term (u point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UPRESSURE ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Pressure term (u point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UTIDEGEN ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Tide generating forces term (u point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UWINDFORCE ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Wind forcing term (u point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UBEDSHEAR ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Bed shear term (u point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UWAVES ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Wave forces term (u point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UDUDX ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Convection term (u point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VDUDY ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Cross advection term (u point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) ! call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_DVDT ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Acceleration in GLM coordinates (v point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VDENSITY ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Density term (v point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VRESISTANCE ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Flow resistance term (v point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VCORIOLIS ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Coriolis term (v point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VVISCO ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Viscosity term (v point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VPRESSURE ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Pressure term (v point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VTIDEGEN ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Tide generating forces term (v point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VWINDFORCE ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Wind forcing term (v point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VBEDSHEAR ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Bed shear term (v point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VWAVES ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Wave forces term (v point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_VDVDY ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Convection term (v point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MOM_UDVDX ',' ','[ M/S2 ]','REAL',4, & & 'Cross advection term (v point) ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (index(selmap(14:15),'Y') /= 0) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'RTUR1',' ','[ - ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Turbulent quantity per layer in zeta point ', & & 4 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout ,ltur ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (index(selmap(16:17), 'Y') > 0) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'TAUKSI',' ','[ N/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Bottom stress in U-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'TAUETA',' ','[ N/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Bottom stress in V-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'TAUMAX',' ','[ N/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Tau_max in zeta points (scalar) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (selmap(18:18) == 'Y') then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'VICWW',' ','[ M2/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Vertical eddy viscosity-3D in zeta point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (selmap(19:19) == 'Y') then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'DICWW',' ','[ M2/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Vertical eddy diffusivity-3D in zeta point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (index(selmap(18:19),'Y') > 0) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'RICH',' ','[ - ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Richardson number ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (selmap(20:20) == 'Y') then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'RHO',' ','[ KG/M3 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Density per layer in zeta point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (selmap(21:21) == 'Y') then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'UMNLDF',' ','[ M/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Filtered U-velocity ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'VMNLDF',' ','[ M/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Filtered V-velocity ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'VICUV',' ','[ M2/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Horizontal eddy viscosity in zeta point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (nsrc > 0) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'MNKSRC',' ','[ - ]','INTEGER',4 , & & '(M,N,K) indices of discharge sources and time dep. location ', & & 2 ,7 ,nsrc ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%vortic) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'VORTIC',' ','[ 1/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Vorticity at each layer in depth point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'ENSTRO',' ','[ 1/S2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Enstrophy at each layer in depth point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (index(selmap(2:2), 'Y')>0 .and. zmodel) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'HYDPRES',' ','[ N/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Non-hydrostatic pressure at each layer in zeta point ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmaxout_restr,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%air) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'WINDU',' ','[ M/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Wind speed in x-direction (zeta point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'WINDV',' ','[ M/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Wind speed in y-direction (zeta point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'PATM',' ','[ N/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Air pressure (zeta point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) if (clou_file) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'CLOUDS',' ','[ % ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Cloud coverage percentage (zeta point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (rhum_file) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'AIRHUM',' ','[ % ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Relative air humidity (zeta point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (tair_file) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'AIRTEM',' ','[ DEG C ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Air temperature (zeta point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (prcp_file) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'PRECIP',' ','[ MM/H ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Precipitation rate (zeta point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (keva < 2) then ! if keva < 2 then evaporation is calculated by the model call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'EVAP',' ','[ MM/H ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Evaporation rate (zeta point) ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif endif if (flwoutput%temperature) then if (ktemp == 3) then ! ! Different output for Excess Temperature model ! call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'HLC', ' ' , '[W/M2K ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Exchange coefficient in Excess temperature model ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'QNET', ' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Total nett heat flux in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) elseif (ktemp > 0) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'QEVA', ' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Evaporation heat flux in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'QCO', ' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Heat flux of forced convection in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'QBL', ' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Nett back radiation in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'QIN', ' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Nett solar radiation in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'QNET', ' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Total nett heat flux in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) if (free_convec) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'HFREE',' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Free convection of sensible heat in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'EFREE',' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Free convection of latent heat in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (keva == 3) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'QMIS', ' ' , '[W/M2 ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Computed minus derived heat flux in zeta point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif else endif endif if (flwoutput%chezy) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'CFUROU',' ','[M0.5/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Chezy roughness parameter in U-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'CFVROU',' ','[M0.5/S ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Chezy roughness parameter in V-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%roughness) then select case (rouflo) case ('CHEZ') runit = '[ M0.5/S ]' rdesc = 'Chezy roughness parameter' case ('WHIT') runit = '[ M ]' rdesc = 'Nikuradse roughness parameter' case ('MANN') runit = '[S/M{1/3}]' rdesc = 'Manning roughness parameter' case ('Z ') runit = '[ M ]' rdesc = 'Z0 roughness parameter' end select call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'ROUMETU',' ',runit ,'REAL',4 , & & trim(rdesc) // ' in U-point' , & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'ROUMETV',' ',runit ,'REAL',4 , & & trim(rdesc) // ' in V-point' , & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%z0cur) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'Z0UCUR',' ','[ M ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Current only z0 bed roughness in U-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'Z0VCUR',' ','[ M ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Current only z0 bed roughness in V-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%z0rou) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'Z0UROU',' ','[ M ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Wave enhanced z0 bed roughness in U-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'Z0VROU',' ','[ M ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Wave enhanced z0 bed roughness in V-point ', & & 2 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,0 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif if (flwoutput%layering) then call addelm(nefiswrtmap,'LAYER_INTERFACE',' ','[ M ]','REAL',4 , & & 'Vertical coordinate of layer interface ', & & 3 ,nmaxgl ,mmaxgl ,kmax + 1 ,0 ,0 , & & lundia ,gdp ) endif ! call defnewgrp(nefiswrtmap ,filnam ,grnam3 ,gdp) ! ! Get start celidt for writing ! nefiselem => gdp%nefisio%nefiselem(nefiswrtmapinf) first => nefiselem%first celidt => nefiselem%celidt endif ! if (parll) then ! ! allocate data arrays for collection data ! ! gather LOCAL grid indices of all partitions ! call dfsync(gdp) call dfgather_grddim(lundia, nfg, nlg, mfg, mlg, nmaxgl, mmaxgl, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, lengl, lenlo, gdp ) ! ! broadcast LOCAL grid indices to ALL partitions ! so every partition knows the dimensions and positions ! of the other partitions in the global domain ! call dfbroadc_gdp ( iarrc, 4*nproc, dfint, gdp ) call dfbroadc_gdp ( nf, nproc, dfint, gdp ) call dfbroadc_gdp ( nl, nproc, dfint, gdp ) call dfbroadc_gdp ( mf, nproc, dfint, gdp ) call dfbroadc_gdp ( ml, nproc, dfint, gdp ) endif ! ierror = 0 if (inode == master) ierror = open_datdef(filnam ,fds ) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 if (inode == master) then if (first) then ! ! end of initialization, don't come here again ! ierror = inqmxi(fds, grnam1, celidt) first = .false. endif ! ! Writing of output on every itmapc ! celidt = celidt + 1 ! idummy(1) = itmapc uindex(1,1) = celidt uindex(2,1) = celidt ! ! Group map-series, identified with nefiswrtmap, must use the same ! value for celidt. ! Easy solution: gdp%nefisio%nefiselem(nefiswrtmap)%celidt = celidt ! Neat solution in pseudo code: ! subroutine wrtmap ! integer :: celidt ! call wrtmapinf(celidt) ! call wrtmapdat(celidt) ! end subroutine ! ierror = putelt(fds, grnam1, 'ITMAPC', uindex, 1, idummy) endif if (ierror/=0) goto 999 ! ! group 3, element 'S1' only if SELMAP( 1: 1) = 'Y' ! if (selmap(1:1) == 'Y') then if (parll) then call dfgather(s1,nf,nl,mf,ml,iarrc,gdp) else call dfgather_seq(s1,1-gdp%d%nlb,1-gdp%d%mlb,nmaxgl,mmaxgl) endif if (inode == master) then ierror = putelt(fds, grnam3, 'S1', uindex, 1, glbarr2) endif ! ad hoc double precision output of S1 ! allocate(rbuff2(maxgl,mmaxgl) ! rbuff2(1:nmaxgl,1:mmaxgl) = s1(1:nmaxgl,1:mmaxgl) ! ierror = putelt(fds, grnam3, 'S1', uindex, 1, rbuff2) ! deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'KFU' ! call wrtmap_int_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, kfu, 'KFU') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'KFV' ! call wrtmap_int_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, kfv, 'KFV') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! if (zmodel .and. flwoutput%kf_minmax) then ! ! group 3: element 'KFSMIN' ! call wrtmap_int_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, kfsmin, 'KFSMIN') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'KFSMAX' ! call wrtmap_int_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, kfsmax, 'KFSMAX') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'KFUMIN' ! call wrtmap_int_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, kfumin, 'KFUMIN') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'KFUMAX' ! call wrtmap_int_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, kfumax, 'KFUMAX') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'KFVMIN' ! call wrtmap_int_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, kfvmin, 'KFVMIN') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'KFVMAX' ! call wrtmap_int_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, kfvmax, 'KFVMAX') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'U1' & 'V1' only if SELMAP( 2: 3) <> 'NN' ! if (index(selmap(2:3),'Y') > 0) then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, u1, 'U1', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'V1' ! call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, v1, 'V1', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'W' only if kmax > 1 (:= SELMAP( 4: 4) = 'Y') ! if (selmap(4:4) == 'Y') then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay, & & kmaxout, 0, kmax, ierror, w1, 'W', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'WPHY' only if KMAX > 1 (:= SELMAP( 5: 5) = 'Y') ! if (selmap(5:5) == 'Y') then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, wphy, 'WPHY', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'R1', only if LSTSCI > 0 ! (:= SELMAP( 6:13) <> 'NNNNNNNN') ! if (index(selmap(6:13),'Y') /= 0) then call wrtmap_nmkl(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, lstsci, ierror, r1, 'R1', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 if (flwoutput%difuflux) then ! ! element 'R1FLX_UU' ! call wrtmap_nmkl_ptr(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, lstsci, ierror, fluxu, 'R1FLX_UU', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! element 'R1FLX_VV' ! call wrtmap_nmkl_ptr(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, lstsci, ierror, fluxv, 'R1FLX_VV', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! if (flwoutput%cumdifuflux) then ! ! element 'R1FLX_UUC' ! call wrtmap_nmkl_ptr(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, lstsci, ierror, fluxuc, 'R1FLX_UUC', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! element 'R1FLX_VVC' ! call wrtmap_nmkl_ptr(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, lstsci, ierror, fluxvc, 'R1FLX_VVC', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif endif if (flwoutput%momentum) then mom_accum => gdp%gdflwpar%mom_accum ! ! element 'MOM_DUDT' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_velchange)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_velchange = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_velchange / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_velchange, 'MOM_DUDT', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UDENSITY' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_densforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_densforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_densforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_densforce, 'MOM_UDENSITY', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_URESISTANCE' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_flowresist)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_flowresist = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_flowresist / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_flowresist, 'MOM_URESISTANCE', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UCORIOLIS' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_corioforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_corioforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_corioforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_corioforce, 'MOM_UCORIOLIS', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UVISCO' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_visco)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_visco = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_visco / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_visco, 'MOM_UVISCO', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UPRESSURE' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_pressure)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_pressure = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_pressure / mom_accum call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_pressure, 'MOM_UPRESSURE') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UTIDEGEN' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_tidegforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_tidegforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_tidegforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_tidegforce, 'MOM_UTIDEGEN') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UWINDFORCE' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_windforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_windforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_windforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_windforce, 'MOM_UWINDFORCE') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UBEDSHEAR' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_bedforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_bedforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_bedforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_bedforce, 'MOM_UBEDSHEAR') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UWAVES' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_waveforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_waveforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_waveforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_waveforce, 'MOM_UWAVES', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UDUDX' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_convec)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_convec = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_convec / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_convec, 'MOM_UDUDX', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VDUDY' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_xadvec)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_xadvec = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_xadvec / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_m_xadvec, 'MOM_VDUDY', kfumin, kfumax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! NOW ALL QUANTITIES IN V/N DIRECTION ! ! element 'MOM_DVDT' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_velchange)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_velchange = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_velchange / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_velchange, 'MOM_DVDT', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VDENSITY' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_densforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_densforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_densforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_densforce, 'MOM_VDENSITY', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VRESISTANCE' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_flowresist)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_flowresist = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_flowresist / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_flowresist, 'MOM_VRESISTANCE', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VCORIOLIS' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_corioforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_corioforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_corioforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_corioforce, 'MOM_VCORIOLIS', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VVISCO' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_visco)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_visco = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_visco / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_visco, 'MOM_VVISCO', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VPRESSURE' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_pressure)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_pressure = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_pressure / mom_accum call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_pressure, 'MOM_VPRESSURE') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VTIDEGEN' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_tidegforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_tidegforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_tidegforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_tidegforce, 'MOM_VTIDEGEN') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VWINDFORCE' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_windforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_windforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_windforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_windforce, 'MOM_VWINDFORCE') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VBEDSHEAR' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_bedforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_bedforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_bedforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_bedforce, 'MOM_VBEDSHEAR') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VWAVES' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_waveforce)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_waveforce = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_waveforce / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_waveforce, 'MOM_VWAVES', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_VDVDY' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_convec)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_convec = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_convec / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_convec, 'MOM_VDVDY', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'MOM_UDVDX' ! if (associated(gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_xadvec)) then gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_xadvec = gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_xadvec / mom_accum call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, gdp%gdflwpar%mom_n_xadvec, 'MOM_UDVDX', kfvmin, kfvmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif endif ! ! group 3: element 'RTUR1', only if LTUR > 0 ! (:= SELMAP(14:15) <> 'NN') ! if (index(selmap(14:15),'Y') /= 0) then call wrtmap_nmkl(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay, & & kmaxout, 0, kmax, ltur, ierror, rtur1, 'RTUR1', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'TAUKSI' & 'TAUETA' only if SELMAP(16:17) <> 'NN' ! if (index(selmap(16:17),'Y') > 0) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp if (zmodel) then do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus km = kfumin(n, m) if (1<=km .and. km<=kmax) then rbuff2(n, m) = ( taubpu(n, m)*u1(n, m, km) + taubsu(n, m) ) * rhow endif enddo enddo else km = kmax do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus rbuff2(n, m) = ( taubpu(n, m)*u1(n, m, km) + taubsu(n, m) ) * rhow enddo enddo endif if (parll) then call dfgather(rbuff2,nf,nl,mf,ml,iarrc,gdp) else call dfgather_seq(rbuff2,1-gdp%d%nlb,1-gdp%d%mlb,nmaxgl,mmaxgl) endif deallocate(rbuff2) if (inode == master) then ierror = putelt(fds, grnam3, 'TAUKSI', uindex, 1, glbarr2) endif if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'TAUETA' ! allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp if (zmodel) then do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus km = kfvmin(n, m) if (1<=km .and. km<=kmax) then rbuff2(n, m) = ( taubpv(n, m)*v1(n, m, km) + taubsv(n, m) ) * rhow endif enddo enddo else km = kmax do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus rbuff2(n, m) = ( taubpv(n, m)*v1(n, m, km) + taubsv(n, m) ) * rhow enddo enddo endif if (parll) then call dfgather(rbuff2,nf,nl,mf,ml,iarrc,gdp) else call dfgather_seq(rbuff2,1-gdp%d%nlb,1-gdp%d%mlb,nmaxgl,mmaxgl) endif deallocate(rbuff2) if (inode == master) then ierror = putelt(fds, grnam3, 'TAUETA', uindex, 1, glbarr2) endif if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'TAUMAX' ! if (parll) then call dfgather(taubmx,nf,nl,mf,ml,iarrc,gdp) else call dfgather_seq(taubmx,1-gdp%d%nlb,1-gdp%d%mlb,nmaxgl,mmaxgl) endif if (inode == master) then ierror = putelt(fds, grnam3, 'TAUMAX', uindex, 1, glbarr2) endif if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! endif ! ! group 3: element 'VICWW' if KMAX > 1 (:= SELMAP(18:18) = 'Y') ! vicww is defined on cell boundary planes ! if (selmap(18:18) == 'Y') then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay, & & kmaxout, 0, kmax, ierror, vicww, 'VICWW', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'DICWW' if KMAX > 1 (:= SELMAP(19:19) = 'Y') ! dicww is defined on cell boundary planes ! if (selmap(19:19) == 'Y') then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay, & & kmaxout, 0, kmax, ierror, dicww, 'DICWW', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'RICH' if KMAX > 1 and DICWW or VICWW written to file ! (:= SELMAP(18:19) <> 'NN') ! if (index(selmap(18:19),'Y') > 0) then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay, & & kmaxout, 0, kmax, ierror, rich, 'RICH', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'RHO' if LSAL > 0 or LTEM > 0 ! (:= SELMAP(20:20) = 'Y') ! if (selmap(20:20) == 'Y') then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, rho, 'RHO', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: elements 'UMNLDF', 'VMNLDF' and 'VICUV' if htur2d = true ! (:= SELMAP(21:21) = 'Y') ! if (selmap(21:21) == 'Y') then ! ! group 3: element 'UMNLDF' ! if (parll) then call dfgather(umnldf,nf,nl,mf,ml,iarrc,gdp) else call dfgather_seq(umnldf,1-gdp%d%nlb,1-gdp%d%mlb, nmaxgl,mmaxgl) endif if (inode == master) then ierror = putelt(fds, grnam3, 'UMNLDF', uindex, 1, glbarr2) endif if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'VMNLDF' ! ! if (parll) then call dfgather(vmnldf,nf,nl,mf,ml,iarrc,gdp) else call dfgather_seq(vmnldf, 1-gdp%d%nlb,1-gdp%d%mlb,nmaxgl,mmaxgl) endif if (inode == master) then ierror = putelt(fds, grnam3, 'VMNLDF', uindex, 1, glbarr2) endif if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! group 3: element 'VICUV' ! kmax+1 contains initial values and should not be written ! call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax+1, ierror, vicuv, 'VICUV', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif if (nsrc>0 .and. inode==master) then ! ! group 3, element 'MNKSRC' when discharges are present ! allocate(ibuff2(7,nsrc)) do i=1,nsrc ! ! mnksrc contains indices with respect to this partion ! transfer into global indices ! ibuff2(1,i) = mnksrc(1,i) + mfg - 1 ibuff2(2,i) = mnksrc(2,i) + nfg - 1 ibuff2(3,i) = mnksrc(3,i) ibuff2(4,i) = mnksrc(4,i) + mfg - 1 ibuff2(5,i) = mnksrc(5,i) + nfg - 1 ibuff2(6,i) = mnksrc(6,i) ibuff2(7,i) = mnksrc(7,i) enddo ierror = putelt(fds, grnam3, 'MNKSRC', uindex, 1, ibuff2) deallocate(ibuff2) if (ierror/=0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'VORTIC' & 'ENSTRO' only if SELMAP( 2: 3) <> 'NN' ! First VORTIC ! if (flwoutput%vortic) then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, vortic, 'VORTIC', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! Next ENSTRO ! call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, enstro, 'ENSTRO', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! group 3: element 'HYDPRES' ! if (index(selmap(4:4),'Y')>0 .and. zmodel) then call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay_restr, & & kmaxout_restr, 1, kmax, ierror, p1, 'HYDPRES', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! if (flwoutput%chezy) then ! ! element 'CFUROU' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, cvalu0, 'CFUROU') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! element 'CFVROU' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, cvalv0, 'CFVROU') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif if (flwoutput%roughness) then ! ! element 'ROUMETU' ! allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:,:) = cfurou(:,:,2) call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'ROUMETU') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! element 'ROUMETV' ! allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:,:) = cfvrou(:,:,2) call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'ROUMETV') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif if (flwoutput%z0cur) then ! ! element 'Z0UCUR' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, z0ucur, 'Z0UCUR') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! element 'Z0VCUR' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, z0vcur, 'Z0VCUR') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif if (flwoutput%z0rou) then ! ! element 'Z0UROU' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, z0urou, 'Z0UROU') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! element 'Z0VROU' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, z0vrou, 'Z0VROU') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! Output of vertical coordinates of the layer interfaces (both for Sigma- and Z-model) ! Note: this will NOT work in parallel (yet) ! ! if (flwoutput%layering) then ! ! element 'LAYER_INTERFACE' ! allocate (zkt(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub, 0:kmax), stat=istat) if (istat /= 0) then write(lundia, '(''ERROR: Memory allocation error in routine WRTMAP'')') endif ! ! Vertical coordinates of layer interfaces requested for output? ! Calculate time dependent z-coordinate z(nm,k,t) of layer interfaces ! Both for Sigma- and Z-model ! call layer_interfaces(zmodel ,kmax ,mmax ,nmaxus ,s1 , & & dps ,thick ,dzs1 ,kcs ,kfs , & & kfsmin ,kfsmax ,zkt ,gdp ) call wrtmap_nmk(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, smlay, & & kmaxout, 0, kmax, ierror, zkt, 'LAYER_INTERFACE', kfsmin, kfsmax) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! Deallocate the array with vertical layer coordinates ! deallocate (zkt) endif ! ! Output of air parameters: wind, pressure, cloudiness, relative humidity, temperature, precipitation, and evaporation ! if (flwoutput%air) then ! ! element 'WINDU' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, windu, 'WINDU') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! element 'WINDV' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, windv, 'WINDV') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! ! element 'PATM' ! call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, patm, 'PATM') if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 ! if (prcp_file) then ! ! element 'PRECIP' ! ! Convert to mm/h ! allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2 = precip * 3600000.0_fp call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'PRECIP') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! if (keva < 2) then ! ! element 'EVAP' ! ! Convert from [kg m-2 s-1] to [mm h-1] ! allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2 = evap * 3600000.0_fp / rhow call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'EVAP') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! if (clou_file) then ! ! element 'CLOUDS' ! allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = clouarr(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'CLOUDS') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif if (rhum_file) then ! ! element 'AIRHUM' ! allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = rhumarr(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'AIRHUM') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif if (tair_file) then ! ! element 'AIRTEM' ! allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = tairarr(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'AIRTEM') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif endif ! ! ! Output of heat fluxes from temperature model ! if (flwoutput%temperature) then if (ktemp == 3) then ! ! element 'HLC' ! if (associated(hlc_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = hlc_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'HLC') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'QNET' ! if (associated(qnet_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = qnet_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'QNET') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif elseif (ktemp > 0) then ! ! element 'QEVA' ! if (associated(qeva_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = qeva_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'QEVA') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'QCO' ! if (associated(qco_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = qco_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'QCO') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'QBL' ! if (associated(qbl_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = qbl_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'QBL') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'QIN' ! if (associated(qin_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = qin_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'QIN') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'QNET' ! if (associated(qnet_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = qnet_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'QNET') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! if (free_convec) then ! ! element 'HFREE' ! if (associated(hfree_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = hfree_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'HFREE') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif ! ! element 'EFREE' ! if (associated(efree_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = efree_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'EFREE') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif endif ! ! element 'QMIS' ! if (keva == 3) then if (associated(qmis_out)) then allocate( rbuff2(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) ) rbuff2(:, :) = -999.0_fp do nm = 1, nmmax call nm_to_n_and_m(nm, n, m, gdp) rbuff2(n,m) = qmis_out(nm) enddo call wrtmap_nm(fds, grnam3, uindex, nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, rbuff2, 'QMIS') deallocate(rbuff2) if (ierror /= 0) goto 999 endif endif else ! ! ktemp = 0, no additional output endif endif ! if (inode == master) ierror = clsnef(fds) ! ! write error message if error occured and set error= .true. ! the files will be closed in clsnef (called in triend) ! 999 continue if (inode == master) then call dfcleanup_glbarrs endif call dfsync(gdp) if (ierror /= 0) then ierror = neferr(0, errmsg) call prterr(lundia, 'P004', errmsg) error= .true. endif end subroutine wrtmap