found -p command line switch Using process definition file : d:\Delwaq_D3dOSS_svn\bin\win32\waq\default\proc_def Version number : 5.05 Serial : 2017020699 found -eco command line switch using default eco input file:bloom.spe Model : Uizicht3D Puur water Run : T0: 2000.01.01 00:00:00 (scu = 1s) # scanning input for old process definitions Added process [Conselac ] based on activated process [WM_DetC ] Added process [Sed_Opal ] based on activated process [SedN_Det ] Added process [S12traDetP ] based on activated process [ResN_Det ] Added process [S12traDetS ] based on activated process [ResN_Det ] Added process [S12traDetP ] based on activated process [BurS1N_Det ] Added process [S12traDetS ] based on activated process [BurS1N_Det ] Replaced default [SWOxCon ] based on activated process [WM_DetC ] Replaced default [SO4 ] based on activated process [WM_DetC ] Replaced default [b_poc1poc2 ] based on activated process [WM_DetC ] Replaced default [b_poc1doc ] based on activated process [WM_DetC ] Replaced default [SWOMDec ] based on activated process [WM_DetC ] Replaced default [kl_dFdcC20 ] based on activated process [WM_DetC ] Replaced default [ku_dFdcC20 ] based on activated process [WM_DetC ] Replaced default [kl_dFdcN20 ] based on activated process [WM_DetN ] Replaced default [ku_dFdcN20 ] based on activated process [WM_DetN ] Replaced default [kl_dFdcP20 ] based on activated process [WM_DetP ] Replaced default [ku_dFdcP20 ] based on activated process [WM_DetP ] Replaced default [SWDisSi ] based on activated process [WM_DetSi ] Replaced default [RcDisSi20 ] based on activated process [WM_DetSi ] Replaced default [TcDisSi ] based on activated process [WM_DetSi ] Replaced default [VSedPOC1 ] based on activated process [SedDetC ] Replaced default [VSedOpal ] based on activated process [SedDetC ] Replaced default [ExtVLPOC1 ] based on activated process [ExtPODVL ] Replaced default [ExtVLPOC2 ] based on activated process [ExtPODVL ] Process [Compos ] activated based on old name [POC_DYN ] Process [DecFast ] activated based on old name [WM_DetC ] Process [DisSi ] activated based on old name [WM_DetSi ] Process [Sed_POC1 ] activated based on old name [SedDetC ] Process [SedNPOC1 ] activated based on old name [SedN_Det ] Process [ExtPOGVL ] activated based on old name [ExtPODVL ] Process [Extinc_VLG ] activated based on old name [Extinc_VL ] Process [SedPOgem ] activated based on old name [SedPODyn ] Process [CalTau ] activated based on old name [Tau ] Process [S12traIM1 ] activated based on old name [Res_IM1 ] Process [S12traDetC ] activated based on old name [Res_DetC ] Process [S12traAAP ] activated based on old name [Res_AAP ] Process [S12traIM1 ] activated based on old name [BurS1_IM1 ] Process [S12traDetC ] activated based on old name [BurS1_DetC ] Process [S12traAAP ] activated based on old name [BurS1_AAP ] Process [S12traDetN ] activated based on old name [ResN_Det ] Process [S12traDetN ] activated based on old name [BurS1N_Det ] Substance name [DetC ] replace by new name [POC1 ] Substance name [DetN ] replace by new name [PON1 ] Substance name [DetP ] replace by new name [POP1 ] Substance name [DetSi ] replace by new name [Opal ] Constant name [RcDetC ] replace by new name [kl_dFdcC20 ] Constant name [RcDetN ] replace by new name [kl_dFdcN20 ] Constant name [RcDetP ] replace by new name [kl_dFdcP20 ] Constant name [RcDetSi ] replace by new name [RcDisSi20 ] Constant name [VSedDetC ] replace by new name [VSedPOC1 ] Constant name [SecchiExt1 ] replace by new name [PAConstant ] Activated process [WM_DetN ] obsolete, see documentation remark no: 6 Activated process [WM_DetP ] obsolete, see documentation remark no: 6 Activated process [SedPOgem ] obsolete, see documentation remark no: 0 Activated process [ExtPOGVL ] obsolete, see documentation remark no: 0 Activated process [Sum_ResS1 ] obsolete, see documentation remark no: 0 Activated process [Sum_BurS1 ] obsolete, see documentation remark no: 0 found only_active constant only activated processes are switched on Automatic activation of BLOOM ouput process Phy_Blo Replaced default [SWOxCon ] current value : 0.00000 replaced by : 1.00000 based on old process definition Replaced default [SO4 ] current value : 0.00000 replaced by : 0.00000 based on old process definition Replaced default [b_poc1poc2 ] current value : 0.00000 replaced by : 0.00000 based on old process definition Replaced default [b_poc1doc ] current value : 0.00000 replaced by : 0.00000 based on old process definition Replaced default [SWOMDec ] current value : 0.00000 replaced by : 1.00000 based on old process definition Replaced default [kl_dFdcC20 ] current value : 0.120000 replaced by : 0.120000 based on old process definition Replaced default [ku_dFdcC20 ] current value : 0.180000 replaced by : 0.120000 based on old process definition Replaced default [kl_dFdcN20 ] current value : 0.120000 replaced by : 0.120000 based on old process definition Replaced default [ku_dFdcN20 ] current value : 0.180000 replaced by : 0.120000 based on old process definition Replaced default [kl_dFdcP20 ] current value : 0.120000 replaced by : 0.800000E-01 based on old process definition Replaced default [ku_dFdcP20 ] current value : 0.180000 replaced by : 0.800000E-01 based on old process definition Replaced default [SWDisSi ] current value : 0.00000 replaced by : 1.00000 based on old process definition Replaced default [RcDisSi20 ] current value : 0.100000E-03 replaced by : 0.100000E-01 based on old process definition Replaced default [TcDisSi ] current value : 1.00000 replaced by : 1.04700 based on old process definition Replaced default [VSedPOC1 ] current value : 0.500000 replaced by : 0.100000 based on old process definition Replaced default [VSedOpal ] current value : 0.500000 replaced by : 0.100000 based on old process definition Replaced default [ExtVLPOC1 ] current value : 0.100000 replaced by : 0.470000 based on old process definition Replaced default [ExtVLPOC2 ] current value : 0.100000 replaced by : 0.600000E-01 based on old process definition Input item [ku_dFdcC20 ] replaced by [kl_dFdcC20 ] for process [DecFast ] Input item [ku_dFdcN20 ] replaced by [kl_dFdcN20 ] for process [DecFast ] Input item [ku_dFdcP20 ] replaced by [kl_dFdcP20 ] for process [DecFast ] Input item [VSedOpal ] replaced by [VSedPOC1 ] for process [Sed_Opal ] Input item [VSedOpal ] replaced by [VSedPOC1 ] for process [Sed_Opal ] WARNING: activated process not found in process definition file process ID: WM_DetN WARNING: activated process not found in process definition file process ID: WM_DetP WARNING: activated process not found in process definition file process ID: Sum_ResS1 WARNING: activated process not found in process definition file process ID: Sum_BurS1 WARNING: activated process not found in process definition file process ID: ExtPOGVL WARNING: activated process not found in process definition file process ID: SedPOgem total number of substances with fractions : 0 # Determining which processes can be switched on Input for [DynDepth ] dynamic calculation of the depth Process is activated Input for [TotDepth ] depth water column Process is activated Input for [Veloc ] Horizontal flow velocity Process is activated Input for [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) Process is activated Input for [Chezy ] Chezy coefficient Process is activated Input for [CalTau ] Calculation of bottom friction Process is activated Input for [EXTINABVL ] Extinction of light by algae (Bloom) Process is activated Input for [Phy_Blo ] Computation of phytoplankton output - Bloom Process is activated Input for [Extinc_VLG ] Extinction of visible-light (370-680nm) DLWQ-G Process is activated Input for [CalcRad ] Radiation at segment upper and lower boundaries Process is activated Input for [Daylength ] Daylength calculation Process is activated Input for [vtrans ] Vertical mixing distribution over a period Process is activated Input for [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module Process is activated Input for [S1_Comp ] Composition sediment layer S1 Process is activated Input for [Compos ] Composition Process is activated Input for [AdsPO4AAP ] Ad(De)Sorption ortho phosphorus to inorg. matter Process is activated Input for [DenSed_NO3 ] Denitrification in sediment Process is activated Input for [DenWat_NO3 ] Denitrification in water column Process is activated Input for [Nitrif_NH4 ] Nitrification of ammonium Process is activated Input for [SaturOXY ] Saturation concentration oxygen Process is activated Input for [RearOXY ] Reaeration of oxygen Process is activated Input for [BMS1_DetC ] Mineralisation detritus carbon in sediment S1 Process is activated Input for [BMS1_DetN ] Mineralisation detritus nitrogen in sediment S1 Process is activated Input for [BMS1_DetP ] Mineralisation detritus phosphorus in sediment S1 Process is activated Input for [BMS1_DetSi ] Mineralisation detritus silica in sediment S1 Process is activated Input for [Deso_AAPS1 ] Desorption of adsorbed phosphates in sediment S1 Process is activated Input for [BODCOD ] Mineralisation BOD and COD Process is activated Input for [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 Process is activated Input for [DisSi ] Dissolution of Si in opal (SWITCH defaults) Process is activated Input for [SedOXYDem ] Sediment oxygen demand Process is activated Input for [CONSELAC ] Consumption oxygen/other electron acceptors Process is activated Input for [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG01 ] Sedimentation of algae species 1 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG02 ] Sedimentation of algae species 2 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG03 ] Sedimentation of algae species 3 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG04 ] Sedimentation of algae species 4 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG05 ] Sedimentation of algae species 5 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG06 ] Sedimentation of algae species 6 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG07 ] Sedimentation of algae species 7 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG08 ] Sedimentation of algae species 8 Process is activated Input for [SEDALG09 ] Sedimentation of algae species 9 Process is activated Input for [SedPhBlo ] Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom Process is activated Input for [Sed_Opal ] Sedimentation Opal 3d Process is activated Input for [Sed_POC1 ] Sedimentation POC1 3d Process is activated Input for [SedNPOC1 ] Sedim. nutrients in POC1 Process is activated Input for [Sum_Sedim ] Total of all sedimenting substances Process is activated Input for [Sed_AAP ] Sedimentation AAP (adsorbed PO4) Process is activated Input for [Res_DM ] Resuspension total bottom material (dry mass) Process is activated Input for [Bur_DM ] Burial total bottom mass (dry matter) Process is activated Input for [S12TraDetC ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetC Process is activated Input for [S12TraDetN ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetN Process is activated Input for [S12TraDetP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetP Process is activated Input for [S12TraDetS ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetSi Process is activated Input for [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 Process is activated Input for [S12TraAAP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 AAP Process is activated Input for [PosOXY ] Positive oxygen concentration Process is activated # determinig the processes to model the substances. -fluxes for [AAP ] found flux [dAdsPO4AAP ] adsorption flux PO4 to AAP from proces [AdsPO4AAP ] Ad(De)Sorption ortho phosphorus to inorg. matter process is switched on. found flux [dSedAAP ] sedimentation flux AAP (adsorbed PO4) from proces [Sed_AAP ] Sedimentation AAP (adsorbed PO4) process is switched on. found flux [dSWSedAAP ] sedimentation flux AAP from proces [Sed_AAP ] Sedimentation AAP (adsorbed PO4) process is switched on. found flux [dResS1AAP ] resuspension flux AAP from layer S1 from proces [S12TraAAP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 AAP process is switched on. found flux [dResS2AAP ] resuspension flux AAP from layer S1 from proces [S12TraAAP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 AAP process is switched on. -dispersion for [AAP ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [AAP ] found velocity [VxSedAAP ] sedimentation velocity AAP from proces [Sed_AAP ] Sedimentation AAP (adsorbed PO4) process is switched on. -fluxes for [POC1 ] found flux [dDetCMort ] production of DetC by mortality from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dDetCUpt ] uptake of DetC by heterotroph algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dCnvPPOC1 ] conversion flux POC1 to POC2 from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dCnvDPOC1 ] conversion flux POC1 to DOC from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dMinPOC1G ] mineralization flux POC1 to CO2 from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedPOC1 ] sedimentation flux POC1 from proces [Sed_POC1 ] Sedimentation POC1 3d process is switched on. found flux [dResS1DetC ] resuspension flux DetC from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetC ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetC process is switched on. found flux [dResS2DetC ] resuspension flux DetC from layer S2 from proces [S12TraDetC ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetC process is switched on. -dispersion for [POC1 ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [POC1 ] found velocity [VxSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 from proces [Sed_POC1 ] Sedimentation POC1 3d process is switched on. -fluxes for [PON1 ] found flux [dDetNMort ] production of DetN by mortality from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dDetNUpt ] uptake of DetN by heterotroph algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dCnvPPON1 ] conversion flux PON1 to PON2 from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dCnvDPON1 ] conversion flux PON1 to DON from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dMinPON1 ] mineralization flux PON1 to NH4 from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedPON1 ] sedimentation flux PON1 from proces [SedNPOC1 ] Sedim. nutrients in POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS1DetN ] resuspension flux DetN from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetN ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetN process is switched on. found flux [dResS2DetN ] resuspension flux DetN from layer S2 from proces [S12TraDetN ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetN process is switched on. -dispersion for [PON1 ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [PON1 ] found velocity [VxSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 from proces [Sed_POC1 ] Sedimentation POC1 3d process is switched on. -fluxes for [POP1 ] found flux [dDetPMort ] production of DetP by mortality from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dDetPUpt ] uptake of DetP by heterotroph algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dCnvPPOP1 ] conversion flux POP1 to POP2 from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dCnvDPOP1 ] conversion flux POP1 to DOP from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dMinPOP1 ] mineralization flux POP1 to PO4 from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedPOP1 ] sedimentation flux POP1 from proces [SedNPOC1 ] Sedim. nutrients in POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS1DetP ] resuspension flux DetP from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetP process is switched on. found flux [dResS2DetP ] resuspension flux DetP from layer S2 from proces [S12TraDetP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetP process is switched on. -dispersion for [POP1 ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [POP1 ] found velocity [VxSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 from proces [Sed_POC1 ] Sedimentation POC1 3d process is switched on. -fluxes for [Opal ] found flux [dDetSiMort ] production of DetSi by mortality from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dOOSiMort ] production of OOSi by mortality from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dDissolSi ] dissolution flux Opal to Si from proces [DisSi ] Dissolution of Si in opal (SWITCH defaults) process is switched on. found flux [dSedOpal ] sedimentation flux of Opal from proces [Sed_Opal ] Sedimentation Opal 3d process is switched on. found flux [dResS1DetS ] resuspension flux DetSi from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetS ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetSi process is switched on. found flux [dResS2DetS ] resuspension flux DetSi from layer S2 from proces [S12TraDetS ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetSi process is switched on. -dispersion for [Opal ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [Opal ] found velocity [VxSedOpal ] sedimentation velocity Opal from proces [Sed_Opal ] Sedimentation Opal 3d process is switched on. -fluxes for [NH4 ] found flux [dNaut ] autolysis flux of nitrogen from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dNH4Upt ] NH4 uptake by algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dNITRIF ] nitrification flux from proces [Nitrif_NH4 ] Nitrification of ammonium process is switched on. found flux [dMinDetNS1 ] mineralisation flux DetNS1 from proces [BMS1_DetN ] Mineralisation detritus nitrogen in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dMinPON1 ] mineralization flux PON1 to NH4 from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. -dispersion for [NH4 ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [NH4 ] no velocity found -fluxes for [NO3 ] found flux [dNO3Upt ] uptake of NO3 by algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dDenitSed ] denitrification flux from the sediment from proces [DenSed_NO3 ] Denitrification in sediment process is switched on. found flux [dDenitWat ] denitrification flux in the water column from proces [DenWat_NO3 ] Denitrification in water column process is switched on. found flux [dNITRIF ] nitrification flux from proces [Nitrif_NH4 ] Nitrification of ammonium process is switched on. found flux [dNiDen ] mineralisation flux oxidised with nitrate from proces [CONSELAC ] Consumption oxygen/other electron acceptors process is switched on. -dispersion for [NO3 ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [NO3 ] no velocity found -fluxes for [PO4 ] found flux [dPaut ] autolysis flux of PO4 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dPO4Upt ] PO4 uptake by algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dAdsPO4AAP ] adsorption flux PO4 to AAP from proces [AdsPO4AAP ] Ad(De)Sorption ortho phosphorus to inorg. matter process is switched on. found flux [dMinDetPS1 ] mineralisation flux DetPS1 from proces [BMS1_DetP ] Mineralisation detritus phosphorus in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dDesoAAPS1 ] desorption flux AAP layer S1 from proces [Deso_AAPS1 ] Desorption of adsorbed phosphates in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSWDeAAPS1 ] desorption flux AAP from layer S1 from proces [Deso_AAPS1 ] Desorption of adsorbed phosphates in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dMinPOP1 ] mineralization flux POP1 to PO4 from proces [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 process is switched on. -dispersion for [PO4 ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [PO4 ] no velocity found -fluxes for [Si ] found flux [dSIaut ] autolysis flux of silicate from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSIUpt ] Si uptake by algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMinDetSiS ] mineralisation flux DetSiS1 from proces [BMS1_DetSi ] Mineralisation detritus silica in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dDissolSi ] dissolution flux Opal to Si from proces [DisSi ] Dissolution of Si in opal (SWITCH defaults) process is switched on. -dispersion for [Si ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [Si ] no velocity found -fluxes for [FDIATOMS_E ] found flux [dProdAlg01 ] primary production of algae type 01 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg01 ] mortality of algae type 01 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg01 ] sedimentation flux algae type 01 from proces [SEDALG01 ] Sedimentation of algae species 1 process is switched on. -dispersion for [FDIATOMS_E ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [FDIATOMS_E ] found velocity [VxSedAlg01 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 01 from proces [SEDALG01 ] Sedimentation of algae species 1 process is switched on. -fluxes for [FDIATOMS_N ] found flux [dProdAlg02 ] primary production of algae type 02 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg02 ] mortality of algae type 02 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg02 ] sedimentation flux algae type 02 from proces [SEDALG02 ] Sedimentation of algae species 2 process is switched on. -dispersion for [FDIATOMS_N ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [FDIATOMS_N ] found velocity [VxSedAlg02 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 02 from proces [SEDALG02 ] Sedimentation of algae species 2 process is switched on. -fluxes for [FFLAGELA ] found flux [dProdAlg03 ] primary production of algae type 03 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg03 ] mortality of algae type 03 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg03 ] sedimentation flux algae type 03 from proces [SEDALG03 ] Sedimentation of algae species 3 process is switched on. -dispersion for [FFLAGELA ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [FFLAGELA ] found velocity [VxSedAlg03 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 03 from proces [SEDALG03 ] Sedimentation of algae species 3 process is switched on. -fluxes for [GREENS_E ] found flux [dProdAlg04 ] primary production of algae type 04 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg04 ] mortality of algae type 04 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg04 ] sedimentation flux algae type 04 from proces [SEDALG04 ] Sedimentation of algae species 4 process is switched on. -dispersion for [GREENS_E ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [GREENS_E ] found velocity [VxSedAlg04 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 04 from proces [SEDALG04 ] Sedimentation of algae species 4 process is switched on. -fluxes for [GREENS_N ] found flux [dProdAlg05 ] primary production of algae type 05 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg05 ] mortality of algae type 05 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg05 ] sedimentation flux algae type 05 from proces [SEDALG05 ] Sedimentation of algae species 5 process is switched on. -dispersion for [GREENS_N ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [GREENS_N ] found velocity [VxSedAlg05 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 05 from proces [SEDALG05 ] Sedimentation of algae species 5 process is switched on. -fluxes for [GREENS_P ] found flux [dProdAlg06 ] primary production of algae type 06 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg06 ] mortality of algae type 06 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg06 ] sedimentation flux algae type 06 from proces [SEDALG06 ] Sedimentation of algae species 6 process is switched on. -dispersion for [GREENS_P ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [GREENS_P ] found velocity [VxSedAlg06 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 06 from proces [SEDALG06 ] Sedimentation of algae species 6 process is switched on. -fluxes for [MICROCYS_E ] found flux [dProdAlg07 ] primary production of algae type 07 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg07 ] mortality of algae type 07 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg07 ] sedimentation flux algae type 07 from proces [SEDALG07 ] Sedimentation of algae species 7 process is switched on. -dispersion for [MICROCYS_E ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [MICROCYS_E ] found velocity [VxSedAlg07 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 07 from proces [SEDALG07 ] Sedimentation of algae species 7 process is switched on. -fluxes for [MICROCYS_N ] found flux [dProdAlg08 ] primary production of algae type 08 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg08 ] mortality of algae type 08 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg08 ] sedimentation flux algae type 08 from proces [SEDALG08 ] Sedimentation of algae species 8 process is switched on. -dispersion for [MICROCYS_N ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [MICROCYS_N ] found velocity [VxSedAlg08 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 08 from proces [SEDALG08 ] Sedimentation of algae species 8 process is switched on. -fluxes for [MICROCYS_P ] found flux [dProdAlg09 ] primary production of algae type 09 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dMortAlg09 ] mortality of algae type 09 from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlg09 ] sedimentation flux algae type 09 from proces [SEDALG09 ] Sedimentation of algae species 9 process is switched on. -dispersion for [MICROCYS_P ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [MICROCYS_P ] found velocity [VxSedAlg09 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 09 from proces [SEDALG09 ] Sedimentation of algae species 9 process is switched on. -fluxes for [OXY ] found flux [dCaut ] autolysis flux of carbon from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dNO3Upt ] uptake of NO3 by algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dPrProdOxy ] uptake of carbon by algae growth from proces [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module process is switched on. found flux [dDenitWat ] denitrification flux in the water column from proces [DenWat_NO3 ] Denitrification in water column process is switched on. found flux [dNITRIF ] nitrification flux from proces [Nitrif_NH4 ] Nitrification of ammonium process is switched on. found flux [dREAROXY ] reaeration flux of dissolved oxygen from proces [RearOXY ] Reaeration of oxygen process is switched on. found flux [dMinDetCS1 ] mineralisation flux DetCS1 from proces [BMS1_DetC ] Mineralisation detritus carbon in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dOxyBODCOD ] oxygen consumption from decay BOD and COD from proces [BODCOD ] Mineralisation BOD and COD process is switched on. found flux [dOxSOD ] oxygen consumption from SOD from proces [SedOXYDem ] Sediment oxygen demand process is switched on. found flux [dOxCon ] mineralisation flux oxidised with DO from proces [CONSELAC ] Consumption oxygen/other electron acceptors process is switched on. -dispersion for [OXY ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [OXY ] no velocity found -fluxes for [Cl ] no fluxes found -dispersion for [Cl ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [Cl ] no velocity found -fluxes for [Continuity ] no fluxes found -dispersion for [Continuity ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [Continuity ] no velocity found -fluxes for [IM1 ] found flux [dSedIM1 ] sedimentation flux of IM1 from proces [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS1IM1 ] resuspension flux IM1 from layer S1 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS2IM1 ] resuspension flux IM1 from layer S2 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. -dispersion for [IM1 ] found dispersion[VertDisp ] vertical dispersion from proces [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) process is switched on. -velocity for [IM1 ] found velocity [VxSedIm1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 from proces [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 process is switched on. -fluxes for [AAPS1 ] found flux [dDesoAAPS1 ] desorption flux AAP layer S1 from proces [Deso_AAPS1 ] Desorption of adsorbed phosphates in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSWDeAAPS1 ] desorption flux AAP from layer S1 from proces [Deso_AAPS1 ] Desorption of adsorbed phosphates in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedAAP ] sedimentation flux AAP (adsorbed PO4) from proces [Sed_AAP ] Sedimentation AAP (adsorbed PO4) process is switched on. found flux [dResS1AAP ] resuspension flux AAP from layer S1 from proces [S12TraAAP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 AAP process is switched on. found flux [dBurS1AAP ] burial flux AAP from layer S1 from proces [S12TraAAP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 AAP process is switched on. found flux [dDigS1AAP ] digging flux AAP to layer S1 from proces [S12TraAAP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 AAP process is switched on. -dispersion for [AAPS1 ] no dispersions found -velocity for [AAPS1 ] no velocity found -fluxes for [DetCS1 ] found flux [dMinDetCS1 ] mineralisation flux DetCS1 from proces [BMS1_DetC ] Mineralisation detritus carbon in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSWMinDCS1 ] SWITCH mineralisation flux DetC in layer S1 from proces [BMS1_DetC ] Mineralisation detritus carbon in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedPHYT ] total sedimentation flux algae from proces [SedPhBlo ] Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom process is switched on. found flux [dSedPOC1 ] sedimentation flux POC1 from proces [Sed_POC1 ] Sedimentation POC1 3d process is switched on. found flux [dResS1DetC ] resuspension flux DetC from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetC ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetC process is switched on. found flux [dBurS1DetC ] burial flux DetC from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetC ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetC process is switched on. found flux [dSWBuS1DtC ] burial flux DetC from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetC ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetC process is switched on. found flux [dDigS1DetC ] digging flux DetC to layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetC ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetC process is switched on. -dispersion for [DetCS1 ] no dispersions found -velocity for [DetCS1 ] no velocity found -fluxes for [DetNS1 ] found flux [dMinDetNS1 ] mineralisation flux DetNS1 from proces [BMS1_DetN ] Mineralisation detritus nitrogen in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSWMinDNS1 ] SWITCH mineralisation flux DetN in layer S1 from proces [BMS1_DetN ] Mineralisation detritus nitrogen in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlgN ] total sedimentation flux AlgN from proces [SedPhBlo ] Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom process is switched on. found flux [dSedPON1 ] sedimentation flux PON1 from proces [SedNPOC1 ] Sedim. nutrients in POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS1DetN ] resuspension flux DetN from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetN ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetN process is switched on. found flux [dBurS1DetN ] burial flux DetN from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetN ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetN process is switched on. found flux [dSWBuS1DtN ] burial flux DetN from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetN ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetN process is switched on. found flux [dDigS1DetN ] digging flux DetN to layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetN ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetN process is switched on. -dispersion for [DetNS1 ] no dispersions found -velocity for [DetNS1 ] no velocity found -fluxes for [DetPS1 ] found flux [dMinDetPS1 ] mineralisation flux DetPS1 from proces [BMS1_DetP ] Mineralisation detritus phosphorus in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSWMinDPS1 ] SWITCH mineralisation flux DetP in layer S1 from proces [BMS1_DetP ] Mineralisation detritus phosphorus in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlgP ] total sedimentation flux AlgP from proces [SedPhBlo ] Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom process is switched on. found flux [dSedPOP1 ] sedimentation flux POP1 from proces [SedNPOC1 ] Sedim. nutrients in POC1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS1DetP ] resuspension flux DetP from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetP process is switched on. found flux [dBurS1DetP ] burial flux DetP from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetP process is switched on. found flux [dSWBuS1DtP ] burial flux DetP from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetP process is switched on. found flux [dDigS1DetP ] digging flux DetP to layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetP process is switched on. -dispersion for [DetPS1 ] no dispersions found -velocity for [DetPS1 ] no velocity found -fluxes for [DetSiS1 ] found flux [dMinDetSiS ] mineralisation flux DetSiS1 from proces [BMS1_DetSi ] Mineralisation detritus silica in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSWMinDSS1 ] SWITCH mineralisation flux DetSi in layer S1 from proces [BMS1_DetSi ] Mineralisation detritus silica in sediment S1 process is switched on. found flux [dSedAlgSi ] total sedimentation flux AlgSi from proces [SedPhBlo ] Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom process is switched on. found flux [dSedOpal ] sedimentation flux of Opal from proces [Sed_Opal ] Sedimentation Opal 3d process is switched on. found flux [dResS1DetS ] resuspension flux DetSi from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetS ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetSi process is switched on. found flux [dBurS1DetS ] burial flux DetSi from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetS ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetSi process is switched on. found flux [dSWBuS1DtS ] burial flux DetSi from layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetS ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetSi process is switched on. found flux [dDigS1DetS ] digging flux DetS to layer S1 from proces [S12TraDetS ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetSi process is switched on. -dispersion for [DetSiS1 ] no dispersions found -velocity for [DetSiS1 ] no velocity found -fluxes for [IM1S1 ] found flux [dSedIM1 ] sedimentation flux of IM1 from proces [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dResS1IM1 ] resuspension flux IM1 from layer S1 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dBurS1IM1 ] burial flux IM1 from layer S1 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. found flux [dDigS1IM1 ] digging flux IM1 to layer S1 from proces [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 process is switched on. -dispersion for [IM1S1 ] no dispersions found -velocity for [IM1S1 ] no velocity found # locating processes for requested output # determining the input for the processes (in reversed order) Input for [PosOXY ] Positive oxygen concentration [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 Input for [S12TraAAP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 AAP [FrAAPS1 ] fraction AAP in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [FrAAPS2 ] fraction AAP in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [FrAAPS3 ] fraction AAP in layer S3 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [fResS1DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fResS2DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fBurS1DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fBurS2DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fDigS1DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [fDigS2DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS1 ] switch for digging S1 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS2 ] switch for digging S2 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [S12TraIM1 ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 IM1 [FrIM1S1 ] fraction IM1 in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [FrIM1S2 ] fraction IM1 in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [FrIM1S3 ] fraction IM1 in layer S3 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [fResS1DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fResS2DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fBurS1DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fBurS2DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fDigS1DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [fDigS2DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS1 ] switch for digging S1 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS2 ] switch for digging S2 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [S12TraDetS ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetSi [FrDetCS1 ] fraction DetC in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [S-CDetCS1 ] Si:C ratio Detritus S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [FrDetCS2 ] fraction DetC in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [S-CDetCS2 ] Si:C ratio Detritus S2 using default value: 0.00000 [FrDetSiS3 ] fraction DetSi in layer S3 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [fResS1DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fResS2DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fBurS1DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fBurS2DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fDigS1DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [fDigS2DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS1 ] switch for digging S1 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS2 ] switch for digging S2 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [S12TraDetP ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetP [FrDetCS1 ] fraction DetC in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [P-CDetCS1 ] P:C ratio Detritus S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [FrDetCS2 ] fraction DetC in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [P-CDetCS2 ] P:C ratio Detritus S2 using default value: 0.00000 [FrDetPS3 ] fraction DetP in layer S3 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [fResS1DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fResS2DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fBurS1DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fBurS2DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fDigS1DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [fDigS2DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS1 ] switch for digging S1 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS2 ] switch for digging S2 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [S12TraDetN ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetN [FrDetCS1 ] fraction DetC in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [N-CDetCS1 ] N:C ratio Detritus S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [FrDetCS2 ] fraction DetC in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [N-CDetCS2 ] N:C ratio Detritus S2 using default value: 0.00000 [FrDetNS3 ] fraction DetN in layer S3 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [fResS1DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fResS2DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fBurS1DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fBurS2DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fDigS1DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [fDigS2DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS1 ] switch for digging S1 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS2 ] switch for digging S2 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [S12TraDetC ] Resuspension, transport in S1-S2 DetC [FrDetCS1 ] fraction DetC in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [FrDetCS2 ] fraction DetC in layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [FrDetCS3 ] fraction DetC in layer S3 using default value: 0.00000 [ScalCar ] scale factor for primary variable using default value: 1.00000 [fResS1DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fResS2DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fBurS1DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fBurS2DM ] total burial flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Bur_DM ] [fDigS1DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [fDigS2DM ] total digging flux DM to layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS1 ] switch for digging S1 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [SWDigS2 ] switch for digging S2 (0=actual, 1=deeper) using default value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [Bur_DM ] Burial total bottom mass (dry matter) [fSedDM ] total sedimentation flux dry matter Using output from proces [Sum_Sedim ] [fResS1DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S1 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [fResS2DM ] total resuspension flux DM from layer S2 Using output from proces [Res_DM ] [ZBurDMS1 ] zeroth-order burial flux for layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [ZBurDMS2 ] zeroth-order burial flux for layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [VBurDMS1 ] first order burial rate for layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [VBurDMS2 ] first order burial rate for layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [ActThS1 ] actual thickness layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [ActThS2 ] actual thickness layer S2 using default value: 0.100000 [MaxTHS1 ] maximum thickness layer S1 Using constant nr212 with value: 0.500000E-01 [MaxTHS2 ] maximum thickness layer S2 using default value: 0.500000 [SWSediment ] switch for sediment (0=fixed, 1=variable) Using constant nr213 with value: 0.00000 [FixTHS1 ] fixed thickness of layer S1 using default value: 0.500000E-01 [FixTHS2 ] fixed thickness of layer S2 using default value: 0.500000 [RHOS1 ] overall bulk density layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [RHOS2 ] overall bulk density layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [PORS1 ] porosity of sediment layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [PORS2 ] porosity of sediment layer S2 using default value: 0.00000 [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 Input for [Res_DM ] Resuspension total bottom material (dry mass) [DMS1 ] total amount of dry matter in layer S1 Using output from proces [S1_Comp ] [DMS2 ] total amount of dry matter in layer S2 using default value: 0.100000E-05 [ZResDM ] zeroth-order resuspension flux using default value: 0.00000 [VResDM ] first order resuspension velocity DM using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucRS1DM ] critical shear stress for resuspension DM layer S1 using default value: 0.200000 [TaucRS2DM ] critical shear stress for resuspension DM layer S2 using default value: 0.500000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 Input for [Sed_AAP ] Sedimentation AAP (adsorbed PO4) [fSedIM1 ] sedimentation flux IM1 Using output from proces [Sed_IM1 ] [fSedIM2 ] sedimentation flux IM2 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedIM3 ] sedimentation flux IM3 using default value: 0.00000 [QPIM1 ] quality IM1 for P Using output from proces [AdsPO4AAP ] [QPIM2 ] quality IM2 for P Using output from proces [AdsPO4AAP ] [QPIM3 ] quality IM3 for P Using output from proces [AdsPO4AAP ] [FPIM1 ] fraction of P adsorbed on IM1 Using output from proces [AdsPO4AAP ] [FPIM2 ] fraction of P adsorbed on IM2 Using output from proces [AdsPO4AAP ] [FPIM3 ] fraction of P adsorbed on IM3 Using output from proces [AdsPO4AAP ] [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedIM1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 Using output from proces [Sed_IM1 ] [VxSedIM2 ] sedimentation velocity IM2 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedIM3 ] sedimentation velocity IM3 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [Sum_Sedim ] Total of all sedimenting substances [fSedIM1 ] sedimentation flux IM1 Using output from proces [Sed_IM1 ] [fSedIM2 ] sedimentation flux IM2 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedIM3 ] sedimentation flux IM3 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedPOC1 ] sedimentation flux POC1 Using output from proces [Sed_POC1 ] [fSedPOC2 ] sedimentation flux POC2 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedPOC3 ] sedimentation flux POC3 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedPOC4 ] sedimentation flux POC4 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedPHYT ] total sedimentation flux phytoplankton Using output from proces [SedPhBlo ] [fSedAlgDM ] total sedimentation flux phytoplankton as DM Using output from proces [SedPhBlo ] [DMCFIM1 ] DM:C ratio IM1 using default value: 1.00000 [DMCFIM2 ] DM:C ratio IM2 using default value: 1.00000 [DMCFIM3 ] DM:C ratio IM3 using default value: 1.00000 [DmCfPOC1 ] DM:C ratio POC1 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC2 ] DM:C ratio POC2 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC3 ] DM:C ratio POC3 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC4 ] DM:C ratio POC4 using default value: 2.50000 [IM1 ] inorganic matter (IM1) Using substance nr 22 [IM2 ] inorganic matter (IM2) using default value: 0.00000 [IM3 ] inorganic matter (IM3) using default value: 0.00000 [POC1 ] POC1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 2 [POC2 ] POC2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POC3 ] POC3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POC4 ] POC4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedIM1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 Using output from proces [Sed_IM1 ] [VxSedIM2 ] sedimentation velocity IM2 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedIM3 ] sedimentation velocity IM3 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 Using output from proces [Sed_POC1 ] [VxSedPOC2 ] sedimentation velocity POC2 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedPOC3 ] sedimentation velocity POC3 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedPOC4 ] sedimentation velocity POC4 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SedNPOC1 ] Sedim. nutrients in POC1 [fSedPOC1 ] sedimentation flux POC1 Using output from proces [Sed_POC1 ] [C-NPOC1 ] C:N ratio fast decaying detritus Using output from proces [Compos ] [C-PPOC1 ] C:P ratio fast decaying detritus Using output from proces [Compos ] [C-SPOC1 ] C:S ratio fast decaying detritus Using output from proces [Compos ] [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [VxSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 Using output from proces [Sed_POC1 ] Input for [Sed_POC1 ] Sedimentation POC1 3d [POC1 ] POC1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 2 [ZSedPOC1 ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux POC1 using default value: 0.00000 [VSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 Using constant nr181 with value: 0.100000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucSPOC1 ] critical shear stress for sedimentation POC1 using default value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 Using constant nr181 with value: 0.100000 Input for [Sed_Opal ] Sedimentation Opal 3d [Opal ] Opal-Si Using substance nr 5 [ZSedOpal ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux Opal using default value: 0.00000 [VSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 Using constant nr181 with value: 0.100000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucSOpal ] critical shear stress for sedimentation Opal using default value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VSedPOC1 ] sedimentation velocity POC1 Using constant nr181 with value: 0.100000 Input for [SedPhBlo ] Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom [NAlgBloom ] number of algae types in BLOOM using default value: 30.0000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [FSEDFDI_E ] sedimentation flux algae type 01 Using output from proces [SEDALG01 ] [FSEDFDI_N ] sedimentation flux algae type 02 Using output from proces [SEDALG02 ] [FSEDFFL_E ] sedimentation flux algae type 03 Using output from proces [SEDALG03 ] [FSEDGRE_E ] sedimentation flux algae type 04 Using output from proces [SEDALG04 ] [FSEDGRE_N ] sedimentation flux algae type 05 Using output from proces [SEDALG05 ] [FSEDGRE_P ] sedimentation flux algae type 06 Using output from proces [SEDALG06 ] [FSEDMIC_E ] sedimentation flux algae type 07 Using output from proces [SEDALG07 ] [FSEDMIC_N ] sedimentation flux algae type 08 Using output from proces [SEDALG08 ] [FSEDMIC_P ] sedimentation flux algae type 09 Using output from proces [SEDALG09 ] [fSedAlg10 ] sedimentation flux algae type 10 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg11 ] sedimentation flux algae type 11 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg12 ] sedimentation flux algae type 12 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg13 ] sedimentation flux algae type 13 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg14 ] sedimentation flux algae type 14 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg15 ] sedimentation flux algae type 15 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg16 ] sedimentation flux algae type 16 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg17 ] sedimentation flux algae type 17 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg18 ] sedimentation flux algae type 18 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg19 ] sedimentation flux algae type 19 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg20 ] sedimentation flux algae type 20 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg21 ] sedimentation flux algae type 21 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg22 ] sedimentation flux algae type 22 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg23 ] sedimentation flux algae type 23 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg24 ] sedimentation flux algae type 24 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg25 ] sedimentation flux algae type 25 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg26 ] sedimentation flux algae type 26 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg27 ] sedimentation flux algae type 27 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg28 ] sedimentation flux algae type 28 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg29 ] sedimentation flux algae type 29 using default value: 0.00000 [fSedAlg30 ] sedimentation flux algae type 30 using default value: 0.00000 [DMCFFDI_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 27 with value: 3.00000 [DMCFFDI_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 28 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFFFL_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 29 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 30 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 31 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_P ] DM:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 32 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 33 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 34 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_P ] DM:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 35 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg10 ] DM:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg11 ] DM:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg12 ] DM:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg13 ] DM:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg14 ] DM:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg15 ] DM:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg16 ] DM:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg17 ] DM:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg18 ] DM:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg19 ] DM:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg20 ] DM:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg21 ] DM:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg22 ] DM:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg23 ] DM:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg24 ] DM:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg25 ] DM:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg26 ] DM:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg27 ] DM:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg28 ] DM:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg29 ] DM:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg30 ] DM:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 2.50000 [NCRFDI_E ] N:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 36 with value: 0.210000 [NCRFDI_N ] N:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 37 with value: 0.188000 [NCRFFL_E ] N:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 38 with value: 0.275000 [NCRGRE_E ] N:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 39 with value: 0.275000 [NCRGRE_N ] N:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 40 with value: 0.175000 [NCRGRE_P ] N:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 41 with value: 0.200000 [NCRMIC_E ] N:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 42 with value: 0.225000 [NCRMIC_N ] N:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 43 with value: 0.113000 [NCRMIC_P ] N:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 44 with value: 0.175000 [NCRAlg10 ] N:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg11 ] N:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg12 ] N:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg13 ] N:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg14 ] N:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg15 ] N:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg16 ] N:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg17 ] N:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg18 ] N:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg19 ] N:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg20 ] N:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg21 ] N:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg22 ] N:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg23 ] N:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg24 ] N:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg25 ] N:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg26 ] N:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg27 ] N:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg28 ] N:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg29 ] N:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg30 ] N:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000 [PCRFDI_E ] P:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 45 with value: 0.180000E-01 [PCRFDI_N ] P:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 46 with value: 0.113000E-01 [PCRFFL_E ] P:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 47 with value: 0.180000E-01 [PCRGRE_E ] P:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 48 with value: 0.238000E-01 [PCRGRE_N ] P:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 49 with value: 0.150000E-01 [PCRGRE_P ] P:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 50 with value: 0.125000E-01 [PCRMIC_E ] P:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 51 with value: 0.300000E-01 [PCRMIC_N ] P:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 52 with value: 0.275000E-01 [PCRMIC_P ] P:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 53 with value: 0.225000E-01 [PCRAlg10 ] P:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg11 ] P:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg12 ] P:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg13 ] P:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg14 ] P:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg15 ] P:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg16 ] P:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg17 ] P:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg18 ] P:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg19 ] P:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg20 ] P:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg21 ] P:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg22 ] P:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg23 ] P:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg24 ] P:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg25 ] P:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg26 ] P:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg27 ] P:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg28 ] P:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg29 ] P:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg30 ] P:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [SCRFDI_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 54 with value: 0.660000 [SCRFDI_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 55 with value: 0.550000 [SCRFFL_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 56 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 57 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 58 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_P ] Si:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 59 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 60 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 61 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_P ] Si:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 62 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRAlg10 ] Si:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg11 ] Si:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg12 ] Si:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg13 ] Si:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg14 ] Si:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg15 ] Si:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg16 ] Si:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg17 ] Si:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg18 ] Si:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg19 ] Si:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg20 ] Si:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg21 ] Si:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg22 ] Si:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg23 ] Si:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg24 ] Si:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg25 ] Si:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg26 ] Si:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg27 ] Si:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg28 ] Si:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg29 ] Si:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg30 ] Si:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [FDIATOMS_E ] concentration of algae type 1 Using substance nr 10 [FDIATOMS_N ] concentration of algae type 2 Using substance nr 11 [FFLAGELA ] concentration of algae type 3 Using substance nr 12 [GREENS_E ] concentration of algae type 4 Using substance nr 13 [GREENS_N ] concentration of algae type 5 Using substance nr 14 [GREENS_P ] concentration of algae type 6 Using substance nr 15 [MICROCYS_E ] concentration of algae type 7 Using substance nr 16 [MICROCYS_N ] concentration of algae type 8 Using substance nr 17 [MICROCYS_P ] concentration of algae type 9 Using substance nr 18 [BLOOMALG10 ] concentration of algae type 10 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG11 ] concentration of algae type 11 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG12 ] concentration of algae type 12 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG13 ] concentration of algae type 13 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG14 ] concentration of algae type 14 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG15 ] concentration of algae type 15 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG16 ] concentration of algae type 16 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG17 ] concentration of algae type 17 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG18 ] concentration of algae type 18 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG19 ] concentration of algae type 19 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG20 ] concentration of algae type 20 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG21 ] concentration of algae type 21 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG22 ] concentration of algae type 22 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG23 ] concentration of algae type 23 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG24 ] concentration of algae type 24 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG25 ] concentration of algae type 25 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG26 ] concentration of algae type 26 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG27 ] concentration of algae type 27 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG28 ] concentration of algae type 28 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG29 ] concentration of algae type 29 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG30 ] concentration of algae type 30 using default value: -101.000 [VxSedAlg01 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 01 Using output from proces [SEDALG01 ] [VxSedAlg02 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 02 Using output from proces [SEDALG02 ] [VxSedAlg03 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 03 Using output from proces [SEDALG03 ] [VxSedAlg04 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 04 Using output from proces [SEDALG04 ] [VxSedAlg05 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 05 Using output from proces [SEDALG05 ] [VxSedAlg06 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 06 Using output from proces [SEDALG06 ] [VxSedAlg07 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 07 Using output from proces [SEDALG07 ] [VxSedAlg08 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 08 Using output from proces [SEDALG08 ] [VxSedAlg09 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 09 Using output from proces [SEDALG09 ] [VxSedAlg10 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 10 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg11 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 11 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg12 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 12 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg13 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 13 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg14 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 14 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg15 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 15 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg16 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 16 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg17 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 17 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg18 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 18 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg19 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 19 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg20 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 20 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg21 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 21 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg22 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 22 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg23 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 23 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg24 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 24 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg25 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 25 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg26 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 26 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg27 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 27 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg28 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 28 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg29 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 29 using default value: 0.00000 [VxSedAlg30 ] sedimentation velocity algae type 30 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG09 ] Sedimentation of algae species 9 [MICROCYS_P ] concentration of algae type 9 Using substance nr 18 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedMIC_P ] sedimentation velocity algae type 09 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedMIC_P ] sedimentation velocity algae type 09 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG08 ] Sedimentation of algae species 8 [MICROCYS_N ] concentration of algae type 8 Using substance nr 17 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedMIC_N ] sedimentation velocity algae type 08 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedMIC_N ] sedimentation velocity algae type 08 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG07 ] Sedimentation of algae species 7 [MICROCYS_E ] concentration of algae type 7 Using substance nr 16 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedMIC_E ] sedimentation velocity algae type 07 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedMIC_E ] sedimentation velocity algae type 07 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG06 ] Sedimentation of algae species 6 [GREENS_P ] concentration of algae type 6 Using substance nr 15 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedGRE_P ] sedimentation velocity algae type 06 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedGRE_P ] sedimentation velocity algae type 06 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG05 ] Sedimentation of algae species 5 [GREENS_N ] concentration of algae type 5 Using substance nr 14 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedGRE_N ] sedimentation velocity algae type 05 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedGRE_N ] sedimentation velocity algae type 05 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG04 ] Sedimentation of algae species 4 [GREENS_E ] concentration of algae type 4 Using substance nr 13 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedGRE_E ] sedimentation velocity algae type 04 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedGRE_E ] sedimentation velocity algae type 04 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG03 ] Sedimentation of algae species 3 [FFLAGELA ] concentration of algae type 3 Using substance nr 12 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedFFL_E ] sedimentation velocity algae type 03 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedFFL_E ] sedimentation velocity algae type 03 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG02 ] Sedimentation of algae species 2 [FDIATOMS_N ] concentration of algae type 2 Using substance nr 11 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedFDI_N ] sedimentation velocity algae type 02 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedFDI_N ] sedimentation velocity algae type 02 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [SEDALG01 ] Sedimentation of algae species 1 [FDIATOMS_E ] concentration of algae type 1 Using substance nr 10 [ZSedAlg ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux algae using default value: 0.00000 [VsedFDI_E ] sedimentation velocity algae type 01 using default value: 0.00000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucS ] critical shear stress for sedimentation algae Using constant nr198 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VsedFDI_E ] sedimentation velocity algae type 01 using default value: 0.00000 Input for [Sed_IM1 ] Sedimentation IM1 [IM1 ] inorganic matter (IM1) Using substance nr 22 [ZSedIM1 ] zeroth-order sedimentation flux IM1 using default value: 0.00000 [VSedIM1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 Using constant nr207 with value: 0.100000 [Tau ] total bottom shear stress Using output from proces [CalTau ] [TaucSIM1 ] critical shear stress for sedimentation IM1 Using constant nr208 with value: 0.100000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [MinDepth ] minimum waterdepth for sedimentation/resuspension using default value: 0.100000 [VSedIM1 ] sedimentation velocity IM1 Using constant nr207 with value: 0.100000 Input for [CONSELAC ] Consumption oxygen/other electron acceptors [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 [NO3 ] Nitrate (NO3) Using substance nr 7 [FeIIIpa ] particulate amorphous oxidizing iron using default value: 0.00000 [SO4 ] sulphate (SO4) using default value: 0.00000 [f_minPOC1 ] mineralization flux POC1 Using output from proces [DecFast ] [f_minPOC2 ] mineralization flux POC2 using default value: 0.00000 [f_minPOC3 ] mineralization flux POC3 using default value: 0.00000 [f_minPOC4 ] mineralization flux POC4 using default value: 0.00000 [f_minPOC5 ] mineralization flux POC5 submerged using default value: 0.00000 [f_minDOC ] mineralization flux DOC using default value: 0.00000 [KsOxCon ] half saturation constant for DO limitation using default value: 2.00000 [KsNiDen ] half saturation constant for nitrate cons. using default value: 0.500000 [KsFeRed ] half saturation constant for Fe limitation using default value: 2.00000 [KsSuRed ] half saturation constant for SO4 limitation using default value: 2.00000 [KsOxDenInh ] half saturation constant for oxygen inhib. using default value: 0.200000 [KsNiIRdInh ] half sat. const. NO3 inhib. iron reduction using default value: 0.200000 [KsNiSRdInh ] half sat. const. NO3 inhib. SO4 reduction using default value: 0.200000 [KsSuMetInh ] half saturation constant for SO4 inhibition using default value: 1.00000 [TcOxCon ] temperature coeff. for oxygen consumption using default value: 1.07000 [TcDen ] temperature coefficient for denitrification Using constant nr195 with value: 1.12000 [TcIRed ] temperature coeff. for iron reduction using default value: 1.12000 [TcSRed ] temperature coeff. for sulphate reduction using default value: 1.12000 [TcMet ] temperature coeff. for methanogenesis using default value: 1.12000 [RedFacDen ] reduction factor for denitrif. at low temp. using default value: 1.00000 [RedFacIRed ] reduction factor for iron red. at low temp. using default value: 1.00000 [RedFacSRed ] reduction factor for sulph. red. at low temp. using default value: 1.00000 [RedFacMet ] reduction factor for methanog. at low temp. using default value: 1.00000 [CoxDenInh ] crit. diss. ox. conc. for inhib. denitrif. using default value: 1.00000 [CoxIRedInh ] crit. diss. ox. conc. for inhib. iron red. using default value: 0.200000 [CoxSRedInh ] crit. diss. ox. conc. for inhib. sulph. red. using default value: 0.200000 [CoxMetInh ] crit. diss. ox. conc. for inhib. methanog. using default value: 0.200000E-01 [CniMetInh ] crit. nitrate conc. for inhib. methanog. using default value: 0.100000 [CTBactAc ] critical temp. for specific bacterial activity using default value: 3.00000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [Poros ] volumetric porosity using default value: 1.00000 [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [FrMetGeCH4 ] fraction of methanogenesis towards CH4 using default value: 0.500000 [SWOxCon ] Switch: only OxCon (1) or not (0) using default value: 1.00000 Input for [SedOXYDem ] Sediment oxygen demand [fSODaut ] autonomous SOD (no effect SOD stat.var) using default value: 0.00000 [fSOD ] zeroth-order sediment oxygen demand flux Using constant nr206 with value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SOD ] Sediment oxygen demand (SOD) using default value: 0.00000 [RcSOD ] decay rate SOD at 20 oC using default value: 0.100000 [TcSOD ] temperature coefficient decay SOD using default value: 1.04000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [SwCH4bub ] switch (1=include CH4 bubbles, 0=not) using default value: 0.00000 [HSED ] Total sediment thickness using default value: 0.100000 [KAPC ] constant using default value: 1.60000 [thetak ] temperature constant using default value: 1.07900 [edwcsd ] diffusion coefficient using default value: 0.250000E-03 [diamb ] Diameter of methane bubbles using default value: 1.00000 [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 [kappad ] transfer coefficient using default value: 0.300000E-02 [dMinDetCS1 ] mineralisation flux DetCS1 Using flux from proces [BMS1_DetC ] [dMinDetCS2 ] mineralisation flux DetCS2 using default value: 0.00000 [dMinOOCS1 ] mineralisation flux OOCS1 using default value: 0.00000 [dMinOOCS2 ] mineralisation flux OOCS2 using default value: 0.00000 [TotalDepth ] total depth water column Using output from proces [TotDepth ] [COXSOD ] critical oxygen concentration for SOD decay using default value: 0.00000 [OOXSOD ] optimum oxygen concentration for SOD decay using default value: 2.00000 Input for [DisSi ] Dissolution of Si in opal (SWITCH defaults) [Si ] dissolved Silica (Si) Using substance nr 9 [Opal ] Opal-Si Using substance nr 5 [Ceq_disSi ] Saturation concentration of Si with opal using default value: 10.0000 [RCdisSi20 ] 2nd order dissolution rate SiO2 at 20 oC Using constant nr190 with value: 0.100000E-01 [TCdisSi ] temperature dependency dissolution Si using default value: 1.04700 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [Poros ] volumetric porosity using default value: 1.00000 [SWDisSi ] option: 0.0 2nd order diss., 1.0 1st order diss. using default value: 1.00000 Input for [DecFast ] Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1 [POC1 ] POC1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 2 [PON1 ] PON1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 3 [POP1 ] POP1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 4 [POS1 ] POS1 (fast decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [IdDet1 ] identifier for detritus group POC1, POC2, POC3 using default value: 1.00000 [kl_dFdcC20 ] lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-C Using constant nr180 with value: 0.120000 [kl_dFdcC20 ] lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-C Using constant nr180 with value: 0.120000 [kl_dFdcN20 ] lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-N Using constant nr185 with value: 0.120000 [kl_dFdcN20 ] lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-N Using constant nr185 with value: 0.120000 [kl_dFdcP20 ] lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-P Using constant nr187 with value: 0.800000E-01 [kl_dFdcP20 ] lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-P Using constant nr187 with value: 0.800000E-01 [kT_dec ] temperature coefficient for decomposition using default value: 1.04700 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [a_dNpr ] target N:C ratio in refractory detritus using default value: 0.500000E-01 [a_dPpr ] target P:C ratio in refractory detritus using default value: 0.500000E-02 [a_dSpr ] target S:C ratio in refractory detritus using default value: 0.500000E-02 [al_dNf ] lower limit N:C ratio in fast decomp. detr using default value: 0.100000 [al_dPf ] lower limit P:C ratio in fast decomp. detr using default value: 0.100000E-01 [au_dNf ] upper limit N:C ratio in fast decomp. detr using default value: 0.150000 [au_dPf ] upper limit P:C ratio in fast decomp. detr using default value: 0.150000E-01 [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 [NO3 ] Nitrate (NO3) Using substance nr 7 [b_ni ] attenuation factor decomp. in denitrifying zone using default value: 1.00000 [b_su ] attenuation factor decomp. in sulphate using default value: 1.00000 [b_poc1poc2 ] fraction POC1 converted to POC2 using default value: 0.00000 [b_poc1doc ] fraction POC1 converted to DOC using default value: 0.00000 [SWOMDec ] option: 0.0 for stripping, 1.0 for different rates using default value: 1.00000 Input for [BODCOD ] Mineralisation BOD and COD [SwOXYDem ] switch oxygen consumption(0=BOD, 1=COD, 2=both) using default value: 0.00000 [CBOD5 ] carbonaceous BOD (first pool) at 5 days using default value: 0.00000 [CBOD5_2 ] carbonaceous BOD (second pool) at 5 days using default value: 0.00000 [CBODu ] carbonaceous BOD (first pool) ultimate using default value: 0.00000 [CBODu_2 ] carbonaceous BOD (second pool) ultimate using default value: 0.00000 [COD_Cr ] COD concentration by the Cr-method using default value: 0.00000 [COD_Mn ] COD concentration by the Mn-method using default value: 0.00000 [NBOD5 ] nitrogenous BOD at 5 days using default value: 0.00000 [NBODu ] nitrogenous BOD ultimate using default value: 0.00000 [RcBOD ] decay rate BOD (first pool) at 20 oC Using constant nr204 with value: 0.300000 [RcBOD_2 ] decay rate BOD (second pool) at 20 oC using default value: 0.150000 [RcCOD ] decay rate COD at 20 oC using default value: 0.500000E-01 [RcBODN ] first-order mineralisation rate BODN using default value: 0.300000 [TcBOD ] temperature coefficient decay BOD Using constant nr205 with value: 1.04000 [TcCOD ] temperature coefficient decay COD using default value: 1.02000 [TcBODN ] temperature coefficient decay BODN using default value: 1.08000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 [COXBOD ] critical oxygen concentration for BOD decay using default value: 1.00000 [OOXBOD ] optimum oxygen concentration for BOD decay using default value: 5.00000 [CFLBOD ] oxygen function level for oxygen below COXBOD using default value: 0.300000 [CurvBOD ] curvature of DO function for mineralisation BOD using default value: 0.00000 [LAgeFun ] lower value of age function BOD decay using default value: 1.00000 [UAgeFun ] upper value of age function BOD decay using default value: 1.00000 [LAgeIndx ] lower value of age index BOD decay using default value: 2.00000 [UAgeIndx ] upper value of age index BOD decay using default value: 3.00000 [Phyt ] total carbon in phytoplankton Using output from proces [Phy_Blo ] [BOD5/uPHYT ] BOD5:BODu ratio in phytoplankton using default value: 0.600000 [AlgFrBOD ] fraction algae contributing to BOD-inf using default value: 0.500000 [OXCCF ] O2:C ratio in mineralisation using default value: 2.67000 [POCnoa ] total POC (no algae) Using output from proces [Compos ] [BOD5/infPO ] BOD5:BODu ratio in POC using default value: 0.600000 [POCFrBOD ] fraction of POC contributing to BOD-inf using default value: 1.00000 [EffCOD_Cr ] efficiency of Cr method for COD using default value: 0.900000 [EffCOD_Mn ] efficiency of Mn method for COD using default value: 0.500000 [AMCCF ] amount oxygen used for nitrogen in miner. using default value: 0.550000 Input for [Deso_AAPS1 ] Desorption of adsorbed phosphates in sediment S1 [ZMinAAPS1 ] zeroth-order desorption flux AAP in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [AAPS1 ] adsorbed O-PO4 in layer S1 Using substance nr 23 [RcAAPS1 ] first-order AAP desorption rate in layer S1 Using constant nr 5 with value: 0.100000E-01 [TcAAPS1 ] temperature coefficient desorption in sediment using default value: 1.00000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [CTMinAAPS ] critical temperature for desorption using default value: -10.0000 [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [BMS1_DetSi ] Mineralisation detritus silica in sediment S1 [ZMinDetSS1 ] zeroth-order mineralisation flux DetSi in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DetSiS1 ] DetSi in layer S1 Using substance nr 27 [RcDetSiS1 ] first-order mineralisation rate DetSi in layer S1 Using constant nr191 with value: 0.150000E-01 [TcBMDetSi ] temp. coeff. mineralisation DetSi in sediment using default value: 1.09000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [CTMin ] critical temperature for mineralisation using default value: 3.00000 [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [BMS1_DetP ] Mineralisation detritus phosphorus in sediment S1 [ZMinDetPS1 ] zeroth-order mineralisation flux DetP in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DetPS1 ] DetP in layer S1 Using substance nr 26 [RcDetPS1 ] first-order mineralisation rate DetP in layer S1 Using constant nr188 with value: 0.300000E-01 [TcBMDetP ] temperature coeff. mineralisation DetP in sediment Using constant nr189 with value: 1.09000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [CTMin ] critical temperature for mineralisation using default value: 3.00000 [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [BMS1_DetN ] Mineralisation detritus nitrogen in sediment S1 [ZMinDetNS1 ] zeroth-order mineralisation flux DetN in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DetNS1 ] DetN in layer S1 Using substance nr 25 [RcDetNS1 ] first-order mineralisation rate DetN in layer S1 Using constant nr186 with value: 0.300000E-01 [TcBMDetN ] temperature coeff. mineralisation DetN in sediment using default value: 1.09000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [CTMin ] critical temperature for mineralisation using default value: 3.00000 [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [BMS1_DetC ] Mineralisation detritus carbon in sediment S1 [ZMinDetCS1 ] zeroth-order mineralisation flux DetC in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DetCS1 ] DetC in layer S1 Using substance nr 24 [RcDetCS1 ] first-order mineralisation rate DetC in layer S1 Using constant nr183 with value: 0.300000E-01 [TcBMDetC ] temperature coeff. mineralisation DetC in sediment Using constant nr184 with value: 1.09000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [CTMin ] critical temperature for mineralisation using default value: 3.00000 [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [SedZoneSW ] SWITCH 0=no SWITCH, <0 per segment, >0 per zone using default value: 0.00000 Input for [RearOXY ] Reaeration of oxygen [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [Velocity ] horizontal flow velocity Using output from proces [Veloc ] [VWind ] wind speed Using constant nr200 with value: 3.00000 [SWRear ] switch for oxygen reaeration formulation (1-13) Using constant nr201 with value: 1.00000 [KLRear ] reaeration transfer coefficient Using constant nr202 with value: 3.00000 [TCRear ] temperature coefficient for rearation Using constant nr203 with value: 1.01600 [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [SaturOXY ] saturation concentration Using output from proces [SaturOXY ] [Salinity ] Salinity Using constant nr199 with value: 0.00000 [TotalDepth ] total depth water column Using output from proces [TotDepth ] [fcover ] fraction of water surface covered <0-1> using default value: 0.00000 [KLRearMax ] maximum KLREAR oxygen for temp. correction using default value: 1000.00 [KLRearMin ] minimum rearation transfer coefficient oxygen using default value: 0.200000 [Rain ] rainfall rate using default value: 0.00000 [coefAOxy ] gas transfer Oxy coefficient transmission using default value: 1.66000 [coefB1Oxy ] gas transfer O2 coefficient wind scale 1 using default value: 0.260000 [coefB2Oxy ] gas transfer O2 coefficient wind scale 2 using default value: 1.00000 [coefC1Oxy ] gas transfer O2 coefficient rain scale 1 using default value: 0.660000 [coefC2Oxy ] gas transfer O2 coefficient rain scale 2 using default value: 1.00000 [coefD1Oxy ] fresh water coefficient1 for Schmidt nr Oxy using default value: 1800.06 [coefD2Oxy ] fresh water coefficient2 for Schmidt nr Oxy using default value: 120.100 [coefD3Oxy ] fresh water coefficient3 for Schmidt nr Oxy using default value: 3.78180 [coefD4Oxy ] fresh water coefficient4 for Schmidt nr Oxy using default value: 0.476080E-01 Input for [SaturOXY ] Saturation concentration oxygen [Cl ] Chloride Using substance nr 20 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [SWSatOXY ] switch for oxygen saturation formulation (1, 2) using default value: 1.00000 [Salinity ] Salinity Using constant nr199 with value: 0.00000 Input for [Nitrif_NH4 ] Nitrification of ammonium [ZNit ] zeroth-order nitrification flux using default value: 0.00000 [NH4 ] Ammonium (NH4) Using substance nr 6 [RcNit20 ] MM- nitrification rate at 20 oC using default value: 0.100000 [TcNit ] temperature coefficient for nitrification Using constant nr192 with value: 1.07000 [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 [KsAmNit ] half saturation constant for ammonium cons. using default value: 0.500000 [KsOxNit ] half saturation constant for DO cons. using default value: 1.00000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [CTNit ] critical temperature for nitrification using default value: 3.00000 [Rc0NitOx ] zero-order nitrification rate at neg. DO using default value: 0.00000 [COXNIT ] critical oxygen concentration for nitrification using default value: 1.00000 [Poros ] volumetric porosity using default value: 1.00000 [SWVnNit ] switch for old (0), new (1), TEWOR (2) version using default value: 0.00000 [RcNit ] first-order nitrification rate Using constant nr193 with value: 0.100000 [OOXNIT ] optimum oxygen concentration for nitrification using default value: 5.00000 [CFLNIT ] oxygen function level for oxygen below COXNIT using default value: 0.00000 [CurvNit ] curvature of DO function for nitrification using default value: 0.00000 [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days Input for [DenWat_NO3 ] Denitrification in water column [ZDenWat ] zero-order denitrification rate in water column using default value: 0.00000 [NO3 ] Nitrate (NO3) Using substance nr 7 [RcDen20 ] MM-denitrification reaction rate at 20 oC using default value: 0.100000 [TcDenWat ] temperature coefficient for denitrification Using constant nr196 with value: 1.07000 [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 [KsNiDen ] half saturation constant for nitrate cons. using default value: 0.500000 [KsOxDen ] half saturation constant for oxygen inhib. using default value: 1.00000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [CTDEN ] critical temperature for denitrification using default value: 2.00000 [Rc0DenOx ] zero-order denit. rate at low temperature using default value: 0.00000 [COXDEN ] critical oxygen concentration for denitrification using default value: 3.00000 [Poros ] volumetric porosity using default value: 1.00000 [SWVnDen ] switch to select old (0) or new (1) version using default value: 0.00000 [RcDenWat ] first-order denitrification rate in water column Using constant nr197 with value: 0.100000 [OOXDEN ] optimum oxygen concentration for denitrification using default value: 1.00000 [Curvat ] curvature of DO function for denitrification using default value: 1.00000 Input for [DenSed_NO3 ] Denitrification in sediment [ZDenSed ] zeroth-order denitrification flux in the sediment using default value: 0.00000 [NO3 ] Nitrate (NO3) Using substance nr 7 [RcDenSed ] first-order denitrification rate in the sediment Using constant nr194 with value: 0.100000 [TcDen ] temperature coefficient for denitrification Using constant nr195 with value: 1.12000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [CTDEN ] critical temperature for denitrification using default value: 2.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] Input for [AdsPO4AAP ] Ad(De)Sorption ortho phosphorus to inorg. matter [SWAdsP ] switch PO4 adsorption <0=Kd|1=Langmuir|2=pHdep> Using constant nr 1 with value: 1.00000 [PO4 ] Ortho-Phosphate (PO4) Using substance nr 8 [AAP ] adsorbed ortho phosphate Using substance nr 1 [IM1 ] inorganic matter (IM1) Using substance nr 22 [IM2 ] inorganic matter (IM2) using default value: 0.00000 [IM3 ] inorganic matter (IM3) using default value: 0.00000 [KdPO4AAP ] distrib. coeff. (-) or ads. eq. const. Using constant nr 2 with value: 0.100000 [MaxPO4AAP ] adsorption capacity TIM for PO4 using default value: 0.150000 [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [KadsP_20 ] Adsorption equilibrium constant at 20 oC using default value: 3.80000 [TCKadsP ] temperature dependency constant Kads using default value: 1.00000 [RcAdPO4AAP ] adsorption rate PO4 --> AAP Using constant nr 3 with value: 0.500000 [a_OH-PO4 ] OH-:PO4 ratio in sorption reaction using default value: 0.200000 [fr_FeIM1 ] fraction Fe in inorg. matter IM1 using default value: 0.300000E-01 [fr_FeIM2 ] fraction Fe in inorg. matter IM2 using default value: 0.500000E-02 [fr_FeIM3 ] fraction Fe in inorg. matter IM3 using default value: 0.100000E-02 [fr_Feox ] fraction reactive Fe of total Fe using default value: 1.00000 [OXY ] Dissolved Oxygen Using substance nr 19 [Cc_oxPsor ] critical oxygen conc for P sorption using default value: 0.00000 [pH ] pH using default value: 7.00000 [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [Poros ] volumetric porosity using default value: 1.00000 [SWVnAdsP ] switch to select old(0) or new(1) version using default value: 0.00000 [fr_Fe ] fraction Fe in solid matter using default value: 0.200000E-01 [RCadsPgem ] pseudo first-order rate PO4 sorption using default value: 1.00000 Input for [Compos ] Composition [NO3 ] Nitrate (NO3) Using substance nr 7 [NH4 ] Ammonium (NH4) Using substance nr 6 [PO4 ] Ortho-Phosphate (PO4) Using substance nr 8 [Si ] dissolved Silica (Si) Using substance nr 9 [IM1 ] inorganic matter (IM1) Using substance nr 22 [IM2 ] inorganic matter (IM2) using default value: 0.00000 [IM3 ] inorganic matter (IM3) using default value: 0.00000 [Phyt ] total carbon in phytoplankton Using output from proces [Phy_Blo ] [AlgN ] total nitrogen in algae Using output from proces [Phy_Blo ] [AlgP ] total phosphorus in algae Using output from proces [Phy_Blo ] [AlgSi ] total silica in algae Using output from proces [Phy_Blo ] [AlgDM ] total DM in algae Using output from proces [Phy_Blo ] [POC1 ] POC1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 2 [POC2 ] POC2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POC3 ] POC3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POC4 ] POC4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [PON1 ] PON1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 3 [DOC ] Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Using constant nr275 with value: 0.00000 [DON ] Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) using default value: 0.00000 [DOP ] Dissolved Organic Phosphorus (DOP) using default value: 0.00000 [DOS ] Dissolved Organic Sulphur (DOS) using default value: 0.00000 [AAP ] adsorbed ortho phosphate Using substance nr 1 [VIVP ] Vivianite-P using default value: 0.00000 [APATP ] Apatite-P using default value: 0.00000 [DMCFIM1 ] DM:C ratio IM1 using default value: 1.00000 [DMCFIM2 ] DM:C ratio IM2 using default value: 1.00000 [DMCFIM3 ] DM:C ratio IM3 using default value: 1.00000 [PON2 ] PON2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [PON3 ] PON3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [PON4 ] PON4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POP1 ] POP1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 4 [POP2 ] POP2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POP3 ] POP3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POP4 ] POP4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POS1 ] POS1 (fast decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POS2 ] POS2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POS3 ] POS3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POS4 ] POS4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [Opal ] Opal-Si Using substance nr 5 [DmCfPOC1 ] DM:C ratio POC1 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC2 ] DM:C ratio POC2 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC3 ] DM:C ratio POC3 using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfPOC4 ] DM:C ratio POC4 using default value: 2.50000 Input for [S1_Comp ] Composition sediment layer S1 [IM1S1 ] IM1 in layer S1 Using substance nr 28 [IM2S1 ] IM2 in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [IM3S1 ] IM3 in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DetCS1 ] DetC in layer S1 Using substance nr 24 [OOCS1 ] OOC in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DiatS1 ] Diatoms in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [GreenS1 ] Algae in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [AAPS1 ] adsorbed O-PO4 in layer S1 Using substance nr 23 [DMCFIM1 ] DM:C ratio IM1 using default value: 1.00000 [DMCFIM2 ] DM:C ratio IM2 using default value: 1.00000 [DMCFIM3 ] DM:C ratio IM3 using default value: 1.00000 [DMCFDetCS ] DM:C ratio DetCS1 and DetCS2 using default value: 1.70000 [DMCFOOCS ] DM:C ratio POCS1 and POCS2 using default value: 1.70000 [DMCFDiatS ] DM:C ratio DiatS1 and DiatS2 using default value: 1.70000 [DMCFGreenS ] DM:C ratio GreenS1 and GreenS2 using default value: 1.70000 [RHOIM1 ] bulk density IM1 using default value: 0.260000E+07 [RHOIM2 ] bulk density IM2 using default value: 0.260000E+07 [RHOIM3 ] bulk density IM3 using default value: 0.260000E+07 [RHODetC ] bulk density DetC using default value: 0.130000E+07 [RHOOOC ] bulk density OOC using default value: 0.130000E+07 [RHODiat ] bulk density Diatoms using default value: 0.130000E+07 [RHOGreen ] bulk density Greens using default value: 0.130000E+07 [PORS1 ] porosity of sediment layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 [DetNS1 ] DetN in layer S1 Using substance nr 25 [DetPS1 ] DetP in layer S1 Using substance nr 26 [DetSiS1 ] DetSi in layer S1 Using substance nr 27 [OONS1 ] OON in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [OOPS1 ] OOP in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [OOSiS1 ] OOSi in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [MPB1peliS1 ] MPB epipelic biomass in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [MPB2psamS1 ] MPB n-diat biomass in layer S1 using default value: 0.00000 [DmCfMPB1 ] DM:C ratio MPB1 algae using default value: 2.50000 [DmCfMPB2 ] DM:C ratio MPB2 algae using default value: 2.50000 [RhoOM ] dry bulk density organic matter using default value: 0.130000E+07 [RhoOM ] dry bulk density organic matter using default value: 0.130000E+07 Input for [BLOOM ] BLOOM II algae module [TimMultBl ] ratio bloom/delwaq time step Using constant nr 6 with value: 6.00000 [ExtVl ] total extinction coefficient visible light Using output from proces [Extinc_VLG ] [ExtVlPhyt ] VL extinction by phytoplankton Using output from proces [EXTINABVL ] [Temp ] ambient water temperature Using segment function nr 2 [Rad ] irradiation at the segment upper-boundary Using output from proces [CalcRad ] [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [BloomDepth ] average depth over Bloom time step using default value: 0.00000 [DayL ] daylength <0-1> Using output from proces [Daylength ] [NH4 ] Ammonium (NH4) Using substance nr 6 [NO3 ] Nitrate (NO3) Using substance nr 7 [PO4 ] Ortho-Phosphate (PO4) Using substance nr 8 [Si ] dissolved Silica (Si) Using substance nr 9 [ThrAlgNH4 ] threshold concentration uptake ammonium using default value: 0.00000 [ThrAlgNO3 ] threshold concentration uptake nitrate using default value: 0.00000 [ThrAlgPO4 ] threshold concentration uptake phosphate Using constant nr 7 with value: 0.00000 [ThrAlgSi ] threshold concentration uptake silicium using default value: 0.00000 [PON1 ] PON1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 3 [POP1 ] POP1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 4 [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [SWBloomOut ] switch on BLOOM output (0=no,1=yes) Using constant nr 8 with value: 1.00000 [SWOxyProd ] switch on oxygen prod. (0=BLOOM, 1=VAROXY) using default value: 0.00000 [Cl ] Chloride Using substance nr 20 [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [SwVTRANS ] switch effect of vertical mixing on light Using output from proces [vtrans ] [TIC ] total inorganic carbonate using default value: 0.00000 [CO2 ] CO2 using default value: 0.00000 [SWTICdummy ] dummy option for TIC, do not change value using default value: 0.00000 [SWCLim ] Switch for C limitation (0=inactive 1=active) using default value: 0.00000 [FDIATOMS_E ] concentration of algae type 1 Using substance nr 10 [FDIATOMS_N ] concentration of algae type 2 Using substance nr 11 [FFLAGELA ] concentration of algae type 3 Using substance nr 12 [GREENS_E ] concentration of algae type 4 Using substance nr 13 [GREENS_N ] concentration of algae type 5 Using substance nr 14 [GREENS_P ] concentration of algae type 6 Using substance nr 15 [MICROCYS_E ] concentration of algae type 7 Using substance nr 16 [MICROCYS_N ] concentration of algae type 8 Using substance nr 17 [MICROCYS_P ] concentration of algae type 9 Using substance nr 18 [BLOOMALG10 ] concentration of algae type 10 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG11 ] concentration of algae type 11 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG12 ] concentration of algae type 12 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG13 ] concentration of algae type 13 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG14 ] concentration of algae type 14 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG15 ] concentration of algae type 15 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG16 ] concentration of algae type 16 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG17 ] concentration of algae type 17 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG18 ] concentration of algae type 18 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG19 ] concentration of algae type 19 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG20 ] concentration of algae type 20 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG21 ] concentration of algae type 21 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG22 ] concentration of algae type 22 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG23 ] concentration of algae type 23 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG24 ] concentration of algae type 24 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG25 ] concentration of algae type 25 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG26 ] concentration of algae type 26 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG27 ] concentration of algae type 27 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG28 ] concentration of algae type 28 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG29 ] concentration of algae type 29 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG30 ] concentration of algae type 30 using default value: -101.000 [SpecAlg01 ] number of the group for algae type 01 using default value: 1.00000 [SpecAlg02 ] number of the group for algae type 02 using default value: 1.00000 [SpecAlg03 ] number of the group for algae type 03 using default value: 2.00000 [SpecAlg04 ] number of the group for algae type 04 using default value: 3.00000 [SpecAlg05 ] number of the group for algae type 05 using default value: 3.00000 [SpecAlg06 ] number of the group for algae type 06 using default value: 3.00000 [SpecAlg07 ] number of the group for algae type 07 using default value: 4.00000 [SpecAlg08 ] number of the group for algae type 08 using default value: 4.00000 [SpecAlg09 ] number of the group for algae type 09 using default value: 4.00000 [SpecAlg10 ] number of the group for algae type 10 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg11 ] number of the group for algae type 11 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg12 ] number of the group for algae type 12 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg13 ] number of the group for algae type 13 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg14 ] number of the group for algae type 14 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg15 ] number of the group for algae type 15 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg16 ] number of the group for algae type 16 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg17 ] number of the group for algae type 17 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg18 ] number of the group for algae type 18 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg19 ] number of the group for algae type 19 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg20 ] number of the group for algae type 20 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg21 ] number of the group for algae type 21 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg22 ] number of the group for algae type 22 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg23 ] number of the group for algae type 23 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg24 ] number of the group for algae type 24 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg25 ] number of the group for algae type 25 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg26 ] number of the group for algae type 26 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg27 ] number of the group for algae type 27 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg28 ] number of the group for algae type 28 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg29 ] number of the group for algae type 29 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg30 ] number of the group for algae type 30 using default value: 0.00000 [FrAutFDI_E ] fraction autolysis algae type 01 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutFDI_N ] fraction autolysis algae type 02 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutFFL_E ] fraction autolysis algae type 03 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutGRE_E ] fraction autolysis algae type 04 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutGRE_N ] fraction autolysis algae type 05 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutGRE_P ] fraction autolysis algae type 06 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutMIC_E ] fraction autolysis algae type 07 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutMIC_N ] fraction autolysis algae type 08 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutMIC_P ] fraction autolysis algae type 09 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg10 ] fraction autolysis algae type 10 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg11 ] fraction autolysis algae type 11 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg12 ] fraction autolysis algae type 12 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg13 ] fraction autolysis algae type 13 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg14 ] fraction autolysis algae type 14 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg15 ] fraction autolysis algae type 15 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg16 ] fraction autolysis algae type 16 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg17 ] fraction autolysis algae type 17 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg18 ] fraction autolysis algae type 18 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg19 ] fraction autolysis algae type 19 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg20 ] fraction autolysis algae type 20 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg21 ] fraction autolysis algae type 21 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg22 ] fraction autolysis algae type 22 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg23 ] fraction autolysis algae type 23 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg24 ] fraction autolysis algae type 24 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg25 ] fraction autolysis algae type 25 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg26 ] fraction autolysis algae type 26 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg27 ] fraction autolysis algae type 27 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg28 ] fraction autolysis algae type 28 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg29 ] fraction autolysis algae type 29 using default value: 0.350000 [FrAutAlg30 ] fraction autolysis algae type 30 using default value: 0.350000 [FrDetFDI_E ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 01 Using constant nr 9 with value: 0.550000 [FrDetFDI_N ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 02 Using constant nr 10 with value: 0.550000 [FrDetFFL_E ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 03 Using constant nr 11 with value: 0.550000 [FrDetGRE_E ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 04 Using constant nr 12 with value: 0.550000 [FrDetGRE_N ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 05 Using constant nr 13 with value: 0.550000 [FrDetGRE_P ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 06 Using constant nr 14 with value: 0.550000 [FrDetMIC_E ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 07 Using constant nr 15 with value: 0.620000 [FrDetMIC_N ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 08 Using constant nr 16 with value: 0.620000 [FrDetMIC_P ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 09 Using constant nr 17 with value: 0.620000 [FrDetAlg10 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 10 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg11 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 11 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg12 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 12 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg13 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 13 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg14 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 14 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg15 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 15 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg16 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 16 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg17 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 17 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg18 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 18 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg19 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 19 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg20 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 20 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg21 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 21 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg22 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 22 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg23 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 23 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg24 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 24 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg25 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 25 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg26 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 26 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg27 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 27 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg28 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 28 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg29 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 29 using default value: 0.650000 [FrDetAlg30 ] fraction detritus by mortality algae type 30 using default value: 0.650000 [EXTVLFDI_E ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 01 Using constant nr 18 with value: 0.270000 [EXTVLFDI_N ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 02 Using constant nr 19 with value: 0.187500 [EXTVLFFL_E ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 03 Using constant nr 20 with value: 0.225000 [EXTVLGRE_E ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 04 Using constant nr 21 with value: 0.225000 [EXTVLGRE_N ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 05 Using constant nr 22 with value: 0.187500 [EXTVLGRE_P ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 06 Using constant nr 23 with value: 0.187500 [EXTVLMIC_E ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 07 Using constant nr 24 with value: 0.400000 [EXTVLMIC_N ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 08 Using constant nr 25 with value: 0.287500 [EXTVLMIC_P ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 09 Using constant nr 26 with value: 0.287500 [ExtVlAlg10 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg11 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg12 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg13 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg14 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg15 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg16 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg17 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg18 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg19 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg20 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg21 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg22 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg23 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg24 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg25 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg26 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg27 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg28 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg29 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg30 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [DMCFFDI_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 27 with value: 3.00000 [DMCFFDI_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 28 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFFFL_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 29 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 30 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 31 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_P ] DM:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 32 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 33 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 34 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_P ] DM:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 35 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg10 ] DM:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg11 ] DM:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg12 ] DM:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg13 ] DM:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg14 ] DM:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg15 ] DM:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg16 ] DM:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg17 ] DM:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg18 ] DM:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg19 ] DM:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg20 ] DM:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg21 ] DM:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg22 ] DM:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg23 ] DM:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg24 ] DM:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg25 ] DM:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg26 ] DM:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg27 ] DM:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg28 ] DM:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg29 ] DM:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg30 ] DM:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 2.50000 [NCRFDI_E ] N:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 36 with value: 0.210000 [NCRFDI_N ] N:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 37 with value: 0.188000 [NCRFFL_E ] N:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 38 with value: 0.275000 [NCRGRE_E ] N:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 39 with value: 0.275000 [NCRGRE_N ] N:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 40 with value: 0.175000 [NCRGRE_P ] N:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 41 with value: 0.200000 [NCRMIC_E ] N:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 42 with value: 0.225000 [NCRMIC_N ] N:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 43 with value: 0.113000 [NCRMIC_P ] N:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 44 with value: 0.175000 [NCRAlg10 ] N:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg11 ] N:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg12 ] N:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg13 ] N:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg14 ] N:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg15 ] N:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg16 ] N:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg17 ] N:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg18 ] N:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg19 ] N:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg20 ] N:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg21 ] N:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg22 ] N:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg23 ] N:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg24 ] N:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg25 ] N:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg26 ] N:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg27 ] N:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg28 ] N:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg29 ] N:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg30 ] N:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000 [PCRFDI_E ] P:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 45 with value: 0.180000E-01 [PCRFDI_N ] P:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 46 with value: 0.113000E-01 [PCRFFL_E ] P:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 47 with value: 0.180000E-01 [PCRGRE_E ] P:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 48 with value: 0.238000E-01 [PCRGRE_N ] P:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 49 with value: 0.150000E-01 [PCRGRE_P ] P:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 50 with value: 0.125000E-01 [PCRMIC_E ] P:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 51 with value: 0.300000E-01 [PCRMIC_N ] P:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 52 with value: 0.275000E-01 [PCRMIC_P ] P:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 53 with value: 0.225000E-01 [PCRAlg10 ] P:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg11 ] P:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg12 ] P:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg13 ] P:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg14 ] P:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg15 ] P:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg16 ] P:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg17 ] P:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg18 ] P:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg19 ] P:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg20 ] P:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg21 ] P:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg22 ] P:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg23 ] P:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg24 ] P:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg25 ] P:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg26 ] P:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg27 ] P:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg28 ] P:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg29 ] P:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg30 ] P:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [SCRFDI_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 54 with value: 0.660000 [SCRFDI_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 55 with value: 0.550000 [SCRFFL_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 56 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 57 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 58 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_P ] Si:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 59 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 60 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 61 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_P ] Si:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 62 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRAlg10 ] Si:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg11 ] Si:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg12 ] Si:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg13 ] Si:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg14 ] Si:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg15 ] Si:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg16 ] Si:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg17 ] Si:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg18 ] Si:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg19 ] Si:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg20 ] Si:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg21 ] Si:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg22 ] Si:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg23 ] Si:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg24 ] Si:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg25 ] Si:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg26 ] Si:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg27 ] Si:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg28 ] Si:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg29 ] Si:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg30 ] Si:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [XNCRFDI_E ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 01 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRFDI_N ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 02 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRFFL_E ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 03 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRGRE_E ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 04 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRGRE_N ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 05 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRGRE_P ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 06 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRMIC_E ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 07 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRMIC_N ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 08 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRMIC_P ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 09 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg10 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 10 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg11 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 11 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg12 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 12 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg13 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 13 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg14 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 14 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg15 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 15 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg16 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 16 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg17 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 17 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg18 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 18 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg19 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 19 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg20 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 20 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg21 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 21 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg22 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 22 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg23 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 23 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg24 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 24 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg25 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 25 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg26 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 26 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg27 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 27 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg28 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 28 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg29 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 29 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg30 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 30 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRFDI_E ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 01 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRFDI_N ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 02 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRFFL_E ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 03 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRGRE_E ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 04 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRGRE_N ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 05 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRGRE_P ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 06 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRMIC_E ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 07 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRMIC_N ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 08 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRMIC_P ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 09 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg10 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 10 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg11 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 11 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg12 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 12 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg13 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 13 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg14 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 14 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg15 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 15 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg16 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 16 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg17 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 17 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg18 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 18 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg19 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 19 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg20 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 20 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg21 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 21 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg22 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 22 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg23 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 23 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg24 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 24 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg25 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 25 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg26 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 26 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg27 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 27 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg28 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 28 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg29 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 29 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg30 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 30 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRFDI_E ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 01 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRFDI_N ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 02 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRFFL_E ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 03 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRGRE_E ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 04 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRGRE_N ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 05 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRGRE_P ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 06 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRMIC_E ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 07 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRMIC_N ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 08 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRMIC_P ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 09 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg10 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 10 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg11 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 11 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg12 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 12 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg13 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 13 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg14 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 14 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg15 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 15 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg16 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 16 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg17 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 17 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg18 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 18 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg19 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 19 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg20 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 20 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg21 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 21 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg22 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 22 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg23 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 23 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg24 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 24 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg25 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 25 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg26 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 26 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg27 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 27 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg28 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 28 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg29 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 29 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg30 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 30 using default value: -1.00000 [CHLACFDI_E ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 63 with value: 0.400000E-01 [CHLACFDI_N ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 64 with value: 0.250000E-01 [CHLACFFL_E ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 65 with value: 0.290000E-01 [CHLACGRE_E ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 66 with value: 0.330000E-01 [CHLACGRE_N ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 67 with value: 0.250000E-01 [CHLACGRE_P ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 68 with value: 0.250000E-01 [CHLACMIC_E ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 69 with value: 0.250000E-01 [CHLACMIC_N ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 70 with value: 0.170000E-01 [CHLACMIC_P ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 71 with value: 0.170000E-01 [ChlaCAlg10 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg11 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg12 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg13 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg14 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg15 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg16 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg17 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg18 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg19 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg20 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg21 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg22 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg23 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg24 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg25 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg26 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg27 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg28 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg29 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg30 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [PPMAXFDI_E ] maximum production rate algae type 01 Using constant nr 72 with value: 0.350000 [PPMAXFDI_N ] maximum production rate algae type 02 Using constant nr 73 with value: 0.350000 [PPMAXFFL_E ] maximum production rate algae type 03 Using constant nr 74 with value: 0.350000 [PPMAXGRE_E ] maximum production rate algae type 04 Using constant nr 75 with value: 0.680000E-01 [PPMAXGRE_N ] maximum production rate algae type 05 Using constant nr 76 with value: 0.680000E-01 [PPMAXGRE_P ] maximum production rate algae type 06 Using constant nr 77 with value: 0.680000E-01 [PPMAXMIC_E ] maximum production rate algae type 07 Using constant nr 78 with value: 0.560000E-01 [PPMAXMIC_N ] maximum production rate algae type 08 Using constant nr 79 with value: 0.480000E-01 [PPMAXMIC_P ] maximum production rate algae type 09 Using constant nr 80 with value: 0.480000E-01 [PPMaxAlg10 ] maximum production rate algae type 10 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg11 ] maximum production rate algae type 11 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg12 ] maximum production rate algae type 12 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg13 ] maximum production rate algae type 13 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg14 ] maximum production rate algae type 14 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg15 ] maximum production rate algae type 15 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg16 ] maximum production rate algae type 16 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg17 ] maximum production rate algae type 17 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg18 ] maximum production rate algae type 18 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg19 ] maximum production rate algae type 19 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg20 ] maximum production rate algae type 20 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg21 ] maximum production rate algae type 21 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg22 ] maximum production rate algae type 22 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg23 ] maximum production rate algae type 23 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg24 ] maximum production rate algae type 24 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg25 ] maximum production rate algae type 25 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg26 ] maximum production rate algae type 26 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg27 ] maximum production rate algae type 27 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg28 ] maximum production rate algae type 28 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg29 ] maximum production rate algae type 29 using default value: 0.350000 [PPMaxAlg30 ] maximum production rate algae type 30 using default value: 0.350000 [TCPMXFDI_E ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 01 Using constant nr 81 with value: 1.06000 [TCPMXFDI_N ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 02 Using constant nr 82 with value: 1.05400 [TCPMXFFL_E ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 03 Using constant nr 83 with value: 1.05000 [TCPMXGRE_E ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 04 Using constant nr 84 with value: 0.00000 [TCPMXGRE_N ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 05 Using constant nr 85 with value: 3.00000 [TCPMXGRE_P ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 06 Using constant nr 86 with value: 3.00000 [TCPMXMIC_E ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 07 Using constant nr 87 with value: 3.00000 [TCPMXMIC_N ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 08 Using constant nr 88 with value: 5.00000 [TCPMXMIC_P ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 09 Using constant nr 89 with value: 5.00000 [TcPMxAlg10 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 10 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg11 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 11 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg12 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 12 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg13 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 13 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg14 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 14 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg15 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 15 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg16 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 16 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg17 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 17 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg18 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 18 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg19 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 19 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg20 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 20 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg21 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 21 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg22 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 22 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg23 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 23 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg24 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 24 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg25 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 25 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg26 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 26 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg27 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 27 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg28 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 28 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg29 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 29 using default value: 1.06000 [TcPMxAlg30 ] temp. coeff. for growth processes algae type 30 using default value: 1.06000 [TFPMXFDI_E ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type01 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 90 with value: 1.00000 [TFPMXFDI_N ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type02 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 91 with value: 1.00000 [TFPMXFFL_E ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type03 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 92 with value: 1.00000 [TFPMXGRE_E ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type04 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 93 with value: 0.00000 [TFPMXGRE_N ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type05 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 94 with value: 0.00000 [TFPMXGRE_P ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type06 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 95 with value: 0.00000 [TFPMXMIC_E ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type07 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 96 with value: 0.00000 [TFPMXMIC_N ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type08 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 97 with value: 0.00000 [TFPMXMIC_P ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type09 (0=lin,<>0=exp) Using constant nr 98 with value: 0.00000 [TFPMxAlg10 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type10 (0=lin,<>0=exp) using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg11 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type11 (0=lin,<>0=exp) using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg12 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type12 (0=lin,<>0=exp) using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg13 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type13 (0=lin,<>0=exp) using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg14 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type14 (0=lin,<>0=exp) using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg15 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type15 (0=lin,<>0=exp) using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg16 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type16 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg17 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type17 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg18 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type18 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg19 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type19 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg20 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type20 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg21 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type21 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg22 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type22 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg23 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type23 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg24 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type24 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg25 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type25 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg26 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type26 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg27 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type27 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg28 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type28 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg29 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type29 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [TFPMxAlg30 ] temp. dependency PMAX algae type30 (0=lin,<>0=e using default value: 1.00000 [MORT0FDI_E ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 01 Using constant nr 99 with value: 0.350000E-01 [MORT0FDI_N ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 02 Using constant nr100 with value: 0.450000E-01 [MORT0FFL_E ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 03 Using constant nr101 with value: 0.350000E-01 [MORT0GRE_E ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 04 Using constant nr102 with value: 0.350000E-01 [MORT0GRE_N ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 05 Using constant nr103 with value: 0.450000E-01 [MORT0GRE_P ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 06 Using constant nr104 with value: 0.450000E-01 [MORT0MIC_E ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 07 Using constant nr105 with value: 0.350000E-01 [MORT0MIC_N ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 08 Using constant nr106 with value: 0.450000E-01 [MORT0MIC_P ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 09 Using constant nr107 with value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg10 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 10 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg11 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 11 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg12 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 12 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg13 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 13 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg14 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 14 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg15 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 15 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg16 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 16 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg17 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 17 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg18 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 18 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg19 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 19 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg20 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 20 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg21 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 21 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg22 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 22 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg23 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 23 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg24 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 24 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg25 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 25 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg26 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 26 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg27 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 27 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg28 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 28 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg29 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 29 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [Mort0Alg30 ] mortality rate at 0 oC algae type 30 using default value: 0.450000E-01 [TCMRTFDI_E ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 01 Using constant nr108 with value: 1.08000 [TCMRTFDI_N ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 02 Using constant nr109 with value: 1.08500 [TCMRTFFL_E ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 03 Using constant nr110 with value: 1.08000 [TCMRTGRE_E ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 04 Using constant nr111 with value: 1.08000 [TCMRTGRE_N ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 05 Using constant nr112 with value: 1.08500 [TCMRTGRE_P ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 06 Using constant nr113 with value: 1.08500 [TCMRTMIC_E ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 07 Using constant nr114 with value: 1.08000 [TCMRTMIC_N ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 08 Using constant nr115 with value: 1.08500 [TCMRTMIC_P ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 09 Using constant nr116 with value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg10 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 10 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg11 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 11 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg12 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 12 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg13 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 13 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg14 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 14 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg15 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 15 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg16 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 16 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg17 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 17 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg18 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 18 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg19 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 19 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg20 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 20 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg21 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 21 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg22 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 22 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg23 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 23 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg24 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 24 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg25 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 25 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg26 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 26 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg27 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 27 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg28 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 28 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg29 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 29 using default value: 1.08500 [TcMrtAlg30 ] temperature coeff. for mortality algae type 30 using default value: 1.08500 [MRESPFDI_E ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 01 Using constant nr117 with value: 0.310000E-01 [MRESPFDI_N ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 02 Using constant nr118 with value: 0.310000E-01 [MRESPFFL_E ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 03 Using constant nr119 with value: 0.310000E-01 [MRESPGRE_E ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 04 Using constant nr120 with value: 0.310000E-01 [MRESPGRE_N ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 05 Using constant nr121 with value: 0.310000E-01 [MRESPGRE_P ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 06 Using constant nr122 with value: 0.310000E-01 [MRESPMIC_E ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 07 Using constant nr123 with value: 0.120000E-01 [MRESPMIC_N ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 08 Using constant nr124 with value: 0.120000E-01 [MRESPMIC_P ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 09 Using constant nr125 with value: 0.120000E-01 [MRespAlg10 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 10 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg11 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 11 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg12 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 12 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg13 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 13 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg14 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 14 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg15 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 15 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg16 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 16 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg17 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 17 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg18 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 18 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg19 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 19 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg20 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 20 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg21 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 21 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg22 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 22 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg23 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 23 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg24 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 24 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg25 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 25 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg26 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 26 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg27 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 27 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg28 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 28 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg29 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 29 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [MRespAlg30 ] maintenance respiration rate algae type 30 using default value: 0.310000E-01 [TCRSPFDI_E ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 01 Using constant nr126 with value: 1.07200 [TCRSPFDI_N ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 02 Using constant nr127 with value: 1.07200 [TCRSPFFL_E ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 03 Using constant nr128 with value: 1.07200 [TCRSPGRE_E ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 04 Using constant nr129 with value: 1.07200 [TCRSPGRE_N ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 05 Using constant nr130 with value: 1.07200 [TCRSPGRE_P ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 06 Using constant nr131 with value: 1.07200 [TCRSPMIC_E ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 07 Using constant nr132 with value: 1.07200 [TCRSPMIC_N ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 08 Using constant nr133 with value: 1.07200 [TCRSPMIC_P ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 09 Using constant nr134 with value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg10 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 10 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg11 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 11 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg12 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 12 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg13 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 13 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg14 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 14 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg15 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 15 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg16 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg17 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg18 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg19 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg20 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg21 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg22 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg23 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg24 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg25 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg26 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg27 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg28 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg29 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [TcRspAlg30 ] temperature coeff. for respiration algae type 1 using default value: 1.07200 [SDMIXFDI_E ] distribution in water column algae type 01 Using constant nr135 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXFDI_N ] distribution in water column algae type 02 Using constant nr136 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXFFL_E ] distribution in water column algae type 03 Using constant nr137 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXGRE_E ] distribution in water column algae type 04 Using constant nr138 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXGRE_N ] distribution in water column algae type 05 Using constant nr139 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXGRE_P ] distribution in water column algae type 06 Using constant nr140 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXMIC_E ] distribution in water column algae type 07 Using constant nr141 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXMIC_N ] distribution in water column algae type 08 Using constant nr142 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXMIC_P ] distribution in water column algae type 09 Using constant nr143 with value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg10 ] distribution in water column algae type 10 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg11 ] distribution in water column algae type 11 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg12 ] distribution in water column algae type 12 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg13 ] distribution in water column algae type 13 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg14 ] distribution in water column algae type 14 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg15 ] distribution in water column algae type 15 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg16 ] distribution in water column algae type 16 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg17 ] distribution in water column algae type 17 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg18 ] distribution in water column algae type 18 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg19 ] distribution in water column algae type 19 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg20 ] distribution in water column algae type 20 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg21 ] distribution in water column algae type 21 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg22 ] distribution in water column algae type 22 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg23 ] distribution in water column algae type 23 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg24 ] distribution in water column algae type 24 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg25 ] distribution in water column algae type 25 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg26 ] distribution in water column algae type 26 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg27 ] distribution in water column algae type 27 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg28 ] distribution in water column algae type 28 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg29 ] distribution in water column algae type 29 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg30 ] distribution in water column algae type 30 using default value: 1.00000 [MrtExFDI_E ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 01 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExFDI_N ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 02 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExFFL_E ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 03 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExGRE_E ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 04 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExGRE_N ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 05 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExGRE_P ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 06 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExMIC_E ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 07 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExMIC_N ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 08 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExMIC_P ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 09 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg10 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 10 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg11 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 11 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg12 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 12 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg13 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 13 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg14 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 14 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg15 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae type 15 using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg16 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg17 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg18 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg19 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg20 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg21 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg22 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg23 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg24 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg25 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg26 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg27 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg28 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg29 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [MrtExAlg30 ] coefficient increased mortality rate algae using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2FDI_E ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 01 Using constant nr144 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2FDI_N ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 02 Using constant nr145 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2FFL_E ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 03 Using constant nr146 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2GRE_E ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 04 Using constant nr147 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2GRE_N ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 05 Using constant nr148 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2GRE_P ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 06 Using constant nr149 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2MIC_E ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 07 Using constant nr150 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2MIC_N ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 08 Using constant nr151 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2MIC_P ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 09 Using constant nr152 with value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg10 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 10 using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg11 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 11 using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg12 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 12 using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg13 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 13 using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg14 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 14 using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg15 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type 15 using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg16 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg17 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg18 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg19 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg20 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg21 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg22 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg23 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg24 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg25 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg26 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg27 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg28 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg29 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [Mort2Alg30 ] salinity dependent mortality rate algae type using default value: 0.00000 [MrtB1FDI_E ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 01 Using constant nr153 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1FDI_N ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 02 Using constant nr154 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1FFL_E ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 03 Using constant nr155 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1GRE_E ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 04 Using constant nr156 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1GRE_N ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 05 Using constant nr157 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1GRE_P ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 06 Using constant nr158 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1MIC_E ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 07 Using constant nr159 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1MIC_N ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 08 Using constant nr160 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1MIC_P ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 09 Using constant nr161 with value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg10 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 10 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg11 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 11 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg12 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 12 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg13 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 13 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg14 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 14 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg15 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. algae 15 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg16 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg17 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg18 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg19 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg20 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg21 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg22 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg23 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg24 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg25 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg26 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg27 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg28 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg29 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB1Alg30 ] coefficient b1 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 0.200000E-02 [MrtB2FDI_E ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 01 Using constant nr162 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2FDI_N ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 02 Using constant nr163 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2FFL_E ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 03 Using constant nr164 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2GRE_E ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 04 Using constant nr165 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2GRE_N ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 05 Using constant nr166 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2GRE_P ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 06 Using constant nr167 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2MIC_E ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 07 Using constant nr168 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2MIC_N ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 08 Using constant nr169 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2MIC_P ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 09 Using constant nr170 with value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg10 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 10 using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg11 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 11 using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg12 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 12 using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg13 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 13 using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg14 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 14 using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg15 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. algae 15 using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg16 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg17 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg18 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg19 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg20 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg21 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg22 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg23 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg24 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg25 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg26 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg27 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg28 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg29 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [MrtB2Alg30 ] coefficient b2 in salinity stress funct. a using default value: 8000.00 [FixFDI_E ] algae type 01 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr171 with value: 0.00000 [FixFDI_N ] algae type 02 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr172 with value: 0.00000 [FixFFL_E ] algae type 03 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr173 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_E ] algae type 04 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr174 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_N ] algae type 05 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr175 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_P ] algae type 06 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr176 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_E ] algae type 07 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr177 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_N ] algae type 08 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr178 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_P ] algae type 09 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr179 with value: 0.00000 [FixAlg10 ] algae type 10 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg11 ] algae type 11 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg12 ] algae type 12 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg13 ] algae type 13 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg14 ] algae type 14 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg15 ] algae type 15 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg16 ] algae type 16 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg17 ] algae type 17 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg18 ] algae type 18 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg19 ] algae type 19 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg20 ] algae type 20 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg21 ] algae type 21 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg22 ] algae type 22 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg23 ] algae type 23 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg24 ] algae type 24 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg25 ] algae type 25 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg26 ] algae type 26 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg27 ] algae type 27 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg28 ] algae type 28 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg29 ] algae type 29 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg30 ] algae type 30 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 Input for [vtrans ] Vertical mixing distribution over a period [IDT ] DELWAQ timestep Using DELWAQ timestep [DELT ] timestep for processes Using DELWAQ timestep in days [PeriodVTRA ] period for calculating vertical distribution Using constant nr211 with value: 24.0000 [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [ITIME ] DELWAQ time Using DELWAQ time [VertDisp ] vertical dispersion Using output from proces [VertDisp ] [XArea ] exchange area Using DELWAQ exchange area [XLenFrom ] from-length Using DELWAQ from- length [XLenTo ] to-length Using DELWAQ to- length [Disp3 ] uniform dispersion in third direction using default value: 0.00000 Input for [Daylength ] Daylength calculation [ITIME ] DELWAQ time Using DELWAQ time [Latitude ] latitude of study area using default value: 52.1000 [RefDay ] daynumber of reference day simulation using default value: 0.00000 [AuxSys ] ratio between days and system clock using default value: 86400.0 Input for [CalcRad ] Radiation at segment upper and lower boundaries [ExtVl ] total extinction coefficient visible light Using output from proces [Extinc_VLG ] [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [RadSurf ] irradiation at the water surface Using function nr 1 [a_enh ] enhancement factor in radiation calculation using default value: 1.50000 [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 [SwEmersion ] switch indicating submersion(0) or emersion(1) using default value: 0.00000 [RadBot ] irradiation at the segment lower-boundary Using output from proces [CalcRad ] Input for [Extinc_VLG ] Extinction of visible-light (370-680nm) DLWQ-G [ExtVlIM1 ] VL specific extinction coefficient IM1 Using constant nr209 with value: 0.100000E-01 [ExtVlIM2 ] VL specific extinction coefficient IM2 using default value: 0.100000E-01 [ExtVlIM3 ] VL specific extinction coefficient IM3 using default value: 0.100000E-01 [ExtVlPOC1 ] VL specific extinction coefficient POC1 using default value: 0.470000 [ExtVlBak ] background extinction visible light Using constant nr210 with value: 0.00000 [ExtVlPhyt ] VL extinction by phytoplankton Using output from proces [EXTINABVL ] [ExtVlMacro ] VL extinction by macrophytes using default value: 0.00000 [IM1 ] inorganic matter (IM1) Using substance nr 22 [IM2 ] inorganic matter (IM2) using default value: 0.00000 [IM3 ] inorganic matter (IM3) using default value: 0.00000 [POC1 ] POC1 (fast decomposing fraction) Using substance nr 2 [POC2 ] POC2 (medium decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [SW_Uitz ] Extinction by Uitzicht On (1) or Off (0) Using constant nr274 with value: 1.00000 [DOC ] Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Using constant nr275 with value: 0.00000 [ExtVlDOC ] VL specific extinction coefficient DOC Using constant nr276 with value: 0.00000 [UitZDEPT1 ] Z1 (depth) using default value: 1.20000 [UitZDEPT2 ] Z2 (depth) using default value: 1.00000 [UitZCORCH ] CORa correction factor using default value: 2.50000 [UitZC_DET ] C3 coeff. absorption ash weight & detritus using default value: 0.260000E-01 [UitZC_GL1 ] C1 coeff. absorption ash weight & detritus using default value: 0.730000 [UitZC_GL2 ] C2 coeff. absorption ash weight & detritus using default value: 1.00000 [UitZHELHM ] Hel_h constant using default value: 0.140000E-01 [UitZTAU ] Tau constant calculation transparency using default value: 7.80000 [UitZangle ] Angle of incidence solar radiation using default value: 30.0000 [DMCFDetC ] DM:C ratio DetC using default value: 2.50000 [ExtVLSal0 ] extra VL extinction at Salinity = 0 using default value: 0.00000 [Salinity ] Salinity Using constant nr199 with value: 0.00000 [SalExt0 ] salinity value for extra extinction = 0 using default value: 34.9200 [ExtVlPOC2 ] VL specific extinction coefficient POC2 using default value: 0.600000E-01 [ExtVlPOC3 ] VL specific extinction coefficient POC3 using default value: 0.100000 [ExtVlPOC4 ] VL specific extinction coefficient POC4 using default value: 0.100000 [POC3 ] POC3 (slow decomposing fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [POC4 ] POC4 (particulate refractory fraction) using default value: 0.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [LocalDepth ] depth from water surface to bottom of segment Using output from proces [TotDepth ] [SW_Uit3 ] Uitzicht In 3D mode (1) or not (0) Using constant nr277 with value: 1.00000 [ZThreshold ] depth threshold for emersion Using constant nr278 with value: 0.100000E-01 [Chlfa ] Chlorophyll-a concentration Using output from proces [Phy_Blo ] [SLAVl400nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 400nm using default value: 0.183800 [SLAVl405nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 405nm using default value: 0.188360 [SLAVl410nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 410nm using default value: 0.192800 [SLAVl415nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 415nm using default value: 0.197100 [SLAVl420nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 420nm using default value: 0.201340 [SLAVl425nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 425nm using default value: 0.205420 [SLAVl430nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 430nm using default value: 0.209370 [SLAVl435nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 435nm using default value: 0.213200 [SLAVl440nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 440nm using default value: 0.216890 [SLAVl445nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 445nm using default value: 0.220460 [SLAVl450nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 450nm using default value: 0.223890 [SLAVl455nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 455nm using default value: 0.227200 [SLAVl460nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 460nm using default value: 0.230370 [SLAVl465nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 465nm using default value: 0.233420 [SLAVl470nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 470nm using default value: 0.236300 [SLAVl475nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 475nm using default value: 0.239120 [SLAVl480nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 480nm using default value: 0.241770 [SLAVl485nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 485nm using default value: 0.244300 [SLAVl490nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 490nm using default value: 0.246710 [SLAVl495nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 495nm using default value: 0.248980 [SLAVl500nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 500nm using default value: 0.251150 [SLAVl505nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 505nm using default value: 0.253200 [SLAVl510nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 510nm using default value: 0.255110 [SLAVl515nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 515nm using default value: 0.256910 [SLAVl520nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 520nm using default value: 0.258600 [SLAVl525nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 525nm using default value: 0.260180 [SLAVl530nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 530nm using default value: 0.261660 [SLAVl535nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 535nm using default value: 0.263000 [SLAVl540nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 540nm using default value: 0.264270 [SLAVl545nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 545nm using default value: 0.265400 [SLAVl550nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 550nm using default value: 0.266500 [SLAVl555nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 555nm using default value: 0.267450 [SLAVl560nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 560nm using default value: 0.268300 [SLAVl565nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 565nm using default value: 0.269100 [SLAVl570nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 570nm using default value: 0.269780 [SLAVl575nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 575nm using default value: 0.270370 [SLAVl580nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 580nm using default value: 0.270890 [SLAVl585nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 585nm using default value: 0.271320 [SLAVl590nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 590nm using default value: 0.271670 [SLAVl595nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 595nm using default value: 0.271940 [SLAVl600nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 600nm using default value: 0.272140 [SLAVl605nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 605nm using default value: 0.272260 [SLAVl610nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 610nm using default value: 0.272320 [SLAVl615nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 615nm using default value: 0.272310 [SLAVl620nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 620nm using default value: 0.272230 [SLAVl625nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 625nm using default value: 0.272090 [SLAVl630nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 630nm using default value: 0.271890 [SLAVl635nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 635nm using default value: 0.271630 [SLAVl640nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 640nm using default value: 0.271300 [SLAVl645nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 645nm using default value: 0.270940 [SLAVl650nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 650nm using default value: 0.270500 [SLAVl655nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 655nm using default value: 0.270040 [SLAVl660nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 660nm using default value: 0.269500 [SLAVl665nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 665nm using default value: 0.268940 [SLAVl670nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 670nm using default value: 0.268330 [SLAVl675nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 675nm using default value: 0.267670 [SLAVl680nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 680nm using default value: 0.266970 [SLAVl685nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 685nm using default value: 0.266200 [SLAVl690nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 690nm using default value: 0.265450 [SLAVl695nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 695nm using default value: 0.264640 [SLAVl700nm ] SLA Visable Daylight Composition 700nm using default value: 0.263790 Input for [Phy_Blo ] Computation of phytoplankton output - Bloom [NAlgBloom ] number of algae types in BLOOM using default value: 30.0000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [FDIATOMS_E ] concentration of algae type 1 Using substance nr 10 [FDIATOMS_N ] concentration of algae type 2 Using substance nr 11 [FFLAGELA ] concentration of algae type 3 Using substance nr 12 [GREENS_E ] concentration of algae type 4 Using substance nr 13 [GREENS_N ] concentration of algae type 5 Using substance nr 14 [GREENS_P ] concentration of algae type 6 Using substance nr 15 [MICROCYS_E ] concentration of algae type 7 Using substance nr 16 [MICROCYS_N ] concentration of algae type 8 Using substance nr 17 [MICROCYS_P ] concentration of algae type 9 Using substance nr 18 [BLOOMALG10 ] concentration of algae type 10 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG11 ] concentration of algae type 11 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG12 ] concentration of algae type 12 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG13 ] concentration of algae type 13 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG14 ] concentration of algae type 14 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG15 ] concentration of algae type 15 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG16 ] concentration of algae type 16 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG17 ] concentration of algae type 17 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG18 ] concentration of algae type 18 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG19 ] concentration of algae type 19 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG20 ] concentration of algae type 20 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG21 ] concentration of algae type 21 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG22 ] concentration of algae type 22 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG23 ] concentration of algae type 23 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG24 ] concentration of algae type 24 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG25 ] concentration of algae type 25 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG26 ] concentration of algae type 26 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG27 ] concentration of algae type 27 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG28 ] concentration of algae type 28 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG29 ] concentration of algae type 29 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG30 ] concentration of algae type 30 using default value: -101.000 [SpecAlg01 ] number of the group for algae type 01 using default value: 1.00000 [SpecAlg02 ] number of the group for algae type 02 using default value: 1.00000 [SpecAlg03 ] number of the group for algae type 03 using default value: 2.00000 [SpecAlg04 ] number of the group for algae type 04 using default value: 3.00000 [SpecAlg05 ] number of the group for algae type 05 using default value: 3.00000 [SpecAlg06 ] number of the group for algae type 06 using default value: 3.00000 [SpecAlg07 ] number of the group for algae type 07 using default value: 4.00000 [SpecAlg08 ] number of the group for algae type 08 using default value: 4.00000 [SpecAlg09 ] number of the group for algae type 09 using default value: 4.00000 [SpecAlg10 ] number of the group for algae type 10 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg11 ] number of the group for algae type 11 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg12 ] number of the group for algae type 12 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg13 ] number of the group for algae type 13 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg14 ] number of the group for algae type 14 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg15 ] number of the group for algae type 15 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg16 ] number of the group for algae type 16 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg17 ] number of the group for algae type 17 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg18 ] number of the group for algae type 18 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg19 ] number of the group for algae type 19 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg20 ] number of the group for algae type 20 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg21 ] number of the group for algae type 21 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg22 ] number of the group for algae type 22 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg23 ] number of the group for algae type 23 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg24 ] number of the group for algae type 24 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg25 ] number of the group for algae type 25 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg26 ] number of the group for algae type 26 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg27 ] number of the group for algae type 27 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg28 ] number of the group for algae type 28 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg29 ] number of the group for algae type 29 using default value: 0.00000 [SpecAlg30 ] number of the group for algae type 30 using default value: 0.00000 [NCRFDI_E ] N:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 36 with value: 0.210000 [NCRFDI_N ] N:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 37 with value: 0.188000 [NCRFFL_E ] N:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 38 with value: 0.275000 [NCRGRE_E ] N:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 39 with value: 0.275000 [NCRGRE_N ] N:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 40 with value: 0.175000 [NCRGRE_P ] N:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 41 with value: 0.200000 [NCRMIC_E ] N:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 42 with value: 0.225000 [NCRMIC_N ] N:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 43 with value: 0.113000 [NCRMIC_P ] N:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 44 with value: 0.175000 [NCRAlg10 ] N:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg11 ] N:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg12 ] N:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg13 ] N:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg14 ] N:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg15 ] N:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg16 ] N:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg17 ] N:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg18 ] N:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg19 ] N:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg20 ] N:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg21 ] N:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg22 ] N:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg23 ] N:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg24 ] N:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg25 ] N:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg26 ] N:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg27 ] N:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg28 ] N:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg29 ] N:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000 [NCRAlg30 ] N:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000 [PCRFDI_E ] P:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 45 with value: 0.180000E-01 [PCRFDI_N ] P:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 46 with value: 0.113000E-01 [PCRFFL_E ] P:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 47 with value: 0.180000E-01 [PCRGRE_E ] P:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 48 with value: 0.238000E-01 [PCRGRE_N ] P:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 49 with value: 0.150000E-01 [PCRGRE_P ] P:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 50 with value: 0.125000E-01 [PCRMIC_E ] P:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 51 with value: 0.300000E-01 [PCRMIC_N ] P:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 52 with value: 0.275000E-01 [PCRMIC_P ] P:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 53 with value: 0.225000E-01 [PCRAlg10 ] P:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg11 ] P:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg12 ] P:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg13 ] P:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg14 ] P:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg15 ] P:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg16 ] P:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg17 ] P:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg18 ] P:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg19 ] P:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg20 ] P:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg21 ] P:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg22 ] P:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg23 ] P:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg24 ] P:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg25 ] P:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg26 ] P:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg27 ] P:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg28 ] P:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg29 ] P:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [PCRAlg30 ] P:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000E-01 [SCRFDI_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 54 with value: 0.660000 [SCRFDI_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 55 with value: 0.550000 [SCRFFL_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 56 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 57 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 58 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRGRE_P ] Si:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 59 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_E ] Si:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 60 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_N ] Si:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 61 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRMIC_P ] Si:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 62 with value: 0.180000E-02 [SCRAlg10 ] Si:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg11 ] Si:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg12 ] Si:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg13 ] Si:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg14 ] Si:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg15 ] Si:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg16 ] Si:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg17 ] Si:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg18 ] Si:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg19 ] Si:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg20 ] Si:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg21 ] Si:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg22 ] Si:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg23 ] Si:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg24 ] Si:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg25 ] Si:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg26 ] Si:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg27 ] Si:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg28 ] Si:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg29 ] Si:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [SCRAlg30 ] Si:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 0.200000E-02 [DMCFFDI_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 01 Using constant nr 27 with value: 3.00000 [DMCFFDI_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 02 Using constant nr 28 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFFFL_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 03 Using constant nr 29 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 04 Using constant nr 30 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 05 Using constant nr 31 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFGRE_P ] DM:C ratio algae type 06 Using constant nr 32 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_E ] DM:C ratio algae type 07 Using constant nr 33 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_N ] DM:C ratio algae type 08 Using constant nr 34 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFMIC_P ] DM:C ratio algae type 09 Using constant nr 35 with value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg10 ] DM:C ratio algae type 10 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg11 ] DM:C ratio algae type 11 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg12 ] DM:C ratio algae type 12 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg13 ] DM:C ratio algae type 13 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg14 ] DM:C ratio algae type 14 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg15 ] DM:C ratio algae type 15 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg16 ] DM:C ratio algae type 16 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg17 ] DM:C ratio algae type 17 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg18 ] DM:C ratio algae type 18 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg19 ] DM:C ratio algae type 19 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg20 ] DM:C ratio algae type 20 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg21 ] DM:C ratio algae type 21 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg22 ] DM:C ratio algae type 22 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg23 ] DM:C ratio algae type 23 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg24 ] DM:C ratio algae type 24 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg25 ] DM:C ratio algae type 25 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg26 ] DM:C ratio algae type 26 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg27 ] DM:C ratio algae type 27 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg28 ] DM:C ratio algae type 28 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg29 ] DM:C ratio algae type 29 using default value: 2.50000 [DMCFAlg30 ] DM:C ratio algae type 30 using default value: 2.50000 [CHLACFDI_E ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 63 with value: 0.400000E-01 [CHLACFDI_N ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 64 with value: 0.250000E-01 [CHLACFFL_E ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 65 with value: 0.290000E-01 [CHLACGRE_E ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 66 with value: 0.330000E-01 [CHLACGRE_N ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 67 with value: 0.250000E-01 [CHLACGRE_P ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 68 with value: 0.250000E-01 [CHLACMIC_E ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 69 with value: 0.250000E-01 [CHLACMIC_N ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 70 with value: 0.170000E-01 [CHLACMIC_P ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type Using constant nr 71 with value: 0.170000E-01 [ChlaCAlg10 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg11 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg12 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg13 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg14 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg15 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg16 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg17 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg18 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg19 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg20 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg21 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg22 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg23 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg24 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg25 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg26 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg27 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg28 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg29 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [ChlaCAlg30 ] Chlorophyll-a:C ratio per algae type using default value: 0.300000E-01 [XNCRFDI_E ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 01 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRFDI_N ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 02 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRFFL_E ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 03 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRGRE_E ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 04 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRGRE_N ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 05 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRGRE_P ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 06 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRMIC_E ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 07 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRMIC_N ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 08 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRMIC_P ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 09 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg10 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 10 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg11 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 11 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg12 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 12 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg13 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 13 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg14 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 14 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg15 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 15 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg16 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 16 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg17 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 17 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg18 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 18 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg19 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 19 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg20 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 20 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg21 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 21 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg22 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 22 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg23 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 23 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg24 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 24 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg25 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 25 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg26 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 26 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg27 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 27 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg28 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 28 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg29 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 29 using default value: -1.00000 [XNCRAlg30 ] N:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 30 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRFDI_E ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 01 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRFDI_N ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 02 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRFFL_E ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 03 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRGRE_E ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 04 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRGRE_N ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 05 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRGRE_P ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 06 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRMIC_E ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 07 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRMIC_N ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 08 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRMIC_P ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 09 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg10 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 10 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg11 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 11 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg12 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 12 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg13 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 13 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg14 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 14 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg15 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 15 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg16 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 16 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg17 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 17 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg18 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 18 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg19 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 19 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg20 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 20 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg21 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 21 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg22 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 22 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg23 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 23 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg24 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 24 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg25 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 25 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg26 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 26 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg27 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 27 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg28 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 28 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg29 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 29 using default value: -1.00000 [XPCRAlg30 ] P:C ratio for heterotrophic algae type 30 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRFDI_E ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 01 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRFDI_N ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 02 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRFFL_E ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 03 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRGRE_E ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 04 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRGRE_N ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 05 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRGRE_P ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 06 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRMIC_E ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 07 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRMIC_N ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 08 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRMIC_P ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 09 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg10 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 10 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg11 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 11 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg12 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 12 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg13 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 13 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg14 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 14 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg15 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 15 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg16 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 16 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg17 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 17 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg18 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 18 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg19 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 19 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg20 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 20 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg21 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 21 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg22 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 22 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg23 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 23 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg24 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 24 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg25 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 25 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg26 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 26 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg27 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 27 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg28 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 28 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg29 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 29 using default value: -1.00000 [FNCRAlg30 ] N:C ratio for nitrogen fixing algae type 30 using default value: -1.00000 [FixFDI_E ] algae type 01 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr171 with value: 0.00000 [FixFDI_N ] algae type 02 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr172 with value: 0.00000 [FixFFL_E ] algae type 03 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr173 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_E ] algae type 04 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr174 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_N ] algae type 05 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr175 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_P ] algae type 06 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr176 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_E ] algae type 07 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr177 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_N ] algae type 08 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr178 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_P ] algae type 09 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr179 with value: 0.00000 [FixAlg10 ] algae type 10 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg11 ] algae type 11 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg12 ] algae type 12 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg13 ] algae type 13 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg14 ] algae type 14 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg15 ] algae type 15 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg16 ] algae type 16 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg17 ] algae type 17 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg18 ] algae type 18 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg19 ] algae type 19 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg20 ] algae type 20 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg21 ] algae type 21 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg22 ] algae type 22 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg23 ] algae type 23 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg24 ] algae type 24 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg25 ] algae type 25 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg26 ] algae type 26 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg27 ] algae type 27 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg28 ] algae type 28 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg29 ] algae type 29 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg30 ] algae type 30 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 Input for [EXTINABVL ] Extinction of light by algae (Bloom) [NAlgBloom ] number of algae types in BLOOM using default value: 30.0000 [SW_fixin_y ] switch possible scaling of input, DO NOT EDIT using default value: 1.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [EXTVLFDI_E ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 01 Using constant nr 18 with value: 0.270000 [EXTVLFDI_N ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 02 Using constant nr 19 with value: 0.187500 [EXTVLFFL_E ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 03 Using constant nr 20 with value: 0.225000 [EXTVLGRE_E ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 04 Using constant nr 21 with value: 0.225000 [EXTVLGRE_N ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 05 Using constant nr 22 with value: 0.187500 [EXTVLGRE_P ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 06 Using constant nr 23 with value: 0.187500 [EXTVLMIC_E ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 07 Using constant nr 24 with value: 0.400000 [EXTVLMIC_N ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 08 Using constant nr 25 with value: 0.287500 [EXTVLMIC_P ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 09 Using constant nr 26 with value: 0.287500 [ExtVlAlg10 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 10 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg11 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 11 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg12 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 12 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg13 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 13 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg14 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 14 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg15 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae type 15 using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg16 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg17 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg18 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg19 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg20 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg21 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg22 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg23 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg24 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg25 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg26 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg27 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg28 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg29 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [ExtVlAlg30 ] VL specific extinction coefficient algae ty using default value: 0.200000 [FDIATOMS_E ] concentration of algae type 1 Using substance nr 10 [FDIATOMS_N ] concentration of algae type 2 Using substance nr 11 [FFLAGELA ] concentration of algae type 3 Using substance nr 12 [GREENS_E ] concentration of algae type 4 Using substance nr 13 [GREENS_N ] concentration of algae type 5 Using substance nr 14 [GREENS_P ] concentration of algae type 6 Using substance nr 15 [MICROCYS_E ] concentration of algae type 7 Using substance nr 16 [MICROCYS_N ] concentration of algae type 8 Using substance nr 17 [MICROCYS_P ] concentration of algae type 9 Using substance nr 18 [BLOOMALG10 ] concentration of algae type 10 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG11 ] concentration of algae type 11 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG12 ] concentration of algae type 12 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG13 ] concentration of algae type 13 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG14 ] concentration of algae type 14 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG15 ] concentration of algae type 15 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG16 ] concentration of algae type 16 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG17 ] concentration of algae type 17 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG18 ] concentration of algae type 18 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG19 ] concentration of algae type 19 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG20 ] concentration of algae type 20 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG21 ] concentration of algae type 21 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG22 ] concentration of algae type 22 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG23 ] concentration of algae type 23 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG24 ] concentration of algae type 24 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG25 ] concentration of algae type 25 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG26 ] concentration of algae type 26 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG27 ] concentration of algae type 27 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG28 ] concentration of algae type 28 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG29 ] concentration of algae type 29 using default value: -101.000 [BLOOMALG30 ] concentration of algae type 30 using default value: -101.000 [FixFDI_E ] algae type 01 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr171 with value: 0.00000 [FixFDI_N ] algae type 02 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr172 with value: 0.00000 [FixFFL_E ] algae type 03 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr173 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_E ] algae type 04 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr174 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_N ] algae type 05 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr175 with value: 0.00000 [FixGRE_P ] algae type 06 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr176 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_E ] algae type 07 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr177 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_N ] algae type 08 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr178 with value: 0.00000 [FixMIC_P ] algae type 09 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) Using constant nr179 with value: 0.00000 [FixAlg10 ] algae type 10 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg11 ] algae type 11 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg12 ] algae type 12 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg13 ] algae type 13 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg14 ] algae type 14 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg15 ] algae type 15 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg16 ] algae type 16 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg17 ] algae type 17 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg18 ] algae type 18 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg19 ] algae type 19 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg20 ] algae type 20 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg21 ] algae type 21 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg22 ] algae type 22 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg23 ] algae type 23 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg24 ] algae type 24 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg25 ] algae type 25 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg26 ] algae type 26 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg27 ] algae type 27 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg28 ] algae type 28 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg29 ] algae type 29 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [FixAlg30 ] algae type 30 fixed (0=not app,>0=sus,<0=fixed) using default value: 0.00000 [SDMIXFDI_E ] distribution in water column algae type 01 Using constant nr135 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXFDI_N ] distribution in water column algae type 02 Using constant nr136 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXFFL_E ] distribution in water column algae type 03 Using constant nr137 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXGRE_E ] distribution in water column algae type 04 Using constant nr138 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXGRE_N ] distribution in water column algae type 05 Using constant nr139 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXGRE_P ] distribution in water column algae type 06 Using constant nr140 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXMIC_E ] distribution in water column algae type 07 Using constant nr141 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXMIC_N ] distribution in water column algae type 08 Using constant nr142 with value: 1.00000 [SDMIXMIC_P ] distribution in water column algae type 09 Using constant nr143 with value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg10 ] distribution in water column algae type 10 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg11 ] distribution in water column algae type 11 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg12 ] distribution in water column algae type 12 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg13 ] distribution in water column algae type 13 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg14 ] distribution in water column algae type 14 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg15 ] distribution in water column algae type 15 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg16 ] distribution in water column algae type 16 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg17 ] distribution in water column algae type 17 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg18 ] distribution in water column algae type 18 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg19 ] distribution in water column algae type 19 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg20 ] distribution in water column algae type 20 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg21 ] distribution in water column algae type 21 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg22 ] distribution in water column algae type 22 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg23 ] distribution in water column algae type 23 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg24 ] distribution in water column algae type 24 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg25 ] distribution in water column algae type 25 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg26 ] distribution in water column algae type 26 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg27 ] distribution in water column algae type 27 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg28 ] distribution in water column algae type 28 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg29 ] distribution in water column algae type 29 using default value: 1.00000 [SDMixAlg30 ] distribution in water column algae type 30 using default value: 1.00000 Input for [CalTau ] Calculation of bottom friction [WaveHeight ] calculated height of a wind induced wave using default value: 0.00000 [WaveLength ] calculated length of a wind induced wave using default value: 0.00000 [WavePeriod ] calculated period of a wind induced wave using default value: 0.00000 [TauShip ] bottom shear stress by ship movement using default value: 0.00000 [SWTauVeloc ] Switch Tauveloc (1=calculate|2=TauFlow) using default value: 1.00000 [TauFlow ] bottom shear stress by FLOW using default value: 0.00000 [Velocity ] horizontal flow velocity Using output from proces [Veloc ] [CHEZY ] Chezy coefficient Using output from proces [Chezy ] [TotalDepth ] total depth water column Using output from proces [TotDepth ] [SWTau ] switch <1=Tamminga|2=Swart|3=Soulsby> using default value: 1.00000 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] Input for [Chezy ] Chezy coefficient [Rough ] bottom roughness/friction using default value: 0.100000E-02 [Manncoef ] Mannings Coefficent using default value: 0.260000E-01 [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [TotalDepth ] total depth water column Using output from proces [TotDepth ] [SwChezy ] switch (1=White/Coolbrook, 2=Manning) using default value: 1.00000 Input for [VertDisp ] Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange) [VertDisper ] vertical dispersion Using segment function nr 1 [ScaleVdisp ] scaling factor for vertical diffusion Using constant nr218 with value: 1.00000 Input for [Veloc ] Horizontal flow velocity [WSNoseg1 ] workspace array no. 1 Using output from proces [Veloc ] [WSNoseg2 ] workspace array no. 2 Using output from proces [Veloc ] [WSNoseg3 ] workspace array no. 3 Using output from proces [Veloc ] [WSNoseg4 ] workspace array no. 4 Using output from proces [Veloc ] [MaxVeloc ] maximum horizontal flow velocity using default value: 0.00000 [Orient_1 ] orientation of main positive flow direction using default value: -1.00000 [Orient_2 ] orientation of secondary positive flow direct using default value: -1.00000 [SWCalcVelo ] switch (1=lin avg, 2=Flow avg, 3=Area avg) using default value: 1.00000 [SWAvgVelo ] switch (1=Pythagoras, 2=Min, 3=Max) using default value: 1.00000 [XArea ] exchange area Using DELWAQ exchange area [Flow ] flow rate Using DELWAQ flow Input for [TotDepth ] depth water column [Depth ] depth of segment Using output from proces [DynDepth ] [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 Input for [DynDepth ] dynamic calculation of the depth [Volume ] volume of computational cell Using DELWAQ volume [Surf ] horizontal surface area of a DELWAQ segment Using parameter nr 1 # determining the use of the delwaq input info: constant [Temp ] is not used by the proces system info: constant [SecchiExt1] is not used by the proces system info: constant [CLOSE_ERR ] is not used by the proces system info: constant [MaxIter ] is not used by the proces system info: constant [Tolerance ] is not used by the proces system info: constant [Iteration ] is not used by the proces system info: constant [xxACTIVE_S] is not used by the proces system # locating requested output from active processes output [Depth ] from proces [DynDepth ] output [ExtVl ] from proces [Extinc_VLG] output [ExtVlPhyt ] from proces [EXTINABVL ] output [Rad ] from proces [CalcRad ] output [DayL ] from proces [Daylength ] output [Phyt ] from proces [Phy_Blo ] output [AlgN ] from proces [Phy_Blo ] output [AlgP ] from proces [Phy_Blo ] output [AlgSi ] from proces [Phy_Blo ] output [Chlfa ] from proces [Phy_Blo ] output [Limit Chlo ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [Limit nit ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [Limit pho ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [Limit sil ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [Limit e ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [Limit gro ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [Limit mor ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [fPPtot ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [RcPPFDIAT ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [RcPPFFLAE ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [RcPPGREEN ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [RcPPMICRO ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [RcMrtFDIAT ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [RcMrtFFLAE ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [RcMrtGREEN ] from proces [BLOOM ] output [RcMrtMICRO ] from proces [BLOOM ] warning: output [SecchiDept ] not located output [SecchiV ] from proces [Extinc_VLG] output [SecchiH ] from proces [Extinc_VLG] output [SaturOXY ] from proces [SaturOXY ] output [BOD5 ] from proces [BODCOD ] output [DO ] from proces [PosOXY ] warning: output [DetCS1M2 ] not located warning: output [AAPS1M2 ] not located warning: output [DetNS1M2 ] not located warning: output [DetPS1M2 ] not located warning: output [DetSiS1M2 ] not located output [ExtVlOSS ] from proces [Extinc_VLG] output [ExtVlISS ] from proces [Extinc_VLG] output [FRACTIME01 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME02 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME03 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME04 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME05 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME06 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME07 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME08 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME09 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FRACTIME10 ] from proces [vtrans ] output [FDIATOMS ] from proces [Phy_Blo ] output [GREENS ] from proces [Phy_Blo ] output [MICROCYS ] from proces [Phy_Blo ] output [LocalDepth ] from proces [TotDepth ] output [ExtVlfresh ] from proces [Extinc_VLG] output [ExtVlODS ] from proces [Extinc_VLG] output [uitzdept1 ] default from [Extinc_VLG ] output [uitzdept2 ] default from [Extinc_VLG ]