*******General Input******** DPM DIMENS: choose 1DV or DPM 1.15e-4 FCORIO: Coriolis parameter 30 DP : depth 0.0 ZETA : water-level (or) FILTSZ: file time series ZETA (or) FILFOZ: file fourier comp. ZETA (or) 0 UMEAN : West-to-East depth-averaged velocity (or) FILTSU: file time series UMEAN (or) FILFOU: file fourier comp. UMEAN (or) *******Time management input******** min TUNIT : time unit (SEC/MIN) 10.0 TIMEST: time step (in TUNIT) 51840 NUMTIM: number of timestep simulation 10. RELTIM: relaxationtime (in TUNIT) 0 43200 518400 TIMEWR: STRT-INC-STOP time frame writing output (TUNIT) 1.0 TETA : par. theta-method(rec. theta =1) *******Turbulence Model input******** KEP MODEL : choice between LAM (laminar flow) or KEP (k-epsilon turb. model) 1e-006 VISCOU: kinematic viscosity (m2/s) CHEZ ROUMET: roughness meth. MANN/CHEZ/Z0 60 ROUCOF: roughness height (ROUMET) 1 IRO : IRO0: hydr.smooth, IRO=1: hydr.rough *******Internal Wave Model input******** .false. IWEMOD: inclusion of IWE model (logical) 50 KMXT : number of equidistant layers for IWE model 0.10 SIGLIM: criterion for computing TKE production by internal waves. 180.0 TINCIW: time increment, in TUNIT, for calling IWE model 100.0 0.02 WVLBED ; FRCBED: wavelength bed topography ; fraction of bed-induced power converted to IWE 150.0 0.02 WVLSUR ; FRCSUR: wavelength surface/wave perturbations ; fraction of wind-induced power converted to IWE *******Wind and surface wave input******** zeg99-10.wnd FLTWIN: file time series (directional) wind and surface waves (or) 90 DIRWI : direction from which the wind blows 15 WIND : wind speed, 10 m above free surface 270. DIRWA : direction from which the surface waves come 0. HSIG : significant wave height 10. PERIO : significant wave period *******Layer Input******** EQUID LAYDIS: choose EQUIDistant or VARIAble 100 KMAX : number of layers *******Constituent Input******** 1000.0 RHOM : reference density 1 LMAX : number of constituents 0 LSAL : index nr for salinity 1 LTEM : index nr for temperature ! MOET 1 ZIJN 0.0 SALEQS: eq. of state salinity (always input) 5.0 TEMEQS: eq. of state temperature (always input) *******Heat Input******** 4 KTEMP : 1 to 5 ; choice temp. models zeg99.tem FILTEM: name of time series ; if blank then following is taken 920 PATM : atmospheric pressure (mbar) 0 FCLOU : cloud cover fraction (-) 0 TAIR : air temperature (C) 0 RHUM : relative hunidity (%) 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 *******Sediment Input******** 0 LSED : number of sediment *******End Input******** File description for time series water-level: At least one record containing: time (in TUNIT) water-level (m) For first time > 0. or last time < NUMTIM * TIMEST the water-level will be assumed constant File description for fourier components water-level NF number of fourier components (exclusive A0) A0 omega values (OME(I),I=1,NF)) amplitudes (AMP(I),I=1,NF)) phases (PHA(I),I=1,NF)) File description for time series depth averaged velocity: At least one record containing: time (in TUNIT) depth averaged velocity (m/s) For first time > 0. or last time < NUMTIM * TIMEST the velocity will be assumed constant File description for fourier components velocity NF number of fourier components (exclusive A0) weigh factors (WEIGH( K),K=1,KMAX)) A0 (AMP0 ( K),K=1,KMAX)) omega values ((OME (I,K),K=1,KMAX),I=1,NF) amplitudes ((AMP (I,K),K=1,KMAX),I=1,NF) phases ((PHA (I,K),K=1,KMAX),I=1,NF) File description for time series for temperature model (LTEM > 0 & KTEMP > 0): KTEMP = 1 time depended input: TIME ,RHUM ,TDRYB ,QSUN KTEMP = 2 time depended input: TIME ,RHUM ,TDRYB ,QRADIN KTEMP = 3 time depended input: TIME ,TBACK KTEMP = 4 time depended input: TIME ,TSURF ! hk moet zijn, time, rhum(%), tair(c), clou(%) where: TIME = time expressed in TUNIT RHUM = relative humidity TDRYB = dry bulb temperature QSUN = radiation flux from sun QRADIN = incedent radiation flux TBACK = background temperature TSURF = surface temperature At least one record containing: time (in TUNIT) z-values (depending on KTEMP) For first time > 0. or last time < NUMTIM * TIMEST the z-values will be assumed constant alles2.xls: observed surface temperatures 1998 1999 3-12-98 0.50 T 1.000 dus geschat initieel 010199 6-01-99 0.50 T 5.700 3-02-99 0.50 T 5.600 2-03-99 0.50 T 4.900 29-03-99 0.50 T 7.200 0.00 OZMIDOV LENGTH SCALE 0.0 = no 0.0016 was .015 CONVECTION EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT AIR-WATER 0.0016 .015 EVAPORATION EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT AIR-WATER 0.65 0.0001 CD COEFFICIENT SB CD FORMULATION CO=consta, SB=Smith&Banks, CH=CHARNOCK if SB or CH then CD is used as factor 0E-7 0E-7 BACKGROUND EDDY VISCOSITY AND DIFFUSIVITY 0 PREDEFINED DENSITY PROFILE OR NOT