All options have been (re)set to default values All options have been (re)set to default values 1985 ECOLUMN - BLOOM II model Based on coefficients of ECOLUMN - BLOOM, but modified Diatom-E and Flag-E as in 2 species calculation! C/CHL E-types lowerd Temperature calculated as 1.00 * nominal Temp + 0.00 Solar radiation calculated as 1.00 * nominal rad + 0.00 Daylength calculated as 1.00 * nominal daylen + 0.00 Backgr. ext. calculated as 1.00 * nominal Kb + 0.00 Depth calculated as 1.00 * nominal depth + 0.00 Concentration of NITROGEN is 1.00 * nominal conc. + 0.00 Concentration of PHOSPHOR is 1.00 * nominal conc. + 0.00 Concentration of SILICON is 1.00 * nominal conc. + 0.00 Mineralization of NITROGEN = 0.0060 * Temparature Mineralization of PHOSPHOR = 0.0060 * Temparature Mineralization of SILICON = 0.0030 * Temparature Blooms will be calculated for the following 1 periods: First period: 1 Last period: 52 Increment: 1 Mortality rate calculated as exponential function of temperature. Sedimentation rate = 0.000 Flushing rate = 0.000 Mineralization rate of detritus = 0.005 * Temperature Mineralization rate of chlorophyll is: EXP ( 0.0296 * Temperature- 1.8971 ) Nutrient fraction becoming detritus: Species fDet FDIATOMS_E 0.700 FDIATOMS_P 0.700 GREENS_E 0.700 GREENS_N 0.700 GREENS_P 0.700 BLUEGRN_E 0.700 BLUEGRN_N 0.700 BLUEGRN_P 0.700 Present species growth coefficients: Species Pmax 1 Pmax 2 P-func. Mort 1 Mort 2 Resp 1 Resp 2 Relmix Zoopref FDIATOMS_E 0.350 1.060 EXPONENT 0.035 1.080 0.031 1.072 1.000 1.000 FDIATOMS_P 0.350 1.054 EXPONENT 0.045 1.085 0.031 1.072 1.000 1.000 GREENS_E 0.068 0.000 LINEAR 0.035 1.080 0.031 1.072 1.000 1.000 GREENS_N 0.068 3.000 LINEAR 0.045 1.085 0.031 1.072 1.000 1.000 GREENS_P 0.068 3.000 LINEAR 0.045 1.085 0.031 1.072 1.000 1.000 BLUEGRN_E 0.056 3.000 LINEAR 0.035 1.080 0.012 1.072 1.000 1.000 BLUEGRN_N 0.048 5.000 LINEAR 0.045 1.085 0.012 1.072 1.000 1.000 BLUEGRN_P 0.048 5.000 LINEAR 0.045 1.085 0.012 1.072 1.000 1.000 Present species stochiometry: Spec ext NITROGEN PHOSPHOR SILICON CHLTOCAR CARTODRY FDIATOMS_E 0.900D-04 0.07000 0.00600 0.22000 25.0000 3.00000 FDIATOMS_P 0.750D-04 0.07520 0.00452 0.22000 40.0000 2.50000 GREENS_E 0.900D-04 0.11000 0.00952 0.00072 30.3030 2.50000 GREENS_N 0.750D-04 0.07000 0.00600 0.00072 40.0000 2.50000 GREENS_P 0.750D-04 0.08000 0.00500 0.00072 40.0000 2.50000 BLUEGRN_E 0.160D-03 0.09000 0.00752 0.00072 30.3030 2.50000 BLUEGRN_N 0.115D-03 0.05000 0.00752 0.00072 50.0000 2.50000 BLUEGRN_P 0.115D-03 0.06000 0.00600 0.00072 50.0000 2.50000 Ojective function: maximize net growth rates. Minimum Pmax and mortality rate of 0.010 for temperatures less or equal to 2.5 Computation with extra constraints on growth rates using a CONSTANT base level of 50.00 Computation with extra mortality constraints using a top level of 2.50 Option DOMINANC has been put on