configuration 'ECO' serial 2014091201 substance_group 'Tracer and temperature' substance 'Continuity' name 'Continuity' unit '(g/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'Emersion' name 'handle emersion z layers' active 0 abbrev 'ResTim' name 'Residence time' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 abbrev 'Evap_Conti' name 'Evaporation and rain continuity' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance end-substance_group substance_group 'Dissolved inorganic matter' substance 'NH4' name 'Ammonium (NH4)' unit '(gN/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Compos' name 'Composition' active 1 abbrev 'Nitrif_NH4' name 'Nitrification of ammonium' active 1 abbrev 'BMS1_DetN' name 'Mineralisation detritus nitrogen in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS2_DetN' name 'Mineralisation detritus nitrogen in sediment S2' active 0 abbrev 'BMS1_OON' name 'Mineralisation other organic N in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS2_OON' name 'Mineralisation other organic N in sediment S2' active 0 abbrev 'DecFast' name 'Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1' active 1 abbrev 'DecMedium' name 'Mineralization medium decomp. detritus POC2' active 0 abbrev 'DecSlow' name 'Mineralization slow decomp. detritus POC3' active 0 abbrev 'DecRefr' name 'Mineralization part. refractory detritus POC4' active 0 abbrev 'DecDOC' name 'Mineralization DOC (diss. refr. detritus)' active 0 abbrev 'DecPOC5' name 'Mineralisation POC5' active 0 abbrev 'GroMrt_DS1' name 'Nett primary production and mortality diatoms' active 0 abbrev 'NRAlg_S1' name 'Nutrient release of algae in S1' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 abbrev 'AtmDep_NH4' name 'Atmospheric deposition NH4' active 0 abbrev 'Dfwast_NH4' name 'Diffusive waste NH4' active 0 abbrev 'NH3free' name 'Calculation conc. unionized ammonia' active 0 abbrev 'Prod_TEWOR' name 'Production fluxes for TEWOR+' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB03 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB04 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB05 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB06 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB07 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB08 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB09 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'TraSe2_NH4' name 'Total of transport in sediment for NH4' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 abbrev 'HorzDisper' name 'Horizontal dispersion in a 1D model' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'NO3' name 'Nitrate (NO3)' unit '(gN/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Compos' name 'Composition' active 1 abbrev 'DenSed_NO3' name 'Denitrification in sediment' active 0 abbrev 'DenWat_NO3' name 'Denitrification in water column' active 0 abbrev 'Nitrif_NH4' name 'Nitrification of ammonium' active 1 abbrev 'GroMrt_DS1' name 'Nett primary production and mortality diatoms' active 0 abbrev 'CONSELAC' name 'Consumption oxygen/other electron acceptors' active 1 abbrev 'IRONOX' name 'Oxidation of dissolved iron' active 0 abbrev 'AtmDep_NO3' name 'Atmospheric deposition NO3' active 0 abbrev 'Dfwast_NO3' name 'Diffusive waste NO3' active 0 abbrev 'Prod_TEWOR' name 'Production fluxes for TEWOR+' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB03 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB04 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB05 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB06 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB07 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB08 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB09 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'TraSe2_NO3' name 'Total of transport in sediment for NO3' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 abbrev 'HorzDisper' name 'Horizontal dispersion in a 1D model' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'PO4' name 'Ortho-Phosphate (PO4)' unit '(gP/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Compos' name 'Composition' active 1 abbrev 'AdsPO4AAP' name 'Ad(De)Sorption ortho phosphorus to inorg. matter' active 0 abbrev 'BMS1_DetP' name 'Mineralisation detritus phosphorus in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS2_DetP' name 'Mineralisation detritus phosphorus in sediment S2' active 0 abbrev 'BMS1_OOP' name 'Mineralisation other organic P in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS2_OOP' name 'Mineralisation other organic P in sediment S2' active 0 abbrev 'Deso_AAPS1' name 'Desorption of adsorbed phosphates in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'Deso_AAPS2' name 'Desorption of adsorbed phosphates in sediment S2' active 0 abbrev 'DecFast' name 'Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1' active 1 abbrev 'DecMedium' name 'Mineralization medium decomp. detritus POC2' active 0 abbrev 'DecSlow' name 'Mineralization slow decomp. detritus POC3' active 0 abbrev 'DecRefr' name 'Mineralization part. refractory detritus POC4' active 0 abbrev 'DecDOC' name 'Mineralization DOC (diss. refr. detritus)' active 0 abbrev 'DecPOC5' name 'Mineralisation POC5' active 0 abbrev 'Vivianit' name 'Dissolution/precipitation of P in vivianite' active 0 abbrev 'GroMrt_DS1' name 'Nett primary production and mortality diatoms' active 0 abbrev 'NRAlg_S1' name 'Nutrient release of algae in S1' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 abbrev 'AtmDep_PO4' name 'Atmospheric deposition PO4' active 0 abbrev 'Dfwast_PO4' name 'Diffusive waste PO4' active 0 abbrev 'APATITE' name 'Dissolution/precipitation of apatite-like mineral' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB03 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB04 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB05 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB06 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB07 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB08 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Upt3D' name 'Vegetation module VB09 uptake 3D flux distribution' active 0 abbrev 'TraSe2_PO4' name 'Total of transport in sediment for PO4' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 abbrev 'HorzDisper' name 'Horizontal dispersion in a 1D model' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'Si' name 'dissolved Silica (Si)' unit '(gSi/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Compos' name 'Composition' active 1 abbrev 'BMS1_DetSi' name 'Mineralisation detritus silica in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS2_DetSi' name 'Mineralisation detritus silica in sediment S2' active 0 abbrev 'BMS1_OOSi' name 'Mineralisation other organic Si in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS2_OOSi' name 'Mineralisation other organic Si in sediment S2' active 0 abbrev 'DisSi' name 'Dissolution of Si in opal (SWITCH defaults)' active 1 abbrev 'GroMrt_DS1' name 'Nett primary production and mortality diatoms' active 0 abbrev 'NRAlg_S1' name 'Nutrient release of algae in S1' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 abbrev 'Dfwast_Si' name 'Diffusive waste Si' active 0 abbrev 'TraSe2_Si' name 'Total of transport in sediment for Si' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 abbrev 'HorzDisper' name 'Horizontal dispersion in a 1D model' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'Opal' name 'Opal-Si' unit '(gSi/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Compos' name 'Composition' active 1 abbrev 'DisSi' name 'Dissolution of Si in opal (SWITCH defaults)' active 1 abbrev 'Sed_Opal' name 'Sedimentation Opal 3d' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDetS' name 'Transport in S1-S2: detritus silica' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraOOSi' name 'Transport in S1-S2: OOSi' active 0 abbrev 'ResN_DiaS1' name 'Resuspension nutrients in detritus' active 0 abbrev 'ResN_DiaS2' name 'Resuspension nutrients in detritus' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 abbrev 'TrSe2_Opal' name 'Total of transport in sediment for Opal' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 abbrev 'HorzDisper' name 'Horizontal dispersion in a 1D model' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance end-substance_group substance_group 'Organic matter' substance 'POC1' name 'POC1 (fast decomposing fraction)' unit '(gC/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Compos' name 'Composition' active 1 abbrev 'DecFast' name 'Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1' active 1 abbrev 'CONSELAC' name 'Consumption oxygen/other electron acceptors' active 1 abbrev 'Sed_POC1' name 'Sedimentation POC1 3d' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDetC' name 'Transport in S1-S2: detritus carbon' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDiat' name 'Transport in S1-S2: Diatoms' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 abbrev 'Secchi' name 'Secchi depth for visible-light (370-680nm)' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'TrSe2_POC1' name 'Total of transport in sediment for POC1' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 abbrev 'HorzDisper' name 'Horizontal dispersion in a 1D model' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'PON1' name 'PON1 (fast decomposing fraction)' unit '(gN/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Compos' name 'Composition' active 1 abbrev 'DecFast' name 'Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1' active 1 abbrev 'SedNPOC1' name 'Sedim. nutrients in POC1' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDetN' name 'Transport in S1-S2: detritus nitrogen' active 0 abbrev 'ResN_DiaS1' name 'Resuspension nutrients in detritus' active 0 abbrev 'ResN_DiaS2' name 'Resuspension nutrients in detritus' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 abbrev 'Prod_TEWOR' name 'Production fluxes for TEWOR+' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'Sed_POC1' name 'Sedimentation POC1 3d' active 0 abbrev 'TrSe2_PON1' name 'Total of transport in sediment for PON1' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 abbrev 'HorzDisper' name 'Horizontal dispersion in a 1D model' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'POP1' name 'POP1 (fast decomposing fraction)' unit '(gP/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Compos' name 'Composition' active 1 abbrev 'DecFast' name 'Mineralization fast decomp. detritus POC1' active 1 abbrev 'SedNPOC1' name 'Sedim. nutrients in POC1' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDetP' name 'Transport in S1-S2: detritus phosphorus' active 0 abbrev 'ResN_DiaS1' name 'Resuspension nutrients in detritus' active 0 abbrev 'ResN_DiaS2' name 'Resuspension nutrients in detritus' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB01_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB02_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB03_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB04_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB05_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB06_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB07_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB08_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Mrt3W' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux water' active 0 abbrev 'VB09_Mrt3S' name 'Vegetation module mortality 3D flux sediment' active 0 abbrev 'Sed_POC1' name 'Sedimentation POC1 3d' active 0 abbrev 'TrSe2_POP1' name 'Total of transport in sediment for POP1' active 0 abbrev 'VertDisp' name 'Vertical dispersion (segment -> exchange)' active 0 abbrev 'HorzDisper' name 'Horizontal dispersion in a 1D model' active 0 abbrev 'HDisperVel' name 'Horizontal dispersion velocity dependent' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'DetCS1' name 'DetC in layer S1' unit '(gC/m2)' active 0 selected_processes abbrev 'S1_Comp' name 'Composition sediment layer S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS1_DetC' name 'Mineralisation detritus carbon in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'NRAlg_S1' name 'Nutrient release of algae in S1' active 0 abbrev 'SedPhBlo_P' name 'Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom' active 0 abbrev 'Sed_POC1' name 'Sedimentation POC1 3d' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDetC' name 'Transport in S1-S2: detritus carbon' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'DetNS1' name 'DetN in layer S1' unit '(gN/m2)' active 0 selected_processes abbrev 'S1_Comp' name 'Composition sediment layer S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS1_DetN' name 'Mineralisation detritus nitrogen in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'NRAlg_S1' name 'Nutrient release of algae in S1' active 0 abbrev 'SedPhBlo_P' name 'Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom' active 0 abbrev 'SedNPOC1' name 'Sedim. nutrients in POC1' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDetN' name 'Transport in S1-S2: detritus nitrogen' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'DetPS1' name 'DetP in layer S1' unit '(gP/m2)' active 0 selected_processes abbrev 'S1_Comp' name 'Composition sediment layer S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS1_DetP' name 'Mineralisation detritus phosphorus in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'NRAlg_S1' name 'Nutrient release of algae in S1' active 0 abbrev 'SedPhBlo_P' name 'Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom' active 0 abbrev 'SedNPOC1' name 'Sedim. nutrients in POC1' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDetP' name 'Transport in S1-S2: detritus phosphorus' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'DetSiS1' name 'DetSi in layer S1' unit '(gSi/m2)' active 0 selected_processes abbrev 'S1_Comp' name 'Composition sediment layer S1' active 0 abbrev 'BMS1_DetSi' name 'Mineralisation detritus silica in sediment S1' active 0 abbrev 'NRAlg_S1' name 'Nutrient release of algae in S1' active 0 abbrev 'SedPhBlo_P' name 'Sum sedimentation of algae - Bloom' active 0 abbrev 'Sed_Opal' name 'Sedimentation Opal 3d' active 0 abbrev 'S12TraDetS' name 'Transport in S1-S2: detritus silica' active 0 abbrev 'CONSBL' name 'Grazing module' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance end-substance_group substance_group 'Algae' substance 'BLUEGRN' name 'Blue Greens' unit '(gC/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Phy_Blo_P' name 'Computation of phytoplankton output - Bloom' active 1 abbrev 'SEDALG' name 'Sedimentation of algae species' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'FDIATOMS' name 'Freshwater Diatoms' unit '(gC/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Phy_Blo_P' name 'Computation of phytoplankton output - Bloom' active 1 abbrev 'SEDALG' name 'Sedimentation of algae species' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance substance 'GREENS' name 'Green algae' unit '(gC/m3)' active 1 selected_processes abbrev 'BLOOM_P' name 'BLOOM II algae module' active 1 abbrev 'Phy_Blo_P' name 'Computation of phytoplankton output - Bloom' active 1 abbrev 'SEDALG' name 'Sedimentation of algae species' active 0 end-selected_processes end-substance end-substance_group process_parameter 'Continuity' name 'Continuity' unit '(g/m3)' modelled 1 default 1.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'OXY' name 'Dissolved Oxygen' unit '(g/m3)' modelled 0 default 1.000e+001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Salinity' name 'Salinity' unit '(g/kg)' modelled 0 default 3.500e+001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process 'Salinchlor' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Cl' name 'Chloride' unit '(g/m3)' modelled 0 default 2.000e+004 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Salinchlor' delft3d_par 1 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'NH4' name 'Ammonium (NH4)' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'NO3' name 'Nitrate (NO3)' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'PO4' name 'Ortho-Phosphate (PO4)' unit '(gP/m3)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Si' name 'dissolved Silica (Si)' unit '(gSi/m3)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Opal' name 'Opal-Si' unit '(gSi/m3)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'POC1' name 'POC1 (fast decomposing fraction)' unit '(gC/m3)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'PON1' name 'PON1 (fast decomposing fraction)' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'POP1' name 'POP1 (fast decomposing fraction)' unit '(gP/m3)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'DetCS1' name 'DetC in layer S1' unit '(gC/m2)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'DetNS1' name 'DetN in layer S1' unit '(gN/m2)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'DetPS1' name 'DetP in layer S1' unit '(gP/m2)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'DetSiS1' name 'DetSi in layer S1' unit '(gSi/m2)' modelled 1 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'BLUEGRN' name 'Blue Greens' unit '(gC/m3)' modelled 1 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FDIATOMS' name 'Freshwater Diatoms' unit '(gC/m3)' modelled 1 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'GREENS' name 'Green algae' unit '(gC/m3)' modelled 1 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Depth' name 'depth of segment' unit '(m)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DynDepth' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'RadSurf' name 'irradiation at the water surface' unit '(W/m2)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Latitude' name 'latitude of study area' unit '(degrees)' modelled 0 default 5.210e+001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'RefDay' name 'daynumber of reference day simulation' unit '(d)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Temp' name 'ambient water temperature' unit '(oC)' modelled 0 default 1.500e+001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process 'Temperatur' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Velocity' name 'horizontal flow velocity' unit '(m/s)' modelled 0 default 5.000e-001 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Veloc' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'CHEZY' name 'Chezy coefficient' unit '(m0.5/s)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Chezy' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TotalDepth' name 'total depth water column' unit '(m)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'TotDepth' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ExtVlPOC1' name 'VL specific extinction coefficient POC1' unit '(m2/gC)' modelled 0 default 1.000e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ExtVlBak' name 'background extinction visible light' unit '(1/m)' modelled 0 default 8.000e-002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ExtVlPhyt' name 'VL extinction by phytoplankton' unit '(1/m)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'EXTINABVLP' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ExtVl' name 'total extinction coefficient visible light' unit '(1/m)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Extinc_VLG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'RadBot' name 'irradiation at the segment lower-boundary' unit '(W/m2)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CalcRad' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TimMultBl' name 'ratio bloom/delwaq time step' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 1.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'BloomDepth' name 'average depth over Bloom time step' unit '(m)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DepAve' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Rad' name 'irradiation at the segment upper-boundary' unit '(W/m2)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CalcRad' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'DayL' name 'daylength <0-1>' unit '(d)' modelled 0 default 5.800e-001 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Daylength' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'SWBloomOut' name 'switch on BLOOM output (0=no,1=yes)' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrAutAlg' name 'frac. mort. algae dissolved as nutrients' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 3.500e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrDetAlg' name 'frac. mort. algae detritus production' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 6.500e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Phyt' name 'total carbon in phytoplankton' unit '(gC/m3)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Phy_Blo_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'AlgN' name 'total nitrogen in algae' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Phy_Blo_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'AlgP' name 'total phosphorus in algae' unit '(gP/m3)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Phy_Blo_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'AlgSi' name 'total silica in algae' unit '(gSi/m3)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Phy_Blo_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'AlgDM' name 'total DM in algae' unit '(gDM/m3)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Phy_Blo_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TIM' name 'total inorganic matter' unit '(gDM/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'POM' name 'particulate org. matter (incl algae)' unit '(gdw/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'RcNit20' name 'MM- nitrification rate at 20 oC' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default 1.000e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TcNit' name 'temperature coefficient for nitrification' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 1.070e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'fPPtot' name 'total net primary production' unit '(gC/m2/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'fResptot' name 'total respiration flux' unit '(gC/m2/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ku_dFdcC20' name 'upper limit mineralization rate fast detr-C' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default 1.800e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'kl_dFdcC20' name 'lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-C' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default 1.200e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ku_dFdcN20' name 'upper limit mineralization rate fast detr-N' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default 1.800e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'kl_dFdcN20' name 'lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-N' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default 1.200e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ku_dFdcP20' name 'upper limit mineralization rate fast detr-P' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default 1.800e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'kl_dFdcP20' name 'lower limit mineralization rate fast detr-P' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default 1.200e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'kT_dec' name 'temperature coefficient for decomposition' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 1.047e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'b_poc1poc2' name 'fraction POC1 converted to POC2' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'b_poc1doc' name 'fraction POC1 converted to DOC' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'SWOMDec' name 'option: 0.0 for stripping, 1.0 for different rates' unit '{no unit}' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'RCdisSi20' name '2nd order dissolution rate SiO2 at 20 oC' unit '(m3/gSi/d)' modelled 0 default 1.000e-004 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TCdisSi' name 'temperature dependency dissolution Si' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 1.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'f_minPOC1' name 'mineralization flux POC1' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'SWOxCon' name 'Switch: only OxCon (1) or not (0)' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'LocalDepth' name 'depth from water surface to bottom of segment' unit '(m)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'TotDepth' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'CrSS' name 'crit. susp. solid concentration for flocculation' unit '(gDM/m3)' modelled 0 default 1.000e+002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'V0SedAlg' name 'sedimentation velocity algal type' unit '(m/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Tau' name 'total bottom shear stress' unit '(N/m2)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process 'CalTau' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'MinDepth' name 'minimum waterdepth for sedimentation' unit '(m)' modelled 0 default 1.000e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'VsedAlg' name 'sedimentation velocity algae' unit '(m/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 0 input_process 'CalVSALG' delft3d_par 1 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'fSedAlg' name 'sedimentation flux algae' unit '(gC/m2/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'SEDALG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'VxSedAlg' name 'sedimentation velocity' unit '(m/s)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'SEDALG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'VSedPOC1' name 'sedimentation velocity POC1' unit '(m/d)' modelled 0 default 5.000e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process 'CalVS_POC1' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TaucSPOC1' name 'critical shear stress for sedimentation POC1' unit '(N/m2)' modelled 0 default 1.000e-001 internal 0 specification 0 input_process ' ' delft3d_par 1 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-NPOC1' name 'C:N ratio fast decaying detritus' unit '(gC/gN)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-PPOC1' name 'C:P ratio fast decaying detritus' unit '(gC/gP)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-SPOC1' name 'C:S ratio fast decaying detritus' unit '(gC/gS)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-NPOC2' name 'C:N ratio medium decaying detritus' unit '(gC/gN)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-PPOC2' name 'C:P ratio medium decaying detritus' unit '(gC/gP)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-SPOC2' name 'C:S ratio medium decaying detritus' unit '(gC/gS)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-NPOC3' name 'C:N ratio slow detritus' unit '(gC/gN)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-PPOC3' name 'C:P ratio slow detritus' unit '(gC/gP)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-SPOC3' name 'C:S ratio slow detritus' unit '(gC/gS)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-NPOC4' name 'C:N ratio refractory detritus' unit '(gC/gN)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-PPOC4' name 'C:P ratio refractory detritus' unit '(gC/gP)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'C-SPOC4' name 'C:S ratio refractory detritus' unit '(gC/gS)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TPM' name 'total particulate matter (including algae)' unit '(gdw/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Chlfa' name 'Chlorophyll-a concentration' unit '(mg/m3)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process 'Phy_Blo_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'RhoWater' name 'density of water' unit '(kg/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Salinchlor' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FlowDir' name 'flow direction relative to North' unit '(degrees)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Veloc' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Veloc1' name 'horizontal flow velocity first direction' unit '(m/s)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Veloc' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Veloc2' name 'horizontal flow velocity second direction' unit '(m/s)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Veloc' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TauVELOC' name 'bottom shear stress caused by flow velocities' unit '(N/m2)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CalTau' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TauWIND' name 'bottom shear stress caused by wind' unit '(N/m2)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CalTau' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'CalVelTau' name 'calculated \'velocity\' from total tau' unit '(m/s)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CalTau' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ExtVlISS' name 'VL extinction by inorganic suspended matter' unit '(1/m)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Extinc_VLG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ExtVlOSS' name 'VL extinction by POC' unit '(1/m)' modelled 0 default 0.000e+000 internal 0 specification 0 input_process 'Extinc_VLG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ExtVlFresh' name 'VL extinction related to freshwater' unit '(1/m)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Extinc_VLG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'BlmDep_out' name 'average depth over Bloom time step OUTPUT' unit '(m)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DepAve' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'ReqDin' name 'uptake of nitrogen' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FracUptNH4' name 'fraction of NH4 in uptake of nitrogen' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'BOD5/infPH' name 'BOD5:BODu ratio in phytoplankton' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Limit Chlo' name 'total chlorophyll in algae' unit '(mgChl/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Limit nit' name 'limiting factor nitrogen' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Limit pho' name 'limiting factor phosphorus' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Limit sil' name 'limiting factor silicate' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Limit e' name 'limiting factor energy' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Limit gro' name 'limiting factor growth' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Limit mor' name 'limiting factor mortality' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'fFixNUpt' name 'uptake flux of nitrogen by fixation' unit '(gN/m2/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_IN' name 'Inorganic N limitation' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_IP' name 'Inorganic P limitation' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_Si' name 'Inorganic Si limitation' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_IC' name 'Inorganic C limitation' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_DetN' name 'Detritus N limitation (mixotrophs)' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_DetP' name 'Detritus P limitation (mixotrophs)' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_FixN' name 'N limitation N-fixers' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_inhib' name 'Photo inhibition' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_light' name 'Light limitation' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'RcPPALG' name 'Effective production of group' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'RcMrtALG' name 'Effective mortality of group' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_GALG' name 'Growth limitation of group' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'Lim_MALG' name 'Mortality limitation of group' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'BLOOMGRP' name 'algae group concentration' unit '(gC/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Phy_Blo_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TPMnoalg' name 'total particulate matter (excluding algae)' unit '(gdw/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TOC' name 'total organic C (including algae)' unit '(gC/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'POC' name 'Particulate Organic Carbon (including algae)' unit '(gC/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TotN' name 'total nitrogen (including algae)' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'KjelN' name 'Kjeldahl nitrogen' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'DIN' name 'dissolved inorganic nitrogen' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TON' name 'total organic N (including algae)' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'PON' name 'Particulate Organic Nitrogen (including algae)' unit '(gN/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TotP' name 'total phosphorus (including algae)' unit '(gP/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TOP' name 'total organic P (including algae)' unit '(gP/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'POP' name 'particulate organic P (incl algae)' unit '(gP/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'PIP' name 'Particulate Inorganic Phosphorus' unit '(gP/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrAAPTIM' name 'fraction AAP of total inorganic matter' unit '(gP/gDM)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrVAPTIM' name 'fraction VIVP and APATPP total susp solids' unit '(gP/gDM)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TotSi' name 'total silica (including algae)' unit '(gSi/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 1 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'TOSnoa' name 'total organic S (no algae)' unit '(gS/m3)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'O2FuncNIT' name 'oxygen function for nitrification' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Nitrif_NH4' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'k_minfstC' name 'first order mineralization rate fast detr-C' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'k_minfstN' name 'first order mineralization rate fast detr-N' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'k_minfstP' name 'first order mineralization rate fast detr-P' unit '(1/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'f_dtstfstN' name 'stripping factor fast decomposing detr-N' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'f_dtstfstP' name 'stripping factor fast decomposing detr-P' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'f_dtstfstS' name 'stripping factor fast decomposing detr-S' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDissolSi' name 'dissolution flux Opal to Si' unit '(gSi/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DisSi' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrOxCon' name 'relative contribution of oxygen consumption' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrNiDen' name 'relative contribution of denitrification' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrFeRed' name 'relative contribution of iron reduction' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrSuRed' name 'relative contribution of sulphate reduction' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FrMetGen' name 'relative contribution of methanogenesis' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'SalFnAlg' name 'salinity function on sedimentation algae type' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CalVSALG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'FloFnAlg' name 'flocculation function on sedimentation algae' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CalVSALG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'PSedAlg' name 'sedimentation probability <0-1> algae' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'SEDALG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'PSedPOC1' name 'sedimentation probability <0-1> POC1' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Sed_POC1' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCaut' name 'autolysis flux of carbon' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dNaut' name 'autolysis flux of nitrogen' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dPaut' name 'autolysis flux of PO4' unit '(gP/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dSIaut' name 'autolysis flux of silicate' unit '(gSi/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDetCMort' name 'production of DetC by mortality' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDetNMort' name 'production of DetN by mortality' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDetPMort' name 'production of DetP by mortality' unit '(gP/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDetSiMort' name 'production of DetSi by mortality' unit '(gSi/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dOOCMort' name 'production of OOC by mortality' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dOONMort' name 'production of OON by mortality' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dOOPMort' name 'production of OOP by mortality' unit '(gP/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dOOSiMort' name 'production of OOSi by mortality' unit '(gSi/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCUpt' name 'uptake of carbon by algae growth' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dNH4Upt' name 'NH4 uptake by algae growth' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dNO3Upt' name 'uptake of NO3 by algae growth' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dPO4Upt' name 'PO4 uptake by algae growth' unit '(gP/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dSIUpt' name 'Si uptake by algae growth' unit '(gSi/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDetNUpt' name 'uptake of DetN by heterotroph algae growth' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDetPUpt' name 'uptake of DetP by heterotroph algae growth' unit '(gP/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dFixNUpt' name 'uptake of nitrogen by fixation' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDetCUpt' name 'uptake of DetC by heterotroph algae growth' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dPrProdOxy' name 'uptake of carbon by algae growth' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dProdAlg' name 'production of algae type' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dMortAlg' name 'mortality of algae type' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'BLOOM_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDumphyblo' name 'dummy flux to access Phy_Blo_P' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Phy_Blo_P' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dDumCompos' name 'dummy flux to access Compos' unit '(-)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Compos' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dNitrif' name 'nitrification flux' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Nitrif_NH4' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCnvPPOC1' name 'conversion flux POC1 to POC2' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCnvPPON1' name 'conversion flux PON1 to PON2' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCnvPPOP1' name 'conversion flux POP1 to POP2' unit '(gP/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCnvPPOS1' name 'conversion flux POS1 to POS2' unit '(gS/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCnvDPOC1' name 'conversion flux POC1 to DOC' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCnvDPON1' name 'conversion flux PON1 to DON' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCnvDPOP1' name 'conversion flux POP1 to DOP' unit '(gP/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dCnvDPOS1' name 'conversion flux POS1 to DOS' unit '(gS/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dMinPOC1G' name 'mineralization flux POC1 to CO2' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dMinPON1' name 'mineralization flux PON1 to NH4' unit '(gN/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dMinPOP1' name 'mineralization flux POP1 to PO4' unit '(gP/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dMinPOS1' name 'mineralization flux POS1 to SUD' unit '(gS/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'DecFast' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dOxCon' name 'mineralisation flux oxidised with DO' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dNiDen' name 'mineralisation flux oxidised with nitrate' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dFeRed' name 'mineralisation flux oxid. with iron' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dSuRed' name 'mineralisation flux oxid. with sulphate' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dMetGenCH4' name 'mineralisation flux conv. into methane' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dMetGenCO2' name 'min. flux conv. methanogenese into CO2' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'CONSELAC' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dSedAlg' name 'sedimentation flux algae' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'SEDALG' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter process_parameter 'dSedPOC1' name 'sedimentation flux POC1' unit '(gC/m3/d)' modelled 0 default -9.990e+002 internal 0 specification 1 input_process 'Sed_POC1' delft3d_par 0 output_par 0 end-process_parameter