@echo off rem This batch scripts assumes: rem VS2012 (VS110COMNTOOLS) rem Intel Fortran compiler 13 (IFORT_COMPILER13) rem Switch to the directory where this batch file resides cd %~dp0 if [%1] EQU [/sp] ( echo Executing singleprecision.bat ... cd utils_lgpl\deltares_common\scripts call singleprecision.bat cd %~dp0 ) if exist build.log del /F /Q build.log echo Executing compilervars.bat ... call "%IFORT_COMPILER13%\bin\compilervars.bat" intel64 echo Executing vsvars32.bat ... call "%VS110COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat" echo Executing devenv.exe ... rem the path to devenv.exe is now added to PATH: no full path specificitation needed on next line. devenv.exe delft3d_open.sln /Build "Release|x64" /Out build.log IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO END type build.log echo ##teamcity[buildStatus status='FAILURE' text='{build.status.text} in compilation, check build log'] EXIT /B 1 :END type build.log