module properties !----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use tree_structures ! implicit none ! integer, private, parameter :: max_length = 256 integer, private, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d00) ! interface max_keylength module procedure max_keylength end interface interface leaf_keylength module procedure leaf_keylength end interface interface print_initree module procedure print_initree end interface interface prop_get module procedure prop_file module procedure prop_get_string module procedure prop_get_integer module procedure prop_get_integers module procedure prop_get_real module procedure prop_get_reals module procedure prop_get_logical module procedure prop_get_double module procedure prop_get_doubles end interface interface prop_set module procedure prop_set_data module procedure prop_set_string module procedure prop_set_integer module procedure prop_set_integers module procedure prop_set_double module procedure prop_set_doubles end interface ! contains subroutine prop_file(filetype, filename , tree, error) use tree_structures ! implicit none ! ! Parameters ! character(*), intent(in) :: filetype character(*), intent(in) :: filename type(tree_data), pointer :: tree integer , intent(out) :: error ! ! Local variables ! character(10) :: ftype ftype = filetype call lowercase(ftype,999) select case (trim(ftype)) case ('ini') call prop_inifile(filename, tree, error) case ('tekal') call prop_tekalfile(filename, tree, error) case default write(*,*)'file type ',filetype,' not supported' error = 5 endselect end subroutine prop_file ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_file ! Author: Arjen Markus ! Purpose: Read the props from file ! Context: Called before calls to prop_get ! Summary: ! Read the props file, store the lines with ! chapters and key-value pairs. ! Arguments: ! filename Name of the file to read ! error 0: no error occured ! 1: file does not exist ! 2: unable to open file ! 3: no properties found in file ! 4: more than max_properties found ! Restrictions: ! - One file at a time can be handled ! - Maximum number of properties in a file: 200 ! - Maximum length of a line in a file : 256 ! Multi-line values: ! Lines ending with '\' are continued on the next line. ! Comment lines: ! Chapters are recognised by the character "[" in the first column of a line. ! Keywords are recognised by the character "=" somewhere in the line. ! Comments behind line continuation *must* be preceded by '#' and may ! not contain further '#'s. Same for last line of multi-line block. ! All other lines are assumed to be comments. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_inifile(filename , tree, error) use tree_structures ! implicit none ! ! Parameters ! character(*), intent(in) :: filename type(tree_data), pointer :: tree integer , intent(out) :: error ! ! Local variables ! integer :: eof integer :: eqpos, valend integer :: k, k2 integer :: lu integer :: lend, lcend, num_bs integer :: iostatus logical :: filestatus logical :: multiple_lines character(max_length) :: key character(max_length) :: line character(max_length) :: linecont !< Placeholder for continued line character(max_length) :: value type(tree_data), pointer :: achapter type(tree_data), pointer :: anode ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! achapter => tree error = 0 inquire (file = filename, exist = filestatus) if (.not.filestatus) then error = 1 return endif do lu = 10, 99 inquire (lu, opened = filestatus) if (.not.filestatus) exit enddo if (lu == 99) then error = 2 return endif ! open (lu, file = filename, status = 'old', iostat = iostatus) if (iostatus /= 0) then error = 2 return endif ! ! To do: ! Get rid of leading blanks do line = '' lend = 0 multiple_lines = .false. do ! Check on line continuation read (lu, '(a)', iostat = eof) linecont linecont = adjustl(linecont) lcend = len_trim(linecont) if (lcend == 0) then ! Empty line, leave continuation loop exit endif if (linecont(1:1)=='#' .or. linecont(1:1) == '*') then ! Comment line, leave continuation loop exit endif ! There could be a comment (started by #) after line continuation backslash lcend = scan(linecont(1:lcend),'#',.true.) - 1 ! risk: no # allowed in comment text itself if (lcend > 0) then lcend = len_trim(linecont(1:lcend)) ! Strip off whitespace preceding possible comment else lcend = len_trim(linecont) end if if (lcend > 0) then num_bs = lcend - verify(linecont(1:lcend),char(92),.true.) ! nr of backslashes at end of line if (mod(num_bs, 2) == 1) then ! Odd nr of backslashes, indeed line continuation multiple_lines = .true. lcend = lcend-1 ! Strip off single line cont character goto 700 else if (.not. multiple_lines) then ! No continuation, so leave possible comment as well lcend = len_trim(linecont) end if goto 800 end if else ! Empty line, leave continuation loop exit end if 700 line = line(1:lend)//' '//linecont(1:lcend) lend = lend + lcend + 1 cycle ! Line continuation, proceed to next line 800 line = line(1:lend)//' '//linecont(1:lcend) lend = lend + lcend + 1 exit ! No further lines for this value end do if (eof/=0) exit ! ! Remove carriage returns and tabs ! do k=1,len_trim(line) if (line(k:k) == char(13)) then line(k:k) = ' ' else if (line(k:k) == char(9)) then line(k:k) = ' ' end if end do ! ! Remove leading spaces, cycle when line is empty ! line = adjustl(line) if (len_trim(line) == 0) cycle ! ! Chapters ! if (line(1:1)=='[') then k = index(line, ']') if (k<=0) then cycle endif ! call lowercase(line(2:k-1),k-2) call tree_create_node( tree, line(2:k-1), achapter) else ! ! Key-value pairs ! eqpos = index(line, '=') if (eqpos<=0) then call tree_create_node( achapter, " ", anode) call tree_put_data( anode, transfer(trim(adjustl(line)),node_value), "STRING") cycle endif k = index('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', & & line(1:1)) if (k<=0) then call tree_create_node( achapter, " ", anode) call tree_put_data( anode, transfer(trim(adjustl(line)),node_value), "STRING") cycle endif key = adjustl(line(1:eqpos-1)) call lowercase(key,999) ! Strip off comments that start with # ! To allow lines like: FileName = somefile.ext # Comment text ! and prevent that comment text also ends up in file name. k = index(line(eqpos+1:), '#') if (k > 0) then ! # found, could be first delimiter of #..string..#, OR start of comment k2 = index(line(eqpos+k+1:), '#') if (k2 > 0) then ! Second # found: ##-delimited value valend = eqpos+k+k2 ! Last value char is second #. else ! No second # found: it was a value followed by # + comment valend = eqpos+k-1 ! Last value char is just before first #. end if else valend = len_trim(line) ! Value is complete line after = char end if value = adjustl(line(eqpos+1:valend)) call tree_create_node( achapter, trim(key), anode) call tree_put_data( anode, transfer(trim(value),node_value), "STRING") endif ! ! Get the next line ! enddo ! ! End of file or procedure ! close (lu) end subroutine prop_inifile ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_tekal_file ! Author: Adri Mourits ! Purpose: Read the props from file ! Context: Called before calls to prop_get ! Summary: ! Read the props file, store the lines with ! chapters and key-value pairs. ! Arguments: ! filename Name of the file to read ! error 0: no error occured ! 1: file does not exist ! 2: unable to open file ! 3: no properties found in file ! 4: more than max_properties found ! Restrictions: ! - One file at a time can be handled ! - Maximum number of properties in a file: 200 ! - Maximum length of a line in a file : 256 ! Comment lines: ! Chapters are recognised by the character "[" in the first column of a line. ! Keywords are recognised by the character "=" somewhere in the line. ! All other lines are assumed to be comments. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_tekalfile(filename , tree, error) use tree_structures ! implicit none ! ! Parameters ! character(*), intent(in) :: filename type(tree_data), pointer :: tree integer , intent(out) :: error ! ! Local variables ! integer :: eof integer :: k integer :: lu integer :: iostatus integer, dimension(2) :: blockdims real , dimension(:),allocatable :: arow logical :: filestatus character(max_length) :: line type(tree_data), pointer :: atekalblock type(tree_data), pointer :: anode ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! blockdims = 0 error = 0 inquire (file = filename, exist = filestatus) if (.not.filestatus) then error = 1 return endif do lu = 10, 99 inquire (lu, opened = filestatus) if (.not.filestatus) exit enddo if (lu == 99) then error = 2 return endif ! open (lu, file = filename, status = 'old', iostat = iostatus) if (iostatus /= 0) then error = 2 return endif do ! ! Skip the commentary in the header, lines starting with a '*' ! do read (lu, '(a)', iostat = eof) line if (eof/=0 .or. line(1:1)/='*') exit enddo if (eof/=0) exit ! ! Remove carriage returns ! k = index(line, char(13)) if (k>0) then line(k:k) = ' ' endif ! ! Remove leading spaces ! line = adjustl(line) ! ! Assumption: this line contains the name of a tekal block ! call lowercase(line,999) call tree_create_node( tree, trim(line), atekalblock) ! ! Assumption: nest line contains the dimensions of the tekal block ! read (lu, *, iostat = eof) blockdims if (eof/=0) exit call tree_put_data( atekalblock, transfer(blockdims,node_value), "INTEGER ARRAY") allocate(arow(blockdims(2))) do k=1,blockdims(1) read (lu, *, iostat = eof) arow if (eof/=0) exit write(line,'(a,i0)')'row_',k call tree_create_node( atekalblock, trim(line), anode) call tree_put_data( anode, transfer(arow,node_value), "REAL ARRAY") enddo deallocate(arow) ! ! Get the next tekal block ! enddo ! ! End of file or procedure ! close (lu) end subroutine prop_tekalfile !> Writes a property tree to file in ini format. subroutine prop_write_inifile(mout, tree, error) integer, intent(in) :: mout !< File pointer where to write to. type(TREE_DATA), pointer :: tree !< Tree to be written. integer, intent(out) :: error !< Return status. character(len=1), allocatable :: lenmaxdata(:) logical :: dummylog allocate(lenmaxdata(size(transfer(123, node_value)))) ! Fit a single integer into char array (generally 4 bytes) error = 0 ! Determine maximum key stringlength (used for prettyprinting/alignment in print_initree) call tree_fold(tree, max_keylength, leaf_keylength, lenmaxdata, dummylog) ! Print the tree by traversing it depth-first, pass mout and lenmax by transfer into data variable. call tree_traverse(tree, print_initree, transfer((/ mout, transfer(lenmaxdata, 123) /), node_value), dummylog) end subroutine prop_write_inifile !> Selects the maximum keylength from childdata. !! to be used in call to tree_fold. subroutine max_keylength( tree, childdata, data, stop) type(TREE_DATA), pointer :: tree character(len=1), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: childdata character(len=1), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data logical, intent(inout) :: stop integer :: i, lenmax, n lenmax = 0 n = size(childdata, 2) do i = 1,size(childdata, 2) lenmax = max(lenmax, transfer(childdata(:,i), lenmax)) end do data = transfer(lenmax, data) end subroutine max_keylength !> Selects the keylength from a tree leave. !! to be used in call to tree_fold. subroutine leaf_keylength( tree, data, stop) type(TREE_DATA), pointer :: tree character(len=1), dimension(:), intent(out) :: data logical, intent(inout) :: stop character(len=1), dimension(:),pointer :: data_ptr character(len=max_length) :: string character(len=40) :: type_string integer :: keylen call tree_get_data_ptr( tree, data_ptr, type_string ) if (associated(data_ptr)) then ! This is a key-value pair keylen = len_trim(tree_get_name(tree)) else keylen = 0 ! Don't include chapter names end if data = transfer(keylen, data) end subroutine leaf_keylength !> Prints the root of a tree (either as chapter or as key-value pair) !! to be used in call to tree_traverse subroutine print_initree( tree, data, stop ) type(TREE_DATA), pointer :: tree !< Tree whose root should be printed. character(len=1), dimension(:), intent(in) :: data !< Help data (max key length, used for alignment). logical, intent(inout) :: stop !< Whether to continue or stop. integer, dimension(2) :: inputdata integer :: mout integer :: maxkeylength character(len=1), dimension(:),pointer :: data_ptr character(len=max_length) :: string character(len=40) :: type_string logical :: success integer :: level inputdata = transfer(data, inputdata) mout = inputdata(1) !< File pointer maxkeylength = inputdata(2) level = tree_traverse_level() if (level == 0) return call tree_get_data_ptr( tree, data_ptr, type_string ) if (.not. associated(data_ptr)) then write(mout, '(a)') '' write(mout, '(a,a,a)') '[', trim(tree_get_name(tree)), ']' return else string = tree_get_name(tree) write(mout, '(a,a)', advance='no') & trim(string), repeat(' ', max(0,maxkeylength-len_trim(string))) if (len_trim(string) > 0) then write(mout, '(a)', advance='no') ' = ' else ! For comment lines that appear as key/value with key=='' write(mout, '(a)', advance='no') ' ' end if end if select case (type_string) case ('STRING') string = '(no data)' call tree_get_data_string( tree, string, success ) write(mout,'(a)') trim(string) case default string = '(unknown data type)' write(mout,'(a,a,a,a)') '# ', trim(string), ' -- ', trim(type_string) end select end subroutine print_initree ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_get_string ! Author: Arjen Markus ! Purpose: Get the string value for a property ! Context: Used by applications ! Summary: ! Go through the list of props to check the ! chapter. When the right chapter is found, check ! for the key. ! Only set the value if the key matches ! Arguments: ! chapter Name of the chapter (case-insensitive) or "*" to get any key ! key Name of the key (case-insensitive) ! value Value of the key (not set if the key is not found, ! so you can set a default value) ! success Whether successful or not (optional) ! Delimiters: ! If the value starts with the character "#", this character is removed. ! If a second character "#" is found , this character and everything behind ! this character is removed. ! Comments on this line: ! Use the delimiters "#". Example: ! StringIn = # AFileName # Comments are allowed behind the second "#" ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_get_string(tree, chapterin ,keyin ,value, success) implicit none ! ! Parameters ! type(tree_data), pointer :: tree character(*),intent(in) :: chapterin character(*),intent(in) :: keyin character(*) :: value logical, optional, intent (out) :: success ! ! Local variables ! logical :: ignore logical :: success_ integer :: free_space ! Length of parameter "value" that is not written yet integer :: i ! Childnode number with node_name = key ! All following child nodes with node_name = " " are also added integer :: k character(80) :: nodename character(255) :: chapter character(255) :: key character(max_length) :: localvalue type(tree_data), pointer :: thechapter type(tree_data), pointer :: anode ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! success_ = .false. chapter = chapterin key = keyin call lowercase(chapter,999) call lowercase(key,999) localvalue = ' ' ! ! Handle chapters ! ignore = chapter(1:1)=='*' .or. len_trim(chapter) == 0 ! ! Find the chapter first ! thechapter => tree if (.not.ignore) then call tree_get_node_by_name( tree, trim(chapter), thechapter) if ( .not. associated(thechapter) ) then thechapter => tree endif endif ! ! Find the key ! To do: ! Remove leading blanks ! Note: ! Work around an apparent problem with the SUN Fortran 90 ! compiler ! call tree_get_node_by_name( thechapter, trim(key), anode, i) if ( associated(anode) ) then free_space = len(value) do call tree_get_data_string( anode, localvalue, success_ ) ! tree_get_data_string only checks whether key exists (success_ = .true.) ! but this prop_get_string is more strict: if value was empty, success_ = .false. if (len_trim(localvalue) == 0) then success_ = .false. else ! ! Remove possible delimiters # ! if (localvalue(1:1)=='#') then localvalue = localvalue(2:) k = index(localvalue, '#') if (k>0) then localvalue = localvalue(1:k-1) endif localvalue = adjustl(localvalue) endif ! ! Write to parameter "value" ! if (free_space == len(value)) then ! First write to "value": Write as much as possible value = ' ' value = localvalue(:min(free_space,len_trim(localvalue))) else ! Follow up write to "value": Only add when there is enough free space ! This is to avoid "half values" being added if (len_trim(localvalue) > free_space - 1) then ! Not enough free space in parameter "value" anymore. Exit this do-loop. exit endif ! Add a space between the values value = trim(value) // ' ' // localvalue(:len_trim(localvalue)) endif free_space = len(value) - len_trim(value) end if ! empty(localvalue) ! ! Check if the next child node has name " " ! i = i + 1 if (associated(thechapter%child_nodes) .and. i<=size(thechapter%child_nodes)) then nodename = "dummy value" nodename = tree_get_name( thechapter%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr ) if (nodename == " ") then ! Yes: add this data string to parameter "value" (in the next do-loop) anode => thechapter%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr else ! No: exit do-loop exit endif else exit endif enddo else ! Key not found endif ! success var is not optional in tree_struct, so we used local placeholder first if (present(success)) then success = success_ end if end subroutine prop_get_string ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_get_integer ! Author: Arjen Markus ! Purpose: Get the integer value for a property ! Context: Used by applications ! Summary: ! Use prop_get_string to get the string value. ! Convert it to integer. ! Arguments: ! chapter Name of the chapter (case-insensitive) or "*" to get any key ! key Name of the key (case-insensitive) ! value Value of the key (not set if the key is not found, ! so you can set a default value) ! success Whether successful or not (optional) ! Comments on this line: ! Value is set with the first integer found behind the character "=". ! The following example is allowed: ! IntegerIn = Index 8, denoting the startpoint for searches ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_get_integer(tree ,chapter ,key ,value ,success) implicit none ! ! Parameters ! type(tree_data), pointer :: tree integer ,intent (inout) :: value character(*),intent (in) :: chapter character(*),intent (in) :: key logical, optional, intent (out) :: success ! ! Local variables ! integer, dimension(1) :: valuearray ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! valuearray(1) = value call prop_get_integers(tree ,chapter ,key ,valuearray,1, success) value = valuearray(1) end subroutine prop_get_integer ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_get_integers ! Author: Adri Mourits ! Purpose: Get the array of integer values for a property ! Context: Used by applications ! Summary: ! Use prop_get_string to get the string value. ! Convert it to integers. ! If the string contains less integers than valuelength, ! only the integers found are set in value. ! If the string contains more integers than valuelength, ! only valuelength integers are set in value ! Arguments: ! chapter Name of the chapter (case-insensitive) or "*" to get any key ! key Name of the key (case-insensitive) ! value Values of the key (not set if the key is not found, ! so you can set a default value) ! success Whether successful or not (optional) ! Comments on this line: ! Everywhere behind the character "=". ! The following example is allowed: ! IntegersIn = (n,m): 4,5 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_get_integers(tree ,chapter ,key ,value ,valuelength, success) implicit none ! ! Parameters ! type(tree_data), pointer :: tree integer ,intent (in) :: valuelength integer, dimension(*),intent (out) :: value character(*) ,intent (in) :: chapter character(*) ,intent (in) :: key logical, optional ,intent (out) :: success ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: k integer :: length integer :: valcount integer :: ierr character(12) :: intchars = '0123456789-+' character(20) :: fmt character(255) :: avalue character(255) :: prop_value ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! prop_value = ' ' call prop_get_string(tree ,chapter ,key ,prop_value,success) ! ! Extract the integer part ! Using read(prop_value,*,iostat=io) (value(i),i=1,valuelength) ! Has another behaviour as the following implementation: ! do valcount = 1, valuelength ! ! Remove everything before the first integer ! k = 0 do i = 1, len_trim(prop_value) k = index(intchars, prop_value(i:i)) if (k>0) exit enddo ! ! k=0: no integer found ! if (k == 0) return prop_value = prop_value(i:len(prop_value)) ! ! Move the first integer to avalue ! do i = 1, len(prop_value) k = index(intchars, prop_value(i:i)) if (k==0) exit enddo avalue = prop_value(1:i - 1) prop_value = prop_value(i:len(prop_value)) length = len_trim(avalue) if (length/=0) then write (fmt, '(a,i5,a)') '(i', length, ')' read (avalue, fmt, iostat=ierr) value(valcount) if (ierr /= 0) then if (present(success)) then success = .false. endif return endif endif enddo end subroutine prop_get_integers ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_get_real ! Author: Arjen Markus ! Purpose: Get the real value for a property ! Context: Used by applications ! Summary: ! Use prop_get_string to get the string value. ! Convert it to real. ! Arguments: ! chapter Name of the chapter (case-insensitive) or "*" to get any key ! key Name of the key (case-insensitive) ! value Value of the key (not set if the key is not found, ! so you can set a default value) ! success Whether successful or not (optional) ! Comments on this line: ! Value is set with the first real found behind the character "=". ! The following example is allowed: ! RealIn = Gravity 9.8, m/s*2 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_get_real(tree ,chapter ,key ,value ,success) implicit none ! ! Parameters ! type(tree_data), pointer :: tree real ,intent (inout) :: value character(*),intent (in) :: chapter character(*),intent (in) :: key logical, optional, intent(out) :: success ! ! Local variables ! real, dimension(1) :: valuearray ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! valuearray(1) = value call prop_get_reals(tree ,chapter ,key ,valuearray,1, success) value = valuearray(1) end subroutine prop_get_real ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_get_reals ! Author: Adri Mourits ! Purpose: Get the array of real values for a property ! Context: Used by applications ! Summary: ! Use prop_get_string to get the string value. ! Convert it to reals. ! If the string contains less reals than valuelength, ! only the reals found are set in value. ! If the string contains more reals than valuelength, ! only valuelength reals are set in value ! Arguments: ! chapter Name of the chapter (case-insensitive) or "*" to get any key ! key Name of the key (case-insensitive) ! value Values of the key (not set if the key is not found, ! so you can set a default value) ! success Whether successful or not (optional) ! Comments on this line: ! Everywhere behind the character "=". ! The following example is allowed: ! RealsIn = (x,y): 4.5,5.9 Start point ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_get_reals(tree ,chapter ,key ,value ,valuelength, success) implicit none ! ! Parameters ! type(tree_data), pointer :: tree integer , intent (in) :: valuelength real, dimension(*), intent (out) :: value character(*) , intent (in) :: chapter character(*) , intent (in) :: key logical, optional , intent (out) :: success ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: k integer :: length integer :: valcount integer :: ierr character(15) :: realchars = '0123456789-+.eE' character(20) :: fmt character(255) :: avalue character(1000) :: prop_value logical :: digitfound ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! prop_value = ' ' call prop_get_string(tree ,chapter ,key ,prop_value,success) ! ! Extract the real part ! Using read(prop_value,*,iostat=io) (value(i),i=1,valuelength) ! Has another behaviour as the following implementation: ! do valcount = 1, valuelength do ! ! Remove everything before the first real ! digitfound = .false. k = 0 length = len_trim(prop_value) if (length < 1) exit do i = 1, length k = index(realchars, prop_value(i:i)) if (k>0) exit enddo ! ! k=0: no real found ! if (k == 0) return prop_value = prop_value(i:len(prop_value)) ! ! Move the first real to avalue ! length = len_trim(prop_value) do i = 1, length k = index(realchars, prop_value(i:i)) if (k==0) exit if (k <= 10) digitfound = .true. enddo avalue = prop_value(1:i - 1) prop_value = prop_value(i:len(prop_value)) length = len_trim(avalue) ! ! if avalue does not contain a digit, scan the rest of prop_value for reals ! if (digitfound .and. length/=0) then write (fmt, '(a,i0,a)') '(f', length, '.0)' read (avalue, fmt, iostat=ierr) value(valcount) if (ierr /= 0) then if (present(success)) then success = .false. endif return endif exit endif enddo enddo end subroutine prop_get_reals ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_get_double ! Author: Arjen Markus ! Purpose: Get the double-precision real value for a property ! Context: Used by applications ! Summary: ! Use prop_get_string to get the string value. ! Convert it to a double precision real. ! Arguments: ! chapter Name of the chapter (case-insensitive) or "*" to get any key ! key Name of the key (case-insensitive) ! value Value of the key (not set if the key is not found, ! so you can set a default value) ! success Whether successful or not (optional) ! Comments on this line: ! Value is set with the first real found behind the character "=". ! The following example is allowed: ! RealIn = Gravity 9.8, m/s*2 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_get_double(tree ,chapter ,key ,value ,success) implicit none ! ! Parameters ! type(tree_data), pointer :: tree real(kind=dp) ,intent (inout) :: value character(*) ,intent (in) :: chapter character(*) ,intent (in) :: key logical, optional, intent(out) :: success ! ! Local variables ! real(kind=dp), dimension(1) :: valuearray ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! valuearray(1) = value call prop_get_doubles(tree ,chapter ,key ,valuearray,1 ,success) value = valuearray(1) end subroutine prop_get_double ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_get_doubles ! Author: Adri Mourits ! Purpose: Get the array of double precision real values for a property ! Context: Used by applications ! Summary: ! Use prop_get_string to get the string value. ! Convert it to double precision reals. ! If the string contains less reals than valuelength, ! only the reals found are set in value. ! If the string contains more reals than valuelength, ! only valuelength reals are set in value ! Arguments: ! chapter Name of the chapter (case-insensitive) or "*" to get any key ! key Name of the key (case-insensitive) ! value Values of the key (not set if the key is not found, ! so you can set a default value) ! valuelength Size of the array value ! success Whether successful or not (optional) ! Comments on this line: ! Everywhere behind the character "=". ! The following example is allowed: ! RealsIn = (x,y): 4.5,5.9 Start point ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_get_doubles(tree ,chapter ,key ,value ,valuelength,success) implicit none ! ! Parameters ! type(tree_data), pointer :: tree integer , intent (in) :: valuelength real(kind=dp), dimension(*), intent (out) :: value character(*) , intent (in) :: chapter character(*) , intent (in) :: key logical, optional , intent (out) :: success ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: k integer :: length integer :: valcount integer :: ierr character(17) :: realchars = '0123456789-+.eEdD' character(20) :: fmt character(255) :: avalue character(1000) :: prop_value logical :: digitfound ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! prop_value = ' ' call prop_get_string(tree ,chapter ,key ,prop_value,success) ! ! Extract the real part ! Using read(prop_value,*,iostat=io) (value(i),i=1,valuelength) ! Has another behaviour as the following implementation: ! do valcount = 1, valuelength do ! ! Remove everything before the first real ! digitfound = .false. k = 0 length = len_trim(prop_value) if (length < 1) exit do i = 1, length k = index(realchars, prop_value(i:i)) if (k>0) exit enddo ! ! k=0: no real found ! if (k == 0) return prop_value = prop_value(i:len(prop_value)) ! ! Move the first real to avalue ! length = len_trim(prop_value) do i = 1, length k = index(realchars, prop_value(i:i)) if (k==0) exit if (k <= 10) digitfound = .true. enddo avalue = prop_value(1:i - 1) prop_value = prop_value(i:len(prop_value)) length = len_trim(avalue) ! ! if avalue does not contain a digit, scan the rest of prop_value for reals ! if (digitfound .and. length/=0) then write (fmt, '(a,i0,a)') '(f', length, '.0)' read (avalue, fmt, iostat=ierr) value(valcount) if (ierr /= 0) then if (present(success)) then success = .false. endif return endif exit endif enddo enddo end subroutine prop_get_doubles ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: prop_get_logical ! Author: Arjen Markus ! Purpose: Get the logical value for a property ! Context: Used by applications ! Summary: ! Use prop_get_string to get the string value. ! Convert it to logical. ! Allowed strings to detect the value true: ! Y|YES|yes|Yes|T|TRUE|true|True|J|JA|Ja|ja|W|WAAR|Waar|waar ! Allowed strings to detect the value false: ! N|NO|no|No|F|FALSE|false|False|N|NEE|Nee|nee|O|ONWAAR|Onwaar|onwaar ! Arguments: ! chapter Name of the chapter (case-insensitive) or "*" to get any key ! key Name of the key (case-insensitive) ! value Value of the key (not set if the key is not found, ! so you can set a default value) ! success Whether successful or not (optional) ! Comments on this line: ! Not allowed ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine prop_get_logical(tree ,chapter ,key ,value ,success) implicit none ! ! Parameters ! type(tree_data), pointer :: tree character(*),intent (in) :: chapter character(*),intent (in) :: key logical ,intent (out) :: value logical, optional, intent (out) :: success ! ! Local variables ! integer :: k1 integer :: k2 integer :: pointpos integer :: spacepos integer :: vallength character(100) :: falsity character(100) :: truth character(max_length) :: prop_value ! data truth/ & & '|Y|y|YES|yes|Yes|T|t|TRUE|true|True|J|j|JA|Ja|ja|W|w|WAAR|Waar|waar|'/ data falsity/ & & '|N|n|NO|no|No|F|f|FALSE|false|False|N|n|NEE|Nee|nee|O|o|ONWAAR|Onwaar|onwaar|'/ ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! prop_value = ' ' call prop_get_string(tree ,chapter ,key ,prop_value,success) prop_value = adjustl(prop_value) if (prop_value(1:1) == '.') prop_value = prop_value(2:) vallength = len_trim(prop_value) ! ! Leave immediately in case prop_value is empty ! if (vallength == 0) return spacepos = index(prop_value,' ') if (spacepos > 0) vallength = min(spacepos - 1, vallength) pointpos = index(prop_value,'.') if (pointpos > 0) vallength = min(pointpos - 1, vallength) ! ! Extract the logical part ! k1 = index(truth , prop_value(1:vallength)) k2 = index(falsity, prop_value(1:vallength)) ! ! The value must match a complete word in string truth or falsity, bordered by two '|'s ! if (k1 > 0) then if (truth(k1-1:k1-1)=='|' .and. truth(k1+vallength:k1+vallength)=='|') then value = .true. endif endif if (k2>0) then if (falsity(k2-1:k2-1)=='|' .and. falsity(k2+vallength:k2+vallength)=='|') then value = .false. endif endif end subroutine prop_get_logical !> The generic routine for setting key-value data in the tree. !! The value (of any type) should be transferred into the type of node_value. subroutine prop_set_data(tree, chapter, key, value, type_string, anno, success) type(tree_data), pointer :: tree !< The property tree character(*), intent (in) :: chapter !< Name of the chapter under which to store the property ('' or '*' for global) character(*), intent (in) :: key !< Name of the property character(len=1), intent (in) :: value(:) !< Value of the property character(*), intent (in) :: type_string !< Data type of the property character(len=*), optional, intent (in) :: anno !< Optional annotation/comment logical, optional, intent (out) :: success !< Returns whether the operation was successful character(len=1), allocatable :: valueline(:) logical :: ignore logical :: success_ type(tree_data), pointer :: thechapter type(tree_data), pointer :: anode integer :: i, ianno, nanno, nval, nvalanno success_ = .false. ignore = len(chapter) == 0 if (.not. ignore) ignore = chapter(1:1)=='*' ! Find the chapter first if (ignore) then thechapter => tree else call tree_get_node_by_name( tree, trim(chapter), thechapter) ! If chapter does not exist, create it. if ( .not. associated(thechapter) ) then call tree_create_node( tree, trim(chapter), thechapter) endif endif ! Create the node for key (not looking for earlier definitions) call tree_create_node( thechapter, trim(key), anode) if ( associated(anode) ) then ! Determine value length and optional annotation length ! and combine the two in valueline(:) (separated by ' # ') nval = size(value) if (present(anno)) then ianno = max(20, nval) ! column nr where anno will start nanno = len_trim(anno) nvalanno = ianno + nanno + 2 ! Separate by ' # ' else ianno = nval nanno = 0 nvalanno = nval end if allocate(valueline(nvalanno)) valueline = ' ' do i=1,nval valueline(i) = value(i) end do if (nanno > 0) then valueline(ianno+1) = '#' end if do i=1,nanno valueline(ianno+2+i) = anno(i:i) end do call tree_put_data(anode, transfer(valueline, node_value), trim(type_string), success_) deallocate(valueline) end if if (present(success)) then success = success_ end if end subroutine prop_set_data !> Sets a string property in the tree. !! Take care of proper quoting (e.g., by "" or ##) at the call site. subroutine prop_set_string(tree, chapter, key, value, anno, success) type(tree_data), pointer :: tree !< The property tree character(*), intent (in) :: chapter !< Name of the chapter under which to store the property ('' or '*' for global) character(*), intent (in) :: key !< Name of the property character(len=*), intent (in) :: value !< Value of the property character(len=*), optional, intent (in) :: anno !< Optional annotation/comment logical, optional, intent (out) :: success !< Returns whether the operation was successful logical :: success_ if (present(anno)) then call prop_set_data(tree, chapter, key, transfer(value, node_value), 'STRING', anno = anno, success = success_) else call prop_set_data(tree, chapter, key, transfer(value, node_value), 'STRING', success = success_) end if if (present(success)) then success = success_ end if end subroutine prop_set_string !> Sets a double precision array property in the tree. !! The property value is stored as a string representation. subroutine prop_set_doubles(tree, chapter, key, value, anno, success) type(tree_data), pointer :: tree !< The property tree character(*), intent (in) :: chapter !< Name of the chapter under which to store the property ('' or '*' for global) character(*), intent (in) :: key !< Name of the property real(kind=dp), intent (in) :: value(:) !< Value of the property character(len=*), optional, intent (in) :: anno !< Optional annotation/comment logical, optional, intent (out) :: success !< Returns whether the operation was successful logical :: success_ character(len=max_length) :: strvalue character(len=24) :: strscalar integer :: i, is, iv, n strvalue = ' ' n = size(value) if (n==0) goto 10 ! Pretty print all doubles into strvalue, separated by single spaces call pp_double(value(1), strvalue) iv = len_trim(strvalue) do i=2,n call pp_double(value(i), strscalar) is = len_trim(strscalar) strvalue(iv+2:iv+is+1) = strscalar(1:is) iv = iv+is+1 end do 10 continue ! Put the string representation into the tree if (present(anno)) then call prop_set_data(tree, chapter, key, transfer(trim(strvalue), node_value), 'STRING', anno = anno, success = success_) else call prop_set_data(tree, chapter, key, transfer(trim(strvalue), node_value), 'STRING', success = success_) end if if (present(success)) then success = success_ end if end subroutine prop_set_doubles !> Sets a double precision property in the tree. !! The property value is stored as a string representation. subroutine prop_set_double(tree, chapter, key, value, anno, success) type(tree_data), pointer :: tree !< The property tree character(*), intent (in) :: chapter !< Name of the chapter under which to store the property ('' or '*' for global) character(*), intent (in) :: key !< Name of the property double precision, intent (in) :: value !< Value of the property character(len=*), optional, intent (in) :: anno !< Optional annotation/comment logical, optional, intent (out) :: success !< Returns whether the operation was successful logical :: success_ real(kind=dp) :: valuearray(1) valuearray(1) = value if (present(anno)) then call prop_set_doubles(tree, chapter, key, valuearray, anno = anno, success = success_) else call prop_set_doubles(tree, chapter, key, valuearray, success = success_) end if if (present(success)) then success = success_ end if end subroutine prop_set_double !> Sets an integer array property in the tree. !! The property value is stored as a string representation. subroutine prop_set_integers(tree, chapter, key, value, anno, success) type(tree_data), pointer :: tree !< The property tree character(*), intent (in) :: chapter !< Name of the chapter under which to store the property ('' or '*' for global) character(*), intent (in) :: key !< Name of the property integer, intent (in) :: value(:) !< Value of the property character(len=*), optional, intent (in) :: anno !< Optional annotation/comment logical, optional, intent (out) :: success !< Returns whether the operation was successful logical :: success_ character(len=max_length) :: strvalue character(len=24) :: strscalar integer :: i, is, iv, n strvalue = ' ' n = size(value) if (n==0) goto 10 ! Pretty print all integers into strvalue, separated by single spaces write(strvalue, *) value(1) strvalue = adjustl(strvalue) iv = len_trim(strvalue) do i=2,n write(strscalar,*) value(i) strscalar = adjustl(strscalar) is = len_trim(strscalar) strvalue(iv+2:iv+is+1) = strscalar(1:is) iv = iv+is+1 end do 10 continue ! Put the string representation into the tree if (present(anno)) then call prop_set_data(tree, chapter, key, transfer(trim(strvalue), node_value), 'STRING', anno = anno, success = success_) else call prop_set_data(tree, chapter, key, transfer(trim(strvalue), node_value), 'STRING', success = success_) end if if (present(success)) then success = success_ end if end subroutine prop_set_integers !> Sets an integer property in the tree. !! The property value is stored as a string representation. subroutine prop_set_integer(tree, chapter, key, value, anno, success) type(tree_data), pointer :: tree !< The property tree character(*), intent (in) :: chapter !< Name of the chapter under which to store the property ('' or '*' for global) character(*), intent (in) :: key !< Name of the property integer, intent (in) :: value !< Value of the property character(len=*), optional, intent (in) :: anno !< Optional annotation/comment logical, optional, intent (out) :: success !< Returns whether the operation was successful logical :: success_ integer :: valuearray(1) valuearray(1) = value if (present(anno)) then call prop_set_integers(tree, chapter, key, valuearray, anno = anno, success = success_) else call prop_set_integers(tree, chapter, key, valuearray, success = success_) end if if (present(success)) then success = success_ end if end subroutine prop_set_integer !> Prettyprints a double precision real to a character string !! Trailing zeros and leading blanks are removed. subroutine pp_double(value, strvalue) ! A bit ad-hoc prettyprinting, intended for easy readable output in settings files. real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: value character(len=*), intent(out) :: strvalue ! adjustl not working in gfortran, so writing to a temp array character(len=10000) :: strtmp integer :: i, iz, j, n write(strtmp,*) value i = index(strtmp, '.') if (i == 0) then strtmp = adjustl(strtmp) return end if n = len_trim(strtmp) iz = -1 do i = i+1 if (i == n+1) then ! End of number string, erase any trailing zeros. if (iz > 0) then strtmp(iz:n) = ' ' end if exit end if ! Check for a zero, mark position if the previous char wasn't already a zero. if (strtmp(i:i) == '0') then if (iz < 0) then iz = i end if cycle else if (index('EeDd', strtmp(i:i)) > 0) then if (iz > 0) then ! Place exponent part over tail of trailing zeros. do j=i+2,n if (strtmp(j:j) /= '0') exit end do if (j==n+1) then ! Entirely remove 'E+000' strtmp(iz:n) = ' ' else strtmp(iz:iz) = 'd' strtmp(iz+1:iz+1) = strtmp(i+1:i+1) strtmp(iz+2:iz+n-j+2) = strtmp(j:n) strtmp(iz+n-j+3:n) = ' ' end if end if exit else ! No zero nor exponent, unset the trailing zero position iz = -1 end if end do strvalue = adjustl(trim(strtmp)) end subroutine pp_double ! ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Subroutine: lowercase ! Author: Cor van der Schelde ! Purpose: Convert upper case characters to lower case ! Context: This is a copy of subroutine small in Delft3D-FLOW ! Used inside properties module ! Summary: ! Scan string for upper case characters and ! convert them. ! Arguments: ! string String to be converted ! lenstr Length of string to be converted ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine lowercase(string ,lenstr ) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: lenstr character(*) :: string ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: j integer :: newlen ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! newlen = min(lenstr, len(string)) do i = 1, newlen j = ichar(string(i:i)) if ((j>64) .and. (j<91)) then j = j + 32 string(i:i) = char(j) endif enddo end subroutine lowercase subroutine count_occurrences(input_ptr, group, keyword, npars) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer :: npars character(*) :: group character(*) :: keyword type(tree_data), pointer :: input_ptr ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i character(80) :: parname type(tree_data), pointer :: group_ptr type(tree_data), pointer :: node_ptr ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Initialise parameters ! i = 0 npars = 0 ! ! Find the group in the input tree ! call tree_get_node_by_name(input_ptr, group, group_ptr) ! ! Read dimensions from input tree ! if (associated(group_ptr%child_nodes)) then do i = 1,size(group_ptr%child_nodes) ! ! Does group_ptr contain one or more children with name keyword? ! node_ptr => group_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr parname = tree_get_name(node_ptr) if (parname == keyword) then npars = npars + 1 endif enddo endif end subroutine count_occurrences end module properties