subroutine bilin5(xa, ya, x0, y0, w, ier) !----- LGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1. ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! ! Author: H. Petit ! !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision_basics ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(out) :: ier real(hp) , intent(in) :: x0 real(hp) , intent(in) :: y0 real(hp), dimension(4), intent(out) :: w real(hp), dimension(4), intent(in) :: xa real(hp), dimension(4), intent(in) :: ya ! ! Local variables ! real(hp) :: a real(hp) :: a21 real(hp) :: a22 real(hp) :: a31 real(hp) :: a32 real(hp) :: a41 real(hp) :: a42 real(hp) :: b real(hp) :: c real(hp) :: det real(hp) :: discr real(hp) :: eta real(hp) :: x real(hp) :: x1 real(hp) :: x2 real(hp) :: x3 real(hp) :: x3t real(hp) :: x4 real(hp) :: xi real(hp) :: xt real(hp) :: y real(hp) :: y1 real(hp) :: y2 real(hp) :: y3 real(hp) :: y3t real(hp) :: y4 real(hp) :: yt ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read(12,*)x1,y1,f1 x1 = xa(1) y1 = ya(1) ! read(12,*)x2,y2,f2 x2 = xa(2) y2 = ya(2) ! read(12,*)x3,y3,f3 x3 = xa(3) y3 = ya(3) ! read(12,*)x4,y4,f4 x4 = xa(4) y4 = ya(4) x = x0 y = y0 ! ! The bilinear interpolation problem is first transformed ! to the quadrangle with nodes (0,0),(1,0),(x3t,y3t),(0,1) ! and required location (xt,yt) ! a21 = x2 - x1 a22 = y2 - y1 a31 = x3 - x1 a32 = y3 - y1 a41 = x4 - x1 a42 = y4 - y1 det = a21*a42 - a22*a41 if (abs(det) < 1.0e-20_hp) then ier = 1 goto 99999 endif x3t = ( a42*a31 - a41*a32 ) / det y3t = ( -a22*a31 + a21*a32 ) / det xt = ( a42*(x - x1) - a41*(y - y1)) / det yt = ( -a22*(x - x1) + a21*(y - y1)) / det if ((x3t < 0.0_hp) .or. (y3t < 0.0_hp)) then ! write (*, *) 'distorted quadrangle' ier = 1 goto 99999 endif if (abs(x3t - 1.0_hp) < 1.0e-7_hp) then xi = xt if (abs(y3t - 1.0_hp) < 1.0e-7_hp) then eta = yt elseif (abs(1.0_hp + (y3t - 1.0_hp)*xt) < 1.0e-6_hp) then ! write (*, *) 'extrapolation over too large a distance' ier = 1 goto 99999 else eta = yt / (1.0_hp + (y3t - 1.0_hp)*xt) endif elseif (abs(y3t - 1.0_hp) < 1.0e-6_hp) then eta = yt if (abs(1.0_hp + (x3t - 1.0_hp)*yt) < 1.0e-6_hp) then ! write (*, *) 'extrapolation over too large a distance' ier = 1 goto 99999 else xi = xt / (1.0_hp + (x3t - 1.0_hp)*yt) endif else a = y3t - 1.0_hp b = 1.0_hp + (x3t - 1.0_hp)*yt - (y3t - 1.0_hp)*xt c = -xt discr = b*b - 4.0_hp*a*c if (discr < 1.0e-6_hp) then ! write (*, *) 'extrapolation over too large a distance' ier = 1 goto 99999 endif xi = (-b + sqrt(discr)) / (2.0_hp*a) eta = ((y3t - 1.0_hp)*(xi - xt) + (x3t - 1.0_hp)*yt) / (x3t - 1.0_hp) endif w(1) = (1.0_hp-xi) * (1.0_hp-eta) w(2) = xi * (1.0_hp-eta) w(3) = xi * eta w(4) = eta * (1.0_hp-xi ) return 99999 continue end subroutine bilin5