DelftIO Streams Fortran 90 Interface

Module files

use dio_streams

Module defines stream types:
integer dio_ASCII_stream
integer dio_Binary_stream
integer dio_His_stream
integer dio_Nefis_stream
and and implements the Stream-functions below.

Create a new stream

function DioStreamCreate(streamType, name, mode, [synch]) result(stream)

return value   I/O  
type(DioStreamType) :: stream (O) handle to DIO stream
integer :: streamType I type of stream
character(*) :: name I stream name
character(*) :: mode I open mode, must be 'r' (read) or  'w' (write)
logical :: synch I Optional: Stream is synchronized or not
(.false. if omitted)

Close a stream

subroutine DioStreamClose(stream)

arguments   I/O  
type(DioStreamType) :: stream I handle to DIO stream