module wrwaq !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2017. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !include preprocessing flags from autotools #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif implicit none contains function openwaqbinfile(filename) result (lun) character*(*), intent(in) :: filename !< Output filename. integer :: lun integer, external :: newunit ! ! WARNING: WAQ input files must be written using form=binary ! instead of unformatted. ! Although it is not standard Fortran ! lun = newunit() #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( lun , file=filename , form = 'binary' , SHARED ) #else ! standardized way if binary is not available open ( lun , file=filename , form = 'unformatted' , access='stream' ) #endif end function openwaqbinfile function openasciifile(filename) result (lun) character*(*), intent(in) :: filename integer :: lun integer, external :: newunit ! ! NOTE: Opens a simple ASCII-file. Function is intended only ! to isolate newunit dependency. ! lun = newunit() #ifdef HAVE_FC_FORM_BINARY open ( lun , file=filename , form='formatted', SHARED ) #else open ( lun , file=filename , form='formatted', access='stream') #endif end function openasciifile !> Write ASCII or binary pointer file for WAQ. subroutine wrwaqpoi(ifrmto, noq, filename, ascii) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: noq !< Nr. of linkages (pointers) between computational cells. integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ifrmto !< Pointer table with all linkages. !! ifrmto(1,:) = 'from' cell number !! ifrmto(2,:) = 'to' cell number !! ifrmto(3,:) = 'from-1' cell number !! ifrmto(4,:) = 'to+1' cell number logical , intent(in) :: ascii !< Produce ascii file or not (then binary). character(*) , intent(in) :: filename !< Name for output pointer file. ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: lunout integer :: q ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (ascii) then ! ! ascii output ! lunout = openasciifile(filename) write(lunout,'(a)') '; From To From-1 To+1' do q = 1,noq write(lunout,'(4i10)') ( ifrmto(i,q), i=1,4 ) enddo close(lunout) else ! ! binary output ! lunout = openwaqbinfile(filename) write(lunout) ( ( ifrmto(i,q), i=1,4 ), q=1,noq ) close(lunout) endif end subroutine wrwaqpoi ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> Write (binary) from/to length file for DelWAQ. subroutine wrwaqlen(lenex, noq, filename, ascii) use precision ! implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: noq !< Nr. of linkages (pointers) between computational cells. real(hp) , intent(in) :: lenex(2, noq) !< Dispersion half-lengths of computational cells, segment !! centre to exchange point. (2 values: from/to direction) logical , intent(in) :: ascii !< Produce ascii file or not (then binary). character(*) , intent(in) :: filename !< Output filename. ! ! Local variables ! integer :: i integer :: lunout integer :: q ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (ascii) then ! ! ascii output ! lunout = openasciifile(filename) do q = 1,noq write(lunout,'(i10,2f18.8)') q, ( lenex(i,q), i=1,2 ) enddo close(lunout) else ! ! binary output ! lunout = openwaqbinfile(filename) write(lunout) noq write(lunout) (( real(lenex(i,q),sp), i=1,2 ), q=1,noq ) close(lunout) endif end subroutine wrwaqlen ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> Write ASCII attributes file for WAQ. subroutine wrwaqatr(nosegl, nolay, kmk1, kmk2, filename) implicit none integer , intent(in) :: nosegl !< Nr. of segments per layer integer , intent(in) :: nolay !< Nr. of layers integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: kmk1 !< First WAQ segment features at start of calculation integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: kmk2 !< Second WAQ segment features at start of calculation character(*) , intent(in) :: filename !< Name for output pointer file. ! ! Local variables ! integer :: il, is integer :: lunatr character( 2 ) kenout(nosegl) !! this is now allocated on the stack !!! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! open(newunit=lunatr, file=trim(filename)) write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' ; DELWAQ_COMPLETE_ATTRIBUTES' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 2 ; two blocks with input ' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 1 ; number of attributes, they are :' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 1 ; ''1'' is active ''0'' is not' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 1 ; data follows in this file ' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 1 ; all data is given without defaults' do il = 1,nolay write ( lunatr , * ) ' ; layer: ',il do is = 1, nosegl kenout(is) = ' ' write( kenout(is), '(I2)' ) kmk1( is + (il - 1) * nosegl ) enddo write ( lunatr, '(500a2)' ) kenout enddo write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 1 ; number of attributes, they are :' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 2 ; ''1'' has surface ''3'' has bottom' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' ; ''0'' has both ''2'' has none ' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 1 ; data follows in this file ' write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 1 ; all data is given without defaults' do il = 1,nolay write ( lunatr , * ) ' ; layer: ',il do is = 1, nosegl kenout(is) = ' ' write( kenout(is), '(I2)' ) kmk2( is + (il - 1) * nosegl ) enddo write ( lunatr, '(500a2)' ) kenout enddo write ( lunatr , '(a)' ) ' 0 ; no time dependent attributes' close(lunatr) end subroutine wrwaqatr ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> Write (binary) exchange file(s) for DelWAQ: area and fluxes. subroutine wrwaqbin(itim, quant, nquant, filename, ascii, lunout) use precision implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: itim !< Time for new data block integer , intent(in) :: nquant !< Size of quant(ity) array. real(hp), dimension(:) , intent(in) :: quant !< Quantity array to be written. logical , intent(in) :: ascii !< Produce ascii file or not (then binary). character(*) , intent(in) :: filename !< Output filename (only used if lunout not connected yet). integer , intent(inout) :: lunout !< File pointer for output file. Used if already connected, !! or set to new value for filename. ! ! Local variables ! integer :: q ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! if (ascii) then ! ! ascii output ! if (lunout<0) then lunout = openasciifile(filename) endif write(lunout,'(a,i10)') 'Time = ', itim do q = 1,nquant write(lunout,'(i10,f18.8)') q, quant(q) enddo !close(lunout) else ! ! binary output ! if (lunout<0) then lunout = openwaqbinfile(filename) endif write(lunout) itim write(lunout) ( real(quant(q),sp), q=1,nquant ) !close(lunout) endif end subroutine wrwaqbin ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> Write monitoring segments file for DelWAQ (each segment is a monitoring area). subroutine wrmonseg(noseg, filename) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: noseg character(*) , intent(in) :: filename !< Output filename. ! ! Local variables ! integer :: lunout integer :: s ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! lunout = openasciifile(filename) write(lunout,'(i5)') noseg do s = 1,noseg write(lunout,'(a,i4,a,i5)') '''Segment ',s,''' 1 ',s enddo close(lunout) end subroutine wrmonseg ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> Write NROFSEGM.DAT file for DelWAQ. subroutine wr_nrofseg(noseg, filename) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: noseg character(*) , intent(in) :: filename !< Output filename. ! ! Local variables ! integer :: lunout ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! lunout = openasciifile(filename) write(lunout,'(i12,a)') noseg,' ; number of segments' close(lunout) end subroutine wr_nrofseg ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> Write NROFEXCH.DAT file for DelWAQ. subroutine wr_nrofexch(noq1, noq2, noq3, filename) implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: noq1 integer , intent(in) :: noq2 integer , intent(in) :: noq3 character(*) , intent(in) :: filename !< Output filename. ! ! Local variables ! integer :: lunout ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! lunout = openasciifile(filename) write(lunout,'(3i12,a)') noq1, noq2, noq3, ' ; number of exchanges in three directions' close(lunout) end subroutine wr_nrofexch ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end module wrwaq