2017-01-25 ---------- This folder contains source files of Proj4 C library (release 4.9.3), downloaded from https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/releases/tag/4.9.3 For license info see file called "COPYING". The folder src/ also contains Visual Studio 2012 project files for this Proj4 C library, which were made with CMake, using the following steps on Windows: 1. Download zip file with source code of Proj4 release 4.9.3 from https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/releases/tag/4.9.3 and unpack to a folder called proj4 2. Run command in folder proj4 : cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 2012 Win64" .\ 3. From folder proj4 remove all subfolders, except: proj4/src 4. From folders proj4 and proj4/src remove all files generated by CMake, except: proj4/src/proj.vcxproj proj4/src/proj.vcxproj.filters proj4/src/proj_config.h 5. From folder proj4 remove files: CMakeLists.txt .gitignore 6. From folder proj4\src remove files: CMakeLists.txt *.cmake 7. Open project proj.vcxproj in Visual Studio 2012 and: - remove project reference to project ZERO_CHECK. - remove custom build tool item "CMakeLists.txt". - remove filter "CMake Files". - in configuration manager for project proj remove configurations MinSizeRel and RelWithDebInfo. - in configuration manager for project proj add new platform Win32 by copying settings from x64. - in project properties for project proj for all configurations and Win32 platform, in "Librarian -> All Options -> Additional Options" change "x64" to "x86". - in project properties for project proj for all configurations and all platforms, make "General -> Output Directory" and "General -> Intermediate Directory" unique for each combination of configuration and platform. - exit Visual Studio and save changes. 8. Remove files: proj4/src/proj.sln proj4/src/proj.sdf proj4/src/proj.v11.suo proj4/src/proj.vcxproj.user 9. With a text editor open files proj.vcxproj and proj.vcxproj.filters and make all paths in each file relative to the file itself.