Please run "test_snctools.m". These produce a lot of very verbose output. Don't be fooled by any of it, if any tests fail, you will know. In order to test java functionality with OPeNDAP, you should set both of these preferences. >> setpref('SNCTOOLS','USE_JAVA',true); >> setpref('SNCTOOLS','TEST_REMOTE',true); If you wish to test reading netCDF files via HTTP (not the same as OPeNDAP), then in addition to USE_JAVA and TEST_REMOTE, you must set another preference. >> setpref('SNCTOOLS','TEST_HTTP',true); HDF4 and GRIB2 support is still a bit experimental, so these tests are not enabled by default. To run them, set the following preference >> setpref('SNCTOOLS','TEST_HDF4',true); >> setpref('SNCTOOLS','TEST_GRIB2',true);