subroutine compbsskin (umean , vmean , depth , wave , uorb , tper , & & teta , kssilt, kssand, thcmud, taumax, rhowat, & & vicmol) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2014. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute tau in case of muddy bed (skin fraction only) ! Soulsby (2004) ! ! Remarks: 1) uorb based upon Hrms, Tper = peak period wave spectrum ! 2) skin friction comuted and used everywhere in the model ! (not yet a distinction based upon md layer thickness or ! mudcontent) ! 4) umean and vmean based upon u0eul, v0eul (inclding wave mass fluxes) ! 5) ar = 0.26; as = 0.22 (original publication soulsby) ! 6) taumax or taum used in erosion/sedimentation computations ???????? ! 7) Smooth bed formulations explode in case of ! small orbital velocities (0.0001 m/s). Set orbital velocity to ! at least 1 cm/s ! 8) Mutiple mud fractions, each fraction own kssilt and kssand????? ! ! 03/10/2005: instead of mudcnt thcmud is used ! thcmud < 0.01 then use kssand!!!! ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use mathconsts ! implicit none ! ! Local parameters ! real(fp), parameter :: localeps = 1.0e-12_fp ! ! Global variables ! real(fp), intent(in) :: umean ! depth averaged flow velocity in u-direction real(fp), intent(in) :: vmean ! depth averaged flow velocity in v-direction real(fp), intent(in) :: depth ! local water depth real(fp), intent(in) :: uorb ! orbital velocity based upon Hrms real(fp), intent(in) :: tper ! wave period real(fp), intent(in) :: teta ! angle between wave direction and local ! grid orientation real(fp), intent(in) :: kssilt ! roughness height silt real(fp), intent(in) :: kssand ! roughness height sand real(fp), intent(in) :: thcmud ! Total hickness of mud layers !(to be replaced by mudcnt in future) real(fp), intent(out) :: taumax ! resulting (maximum) bed shear stress muddy silt bed logical , intent(in) :: wave ! wave impacts included in flow comp. or not real(fp), intent(in) :: rhowat ! water density real(fp), intent(in) :: vicmol ! molecular viscosity ! ! Local variables ! real(fp) :: ar ! constant rough bed turbulent flow real(fp) :: as ! constant smooth bed turbulent flow real(fp) :: z0silt ! roughness height real(fp) :: umod ! magnitude depth averaged flow velocity real(fp) :: uorbm ! maximum uorb and 1 cm/s real(fp) :: phicur ! angle beteen mean flow and local grid orientation real(fp) :: phiwr ! angle beteen flow and wave direction real(fp) :: aorb ! orbital displacement real(fp) :: rec ! Reynolds number flow real(fp) :: rew ! Reynolds number waves real(fp) :: cdr ! Drag coefficient rough turbulent flows real(fp) :: cdm ! Mean drag coefficient (current) real(fp) :: cds ! Drag coefficient smooth turbulent flows real(fp) :: cdmax ! Drag coefficient (current + waves) real(fp) :: fws ! Wave friction coeefficient smooth turbulent flows real(fp) :: fwr ! Wave friction coeefficient rough turbulent flows real(fp) :: reccr ! Critcal Reynolds number current real(fp) :: rewcr ! Critcal Reynolds number waves real(fp) :: taum ! Mean shear stress real(fp) :: tauw ! Shear stress (waves) real(fp) :: taumr ! Mean shear stress (rough bed) real(fp) :: taums ! Mean shear stress (smooth bed) real(fp) :: taumaxr ! Maximum shear stress (rough bed) real(fp) :: taumaxs ! Maximum shear stress (smooth bed) real(fp) :: t1 ! Help variable real(fp) :: t2 ! Help variable real(fp) :: t3 ! Help variable real(fp) :: a1 ! Help variable real(fp) :: a2 ! Help variable ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Set constants ! ar = 0.26 as = 0.22 rewcr = 1.5e5 ! ! Compute basic parameters ! umod = max( sqrt(umean*umean + vmean*vmean) , localeps ) ! if (thcmud > 0.01) then z0silt = max( kssilt/30.0 , localeps ) else z0silt = max( kssand/30.0 , localeps ) endif ! rec = umod * depth / vicmol cds = 1.615e-4 * exp(6.0 * rec**(-0.08)) cdr = ( 0.40 / (log(depth/z0silt)-1.0) )**2 phicur = atan2(vmean,umean) / degrad if (phicur < 0.0) phicur = phicur + 360.0 ! if (wave) then phiwr = (teta - phicur) * degrad uorbm = max( uorb , 0.01_fp ) aorb = uorbm * tper / 2.0 / pi rew = uorbm * aorb / vicmol fws = 0.0521 * rew**(-0.187) fwr = 1.39 * (aorb/z0silt)**(-0.52) endif ! ! Determine flow regime ! if (umod > 1.0e-6 .and. .not. wave) then ! ! Flow only ! if (rec <= 2000.) then taum = 3.0 * rhowat * vicmol * umod / depth taumax = taum else if (cdr >= cds) then taum = rhowat * cdr * umod * umod else taum = rhowat * cds * umod * umod endif taumax = taum endif elseif (umod < 1.0e-6 .and. wave) then ! ! Waves only ! taum = 0.0 if (rew <= rewcr) then taumax = rhowat * uorbm * uorbm / sqrt(rew) else if (fwr >= fws) then taumax = 0.5 * rhowat * fwr * uorbm * uorbm else taumax = 0.5 * rhowat * fws * uorbm * uorbm endif endif elseif (umod >= 1.0e-6 .and. wave) then ! ! Combined flow and waves ! reccr = 2000.0 + (5.92e5 * rew)**0.35 if (rec <= reccr .and. rew <= rewcr) then ! ! laminar flow ! taum = 3.0 * rhowat * vicmol * umod / depth tauw = rhowat * uorbm * uorbm / sqrt(rew) taumax = sqrt((taum + tauw*abs(cos(phiwr)))**2 & & + (tauw*abs(sin(phiwr)))**2 ) else ! ! turbulent flow ! ! 1) compute shear stresses belonging with rough bed ! t1 = max(12.0_fp , ar * sqrt(fwr/2.0) * (aorb/z0silt)) t2 = depth / (t1 * z0silt) t3 = (cdr*cdr + (fwr/2.0)**2 * (uorbm/umod)**4)**0.25 ! a1 = t3 * (log(t2) - 1.0) / (2.0*log(t1)) a2 = 0.40 * t3 / log(t1) cdm = (sqrt(a1*a1 + a2) - a1)**2 cdmax = sqrt((cdm + t3*(uorbm/umod)*sqrt(fwr/2.0)*abs(cos(phiwr)))**2 & & + (t3*(uorbm/umod)*sqrt(fwr/2.0)*abs(sin(phiwr)))**2 ) taumr = rhowat * cdm * umod * umod taumaxr = rhowat * cdmax * umod * umod ! ! 2) compute shear stresses belonging with smooth bed ! t1 = 9.0 * as * rew * sqrt(fws/2.0) & & * (cds*cds*(umod/uorbm)**4 + (fws/2.0)**2)**0.25 t2 = ( (rec/rew)*(uorbm/umod)*sqrt(2.0/fws) ) / as t3 = (cds*cds + (fws/2.0)**2 * (uorbm/umod)**4)**0.25 ! a1 = t3 * (log(t2) - 1.0) / (2.0*log(t1)) a2 = 0.40 * t3 / log(t1) cdm = (sqrt(a1*a1 + a2) - a1)**2 cdmax = sqrt((cdm + t3*(uorbm/umod)*sqrt(fws/2.0)*abs(cos(phiwr)))**2 & & + (t3*(uorbm/umod)*sqrt(fws/2.0)*abs(sin(phiwr)))**2) taums = rhowat * cdm * umod * umod taumaxs = rhowat * cdmax * umod * umod ! ! 3) determine shear stresses ! if (taumaxs > taumaxr) then taum = taums taumax = taumaxs else taum = taumr taumax = taumaxr endif endif else ! ! No flow and no waves ! taum = 0.0 taumax = 0.0 endif end subroutine compbsskin