subroutine flow2wav(u1 ,v1 ,alfas , & & guu ,gvv ,mmax ,nmax ,kcs , & & kfu ,kfv ,alpb ,clbot ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ! Global variables ! integer, intent(in) :: mmax integer, intent(in) :: nmax integer, dimension(mmax, nmax), intent(in) :: kcs integer, dimension(mmax, nmax), intent(in) :: kfu integer, dimension(mmax, nmax), intent(in) :: kfv logical, intent(in) :: clbot real, intent(in) :: alpb real, dimension(mmax, nmax), intent(in) :: alfas real, dimension(mmax, nmax), intent(in) :: guu real, dimension(mmax, nmax), intent(in) :: gvv real, dimension(mmax, nmax) :: u1 real, dimension(mmax, nmax) :: v1 ! ! ! Local variables ! real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: uzeta real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: vzeta integer :: ierr integer :: m integer :: m1 integer :: n integer :: n1 integer :: kenmu integer :: kenmv real :: alfa real :: beta real :: csalfa real :: degrad real :: eps real :: snalfa real :: ugem real :: vgem real :: vmag ! ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! parameters: ! ! name type length i o description ! ==== ==== ====== === =========== ! alpb real 1 * angle of bottom grid w.r.t. problem ! coordinate system ! guu real mmax*nmax * coeff. arrays g-eta-eta ! gvv real mmax*nmax * coeff. arrays g-ksi-ksi ! kcs integer mmax*nmax * 0/1/2 non-active / active / ! boundary water-level point ! kfu integer mmax*nmax * 0/1 non-active / active u-point ! kfv integer mmax*nmax * 0/1 non-active / active v-point ! mmax integer 1 * m-size of the grid ! nmax integer 1 * n-size of the grid ! u1 real mmax*nmax * array with u-velocity in u-point ! uzeta real mmax*nmax * array with x-velocity in zetapoint ! v1 real mmax*nmax * array with v-velocity in v-point ! vzeta real mmax*nmax * array with y-velocity in zetapoint ! xcor real mmax*nmax * x-coordinate here used in depth ! point ! ycor real mmax*nmax * y-coordinate here used in depth ! point ! ! important local variables: ! ! name type lenght description ! ==== ==== ====== =========== ! beta real 1 angle between u and v vector ! eps real 1 small value for real value tests ! guugem real 1 g-eta-eta in zeta point ! gvvgem real 1 g-ksi-ksi in zeta point ! ugem real 1 u- velocity in zeta point in ! transformed plane ! vgem real 1 v- velocity in zeta point in ! transformed plane ! xeta real 1 x-coordinate for eta line for ! transformation to physical plane ! xksi real 1 x-coordinate for ksi line for ! transformation to physical plane ! yeta real 1 y-coordinate for eta line for ! transformation to physical plane ! yksi real 1 y-coordinate for ksi line for ! transformation to physical plane ! vmag real 1 magnitude of velocity ! ! ! allocate(uzeta(mmax,nmax)) allocate(vzeta(mmax,nmax)) !-----initialisation ! eps = 0. degrad = atan(1.)/45. ! !-----arrays ! For vectorplots the defaultvalue is . ! do n = 1, nmax do m = 1, mmax uzeta(m, n) = eps vzeta(m, n) = eps enddo enddo ! !-----calculate u end v at zeta points ! note: inside the irocol table guu and gvv are ! never .le. eps so this check can be skipped. ! do n = 1, nmax do m = 1, mmax m1 = max(m - 1, 1) n1 = max(n - 1, 1) if (guu(m1, n)<=eps .or. gvv(m, n1)<=eps) then uzeta(m, n) = eps vzeta(m, n) = eps else kenmu = max(1, kfu(m,n)+kfu(m1,n )) kenmv = max(1, kfv(m,n)+kfv(m ,n1)) ugem = (u1(m,n)*kfu(m,n) + u1(m1,n )*kfu(m1,n )) / kenmu vgem = (v1(m,n)*kfv(m,n) + v1(m ,n1)*kfv(m ,n1)) / kenmv csalfa = cos(alfas(m, n)*degrad) snalfa = sin(alfas(m, n)*degrad) uzeta(m,n) = ugem*csalfa - vgem*snalfa vzeta(m,n) = ugem*snalfa + vgem*csalfa endif enddo enddo ! ! Orientate velocities on bottom grid of Hiswa by rotating velocities ! over alpb ! if (clbot .or. abs(alpb)<.001) goto 400 alfa = alpb*atan(1.)*4./180. do n = 1, nmax do m = 1, mmax if (kfu(m, n)/=0 .and. kfv(m, n)/=0) then if (abs(vzeta(m, n))>.0 .or. abs(uzeta(m, n))>.0) then beta = atan2(vzeta(m, n), uzeta(m, n)) vmag = sqrt(vzeta(m, n)*vzeta(m, n) + uzeta(m, n)*uzeta(m, n)) uzeta(m, n) = cos(beta - alfa)*vmag vzeta(m, n) = sin(beta - alfa)*vmag endif endif enddo enddo 400 continue ! Assign uzeta to u1, vzeta to v1 u1 = uzeta v1 = vzeta ! Deallocate uzeta, vzeta deallocate(uzeta, stat=ierr) deallocate(vzeta, stat=ierr) end subroutine flow2wav