module m_d3dstate_2_openda !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use m_d3d_state implicit none private integer, parameter :: instance_block_size = 100 ! increase integer, parameter :: no_instance_yet = -1 ! initial value, indicating: no instances yet integer, parameter :: storage_only_at_ctastate = 0 ! storage level: from d3d towards COSTA state integer, parameter :: storage_only_to_disk = 1 ! storage level: from COSTA state to disk integer, parameter :: storage_whole_range = 2 ! storage level: to disk, all the ! way from d3d level integer :: max_instances_in_memory = 256 ! maximum number of instances in memory integer, parameter :: UNCREATED_STATE = -1 integer, parameter :: UNCREATED_HANDLE = -1 integer :: instance_count = 0 ! actual #instances integer :: current_instance = no_instance_yet ! currently active instance integer :: instances_in_memory = 0 ! current number of instances in memory integer :: state_handles(0:instance_block_size) = UNCREATED_STATE ! COSTA state handles logical :: state_in_memory(0:instance_block_size) ! flag: is the state in memory or on file? character(len=256) :: file_names(0:instance_block_size) ! State file names integer :: file_handles(0:instance_block_size) = UNCREATED_HANDLE ! COSTA state files handles public :: d3da_create_instance, d3da_select_new_instance, d3da_store_current_instance,& d3da_ctastate_to_netcdf, d3da_getcorestate, d3da_setcorestate, d3da_getinstancesize, & max_instances_in_memory, d3da_select_instance_from_restartfile, & d3da_store_current_instance_restartfile, d3da_reset_all, d3da_close_cta_state_files character(len=10) :: state_file_extension = '.txt' ! default: ascii; other possible value: nc (netcdf) integer, dimension(9), public :: sub_core_offsets = 0 contains !---------------------------- subroutine d3da_reset_all() implicit none max_instances_in_memory = 256 instance_count = 0 current_instance = no_instance_yet instances_in_memory = 0 state_handles = UNCREATED_STATE file_handles = UNCREATED_HANDLE end subroutine d3da_reset_all !----------------- subroutine d3da_set_state_file_extension(a_state_file_extension) ! arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: a_state_file_extension ! body state_file_extension = a_state_file_extension end subroutine d3da_set_state_file_extension !----------------- function d3da_create_instance() result(instance_id) ! return value integer :: instance_id ! locals logical :: isbackground integer :: ierr if (current_instance == no_instance_yet) then ! First instance creation. Initialize Costa call CTA_CORE_INITIALISE(ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then print *,'ERROR initializing COSTA! ' stop endif endif ! store current instance if needed if (instances_in_memory == max_instances_in_memory) then call d3da_store_current_instance(storage_only_to_disk,'default') instances_in_memory = instances_in_memory - 1 state_in_memory(current_instance) = .false. state_handles(instance_count) = state_handles(current_instance) ! This will be, in general, <> uncreated_state. So d3da_create_state_vector will ! not allocate new memory but instead use the state structure of the old state. endif current_instance = instance_count isbackground = (current_instance == 0) call d3da_create_cta_state_vector(isbackground, ierr) instance_id = current_instance ! memory/file management state_in_memory(current_instance) = .true. instances_in_memory = instances_in_memory + 1 if (ierr /= 0) then instance_id = ierr ! this is negative! endif instance_count = instance_count + 1 end function d3da_create_instance !------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_select_new_instance(instance_id) ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: instance_id !local integer :: ierr ! TODO: check id and throw error if not OK ! First check if instance is already selected if (current_instance /= instance_id) then ! First store the old instance (it may be necessary to save to disk ! if the new instance is not in memory yet) if (instances_in_memory == max_instances_in_memory .and. & (.not. state_in_memory(instance_id))) then call d3da_store_current_instance(storage_whole_range,'default') ! state handle is now free, so reserve for the new instance! state_handles(instance_id) = state_handles(current_instance) instances_in_memory = instances_in_memory - 1 state_in_memory(current_instance) = .false. else ! saving to disk is not necessary call d3da_store_current_instance(storage_only_at_ctastate,'default') endif current_instance = instance_id ! If necessary: Load the new instance from disk if (.not. state_in_memory(current_instance)) then call d3da_retrieve_state_from_disk(current_instance,'default') instances_in_memory = instances_in_memory + 1 state_in_memory(current_instance) = .true. endif ! set the instance state towards delft3d call d3da_set_ctastate_to_d3d(ierr) endif end subroutine d3da_select_new_instance !------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_select_instance_from_restartfile(instance_id, filename) ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: instance_id character(Len=*), intent(in) :: filename !local integer :: ierr ! TODO: check id and throw error if not OK ! Also load the state if instance is already selected ! store the old instance (it may be necessary to save to disk ! if the new instance is not in memory yet) ! DO NOT store if the selected instance equals the current instance! if ( current_instance /= instance_id) then if (instances_in_memory == max_instances_in_memory .and. & (.not. state_in_memory(instance_id))) then call d3da_store_current_instance(storage_whole_range,'default') ! state handle is now free, so reserve for the new instance! state_handles(instance_id) = state_handles(current_instance) instances_in_memory = instances_in_memory - 1 state_in_memory(current_instance) = .false. else ! saving to disk is not necessary call d3da_store_current_instance(storage_only_at_ctastate,'default') endif endif current_instance = instance_id ! ALWAYS: Load the new instance from disk call d3da_retrieve_state_from_disk(current_instance, filename) if (.not. state_in_memory(current_instance)) instances_in_memory = instances_in_memory + 1 state_in_memory(current_instance) = .true. ! set the instance state towards delft3d call d3da_set_ctastate_to_d3d(ierr) end subroutine d3da_select_instance_from_restartfile !------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_store_current_instance(storage_level, status) implicit none integer :: storage_level character(len=*), intent(in) :: status integer :: ierr ! first get the instance state from delft3d. ! if the cta_state is already up to date, this is not necessary! if (storage_level == storage_only_at_ctastate .or. & storage_level == storage_whole_range) then call d3da_get_ctastate_from_d3d(ierr) endif ! If necessary: Save the instance to disk ! TODO if (storage_level == storage_only_to_disk .or. & storage_level == storage_whole_range) then call d3da_save_instance_to_disk(current_instance, status) endif end subroutine d3da_store_current_instance !----------------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_store_current_instance_restartfile(filename) implicit none character(Len=*), intent(in) :: filename call d3da_store_current_instance(storage_whole_range, filename) end subroutine d3da_store_current_instance_restartfile !--------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_retrieve_state_from_disk(instance_id, status) implicit none include '' integer :: instance_id character(len=*) :: status integer :: file_handle, sFilename, sReadmode integer :: ierr character(len=10) :: instance_as_string character(len=256) :: fname ! note: file contains only one time level, of the entire state ! The file is opened, read, and immediately closed again ! TODO delete the file? if (status == 'default' .or. status == '') then ! assign standard name for file write(instance_as_string,'(i3.3)') instance_id fname='RSTstate_'//trim(instance_as_string)//'.nc' else fname=status endif call CTA_STRING_CREATE(sFilename,ierr) call CTA_STRING_SET(sFileName,fname,ierr) call CTA_FILE_CREATE(file_handle,ierr) call CTA_STRING_CREATE(sReadmode,ierr) call CTA_STRING_SET(sReadmode,"r",ierr) ! the netcdf-file should already exist; so nc_create should not be called! call CTA_FILE_OPEN(file_handle,sFileName,sReadmode,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then print *,'ERROR: reading stored state instance : ',fname endif call CTA_TREEVECTOR_IMPORT(state_handles(instance_id),file_handle,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then print *,'ERROR: cta_treevector_import for filename',fname endif ! close netcdf-file call CTA_FILE_FREE(file_handle,ierr) call CTA_STRING_FREE(sFilename,ierr) call CTA_STRING_FREE(sReadmode,ierr) end subroutine d3da_retrieve_state_from_disk !--------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_save_instance_to_disk(instance_id, status) implicit none include '' integer, intent(in) :: instance_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: status integer :: file_handle, sFilename, sWritemode integer :: ierr character(len=10) :: instance_as_string character(len=256) :: fname ! note: only one time level is saved, of the entire state ! The fle is created or opened, written, and immediately closed again if (status =='default' .or. status =='') then ! assign standard name for file write(instance_as_string,'(i3.3)') instance_id fname='RSTstate_'//trim(instance_as_string)//'.nc' else fname = status ! explicit filename has been provided endif call CTA_STRING_CREATE(sFilename,ierr) call CTA_STRING_SET(sFileName,fname,ierr) call CTA_FILE_CREATE(file_handle,ierr) call CTA_STRING_CREATE(sWritemode,ierr) call CTA_STRING_SET(sWritemode,"w",ierr) call CTA_FILE_OPEN(file_handle,sFileName,sWritemode,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_EXPORT(state_handles(instance_id),file_handle,ierr) ! close netcdf-file call CTA_FILE_FREE(file_handle,ierr) call CTA_STRING_FREE(sFilename,ierr) call CTA_STRING_FREE(sWritemode,ierr) end subroutine d3da_save_instance_to_disk !----------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_getinstancesize(inst_size) implicit none include '' integer :: inst_size, ierr ! not necessary to update the state; size does not change call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(state_handles(current_instance), inst_size, ierr) if (ierr .ne. CTA_OK) then print *,'d3da_getinstancesize: error getting size ', ierr inst_size = -1 endif end subroutine d3da_getinstancesize !------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_getcorestate(corestate, size_corestate, retval) ! note: we would like to get the state directly from d3d_state and NOT from Costa! ! however, we need it in 1D. So we first get the costa state and then perform a getvals. ! Cumbersome, but this is only temporary. implicit none include '' integer, intent (out) :: retval integer :: s_core, ierr, size_corestate double precision, dimension(size_corestate) :: corestate call d3da_get_ctastate_from_d3d(ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'core', s_core, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_core, corestate, size_corestate, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) if (ierr .ne. CTA_OK) then print *,'d3da_getcorestate: error getting values ',size_corestate retval = -1 else retval = 0 endif end subroutine d3da_getcorestate !------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_setcorestate(corestate,size_corestate,retval) ! note: we would like to set the state directly to d3d_state and NOT to Costa! ! however, we provide it in 1D. So we first set the costa state and then perform a setvals. ! Cumbersome, but this is only temporary. implicit none include '' integer :: size_corestate double precision, dimension(size_corestate), intent(in) :: corestate integer, intent(out) :: retval integer :: s_core, ierr call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'core', s_core, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_core, corestate, size_corestate, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) if (ierr .ne. CTA_OK) then print *,'d3da_setcorestate: error setting values ',size_corestate retval = -1 else call d3da_set_ctastate_to_d3d(ierr) retval = ierr endif end subroutine d3da_setcorestate !------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_create_cta_state_vector(isbackground, ierr) include '' !arguments integer , intent(out) :: ierr ! error status logical , intent(in) :: isbackground ! is this the background state? !Local variables integer :: sfilename character(len=10) :: instance_as_string ! Sub-treevectors integer ::s_core, s_pseudo, s_output ! Sub-treevectors integer :: s_sep, s_u,s_v,s_dp,s_umnldf,s_vmnldf,s_rtur1,s_r1 integer :: s_w, s_vicww, s_vicuv, s_kfs, s_kfu, s_kfv, s_hydrbc, s_procbc, s_disch, s_rint integer :: s_names, s_timeadmin ! Array of sub-treeVectors integer, dimension(3) :: sub_states integer, dimension(8) :: sub_cores integer, dimension(12) :: sub_pseudos integer :: hdescr ! Costa metainfo handle integer :: ier2 integer :: nsub ! length of sub-treevector ! prepare output file : create and open write(instance_as_string,'(i3.3)') current_instance file_names(current_instance)='cta_state_'//trim(instance_as_string)// trim(state_file_extension) ! file creating and opening is not needed yet! ! That part has moved to an actual corestate-export; there ! the first check is if the file already has been opened. ! if (state_handles(current_instance) == UNCREATED_STATE) then ! this will in general be the case for new instances. Costa will create a handle ! for the treevector. Later, when the tv is filled, memory will be allocated. ! However, if a handle already exists, no new tv-handles will be created. Later, ! when the tv is filled, no more extra memory is allocated. The values will ! be overwritten so they should have been saved before! call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('whole state','d3d',state_handles(current_instance), ierr) ;if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('core state', 'core', s_core, ierr); if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('pseudo state', 'pseudo', s_pseudo, ierr); if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('output state', 'output', s_output, ierr); if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('waterlevel','sep',s_sep, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('u-vel','u',s_u, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('v-vel','v',s_v, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('dp','dp',s_dp, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('umnldf','umnldf',s_umnldf, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('vmnldf','vmnldf',s_vmnldf, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('turbulence','rtur1',s_rtur1, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('concentrations','r1',s_r1, ierr) if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 ! now add metainfo to substates. First: sep call CTA_METAINFO_CREATE(hdescr,ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) goto 9999 call CTA_METAINFO_SETREGGRID(hdescr, 'sepGrid',d3d_dims(2)-d3d_dims(1)+1 ,& d3d_dims(4)- d3d_dims(3)+1 , 1, & 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, & 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.0d0, ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) goto 9999 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETMETAINFO(s_sep, hdescr, ierr); call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETMETAINFO(s_dp, hdescr, ierr); call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETMETAINFO(s_umnldf, hdescr, ierr); call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETMETAINFO(s_vmnldf, hdescr, ierr); if (ierr .ne. 0) goto 9999 call CTA_METAINFO_SETREGGRID(hdescr, 'dpuvGrid',d3d_dims(2)-d3d_dims(1)+1 ,& d3d_dims(4)- d3d_dims(3)+1 , d3d_dims(5), & 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, & 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.0d0, ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) goto 9999 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETMETAINFO(s_u, hdescr, ierr); if (ierr .ne. 0) goto 9999 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETMETAINFO(s_v, hdescr, ierr); if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 if (d3d_dims(5)*d3d_dims(7).gt.0) then call CTA_METAINFO_SETREGGRID(hdescr, 'r1Grid',d3d_dims(2)-d3d_dims(1)+1 ,& d3d_dims(4)- d3d_dims(3)+1 , d3d_dims(5)*d3d_dims(7), & 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, & 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.0d0, ierr) ! note that we have to sweep together the kmax and the lstsci fro the r1; otherswise it will ! not fit in 3D. call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETMETAINFO(s_r1, hdescr, ierr); endif if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 ! turbulence. Note; this array may be dummy of size 1 in case of no turbulence! if (d3d_dims(6) .gt.0) then call CTA_METAINFO_SETREGGRID(hdescr, 'turbGrid',d3d_dims(2)-d3d_dims(1)+1 ,& d3d_dims(4)- d3d_dims(3)+1 , d3d_dims(5)+1, & 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.0d0, & 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.0d0, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETMETAINFO(s_rtur1, hdescr, ierr); endif ! VORtech: not sure if metainfo should be freed now call CTA_METAINFO_FREE(hdescr,ier2) if (ier2/=CTA_OK) then print *,'error in freeing metainfo' pause endif sub_cores(1)=s_sep sub_cores(2)=s_u sub_cores(3)=s_v sub_cores(4)=s_dp sub_cores(5)=s_umnldf sub_cores(6)=s_vmnldf sub_cores(7)=s_rtur1 sub_cores(8)=s_r1 ! concatenate all core substates substate 'core' call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CONC(s_core, sub_cores, 8, ierr); if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 ! now: pseudo state call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('w','w',s_w, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('vicww','vicww',s_vicww, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('vicuv','vicuv',s_vicuv, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('kfs','kfs',s_kfs, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('kfu','kfu',s_kfu, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('kfv','kfv',s_kfv, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('procbc','procbc',s_procbc, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('hydrbc','hydrbc',s_hydrbc, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('rint','rint',s_rint, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('disch','disch',s_disch, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('names','names',s_names, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CREATE('timeadmin','timeadmin',s_timeadmin, ierr) sub_pseudos(1)=s_w sub_pseudos(2)=s_vicww sub_pseudos(3)=s_vicuv sub_pseudos(4)=s_kfs sub_pseudos(5)=s_kfu sub_pseudos(6)=s_kfv sub_pseudos(7)=s_procbc sub_pseudos(8)=s_hydrbc sub_pseudos(9)=s_rint sub_pseudos(10)=s_disch sub_pseudos(11)=s_names sub_pseudos(12)=s_timeadmin ! concatenate all pseudo substates to substate 'pseudo' call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CONC(s_pseudo, sub_pseudos, 12, ierr); if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 sub_states(1) = s_core sub_states(2) = s_pseudo sub_states(3) = s_output ! concatenate the three main substates in d3d state call CTA_TREEVECTOR_CONC(state_handles(current_instance), sub_states, 3, ierr); if (ierr/=CTA_OK) goto 9999 ! set 'nocompute' flag for pseudo and output call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETSUBTREENOCOMPUTE(state_handles(current_instance), 'pseudo',ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETSUBTREENOCOMPUTE(state_handles(current_instance), 'output',ierr) endif ! --endif of section "create new treevectors" ! now initialize the values of the state ! note: if the state is 'old', this does not require extra memory! call d3da_get_ctastate_from_d3d(ierr) ! now adjust output part of d3d_state, if necessary if (isbackground) then call define_background_state(1) else call define_ordinary_state(1) endif ! and retrieve it again (cumbersome, but occurs only here in initialization) call d3da_get_ctastate_from_d3d(ierr) ! compute offsets for variables in state vector sub_core_offsets(1) = 1 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(s_sep , nsub ,ierr) sub_core_offsets(2) = sub_core_offsets(1) + nsub call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(s_u , nsub,ierr) sub_core_offsets(3) = sub_core_offsets(2) + nsub call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(s_v , nsub,ierr) sub_core_offsets(4) = sub_core_offsets(3) + nsub call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(s_dp , nsub,ierr) sub_core_offsets(5) = sub_core_offsets(4) + nsub call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(s_umnldf, nsub,ierr) sub_core_offsets(6) = sub_core_offsets(5) + nsub call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(s_vmnldf, nsub,ierr) sub_core_offsets(7) = sub_core_offsets(6) + nsub call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(s_rtur1 , nsub,ierr) sub_core_offsets(8) = sub_core_offsets(7) + nsub call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSIZE(s_r1 , nsub,ierr) sub_core_offsets(9) = sub_core_offsets(8) + nsub return 9999 continue print *,'FATAL ERROR IN d3da_create_cta_state_vector ierr=',ierr call exit(-1) end subroutine d3da_create_cta_state_vector !---------------------------------- !----------------- subroutine d3da_ctastate_to_netcdf(ierr) include '' !arguments integer, intent(out) :: ierr ! local integer :: s_core ! COSTA handle to core substate integer :: sfilename ! first check if the file already has been created! if (file_handles(current_instance) == UNCREATED_HANDLE) then call CTA_STRING_CREATE(sFilename,ierr) call CTA_STRING_SET(sFileName,file_names(current_instance),ierr) call CTA_FILE_CREATE(file_handles(current_instance),ierr) call CTA_FILE_OPEN(file_handles(current_instance),sFileName,CTA_NULL,ierr) call CTA_STRING_FREE(sFilename,ierr) endif ! only export core state! call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'core', s_core, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_EXPORT(s_core,file_handles(current_instance),ierr) if (ierr .ne. CTA_OK) then print *, 'ERROR ctastate_to_netcdf ',ierr endif end subroutine d3da_ctastate_to_netcdf !-------------------------------- subroutine d3da_close_cta_state_files(ierr) include '' !arguments integer, intent(out) :: ierr integer :: i do i=0, instance_count-1 if (file_handles(i) /= UNCREATED_HANDLE) then call CTA_FILE_FREE(file_handles(i),ierr) endif enddo ! close open files end subroutine d3da_close_cta_state_files !---------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_set_ctastate_to_d3d(ierr) ! use a d3d_state (dimension 1!) as bridge include '' !arguments ! (none) !local parameters integer :: s_core, s_pseudo, s_output integer :: s_sep, s_u,s_v,s_dp,s_umnldf,s_vmnldf,s_rtur1,s_r1 integer :: s_w, s_vicww, s_vicuv, s_kfs, s_kfu, s_kfv, s_hydrbc, s_procbc, s_disch, s_rint integer :: s_names, s_timeadmin integer :: hnames(3) integer :: vals_timeadmin(9), vals_output(11) integer :: ierr, i ! use getsubtreevec! (by reference, so no need to free) ! immediately fill d3d_state ! NOTE we can not doe one large getvals because not all are CTA_doubles call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'core', s_core, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'sep', s_sep, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'u', s_u, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'v', s_v, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'dp', s_dp, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'umnldf', s_umnldf, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'vmnldf', s_vmnldf, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'rtur1', s_rtur1, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'r1', s_r1, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_sep, d3d_state(1)%core%sep, size_d3d_state%sep, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_u, d3d_state(1)%core%u, size_d3d_state%u, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_v, d3d_state(1)%core%v, size_d3d_state%u, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_dp, d3d_state(1)%core%dp, size_d3d_state%sep, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_umnldf, d3d_state(1)%core%umnldf, size_d3d_state%sep, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_vmnldf, d3d_state(1)%core%vmnldf, size_d3d_state%sep, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) if (size_d3d_state%rtur .gt. 0) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_rtur1, d3d_state(1)%core%rtur, size_d3d_state%rtur, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) if (size_d3d_state%r1 .gt.0) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_r1, d3d_state(1)%core%r1, size_d3d_state%r1, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) ! pseudo ... call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'pseudo', s_pseudo, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'w', s_w, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'vicww', s_vicww, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'vicuv', s_vicuv, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'kfs', s_kfs, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'kfu', s_kfu, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'kfv', s_kfv, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'procbc', s_procbc, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'hydrbc', s_hydrbc, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'rint', s_rint, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'disch', s_disch, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'names', s_names, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'timeadmin', s_timeadmin, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_w, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%w, size_d3d_state%w, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_vicww, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%vicww, size_d3d_state%w, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_vicuv, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%vicuv, size_d3d_state%vicuv, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_kfs, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%kfs, size_d3d_state%kfs, CTA_INTEGER,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_kfu, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%kfu, size_d3d_state%kfs, CTA_INTEGER,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_kfv, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%kfv, size_d3d_state%kfs, CTA_INTEGER,ierr) if (size_d3d_state%procbc .gt. 0) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_procbc, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%procbc, size_d3d_state%procbc, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) if (size_d3d_state%hydrbc .gt. 0) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_hydrbc, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%hydrbc, size_d3d_state%hydrbc, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) if (size_d3d_state%rint .gt. 0) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_rint, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%rint, size_d3d_state%rint, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) if (size_d3d_state%disch .gt. 0) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_disch,d3d_state(1)%pseudo%disch, size_d3d_state%disch,CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) !strings do i=1,3 call CTA_STRING_CREATE(hnames(i),ierr) enddo call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_names,hnames,3,CTA_STRING,ierr) call CTA_STRING_GET(hnames(1),d3d_state(1)%pseudo%runid,ierr) call CTA_STRING_GET(hnames(2),d3d_state(1)%pseudo%trifil,ierr) call CTA_STRING_GET(hnames(3),d3d_state(1)%pseudo%comfil,ierr) do i=1,3 call CTA_STRING_FREE(hnames(i),ierr) enddo ! time admin call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_timeadmin,vals_timeadmin,9,CTA_INTEGER,ierr) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%timestep = vals_timeadmin(1) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%trisol_ifirst = vals_timeadmin(2) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_itstrt = vals_timeadmin(3) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_itfinish = vals_timeadmin(4) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_ntstep = vals_timeadmin(5) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_itstop = vals_timeadmin(6) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_itinit = vals_timeadmin(7) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_time_nodal_update_bnd = vals_timeadmin(8) d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_time_nodal_update_tgf = vals_timeadmin(9) ! output... call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'output', s_output, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETVALS(s_output, vals_output, 11, CTA_INTEGER,ierr) d3d_state(1)%output%itcomc = vals_output(1) d3d_state(1)%output%ithisc = vals_output(2) d3d_state(1)%output%ithisi = vals_output(3) d3d_state(1)%output%iphisc = vals_output(4) d3d_state(1)%output%ipmapc = vals_output(5) d3d_state(1)%output%itmapc = vals_output(6) d3d_state(1)%output%itmapi = vals_output(7) d3d_state(1)%output%itmapl = vals_output(8) d3d_state(1)%output%itdroi = vals_output(9) d3d_state(1)%output%nofou = vals_output(10) d3d_state(1)%output%itrstc = vals_output(11) ! now d3d_state is completely filled and it can be passed to the model d3d itself. call set_d3d_state_to_d3d(1) end subroutine d3da_set_ctastate_to_d3d !--------------------------------------------- subroutine d3da_get_ctastate_from_d3d(ierr) ! use a d3d_state (dimension 1!) as bridge include '' !arguments integer, intent(out) :: ierr !local parameters integer :: s_core, s_pseudo, s_output integer :: s_sep, s_u,s_v,s_dp,s_umnldf,s_vmnldf,s_rtur1,s_r1 integer :: s_w, s_vicww, s_vicuv, s_kfs, s_kfu, s_kfv, s_hydrbc, s_procbc, s_disch, s_rint integer :: s_names, s_timeadmin integer :: hnames(3) ! three CTA_Strings integer :: vals_timeadmin(9), vals_output(11) integer :: i double precision :: rdum(1) rdum(1) = 0.0d0 ! first get d3d_state from the model d3d. call get_d3d_state_from_d3d(1) ! use getsubtreevec! (by reference, so no need to free) ! immediately fill d3d_state ! NOTE we can not doe one large getvals because not all are CTA_doubles call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'core', s_core, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'sep', s_sep, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'u', s_u, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'v', s_v, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'dp', s_dp, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'umnldf', s_umnldf, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'vmnldf', s_vmnldf, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'rtur1', s_rtur1, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_core, 'r1', s_r1, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_sep, d3d_state(1)%core%sep, size_d3d_state%sep, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_u, d3d_state(1)%core%u, size_d3d_state%u, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_v, d3d_state(1)%core%v, size_d3d_state%u, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_dp, d3d_state(1)%core%dp, size_d3d_state%sep, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_umnldf, d3d_state(1)%core%umnldf, size_d3d_state%sep, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_vmnldf, d3d_state(1)%core%vmnldf, size_d3d_state%sep, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) if (size_d3d_state%rtur .gt. 0) then call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_rtur1, d3d_state(1)%core%rtur, size_d3d_state%rtur, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) else ! make a state of size 1 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_rtur1, rdum, 1, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) endif if (size_d3d_state%r1 .gt.0) then call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_r1, d3d_state(1)%core%r1, size_d3d_state%r1, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) else ! make a state of size 1 call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_r1, rdum, 1, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) endif ! pseudo ... call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'pseudo', s_pseudo, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'w', s_w, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'vicww', s_vicww, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'vicuv', s_vicuv, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'kfs', s_kfs, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'kfu', s_kfu, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'kfv', s_kfv, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'procbc', s_procbc, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'hydrbc', s_hydrbc, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'rint', s_rint, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'disch', s_disch, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'names', s_names, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(s_pseudo, 'timeadmin', s_timeadmin, ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_w, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%w, size_d3d_state%w, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_vicww, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%vicww, size_d3d_state%w, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_vicuv, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%vicuv, size_d3d_state%vicuv, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_kfs, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%kfs, size_d3d_state%kfs, CTA_INTEGER,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_kfu, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%kfu, size_d3d_state%kfs, CTA_INTEGER,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_kfv, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%kfv, size_d3d_state%kfs, CTA_INTEGER,ierr) if (size_d3d_state%procbc .gt. 0) then call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_procbc, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%procbc, size_d3d_state%procbc, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) else call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_procbc, rdum, 1, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) endif if (size_d3d_state%hydrbc .gt. 0) then call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_hydrbc, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%hydrbc, size_d3d_state%hydrbc, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) else call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_hydrbc, rdum, 1, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) endif if (size_d3d_state%rint .gt. 0) then call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_rint, d3d_state(1)%pseudo%rint, size_d3d_state%rint, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) else call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_rint, rdum, 1, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) endif if (size_d3d_state%disch .gt. 0) then call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_disch,d3d_state(1)%pseudo%disch, size_d3d_state%disch,CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) else call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_disch, rdum, 1, CTA_DOUBLE,ierr) endif !strings do i=1,3 call CTA_STRING_CREATE(hnames(i),ierr) enddo call CTA_STRING_SET(hnames(1),d3d_state(1)%pseudo%runid,ierr) call CTA_STRING_SET(hnames(2),d3d_state(1)%pseudo%trifil,ierr) call CTA_STRING_SET(hnames(3),d3d_state(1)%pseudo%comfil,ierr) call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_names,hnames,3,CTA_STRING,ierr) do i=1,3 call CTA_STRING_FREE(hnames(i),ierr) enddo ! time admin vals_timeadmin(1) = d3d_state(1)%pseudo%timestep vals_timeadmin(2) =d3d_state(1)%pseudo%trisol_ifirst vals_timeadmin(3) =d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_itstrt vals_timeadmin(4) =d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_itfinish vals_timeadmin(5) =d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_ntstep vals_timeadmin(6) =d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_itstop vals_timeadmin(7) =d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_itinit vals_timeadmin(8) =d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_time_nodal_update_bnd vals_timeadmin(9) =d3d_state(1)%pseudo%gdinttim_time_nodal_update_tgf call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_timeadmin,vals_timeadmin,9,CTA_INTEGER,ierr) ! output... call CTA_TREEVECTOR_GETSUBTREEVEC(state_handles(current_instance), 'output', s_output, ierr) vals_output(1) = d3d_state(1)%output%itcomc vals_output(2) = d3d_state(1)%output%ithisc vals_output(3) =d3d_state(1)%output%ithisi vals_output(4) = d3d_state(1)%output%iphisc vals_output(5) = d3d_state(1)%output%ipmapc vals_output(6) = d3d_state(1)%output%itmapc vals_output(7) = d3d_state(1)%output%itmapi vals_output(8) = d3d_state(1)%output%itmapl vals_output(9) = d3d_state(1)%output%itdroi vals_output(10) = d3d_state(1)%output%nofou vals_output(11) = d3d_state(1)%output%itrstc call CTA_TREEVECTOR_SETVALS(s_output, vals_output, 11, CTA_INTEGER,ierr) end subroutine d3da_get_ctastate_from_d3d !---------------------------------------------------------------------- end module m_d3dstate_2_openda