module m_d3d_state !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use precision ! for fp type t_d3d_corestate real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: u real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: v real(fp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sep real(fp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dp real(fp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: umnldf real(fp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: vmnldf real(fp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: rtur real(fp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: r1 end type t_d3d_corestate type t_d3d_pseudostate character*256 :: runid, trifil, comfil ! can better be recomputed than saved in the pseudostate: real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: w real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: vicww real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: vicuv ! necessary for drying and flooding integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kfu integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kfv integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kfs real(fp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: rint real(fp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: hydrbc real(fp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: procbc real(fp), dimension(:), allocatable :: disch integer :: timestep integer :: trisol_ifirst integer :: gdinttim_itstrt, gdinttim_itfinish,gdinttim_ntstep integer :: gdinttim_itstop, gdinttim_itinit integer :: gdinttim_time_nodal_update_bnd,gdinttim_time_nodal_update_tgf end type t_d3d_pseudostate type t_d3d_outputstate integer :: itcomc integer :: ithisc, ithisi, iphisc integer :: ipmapc integer :: itmapc, itmapi, itmapl integer :: itdroi integer :: nofou integer :: itrstc end type t_d3d_outputstate !-------------------- type t_d3d_state type (t_d3d_corestate) :: core type (t_d3d_pseudostate) :: pseudo type (t_d3d_outputstate) :: output integer :: color end type t_d3d_state type t_size_d3d_state integer :: d3d_state integer :: core, pseudo, output integer :: sep, u, rtur, r1 integer :: w, vicuv, kfs, rint, disch, hydrbc, procbc end type t_size_d3d_state !------------------------ integer, parameter :: background_state = 1 integer, parameter :: ordinary_state = 2 integer, parameter :: mean_state = 3 !--------------------------- integer, dimension(11) :: d3d_dims type(t_size_d3d_state) :: size_d3d_state ! here the a total of states can be defined type(t_d3d_state),allocatable :: d3d_state(:) contains subroutine m_d3d_adjust_output_state(d3d_state, color,imode) implicit none type(t_d3d_state) :: d3d_state character*3 :: ch_imode character*256 :: tmpchar integer :: ic, color ,imode d3d_state%color = color if (d3d_state%color .ne. background_state) then d3d_state%output%itcomc = -1 d3d_state%output%ithisi = 0 d3d_state%output%iphisc = -1 d3d_state%output%ipmapc = -1 d3d_state%output%itmapi = 0 d3d_state%output%itmapl = -1 d3d_state%output%itdroi = 0 d3d_state%output%nofou = 0 d3d_state%output%itrstc = -1 endif write(ch_imode,'(I3.3)') imode if (.false.) then ! doe dit nog even niet. Voorlopig willen we alleen bij mode 0 uitvoer schrijven! tmpchar = d3d_state%pseudo%trifil call noextspaces(tmpchar, ic) d3d_state%pseudo%trifil(1:ic) = tmpchar(1:ic) d3d_state%pseudo%trifil(ic+1:ic+3) = ch_imode(1:3) print *,' adjusted trifil of state ',imode, 'to ',d3d_state%pseudo%trifil(1:ic+3),'!' endif ! Now this new information has to be transported back to d3d! call set_d3d_state_to_d3d(imode) end subroutine m_d3d_adjust_output_state !---------------------------------------------------------- subroutine m_d3d_dump_d3d_state(d3d_state,lun,fname) implicit none !include 'fsm.i' !include 'tri-dyn.igd' type(t_d3d_state) :: d3d_state integer :: lun character(len=*) :: fname open(unit = lun, file = fname) write(lun,*) 'u = ' write(lun,*) d3d_state%core%u write(lun,*) 'v = ' write(lun,*) d3d_state%core%v write(lun,*) 'sep = ' write(lun,*) d3d_state%core%sep write(lun,*) 'r1 = ' write(lun,*) d3d_state%core%r1 write(lun,*) 'rtur1 = ' write(lun,*) d3d_state%core%rtur write(lun,*) 'dp = ' write(lun,*) d3d_state%core%dp write(lun,*) 'pseudo: timestep:=' write(lun,*) d3d_state%pseudo%timestep write(lun,*) 'pseudo: w:=' write(lun,*) d3d_state%pseudo%w write(lun,*) 'pseudo: vicuv:=' write(lun,*) d3d_state%pseudo%vicuv write(lun,*) 'pseudo: vicww:=' write(lun,*) d3d_state%pseudo%vicww write(lun,*) 'pseudo: rint:=' write(lun,*) d3d_state%pseudo%rint write(lun,*) 'pseudo: disch:=' write(lun,*) d3d_state%pseudo%disch write(lun,*) 'pseudo: kfs:=' write(lun,*) d3d_state%pseudo%kfs write(lun,*) 'output:= ' write(lun,*) d3d_state%output%itcomc, d3d_state%output%ithisc, d3d_state%output%itmapc close(lun) end subroutine m_d3d_dump_d3d_state !---------------------------------------------------------- subroutine allocate_d3d_state(d3d_one_state, nlb ,nub ,mlb ,mub ,kmax, & & ltur, lstsci,lstsc ,nsrc ,nto ,kcd ) implicit none type(t_d3d_state) :: d3d_one_state integer :: nlb,nub,mlb,mub integer :: kmax integer :: ltur integer :: lstsci, lstsc integer :: nsrc, nto, kcd integer :: ierr allocate (d3d_one_state%core%u (nlb:nub, mlb:mub, kmax), stat=ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then print *,'error allocating u1' stop endif allocate (d3d_one_state%core%v (nlb:nub, mlb:mub, kmax), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%core%dp (nlb:nub, mlb:mub) ) allocate (d3d_one_state%core%sep (nlb:nub, mlb:mub)) allocate (d3d_one_state%core%umnldf (nlb:nub, mlb:mub)) allocate (d3d_one_state%core%vmnldf (nlb:nub, mlb:mub)) allocate (d3d_one_state%core%rtur (nlb:nub, mlb:mub, 0:kmax, ltur)) allocate (d3d_one_state%core%r1 (nlb:nub, mlb:mub, kmax,lstsci), stat = ierr) size_d3d_state%sep = (nub-nlb+1)*(mub-mlb+1) size_d3d_state%u = size_d3d_state%sep * kmax size_d3d_state%rtur = size_d3d_state%sep * (kmax+1)*ltur size_d3d_state%r1 = size_d3d_state%sep * kmax *lstsci size_d3d_state%core = 4 * size_d3d_state%sep + 2 * size_d3d_state%u + & size_d3d_state%rtur + size_d3d_state%r1 allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%w (nlb:nub, mlb:mub, 0:kmax), stat = ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then print *,'error allocating w' stop endif allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%vicuv (nlb:nub, mlb:mub, 1:kmax+2), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%vicww (nlb:nub, mlb:mub, 0:kmax), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%kfs(nlb:nub, mlb:mub), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%kfu(nlb:nub, mlb:mub), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%kfv(nlb:nub, mlb:mub), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%rint (lstsc, nsrc), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%hydrbc (4, nto, kcd), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%procbc (4, nto, kmax, lstsci), stat = ierr) allocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%disch (nsrc), stat = ierr) size_d3d_state%kfs = (nub-nlb+1)*(mub-mlb+1) size_d3d_state%w = size_d3d_state%kfs * (kmax+1) size_d3d_state%vicuv = size_d3d_state%kfs * (kmax+2) size_d3d_state%rint = lstsc * nsrc size_d3d_state%hydrbc = 4 * nto * kcd size_d3d_state%procbc = 4 * nto * kmax * lstsci size_d3d_state%disch = nsrc size_d3d_state%pseudo = 3 * size_d3d_state%kfs + 2* size_d3d_state%w + & size_d3d_state%vicuv + size_d3d_state%rint + size_d3d_state%hydrbc + & size_d3d_state%procbc + size_d3d_state%disch + 9 + 3 !9 integers and 3 strings size_d3d_state%output = 11 size_d3d_state%d3d_state = size_d3d_state%core + size_d3d_state%pseudo + size_d3d_state%output end subroutine allocate_d3d_state !---------------------------------------------------------- subroutine deallocate_d3d_state(d3d_one_state) implicit none type(t_d3d_state) :: d3d_one_state integer :: ierr deallocate(d3d_one_state%core%u, stat = ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then print *,'error de-allocating ' stop endif deallocate(d3d_one_state%core%v, stat = ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%core%dp, stat=ierr ) deallocate (d3d_one_state%core%sep, stat=ierr ) deallocate (d3d_one_state%core%umnldf, stat=ierr ) deallocate (d3d_one_state%core%vmnldf, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%core%rtur, stat=ierr ) deallocate (d3d_one_state%core%r1, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%w, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%vicuv, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%vicww, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%kfs, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%kfu, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%kfv, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%rint, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%hydrbc, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%procbc, stat=ierr) deallocate (d3d_one_state%pseudo%disch, stat=ierr) end subroutine deallocate_d3d_state !---------------------------------------------------------- end module m_d3d_state