Delft3D-FLOW Online Visualisation Help June, 2005 version 2.0 PROGRAM PURPOSE The main purpose of the ONLINE VISUALISATION program is to visualise model quantities of the Delft3D-FLOW water motion program. A Delft3D-FLOW quantity is an ordered set of values, which are assigned to an ordered set of (curvilinear) grid points. KEYS F1 = views this help file : = quits viewing the help file F2 = views the history file : = quits viewing the history file the version number of FLOW the version number of online date of starting the computation type of model : sigma or zmodel X and Y co-ordinates of where the anchor has been put S/s = halts the computation when FLOW is running the computation can be halted by keeping the or key pressed until the menu-bar appears. The program checks every timestep whether the key is pressed, if not, the computation continues. The longer the computation of 1 timestep takes, the longer you will have to press the key to halt the calculation. P/p = screen dump to postscript file first plot = second plot = etc. Z/z = zoom window after pressing , a zoom window appears, with several possibilities: moving mouse : the zoom window moves with the mouse movement. If the sides of the window have been pushed so far that its sides touch the screen border, the screen is shifted automatically, which makes the current cursor position the centre of the new screen. If the cursor is close to the screen border, pressing the key will immediately cause the program to shift the screen, and make the present cursor position the centre of the next screen. + : enlarges the zoom window - : reduces the zoom window left mouse : zoom in right mouse : zoom out to minimum and maximum of model z : zoom out 1 step delete : previous zoom window (maximum 4 windows) A/a = puts an anchor on the current mouse position When pressing the key on the keyboard (on UNIX, first actualise the cursor position by pressing the middle or right mouse button), a so-called anchor will appear, which acts as zero distance point. The distance of the present cursor position to this point is displayed below the X,Y position of the cursor on the right upper corner of the screen, after the keyword 'DIS'. = while drawing, quits the current drawing. Updating the screen, several quantities are drawn, in this sequence: 1) the scalar variable 2) grid 3) outline of the computational area 4) temporary dry points 5) velocity vectors 6) wind vectors 7) land boundaries 8) observation points Drawing on screen of a detailed model can take some time, to interrupt the current drawing, you click the . + / - key When running a 3D model the default layer which is shown is the top layer (layer=1). When in top view mode the + and - keys changes the layer which is shown. When in side view mode the + and - keys changes the number of the M line or N line. GENERAL PROGRAM OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Most of the program screens have two menu bars, one at the top of the screen, one at the bottom of the screen. Both menu bars can be activated by placing the cursor on top of the bar and pressing the left mouse button. The colours of the menu bar then changes from dull colours to bright colours. Also, the shape of the mouse cursor changes from cross-hair to arrow, indicating that you are now in menu mode, and can indicate choices in the menus. The menu bar at the top of the screen contains the main program options, each of which has several sub options. These options can be activated also by pressing the left mouse button. The bottom menu bar contains several options that indicate which user actions are valid for the specific screen As indicated on the first bottom menu bar of the opening screen, you can always press the key for context sensitive help, the key for a history of previous actions or the print screen or

key to get a postscript file the current screen. HELP INSTRUCTIONS F1 = help ; Press the key for HELP. The HELP window behaves like any normal file viewer, apart from some features that have been added for convenience. Mostly, when you have pressed , the HELP will start at some context sensitive point in the help file. The cursor scrolling control allows quick leafing through this file, since the horizontal cursor position governs the speed at which vertical scrolling is performed. This can be at chapter, section, subsection or normal text speed. Furthermore, the key toggles between a keyword menu and the complete text. Choose the desired keyword in the keyword menu, which is much shorter than the complete help text, and press the key again. The corresponding help text will immediately appear on the screen. A search function has been added, that searches forward for the required text item. Leave help by pressing the key. GENERAL CURSOR AND KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS The left mouse button activates or confirms desired actions. The Escape key (Esc), cancels the last action. The right mouse button may also confirm actions, or may put the program back into its original mode. In many situations, the and keys on the right hand bottom of a keyboard function in the same way as the left and right mouse button respectively. However, some functions are not invoked by means of the left mouse button, e.g. zooming in, which is invoked by pressing the key. In such cases first actualise the mouse position at the desired location by pressing the middle or right mouse key, and then press the key. On PC, the cursor is tracked continuously, so that the zoom window will immediately appear on the desired location following the key. The instructions given in the rest of this HELP will be valid for the PC instruction set, so please keep in mind that on UNIX systems you may have to make some extra mouse clicks. OPERATIONS MENU =============================================================================== START/STOP MENU 1 CONTINUE Continues the computation. 2 LEAVE VISUALISATION PROGRAM ONLY Turns off the ONLINE VISUALISATION, the computation continues, ONLINE cannot be put on again. 3 STOP VISUALISATION & COMPUTATION Stops the computation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT MENU CREATE POSTSCRIPT FILE Creates a postscript file (same as pressing

). CREATE PCX-FILE Creates a PCX file. CREATE DEP-FILE Creates a QUICKIN (depth) file of the parameter viewed. INTERVAL SCREEN REFRESH Sets the number of time steps between updates of the screen. INTERVAL PCX-FILE Sets the number of time steps between creating PCX-files. INTERVAL DEP-FILE Sets the number of time steps between creating QUICKIN dep-files of the parameter currently viewed. REFRESH SCREEN AT EACH STEP Toggle between blanking the screen or not before a new screen is drawn. When the time between 2 updates of the screen is short, blanking causes a flickering which can be annoying. HALT CALCULATION AT TIME STEP default : -1 when the computation is finished, the online window is closed and the program terminates normally. : 0 when the computation is finished the online window stays. : n the computation halts at n time steps LEFT and waits for instructions. START TIME STEP FOR PCX-FILES When the computation takes 10000 time steps and you want PCX files of only time steps left from 200 until 100 here 200 is entered. STOP TIME STEP FOR PCX-FILES When the computation takes 10000 time steps and you want PCX files of only time steps left from 200 until 100 here 100 is entered. START TIME (MIN) FOR DEP-FILES Start time in minutes (after the reference date) for creating QUICKIN dep-files of the current parameter displayed. STOP TIME (MIN) FOR DEP-FILES Stop time in minutes (after the reference date) for creating QUICKIN dep-files of the current parameter displayed. SAVE SETTINGS Most of the settings of the online visualisation are saved in the d3d_visu.set file. a) scalar variable (water level, velocity, temperature etc) b) window selection c) output parameters (steps for screen updates, PCX-files) d) land boundary files, HLS-file, TEXT-file When the d3d_visu.set file is present in the working directory, the program reads the file and starts the computation immediately. This file is necessary for running in queues. Remarks: - the HLS-file is assumed to be present in the directory c:\delft3d\w32\flow\default - the LDB and TXT file are looked for in the working directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIEW MENU VIEW ON TOP Top view of the model, i.e. view in the XY space. SIDE PROJECTION N CROSS SECTION Displays a side view of the current quantity at an N-line. This makes only sense when running a 3D computation and the current parameter is 3D also. When the parameter displayed is water level nothing will change. SIDE PROJECTION M CROSS SECTION Displays a side view of the current parameter at an M-line when running a 3D computation and the parameter is 3D also. SCALAR VARIABLE NO VALUE POINTS : switch values off, only grid, stations, vectors are shown COLOURED DOTS : only coloured dots are plotted ISOFIL : shaded contours ISOLINE : isolines NUMBERS : values by numbers FIL+LINE : combination of shaded contours and black isolines VELOCITY VECTORS VELOCITY VECTORS ON VELOCITY VECTORS OFF GRID NO GRID GRID SOLID LINES GRID DOTTED LINES LEGEND Drawing the legend can be put on or off. OBSERVATION POINTS Displaying the observation points can be put on or off. TEMPORARY DRY POINTS Drawing the temporary dry points can be put on or off. OUTLINE OF COMPUTATIONAL AREA Drawing of the computational area can be put on or off. CHANGE ISO PARAMETERS Menu to change various parameters for viewing: colour plot info X position plot info Y position plot info X position legend Y position legend numbers of isocolours autoscale on or off minimum isoline value maximum isoline value velocity vector scale factor for vertical vectors flow grid wind vector scale vertical scaling cross-sectional view step vector for plotting velocity vectors a negative number N makes the minimum distance between vectors approximately N mm step vector for plotting wind on flow grid number of decimals in legend CHANGE LAYER/DEPTH Change the layer number or the depth of the horizontal plane; only in 3D. Use + and - to go through the layers. CHANGE CROSS-SECTION COORDINATE When cross section view is on, you can change the number of the M or N line. Use + and - to go through the cross-sections. LINE COLOURS Here you can change the default line colours of: land boundary 1 land boundary 2 grid lines outline of computational area temporary dry points velocity vectors observation points wind vectors flow grid ONLINE has 6 main colour numbers which can be used for lines: 0 = black 30 = red 60 = yellow 90 = green 120 = light blue 150 = dark blue 180 = purple 223 = white Colours of numbers between these values are more or less the same. LAYER or HORIZONTAL PLANE Switch between layer or horizontal plane (only 3D computation and 3D parameter). WINDOW SIZE Here you can change the aspect ratio of the plot window. WIND VECTORS ON FLOW GRID Switch for plotting wind vectors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER MENU WATER LEVEL DEPTH : depth in depth points DEPTH IN WATER LEVEL POINTS : depth in water level points TOTAL WATER DEPTH : depth + water level ENERGY HEIGHT VELOCITY in U-DIRECTION VELOCITY in V-DIRECTION VELOCITY in W-DIRECTION VELOCITY MAGNITUDE DENSITY VORTICITY VORTICITY in FLUCTUATIONS SALINITY TURB ENERGY TURB ENERGY DISS USER_SELECTION : you can enter the name of FLOW-code arrays: vicuv = viscosity patm = background atmospheric pressure windu = u-velocity background wind windv = v-velocity background wind s1 = water level dp = depth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILES MENU LAND BOUNDARY 1 (LINE) *.ldb Minimum and maximum of window will NOT be adjusted to limits of the co-ordinates in the land boundary file. LAND BOUNDARY 2 (LINE) *.ldb Minimum and maximum of window will be adjusted to limits of the co-ordinates in the land boundary file. files with X and Y co-ordinates to plot a land boundary example: -------------------------------------------------------------- * comment BL01 : 4 characters/numbers to define a data block 100 2 : number of rows, number of columns 10.1 2.2 \ 10.9 2.9 \ .. > 100 rows with X and Y values .. / .. / -------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT (SYMBOL) *.txt File with X and Y co-ordinates, text-string, colour, symbol-code and character height. Remark: when in cross-sectional view, text cannot be visualised. example: -------------------------------------------------------------- * comment BL01 : 4 characters/numbers to define a data block 3 2 : number of rows, number of X, Y columns (2) 10.8 20.3 'string-01' 223 43 0.5 10.8 21.3 'string-02' 223 43 0.5 10.8 22.3 'string-03' 223 43 0.5 colour symbol characterr height symbols: the text string needs 's at the beginning and at the end 20 = square 32 = no symbol 43 = + 45 = - 149 = big dot 183 = . 215 = x -------------------------------------------------------------- CLASSES *.cls file with classes for the isolines/contours example: -------------------------------------------------------------- * comment BL01 3 1 : number of rows, number of columns -5 0 1 2 5 -------------------------------------------------------------- HLS COLOURS *.hls files with hue, lightness and saturation values for colours. --------------- ------------- ------------------------ hue lightness saturation --------------- ------------- ------------------------ 0 = dark blue 0 = black 0 = minimum saturation 90 = red 50 = standard 100 = maximum saturation 180 = yellow 100 = white 270 = green 360 = dark blue example: -------------------------------------------------------------- rainbow : comment 60 92 100 60 86 100 60 72 100 60 50 100 40 50 100 20 50 100 0 50 100 340 50 100 320 50 100 300 50 100 280 50 100 260 50 100 240 50 100 220 50 100 200 50 100 180 50 100 174 50 100 168 50 100 154 50 100 120 50 100 -------------------------------------------------------------- SETTINGS *.set d3d_visu.set file with settings, saved from menu OUTPUT - SAVE SETTINGS Remarks: - the HLS-file is assumed to be present in the subdirectory flow\default of the install directory - the LDB and TXT file are looked for in the working directory =============================================================================== END OF HELP