Please check the following sites for additional information: General information: FAQ : Compile forum : Compiling on Windows ==================== 0) Be sure that you have installed: Visual Studio 2008, including Fortran compiler Intel 11.0 1) Open "src\deltares_hydro_open_source.sln" in Visual Studio 2) Select the "solution configuration you want: Debug or Release 3) B 4) The binaries are installed in directory "bin\w32" (release) or in the subdirectory of the executable, e.g. "src\engines_gpl\deltares_hydro\bin\Debug" (debug) Compiling on Linux ================== 1) In directory "src": ./ Debug version: -debug 2) The binaries are installed in directory "bin\intel" 3) To clean (removing all files generated by autoreconf/configure/make): make distclean 4) 64 bit version This is under construction Be careful with compilers having a different revision or build number; this will lead to different paths Be careful with tools located in different directories (e.q. /opt/mpich2) Check both "" and "" Check Check do I create a 64-bit executable? Directory structure =================== engines : Programs which perform a physical simulation engines_gpl : Open source engines under GPL conditions tools : Programs which support the engines tools_gpl : Open source tools under GPL conditions utils : Libraries which are used by the engines and/or tools, but at least by more than one engine/tool utils_lgpl : Open source utils under LGPL conditions 10 June 2011