using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace General.tests
public class UGridAttributeConstants
public class LocationValues
public const string Face = "face";
public const string Edge = "edge";
public const string Node = "node";
public const string Volume = "volume";
public class Names
public const string Location = "location";
public enum NetcdfOpenMode
nf90_nowrite = 0,
nf90_write = 1,
nf90_clobber = 0,
nf90_noclobber = 4,
nf90_fill = 0,
nf90_nofill = 256,
nf90_64bit_offset = 512,
nf90_lock = 1024,
nf90_share = 2048
public enum NetcdfDataType
nf90_int = 4,
nf90_double = 6
public enum Locations
public class IoNetcdfLibWrapper
/// IoNetcdf specific constants
public static class LibDetails
public const int MAXDIMS = 6;
public const int MAXSTRLEN = 255;
public const string LIB_NAME = "io_netcdf";
public const string LIB_DEP = "netcdf";
public const string LIB_DLL_NAME = "io_netcdf.dll";
/// Checks whether the specified data set adheres to a specific set of conventions.
/// Datasets may adhere to multiple conventions at the same time, so use this method
/// to check for individual conventions.
/// The NetCDF conventions type to check for.
/// Whether or not the file adheres to the specified conventions.
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_adheresto_conventions", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern bool ionc_adheresto_conventions_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int iconvtype);
/// Inquire the NetCDF conventions used in the dataset.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The NetCDF conventions type of the dataset.
/// Result status, ionc_noerr if successful.
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_inq_conventions", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_inq_conventions_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int iconvtype, ref double convversion);
/// Tries to open a NetCDF file and initialize based on its specified conventions.
/// File name for netCDF dataset to be opened.
/// NetCDF open mode, e.g. NF90_NOWRITE.
/// The io_netcdf dataset id (this is not the NetCDF ncid, which is stored in datasets(ioncid)%ncid.
/// The detected conventions in the file.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_open", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_open_dll([In] string c_path, [In, Out] ref int mode, [In, Out] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int iconvtype, ref double convversion);
/// Tries to close an open io_netcdf data set.
/// The io_netcdf dataset id (this is not the NetCDF ncid, which is stored in datasets(ioncid)%ncid.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_close", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_close_dll([In] ref int ioncid);
#region UGRID specifics
/// Get the id of the geometry network.
/// The IONC data set id (in)
/// The geometry mesh (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_network_id", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_network_id_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int networkid);
/// Get the id of the 1d computational mesh
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The 1d computational mesh id (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_mesh_id", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_mesh_id_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int meshid);
/// Get the id of the 2d computational mesh
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The 2d computational mesh id (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_2d_mesh_id", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_2d_mesh_id_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int meshid);
/// Get the id of the 3d computational mesh
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The 3d computational mesh id (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_3d_mesh_id", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_3d_mesh_id_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int meshid);
/// Gets the number of mesh from a data set.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// Number of meshes.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_mesh_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_mesh_count_dll([In, Out] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int nmesh);
/// Gets the name of mesh from a data set.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// Mesh id.
/// The mesh name.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_mesh_name", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_mesh_name_dll([In, Out] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int meshid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)][In, Out] StringBuilder meshName);
/// Gets the number of nodes in a single mesh from a data set.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The mesh id in the specified data set.
/// Number of nodes.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_node_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_node_count_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int nnode);
/// Gets the number of edges in a single mesh from a data set.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The mesh id in the specified data set.
/// Number of edges.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_edge_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_edge_count_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int nedge);
/// Gets the number of faces in a single mesh from a data set.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The mesh id in the specified data set.
/// Number of faces.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_face_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_face_count_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int nface);
/// Gets the maximum number of nodes for any face in a single mesh from a data set.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The mesh id in the specified data set.
/// The maximum number of nodes per face in the mesh.Number of faces.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_max_face_nodes", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_max_face_nodes_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int nmaxfacenodes);
/// Gets the x,y coordinates for all nodes in a single mesh from a data set.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The mesh id in the specified data set.
/// Pointer to array for x-coordinates
/// Pointer to array for y-coordinates
/// The number of nodes in the mesh.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_node_coordinates", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_node_coordinates_dll([In, Out] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int meshid, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_xptr, [In, Out]ref IntPtr c_yptr, [In, Out] ref int nnode);
/// Gets the edge-node connectvit table for all edges in the specified mesh.
/// The output edge_nodes array is supposed to be of exact correct size already.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The mesh id in the specified data set.
/// Pointer to array for the edge-node connectivity table.
/// The number of edges in the mesh.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_edge_nodes", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_edge_nodes_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref IntPtr c_edge_nodes_ptr, ref int nedge, ref int start_index);
/// Gets the face-node connectvit table for all faces in the specified mesh.
/// The output face_nodes array is supposed to be of exact correct size already.
/// The IONC data set id.
/// The mesh id in the specified data set.
/// Pointer to array for the face-node connectivity table.
/// The number of faces in the mesh.
/// The maximum number of nodes per face in the mesh.
/// Result status (IONC_NOERR if successful).
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_face_nodes", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_face_nodes_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref IntPtr c_face_nodes_ptr, ref int nface, ref int nmaxfacenodes, ref int fillvalue);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_write_geom_ugrid", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_write_geom_ugrid_dll(string filename);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_write_map_ugrid", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_write_map_ugrid_dll(string filename);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_coordinate_system", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_coordinate_system_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int nmesh);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_var_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_var_count_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int mesh, [In] ref int location, [In, Out] ref int nCount);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_inq_varids", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_inq_varids_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshId, ref int location, ref IntPtr ptr, ref int nVar);
public delegate void IO_NetCDF_Message_Callback(int level, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string message);
public delegate void IO_NetCDF_Progress_Callback([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string message, ref double progress);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_initialize", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_initialize_dll(IO_NetCDF_Message_Callback c_message_callback, IO_NetCDF_Progress_Callback c_progress_callback);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_var", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_var_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshId, ref int location, string varname, ref IntPtr c_zptr, ref int nNode, ref double c_fillvalue);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_put_var", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_put_var_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int iloctype, string c_varname, ref IntPtr c_values_ptr, ref int nVal);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_put_node_coordinates", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_put_node_coordinates_dll(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref IntPtr c_xvalues_ptr, ref IntPtr c_yvalues_ptr, ref int nNode);
#region UGRID 1D Specifics
/// This is a structure to pass arrays of chars arrays from c# to fortran.
public const int idssize = 40;
public const int longnamessize = 80;
public struct interop_charinfo
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = idssize)]
public char[] ids;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = longnamessize)]
public char[] longnames;
public const int metadatasize = 100;
public struct interop_metadata
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = metadatasize)]
public char[] institution;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = metadatasize)]
public char[] source;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = metadatasize)]
public char[] references;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = metadatasize)]
public char[] version;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = metadatasize)]
public char[] modelname;
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_add_global_attributes", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_add_global_attributes_dll([In] ref int ioncid, ref interop_metadata metadata);
/// This function creates a new netCDF file
/// The path where the file will be created (in)
/// The netCDF opening mode (in)
/// The netCDF file id (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_create", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_create_dll([In] string c_path, [In] ref int mode, [In, Out] ref int ioncid);
/// Create a 1d network in an opened netCDF file
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (out)
/// The network name (in)
/// The number of network nodes (in)
/// The number of network branches (in)
/// The number of geometry points (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_create_1d_network", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_create_1d_network_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int networkid, [In] string networkName, [In] ref int nNodes, [In] ref int nBranches, [In] ref int nGeometry);
/// Write the coordinates of the network nodes
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The x coordinates of the network nodes (in)
/// The y coordinates of the network nodes (in)
/// The network infos (in)
/// The number of network nodes (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_write_1d_network_nodes", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_write_1d_network_nodes_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In] ref IntPtr c_nodesX, [In] ref IntPtr c_nodesY, interop_charinfo[] nodesinfo, [In] ref int nNodes);
/// Write the coordinates of the network branches
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The source node id (in)
/// The target node id (in)
/// The branch info (in)
/// The branch lengths (in)
/// The number of geometry points in each branch (in)
/// The number of branches (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_put_1d_network_branches", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_put_1d_network_branches_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In] ref IntPtr c_sourcenodeid, [In] ref IntPtr c_targetnodeid, interop_charinfo[] branchinfo, [In] ref IntPtr c_branchlengths, [In] ref IntPtr c_nbranchgeometrypoints, [In] ref int nBranches, [In] ref int startIndex);
/// Writes the branch geometry (the geometry points)
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The x coordinates of the geometry points (in)
/// The y coordinates of the geometry points (in)
/// The number of geometry points (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_write_1d_network_branches_geometry", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_write_1d_network_branches_geometry_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In] ref IntPtr c_geopointsX, [In] ref IntPtr c_geopointsY, [In] ref int nGeometry);
/// Writes a 1d mesh. The geometrical features (e.g. the branches and geometry points) are described in the network above
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The mesh id (out)
/// The mesh name (in)
/// The number of mesh points (in)
/// The number of mesh edges (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_create_1d_mesh", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_create_1d_mesh_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref int meshid, string meshname, [In] ref int nmeshpoints, [In] ref int nmeshedges);
/// Writes the mesh coordinates points
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The branch id for each mesh point (in)
/// The offset along the branch from the starting point (in)
/// The node info (in)
/// The number of mesh points (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_put_1d_mesh_discretisation_points", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_put_1d_mesh_discretisation_points_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In] ref IntPtr c_branchidx, [In] ref IntPtr c_offset, interop_charinfo[] nodeinfo, [In] ref int nmeshpoints, [In] ref int startIndex);
/// Get the number of network nodes
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The number of nodes(out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_network_nodes_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_network_nodes_count_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref int nNodes);
/// Get the number of branches
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The number of branches (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_network_branches_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_network_branches_count_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref int nBranches);
/// Get the number of geometry points for all branches
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The number of geometry points for all branches (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_network_branches_geometry_coordinate_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_network_branches_geometry_coordinate_count_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref int ngeometrypoints);
/// Read the node coordinates and the charinfo
/// The netCDF file id
/// The network id (in)
/// The x coordinates of the network nodes (out)
/// The y coordinates of the network nodes (out)
/// The network infos (out)
/// The number of network nodes (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_read_1d_network_nodes", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_read_1d_network_nodes_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_nodesX, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_nodesY, [In, Out] interop_charinfo[] nodesinfo, [In] ref int nNodes);
/// Read the coordinates of the network branches
/// The netCDF file id
/// The network id (in)
/// The source node id (out)
/// The target node id (out)
/// The branch lengths (out)
/// The branch info (out)
/// he number of geometry points in each branch (out)
/// The number of branches (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_network_branches", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_network_branches_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_sourcenodeid, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_targetnodeid, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_branchlengths, [In, Out] interop_charinfo[] branchinfo, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_nbranchgeometrypoints, [In] ref int nBranches, [In] ref int startIndex);
/// Reads the branch geometry
/// The netCDF file id
/// The network id (in)
/// The x coordinates of the geometry points (out)
/// The y coordinates of the geometry points (out)
/// The number of nodes (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_read_1d_network_branches_geometry", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_read_1d_network_branches_geometry_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_geopointsX, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_geopointsY, [In] ref int nGeometrypoints);
/// Get the number of mesh discretization points
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The number of mesh points (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_mesh_discretisation_points_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_mesh_discretisation_points_count_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref int nmeshpoints);
/// Read the coordinates of the mesh points
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The network id (in)
/// The branch id for each mesh point (out)
/// The offset along the branch from the starting point (out)
/// The number of mesh points (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_mesh_discretisation_points", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_mesh_discretisation_points_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_branchidx, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_offset, [In, Out] interop_charinfo[] nodeinfo, [In] ref int nmeshpoints, [In] ref int startIndex);
/// Defines the contacts structure.
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The id of the contactsmesh (out)
/// The name of the contacts structure (in)
/// The number of contactss (in)
/// The id of the first connecting mesh (in)
/// The id of the second connecting mesh (in)
/// The location type for the first mesh: 0, 1, 2 for node, edge, face respectively (in)
/// The location type for the second mesh (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_def_mesh_contact", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_def_mesh_contact_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In, Out] ref int contactsmesh, string contactsmeshname, [In] ref int ncontacts, [In] ref int mesh1, [In] ref int mesh2, [In] ref int locationType1Id, [In] ref int locationType2Id);
/// Puts the contacts structure.
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The id of the contactsmesh (in)
/// The mesh1 indexes (in)
/// The mesh2 indexes (in)
/// The contacts info containing the ids and longnames (in)
/// The number of contactss (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_put_mesh_contact", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_put_mesh_contact_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int contactsmesh, [In] ref IntPtr c_mesh1indexes, [In] ref IntPtr c_mesh2indexes, [In, Out] interop_charinfo[] contactsinfo, [In] ref int ncontacts, [In] ref int startIndex);
/// Get the number of contacts from a specific contactsmesh
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The id of the contactsmesh (in)
/// The number of contactss (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_contacts_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_contacts_count_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int contactsmesh, [In, Out] ref int ncontacts);
/// Get the the mesh contacts ids from a specific contactsmesh
/// The netCDF file id (in)
/// The id of the contactsmesh (in)
/// The mesh1 indexes (out)
/// The mesh2 indexes (out)
/// The contacts info containing the ids and longnames (out)
/// The number of contactss (in)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_mesh_contact", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_mesh_contact_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int contactsmesh, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_mesh1indexes, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_mesh2indexes, [In, Out] interop_charinfo[] contactsinfo, [In] ref int ncontacts, [In] ref int startIndex);
/// Clone the definitions specific mesh from one netCDF file to another netCDF.
/// Clones all related attributes of the mesh, but it can not clone mesh contacts yet!
/// The input netCDF file id containing the mesh to clone (in)
/// The output netCDF file id, can be empty/not empty (in)
/// The mesh id to copy (in)
/// The id of the cloned mesh in the output file (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_clone_mesh_definition", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_clone_mesh_definition_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int ncidout, [In] ref int meshidin, [In, Out] ref int meshidout);
/// Clone the data of a specific mesh from one netCDF file to another netCDF
/// The input netCDF file id containing the mesh to clone (in)
/// The output netCDF file id, can be empty/not empty (in)
/// The mesh id to copy (in)
/// The id of the cloned mesh in the output file (out)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_clone_mesh_data", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_clone_mesh_data_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int ncidout, [In] ref int meshidin, [In] ref int meshidout);
/// Gets the number of networks
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_number_of_networks", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_number_of_networks_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In, Out] ref int nnumNetworks);
/// Gets the number of meshes
/// Mesh type: 0 = any type, 1 = 1D mesh, 2 = 2D mesh, 3 = 3D mesh
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_number_of_meshes", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_number_of_meshes_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int meshType, [In, Out] ref int numMeshes);
/// Get the network ids
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_network_ids", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_network_ids_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_networkids,[In] ref int nnumNetworks);
/// Gets the mesh ids
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_ug_get_mesh_ids", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_ug_get_mesh_ids_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int meshType, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_meshids, [In] ref int nnumNetworks);
//-Branch order functions -------------------//
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_put_1d_network_branchorder", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_put_1d_network_branchorder_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int networkid, [In] ref IntPtr c_branchorder, [In] ref int nbranches);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_network_branchorder", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_network_branchorder_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_branchorder, [In] ref int nnumNetworks);
//-Get the network names------///
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_1d_network_name", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_1d_network_name_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int networkid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)][In, Out] StringBuilder networkName);
//-Get the meshids from network ids ---//
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_count_mesh_ids_from_network_id", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_count_mesh_ids_from_network_id_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int networkid, [In, Out] ref int nmeshids);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_mesh_ids_from_network_id", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_mesh_ids_from_network_id_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int networkid, [In] ref int nmeshids, [In, Out] ref IntPtr c_meshids);
//-Get the network id for a specified mesh
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_network_id_from_mesh_id", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern int ionc_get_network_id_from_mesh_id_dll([In] ref int ncidin, [In] ref int meshid, [In, Out] ref int networkid);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_meshgeom", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ionc_get_meshgeom_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int meshid, [In, Out] ref meshgeom meshgeom, [In] ref bool includeArrays);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_meshgeom_dim", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ionc_get_meshgeom_dim_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int meshid, [In, Out] ref meshgeomdim meshgeomdim);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_def_mesh_ids", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ionc_def_mesh_ids_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int meshid, [In] ref int iloctype);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_put_var_chars", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ionc_put_var_chars_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int meshid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)][In, Out] StringBuilder varname, [In] interop_charinfo[] values, [In] ref int nvalues);
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ionc_get_var_chars", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ionc_get_var_chars_dll([In] ref int ioncid, [In] ref int meshid, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)][In, Out] StringBuilder varname, [In, Out] interop_charinfo[] values, [In] ref int nvalues);
#region Implementation of LibWrapper
public bool ionc_adheresto_conventions(ref int ioncid, ref int iconvtype)
return ionc_adheresto_conventions_dll(ref ioncid, ref iconvtype);
public int ionc_inq_conventions(ref int ioncid, ref int iconvtype, ref double convversion)
return ionc_inq_conventions_dll(ref ioncid, ref iconvtype, ref convversion);
public int ionc_open(string c_path, ref int mode, ref int ioncid, ref int iconvtype, ref double convversion)
return ionc_open_dll(c_path, ref mode, ref ioncid, ref iconvtype, ref convversion);
public int ionc_close(ref int ioncid)
return ionc_close_dll(ref ioncid);
public int ionc_get_1d_network_id(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid)
return ionc_get_1d_network_id_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid);
public int ionc_get_1d_mesh_id(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid)
return ionc_get_1d_mesh_id_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid);
public int ionc_get_2d_mesh_id(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid)
return ionc_get_2d_mesh_id_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid);
public int ionc_get_3d_mesh_id(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid)
return ionc_get_3d_mesh_id_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid);
public int ionc_get_mesh_count(ref int ioncid, ref int nmesh)
return ionc_get_mesh_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref nmesh);
public int ionc_get_mesh_name(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, StringBuilder meshName)
return ionc_get_mesh_name_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, meshName);
public int ionc_get_node_count(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int nnode)
return ionc_get_node_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref nnode);
public int ionc_get_edge_count(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int nedge)
return ionc_get_edge_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref nedge);
public int ionc_get_face_count(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int nface)
return ionc_get_face_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref nface);
public int ionc_get_max_face_nodes(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int nmaxfacenodes)
return ionc_get_max_face_nodes_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref nmaxfacenodes);
public int ionc_get_node_coordinates(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref IntPtr c_xptr, ref IntPtr c_yptr, ref int nnode)
return ionc_get_node_coordinates_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref c_xptr, ref c_yptr, ref nnode);
public int ionc_get_edge_nodes(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref IntPtr c_edge_nodes_ptr, ref int nedge, ref int startIndex)
return ionc_get_edge_nodes_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref c_edge_nodes_ptr, ref nedge, ref startIndex);
public int ionc_get_face_nodes(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref IntPtr c_face_nodes_ptr, ref int nface, ref int nmaxfacenodes, ref int fillvalue)
return ionc_get_face_nodes_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref c_face_nodes_ptr, ref nface, ref nmaxfacenodes, ref fillvalue);
public int ionc_write_geom_ugrid(string filename)
return ionc_write_geom_ugrid_dll(filename);
public int ionc_write_map_ugrid(string filename)
return ionc_write_map_ugrid_dll(filename);
public int ionc_get_coordinate_system(ref int ioncid, ref int nmesh)
return ionc_get_coordinate_system_dll(ref ioncid, ref nmesh);
public int ionc_get_var_count(ref int ioncid, ref int mesh, ref int location, ref int nCount)
return ionc_get_var_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref mesh, ref location, ref nCount);
public int ionc_inq_varids(ref int ioncid, ref int meshId, ref int location, ref IntPtr ptr, ref int nVar)
return ionc_inq_varids_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshId, ref location, ref ptr, ref nVar);
public int ionc_initialize(IO_NetCDF_Message_Callback c_message_callback, IO_NetCDF_Progress_Callback c_progress_callback)
return ionc_initialize_dll(c_message_callback, c_progress_callback);
public int ionc_get_var(ref int ioncid, ref int meshId, ref int location, string varname, ref IntPtr c_zptr, ref int nNode, ref double c_fillvalue)
return ionc_get_var_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshId, ref location, varname, ref c_zptr, ref nNode, ref c_fillvalue);
public int ionc_put_var(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int iloctype, string c_varname, ref IntPtr c_values_ptr, ref int nVal)
return ionc_put_var_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref iloctype, c_varname, ref c_values_ptr, ref nVal);
public int ionc_put_node_coordinates(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref IntPtr c_xvalues_ptr, ref IntPtr c_yvalues_ptr, ref int nNode)
return ionc_put_node_coordinates_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref c_xvalues_ptr, ref c_yvalues_ptr, ref nNode);
public int ionc_add_global_attributes(ref int ioncid, ref interop_metadata metadata)
return ionc_add_global_attributes_dll(ref ioncid, ref metadata);
public int ionc_create(string c_path, ref int mode, ref int ioncid)
return ionc_create_dll(c_path, ref mode, ref ioncid);
public int ionc_create_1d_network(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, string networkName, ref int nNodes, ref int nBranches, ref int nGeometry)
return ionc_create_1d_network_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, networkName, ref nNodes, ref nBranches, ref nGeometry);
public int ionc_write_1d_network_nodes(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_nodesX, ref IntPtr c_nodesY, interop_charinfo[] nodesinfo, ref int nNodes)
return ionc_write_1d_network_nodes_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref c_nodesX, ref c_nodesY, nodesinfo, ref nNodes);
public int ionc_put_1d_network_branches(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_sourcenodeid,
ref IntPtr c_targetnodeid, interop_charinfo[] branchinfo, ref IntPtr c_branchlengths,
ref IntPtr c_nbranchgeometrypoints, ref int nBranches, ref int startIndex)
return ionc_put_1d_network_branches_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref c_sourcenodeid, ref c_targetnodeid, branchinfo, ref c_branchlengths, ref c_nbranchgeometrypoints, ref nBranches, ref startIndex);
public int ionc_write_1d_network_branches_geometry(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_geopointsX,
ref IntPtr c_geopointsY, ref int nGeometry)
return ionc_write_1d_network_branches_geometry_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref c_geopointsX, ref c_geopointsY, ref nGeometry);
public int ionc_create_1d_mesh(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref int meshid, string meshname, ref int nmeshpoints, ref int nmeshedges)
return ionc_create_1d_mesh_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref meshid, meshname, ref nmeshpoints, ref nmeshedges);
public int ionc_put_1d_mesh_discretisation_points(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_branchidx,
ref IntPtr c_offset, interop_charinfo[] nodeinfo, ref int nmeshpoints, ref int startIndex)
return ionc_put_1d_mesh_discretisation_points_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref c_branchidx, ref c_offset, nodeinfo, ref nmeshpoints, ref startIndex);
public int ionc_get_1d_network_nodes_count(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref int nNodes)
return ionc_get_1d_network_nodes_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref nNodes);
public int ionc_get_1d_network_branches_count(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref int nBranches)
return ionc_get_1d_network_branches_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref nBranches);
public int ionc_get_1d_network_branches_geometry_coordinate_count(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref int ngeometrypoints)
return ionc_get_1d_network_branches_geometry_coordinate_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref ngeometrypoints);
public int ionc_read_1d_network_nodes(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_nodesX, ref IntPtr c_nodesY,
interop_charinfo[] nodesinfo, ref int nNodes)
return ionc_read_1d_network_nodes_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref c_nodesX, ref c_nodesY,
nodesinfo, ref nNodes);
public int ionc_get_1d_network_branches(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_sourcenodeid,
ref IntPtr c_targetnodeid, ref IntPtr c_branchlengths, interop_charinfo[] branchinfo,
ref IntPtr c_nbranchgeometrypoints, ref int nBranches, ref int startIndex)
return ionc_get_1d_network_branches_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref c_sourcenodeid,
ref c_targetnodeid, ref c_branchlengths, branchinfo,
ref c_nbranchgeometrypoints, ref nBranches, ref startIndex);
public int ionc_read_1d_network_branches_geometry(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_geopointsX,
ref IntPtr c_geopointsY, ref int nNodes)
return ionc_read_1d_network_branches_geometry_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref c_geopointsX,
ref c_geopointsY, ref nNodes);
public int ionc_get_1d_mesh_discretisation_points_count(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref int nmeshpoints)
return ionc_get_1d_mesh_discretisation_points_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref nmeshpoints);
public int ionc_get_1d_mesh_discretisation_points(ref int ioncid, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_branchidx,
ref IntPtr c_offset, interop_charinfo[] nodeinfo, ref int nmeshpoints, ref int startIndex)
return ionc_get_1d_mesh_discretisation_points_dll(ref ioncid, ref networkid, ref c_branchidx,
ref c_offset, nodeinfo, ref nmeshpoints, ref startIndex);
public int ionc_def_mesh_contact(ref int ioncid, ref int contactsmesh, string contactsmeshname, ref int ncontacts, ref int mesh1, ref int mesh2, ref int locationType1Id, ref int locationType2Id)
return ionc_def_mesh_contact_dll(ref ioncid, ref contactsmesh, contactsmeshname, ref ncontacts, ref mesh1, ref mesh2, ref locationType1Id, ref locationType2Id);
public int ionc_put_mesh_contact(ref int ioncid, ref int contactsmesh, ref IntPtr c_mesh1indexes, ref IntPtr c_mesh2indexes, interop_charinfo[] contactsinfo, ref int ncontacts, ref int startIndex)
return ionc_put_mesh_contact_dll(ref ioncid, ref contactsmesh, ref c_mesh1indexes, ref c_mesh2indexes, contactsinfo, ref ncontacts, ref startIndex);
public int ionc_get_contacts_count(ref int ioncid, ref int contactsmesh, ref int ncontacts)
return ionc_get_contacts_count_dll(ref ioncid, ref contactsmesh, ref ncontacts);
public int ionc_get_mesh_contact(ref int ioncid, ref int contactsmesh, ref IntPtr c_mesh1indexes, ref IntPtr c_mesh2indexes, interop_charinfo[] contactsinfo, ref int ncontacts, ref int startIndex)
return ionc_get_mesh_contact_dll(ref ioncid, ref contactsmesh, ref c_mesh1indexes, ref c_mesh2indexes, contactsinfo, ref ncontacts, ref startIndex);
public int ionc_clone_mesh_definition(ref int ncidin, ref int ncidout, ref int meshidin, ref int meshidout)
return ionc_clone_mesh_definition_dll(ref ncidin, ref ncidout, ref meshidin, ref meshidout);
public int ionc_clone_mesh_data(ref int ncidin, ref int ncidout, ref int meshidin, ref int meshidout)
return ionc_clone_mesh_data_dll(ref ncidin, ref ncidout, ref meshidin, ref meshidout);
public int ionc_get_number_of_networks(ref int ncidin, ref int nnumNetworks)
return ionc_get_number_of_networks_dll(ref ncidin, ref nnumNetworks);
public int ionc_get_number_of_meshes(ref int ncidin, ref int meshType, ref int numMeshes)
return ionc_get_number_of_meshes_dll(ref ncidin, ref meshType, ref numMeshes);
public int ionc_get_network_ids(ref int ncidin, ref IntPtr c_networkids, ref int nnumNetworks)
return ionc_get_network_ids_dll(ref ncidin, ref c_networkids, ref nnumNetworks);
public int ionc_ug_get_mesh_ids(ref int ncidin, ref int meshType, ref IntPtr c_meshids, ref int nnumNetworks)
return ionc_ug_get_mesh_ids_dll(ref ncidin, ref meshType, ref c_meshids, ref nnumNetworks);
public int ionc_put_1d_network_branchorder(ref int ncidin, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_branchorder, ref int nbranches)
return ionc_put_1d_network_branchorder_dll(ref ncidin, ref networkid, ref c_branchorder, ref nbranches);
public int ionc_get_1d_network_branchorder(ref int ncidin, ref int networkid, ref IntPtr c_branchorder, ref int nbranches)
return ionc_get_1d_network_branchorder_dll(ref ncidin, ref networkid, ref c_branchorder, ref nbranches);
/// Gets the network name
public int ionc_get_1d_network_name(ref int ncidin, ref int networkid, StringBuilder networkName)
return ionc_get_1d_network_name_dll(ref ncidin, ref networkid, networkName);
//- Counts the mesh ids associated with a network id
public int ionc_count_mesh_ids_from_network_id(ref int ncidin, ref int networkid, ref int nmeshids)
return ionc_count_mesh_ids_from_network_id_dll(ref ncidin, ref networkid, ref nmeshids);
//- Gets the mesh ids associated with a network id
public int ionc_get_mesh_ids_from_network_id(ref int ncidin, ref int networkid, ref int nmeshids, ref IntPtr c_meshids)
return ionc_get_mesh_ids_from_network_id_dll(ref ncidin, ref networkid, ref nmeshids, ref c_meshids);
public int ionc_get_network_id_from_mesh_id(ref int ncidin, ref int meshid, ref int networkid)
return ionc_get_network_id_from_mesh_id_dll(ref ncidin, ref meshid, ref networkid);
public int ionc_get_meshgeom(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref meshgeom meshgeom, ref bool includeArrays)
return ionc_get_meshgeom_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref meshgeom, ref includeArrays);
public int ionc_get_meshgeom_dim(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref meshgeomdim meshgeomdim)
return ionc_get_meshgeom_dim_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref meshgeomdim);
public int ionc_def_mesh_ids(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, ref int iconvtype)
return ionc_def_mesh_ids_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, ref iconvtype);
public int ionc_put_var_chars(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, StringBuilder varname, interop_charinfo[] values, ref int nvalues)
return ionc_put_var_chars_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, varname, values, ref nvalues);
public int ionc_get_var_chars(ref int ioncid, ref int meshid, StringBuilder varname, interop_charinfo[] values, ref int nvalues)
return ionc_get_var_chars_dll(ref ioncid, ref meshid, varname, values, ref nvalues);