using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace General.tests
//this class wraps the single library functions
public class GridGeomLibWrapper
public static class LibDetails
public const int MAXDIMS = 6;
public const int MAXSTRLEN = 255;
public const string LIB_NAME = "gridgeom";
public const string LIB_DLL_NAME = "gridgeom.dll";
public const string NETCDF_DEP = "netcdf";
public const string NETCDF_LIB_NAME = "io_netcdf";
public const string NETCDF_DLL_NAME = "io_netcdf.dll";
#region ggeo_functions
/// Converts 1d ugrid coordinates to x-y coordinates
/// The branch ids
/// The branch offsets
/// The x coordiantes of the geometrical points
/// The y coordiantes of the geometrical points
/// The number of geometrical points per branch
/// The branch lengths
/// The x coordinates of the mesh points
/// The y coordinates of the mesh points
/// The number of branches
/// The number of geometrical points
/// The number of mesh nodes
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ggeo_get_xy_coordinates", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ggeo_get_xy_coordinates_dll(
[In] ref IntPtr c_branchids,
[In] ref IntPtr c_branchoffsets,
[In] ref IntPtr c_geopointsX,
[In] ref IntPtr c_geopointsY,
[In] ref IntPtr c_nbranchgeometrynodes,
[In] ref IntPtr c_branchlengths,
[In, Out] ref IntPtr c_meshXCoords,
[In, Out] ref IntPtr c_meshYCoords,
[In] ref int nbranches,
[In] ref int ngeopoints,
[In] ref int nmeshnodes);
/// Use meshgeom to fill kn matrix
/// The data structure containing the mesh information
/// The data structure containing the mesh dimensions
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ggeo_convert", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ggeo_convert_dll([In, Out] ref meshgeom meshgeom, [In] ref meshgeomdim meshgeomdim);
/// Makes the 1d/2d links (results are stored in memory)
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ggeo_make1D2Dinternalnetlinks", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ggeo_make1D2Dinternalnetlinks_dll();
/// Use 1d array to fill kn matrix
/// The x coordinates of the mesh points
/// The y coordinates of the mesh points
/// The branch ids
/// The number of branches
/// The number of mesh nodes
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ggeo_convert_1d_arrays", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ggeo_convert_1d_arrays_dll([In] ref IntPtr c_meshXCoords, [In] ref IntPtr c_meshYCoords, [In] ref IntPtr c_branchids, [In] ref int nbranches, [In] ref int nmeshnodes);
/// Gets the number of 1d-2d links produced by ggeo_make1D2Dinternalnetlinks_dll
/// The number of links
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ggeo_get_links_count", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ggeo_get_links_count_dll([In, Out] ref int nlinks);
/// Gets the number the 1d-2d links produced by ggeo_make1D2Dinternalnetlinks_dll
/// The cell indexes where the links start
/// The node indexes where the links end
/// The number of links
[DllImport(LibDetails.LIB_DLL_NAME, EntryPoint = "ggeo_get_links", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ggeo_get_links_dll([In, Out] ref IntPtr arrayfrom, [In, Out] ref IntPtr arrayto, [In] ref int nlinks);
#endregion ggeo_functions
public int ggeo_get_xy_coordinates(
ref IntPtr c_branchids,
ref IntPtr c_branchoffsets,
ref IntPtr c_geopointsX,
ref IntPtr c_geopointsY,
ref IntPtr c_nbranchgeometrynodes,
ref IntPtr c_branchlengths,
ref IntPtr c_meshXCoords,
ref IntPtr c_meshYCoords,
ref int nbranches,
ref int ngeopoints,
ref int nmeshnodes
int ierr = ggeo_get_xy_coordinates_dll(
ref c_branchids,
ref c_branchoffsets,
ref c_geopointsX,
ref c_geopointsY,
ref c_nbranchgeometrynodes,
ref c_branchlengths,
ref c_meshXCoords,
ref c_meshYCoords,
ref nbranches,
ref ngeopoints,
ref nmeshnodes);
return ierr;
public int ggeo_convert(ref meshgeom c_meshgeom, ref meshgeomdim c_meshgeomdim )
int ierr = ggeo_convert_dll(ref c_meshgeom, ref c_meshgeomdim );
return ierr;
public int ggeo_make1D2Dinternalnetlinks()
int ierr = ggeo_make1D2Dinternalnetlinks_dll();
return ierr;
public int ggeo_convert_1d_arrays(ref IntPtr c_meshXCoords, ref IntPtr c_meshYCoords, ref IntPtr c_branchids, ref int nbranches,ref int nmeshnodes)
int ierr = ggeo_convert_1d_arrays_dll(ref c_meshXCoords, ref c_meshYCoords, ref c_branchids, ref nbranches, ref nmeshnodes);
return ierr;
public int ggeo_get_links_count(ref int nbranches)
int ierr = ggeo_get_links_count_dll(ref nbranches);
return ierr;
public int ggeo_get_links(ref IntPtr arrayfrom, ref IntPtr arrayto, ref int nlinks)
int ierr = ggeo_get_links_dll(ref arrayfrom, ref arrayto, ref nlinks);
return ierr;