module m_readSpatialData !----- AGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2017-2021. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use m_GlobalParameters use m_network use m_spatial_data use m_tables use m_branch use properties use m_hash_search use m_read_table implicit none private public spatial_data_reader public read_spatial_data_cache public write_spatial_data_cache contains !> Read spatial data from input file subroutine spatial_data_reader(isp, spData, brs, inputfile, default, itype, interpolateOverBranches) type(t_spatial_dataSet) , intent(inout) :: spData !< Spatial data set type(t_branchSet) , intent(in ) :: brs !< Branches character(len=*) , intent(in ) :: inputfile !< Name of the input file integer , intent(in ) :: itype !< Quantity type logical , intent(in ) :: interpolateOverBranches !< Flag indicates whether interpolation over branches is required double precision , intent(inout) :: default !< Default/global value integer , intent( out) :: isp !< Index in spatial data set type(t_spatial_data), pointer :: pspData type(tree_data), pointer :: md_ptr integer :: i integer :: ind integer :: ibr integer :: istat integer :: count integer, allocatable :: numLevels(:) integer :: maxLevels integer :: numlevs integer :: length logical :: success character(len=idlen) :: branchid double precision, allocatable :: levels(:,:) double precision, allocatable :: rough(:) logical :: branch_error = .false. type(t_ptable), dimension(:), allocatable :: tbls spData%count = spData%count + 1 isp = spData%count if (spData%count > spData%size) then call realloc(spData) endif pspData => spData%quant(isp) if (itype > 0) then pspData%quantity = itype else pspData%quantity = -1 endif call tree_create(trim(inputfile), md_ptr, maxlenpar) call prop_file('ini',trim(inputfile),md_ptr,istat) ! look for global value in spatial data file. If available use this value for ! default, otherwise use default value as global value call prop_get_double(md_ptr, 'Content', 'globalValue', default, success) pspData%default = default count = 0 maxLevels = 1 if (associated(md_ptr%child_nodes)) then length = size(md_ptr%child_nodes) do i = 1, length if (tree_get_name(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr) .ne. 'branchproperties') then if(tree_get_name(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr) .eq. 'definition') then count = count+1 endif cycle endif numLevs = 1 call prop_get_integer(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, '', 'numLevels', numlevs, success) if (numLevs > maxLevels) then maxLevels = numLevs endif enddo end if ! Get the different levels for each branch allocate (levels(maxLevels, brs%Count), rough(maxLevels)) allocate (numLevels(brs%Count)) allocate (tbls(count)) do i = 1, count tbls(i)%p => null() enddo numLevels = -1 levels = 0d0 if (maxLevels /=1) then levels = 0d0 do i = 1, length call prop_get_integer(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, '', 'numLevels', numLevs, success) if (success .and. numLevs > 1) then call prop_get_string(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, '', 'branchid', branchid, success) ibr = hashsearch(brs%hashlist, branchid) if (ibr < 1 .or. ibr > brs%count) then msgbuf = 'Incorrect branchId found in file: '//trim(inputfile)//' branchid = '// trim(branchid) call err_flush() branch_error = .true. cycle endif numLevels(ibr) = numLevs call prop_get_doubles(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, '', 'levels', levels(1:numLevs,ibr), numLevs, success) endif enddo endif ! [General] and [Content] are obligatory items and are omitted in the number ! of items in spData pspData%interpolate = .false. call prop_get_logical(md_ptr, 'Content', 'interpolate', pspData%interpolate, success) ! These arrays will be deallocated after retrieving roughness values for YZ-Profiles allocate(pspData%brIndex(count), pspData%chainage(count), pspData%valuesOnLocation(count)) if (count > 0) then ind = 1 do i = 1, length call prop_get_double(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, '', 'chainage', pspData%chainage(ind), success) if (.not. success) then cycle endif call prop_get_string(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, '', 'branchid', branchid, success) ibr = hashsearch(brs%hashlist, branchid) if (ibr < 1 .or. ibr > brs%count) then msgbuf = 'Incorrect branchId found in file: '//trim(inputfile)//' branchid = '// trim(branchid) call err_flush() branch_error = .true. cycle endif pspData%brIndex(ind) = ibr if (success) call prop_get_double(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, '', 'value', pspData%valuesOnLocation(ind), success) if (.not.success) then numlevs = numLevels(ibr) if (numlevs <= 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Inconsistent input found. On branch '//trim(branchid)//' numlevels is undefined, while in definition VALUE is missing.') cycle endif call prop_get_doubles(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, '', 'values', rough, numLevs, success) if (success) then call settable(tbls(ind)%p, 0, levels(1:numLevs,ibr), rough, numlevs) pspData%valuesOnLocation(ind) = rough(1) ! fill with roughness from roughness table - to be updated later with waterlevel and discharge dependent rouhgness else call SetMessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Inconsistent input found. On branch '//trim(branchid)//' key value and values is missing.') endif endif if (success) then ind = ind+1 endif enddo endif pspData%numValues = max(0, count) if (branch_error) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Branch Error(s) found during reading Spatial Data.') endif call ValuesToGridPoints(spData%quant(isp), brs, tbls, interpolateOverBranches) select case (itype) case (CFiWaterlevel) spData%level = isp case (CFiWaterDepth) spData%depth = isp case (CFiDischarge ) spData%discharge = isp case (CFiDispersion) spData%dispersion = isp case (CFiSalinity) spData%salinity = isp case (CFiTH_F1) spData%TH_F1 = isp case (CFiTH_F3) spData%TH_F3 = isp case (CFiTH_F4) spData%TH_F4 = isp case (CFiConvLength) spData%ConvLength = isp case (CFiWindShield) spData%windShield = isp case default spData%quant(isp)%def_type = -itype end select ! cleaning up time if (allocated(levels)) deallocate(levels) if (allocated(numLevels)) deallocate(numLevels) if (allocated(rough)) deallocate(rough) if (allocated(tbls)) then do i = 1, count if (associated(tbls(i)%p)) then deallocate(tbls(i)%p) endif enddo deallocate(tbls) endif end subroutine spatial_data_reader !> Read the spatial data file from cache subroutine read_spatial_data_cache(ibin, network) type(t_network), intent(inout) :: network !< network structure integer, intent(in) :: ibin !< unit number of binary cache file type(t_spatial_data), pointer :: pQuant integer :: nValues integer :: tblCount integer :: i integer :: j read(ibin) network%spData%Count network%spData%growsby = network%spData%count + 2 call realloc(network%spData) read(ibin) network%spData%level read(ibin) network%spData%depth read(ibin) network%spData%discharge read(ibin) network%spData%salinity read(ibin) network%spData%dispersion read(ibin) network%spData%windShield read(ibin) network%spData%TH_F1 read(ibin) network%spData%TH_F3 read(ibin) network%spData%TH_F4 read(ibin) network%spData%ConvLength do i = 1, network%spData%Count pQuant => network%spdata%quant(i) read(ibin) pQuant%default read(ibin) pQuant%quantity read(ibin) nValues if (nValues > 0) then allocate(pQuant%tblIndex(nValues)) allocate(pQuant%values(nValues)) read(ibin) (pQuant%tblIndex(j), j = 1, nValues) read(ibin) (pQuant%values(j), j = 1, nValues) endif read(ibin) tblCount do j = 1, tblCount pQuant%tables%Count = pQuant%tables%Count + 1 if (pQuant%tables%Count > pQuant%tables%Size) Then call realloc(pQuant%tables) endif allocate(pQuant%tables%tb(j)%table) call read_table_cache(ibin, pQuant%tables%tb(j)%table) enddo enddo ! Transport Parameters read(ibin) transportPars%do_salt read(ibin) transportPars%do_temp read(ibin) transportPars%salt_index read(ibin) transportPars%temp_index read(ibin) transportPars%constituents_count read(ibin) transportPars%density read(ibin) transportPars%teta read(ibin) transportPars%tidal_period read(ibin) transportPars%n read(ibin) transportPars%advection_scheme read(ibin) (transportPars%c(i), i = 1, 11) do i = 1, 2 read(ibin) transportPars%co_h(i)%boundary_index read(ibin) transportPars%co_h(i)%initial_values_index read(ibin) transportPars%co_h(i)%name read(ibin) transportPars%co_h(i)%default enddo end subroutine read_spatial_data_cache !> Read the spatial data file from cache subroutine write_spatial_data_cache(ibin, spData) type(t_spatial_dataSet), intent(in) :: spData !< network structure integer, intent(in) :: ibin !< unit number of binary cache file type(t_spatial_data), pointer :: pQuant integer :: nValues integer :: i integer :: j write(ibin) spData%Count write(ibin) spData%level write(ibin) spData%depth write(ibin) spData%discharge write(ibin) spData%salinity write(ibin) spData%dispersion write(ibin) spData%windShield write(ibin) spData%TH_F1 write(ibin) spData%TH_F3 write(ibin) spData%TH_F4 write(ibin) spData%ConvLength do i = 1, spData%Count pQuant => spdata%quant(i) write(ibin) pQuant%default write(ibin) pQuant%quantity nValues = size(pQuant%tblIndex) write(ibin) nValues if (nValues > 0) then write(ibin) (pQuant%tblIndex(j), j = 1, nValues) write(ibin) (pQuant%values(j), j = 1, nValues) endif write(ibin) pQuant%tables%Count do j = 1, pQuant%tables%Count call write_table_cache(ibin, pQuant%tables%tb(j)%table) enddo enddo ! Transport Parameters write(ibin) transportPars%do_salt write(ibin) transportPars%do_temp write(ibin) transportPars%salt_index write(ibin) transportPars%temp_index write(ibin) transportPars%constituents_count write(ibin) transportPars%density write(ibin) transportPars%teta write(ibin) transportPars%tidal_period write(ibin) transportPars%n write(ibin) transportPars%advection_scheme write(ibin) (transportPars%c(i), i = 1, 11) do i = 1, 2 write(ibin) transportPars%co_h(i)%boundary_index write(ibin) transportPars%co_h(i)%initial_values_index write(ibin) transportPars%co_h(i)%name write(ibin) transportPars%co_h(i)%default enddo end subroutine write_spatial_data_cache end module m_readSpatialData