module m_1d_networkreader !----- AGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2017-2021. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use MessageHandling use properties use m_hash_search use m_hash_list use m_network implicit none private public NetworkReader public NetworkUgridReader public read_1d_ugrid public read_network_cache public write_network_cache public construct_network_from_meshgeom contains subroutine NetworkReader(network, networkFile) use m_hash_search implicit none type(t_network), target, intent(inout) :: network character(len=*), intent(in) :: networkFile type(tree_data), pointer :: md_ptr integer :: istat integer :: numstr integer :: i call tree_create(trim(networkFile), md_ptr, maxlenpar) call prop_file('ini',trim(networkFile), md_ptr, istat) numstr = 0 if (associated(md_ptr%child_nodes)) then numstr = size(md_ptr%child_nodes) end if ! Get the Nodes First do i = 1, numstr if (tree_get_name(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr) .eq. 'node') then call readNode(network%nds, md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr) endif enddo call fill_hashtable(network%nds) ! Get the Branches do i = 1, numstr if (tree_get_name(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr) .eq. 'branch') then call readBranch(network%brs, network%nds, md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr) endif enddo call adminBranchOrders(network%brs) call fill_hashtable(network%brs) call tree_destroy(md_ptr) end subroutine NetworkReader subroutine NetworkUgridReader(network, networkUgridFile) use io_netcdf use io_ugrid use m_hash_search use gridgeom use meshdata implicit none type(t_network), target, intent(inout) :: network character(len=*), intent(in) :: networkUgridFile integer :: ierr integer :: ioncid ! Open UGRID-File ierr = ionc_open(networkUgridFile, NF90_NOWRITE, ioncid) if (ierr .ne. 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Opening UGRID-File: '''//trim(networkUgridFile)//'''') endif ! Do the actual read call read_1d_ugrid(network, ioncid) ! Close UGRID-File ierr = ionc_close(ioncid) if (ierr .ne. 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Closing UGRID-File: '''//trim(networkUgridFile)//'''') endif end subroutine NetworkUgridReader !> Constructs a flow1d t_network datastructure, based on meshgeom read from a 1D UGRID file. !! meshgeom is only used for reading a UGRID NetCDF file, whereas network is used during !! a model computation. !! The network data structure assumes to have grid points on all start and end points of branches, !! but the input meshgeom often will only have one unique grid point on a connection node. !! In that case, parameter nodesOnBranchVertices allows to automatically create duplicate start/end points. integer function construct_network_from_meshgeom(network, meshgeom, branchids, branchlongnames, nodeids, nodelongnames, & !1d network character variables gpsID, gpsIDLongnames, network1dname, mesh1dname, nodesOnBranchVertices, jampi, my_rank) result(ierr) use gridgeom use meshdata use m_hash_search use odugrid use precision_basics !in variables type(t_network), intent(inout) :: network type(t_ug_meshgeom), intent(in ) :: meshgeom character(len=*), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(in ) :: branchids character(len=*), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(in ) :: branchlongnames character(len=*), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(in ) :: nodeids character(len=*), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(in ) :: nodelongnames character(len=*), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: gpsID character(len=*), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: gpsIDLongnames character(len=*), intent(in ) :: network1dname character(len=*), intent(in ) :: mesh1dname integer, intent(in ) :: nodesOnBranchVertices !< Whether or not (1/0) the input meshgeom itself already contains duplicate points on each connection node between multiple branches. !! If not (0), additional grid points will be created. integer, intent(in ), optional :: jampi !< running in parallel mode (1) or not (0) integer, intent(in ), optional :: my_rank !< my rank in parallel mode, for (debugging) output !locals integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpFirst integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpLast integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lnkFirst integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lnkLast double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpsX double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpsY integer :: i, ibran, jsferic integer :: gridPointsCount, linkCount double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: localOffsets, localUOffsets double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: localOffsetsSorted integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: localSortedIndexses double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: localGpsX double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: localGpsY character(len=ug_idsLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: localGpsID character(len=ug_idsLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes integer :: firstNode, lastNode, firstLink, LastLink double precision, parameter :: snapping_tolerance = 1d-10 integer :: jampi_, my_rank_ integer :: maxGridPointCount, maxLinkCount logical :: startEndPointMissing(2) ierr = -1 jampi_ = 0 if (present(jampi)) jampi_ = jampi my_rank_ = -1 if (present(my_rank)) my_rank_ = my_rank ! check data are present and correct if (meshgeom%numnode .eq. -1) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%numnode') endif if (meshgeom%nbranches .eq. -1) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nbranches') endif if (.not.associated(meshgeom%nodex)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nodex') endif if (.not.associated(meshgeom%nodey)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nodey') endif if (.not.allocated(nodeids)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in nodeids') endif if (.not.allocated(nodelongnames)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in nodelongnames') endif if (.not.allocated(branchids)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nbranchids') endif if (.not.associated(meshgeom%nedge_nodes)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nedge_nodes') endif if (.not.associated(meshgeom%nbranchorder)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nbranchorder') endif if (.not.associated(meshgeom%nodex)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nodex') endif if (.not.associated(meshgeom%nodey)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nodey') endif if (.not.associated(meshgeom%nodeoffsets)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%nodeoffsets') endif if (.not.allocated(gpsID)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in gpsID') endif if (.not.allocated(gpsIDLongnames)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in gpsIDLongnames') endif if (.not.associated(meshgeom%edgebranchidx)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%edgebranchidx') endif if (meshgeom%edgebranchidx(1) < 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error in meshgeom%edgebranchidx: found missing values') endif ! Store Network Node Data ('connection nodes') into Data Structures. call storeNodes(network%nds, meshgeom%nnodes, meshgeom%nnodex, meshgeom%nnodey, nodeids, nodelongnames) ! Calculate mesh1d x,y coordinates (computational grid points), based on UGRID branchId-based notation. allocate(gpsX(meshgeom%numnode), stat = ierr) if (ierr == 0) allocate(gpsY(meshgeom%numnode), stat = ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error Allocating Memory for Grid Point Coordinates') endif if (meshgeom%epsg==4326) then ! TODO: UNST-2510: LC: %epsg is never set (unless via c_meshgeom?), so this code does not work for lat/lon 1D networks. jsferic = 1 else jsferic = 0 endif ierr = ggeo_get_xy_coordinates(meshgeom%nodebranchidx, meshgeom%nodeoffsets, meshgeom%ngeopointx, meshgeom%ngeopointy, & meshgeom%nbranchgeometrynodes, meshgeom%nbranchlengths, jsferic, gpsX, gpsY) if (ierr /= 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error Getting Mesh Coordinates From UGrid Data') endif ! Get the starting and ending mesh1d grid point indexes for each network branch. allocate(gpFirst (meshgeom%nbranches), gpLast (meshgeom%nbranches), & lnkFirst(meshgeom%nbranches), lnkLast(meshgeom%nbranches), stat = ierr) if (ierr /= 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error Allocating Memory for Branches') endif ierr = ggeo_get_start_end_nodes_of_branches(meshgeom%nodebranchidx, gpFirst, gpLast) if (ierr /= 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error Getting first and last nodes of the network branches') endif ierr = ggeo_get_start_end_nodes_of_branches(meshgeom%edgebranchidx, lnkFirst, lnkLast) if (ierr /= 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error Getting first and last links of the network branches') endif ! Fill the array storing the mesh1d node ids for each network node. if (nodesOnBranchVertices==0) then allocate(idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes(meshgeom%nnodes)) idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes = ' ' do ibran = 1, meshgeom%nbranches firstNode = gpFirst(ibran) lastNode = gpLast(ibran) if (firstNode > 0) then if (meshgeom%nodeoffsets(firstNode) < snapping_tolerance) then idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(1,ibran)) = gpsID(firstNode) endif end if if (lastNode > 0) then if (comparereal(meshgeom%nodeoffsets(lastNode), meshgeom%nbranchlengths(ibran), snapping_tolerance) == 0) then idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(2,ibran)) = gpsID(lastNode) endif endif enddo endif ! allocate local arrays maxGridPointCount = 3 + maxval(gpLast - gpFirst) maxLinkCount = 1 + maxval(lnkLast - lnkFirst) allocate(localOffsets(maxGridPointCount)) allocate(localUOffsets(maxLinkCount)) allocate(localOffsetsSorted(maxGridPointCount)) allocate(localSortedIndexses(maxGridPointCount)) allocate(localGpsX(maxGridPointCount)) allocate(localGpsY(maxGridPointCount)) allocate(localGpsID(maxGridPointCount)) ! Store the branches + computational grid points on them into Data Structures. do ibran = 1, meshgeom%nbranches firstNode = gpFirst(ibran) lastNode = gpLast(ibran) if (firstNode < 0 .or. lastNode < 0) then ! end node and begin node are missing and no internal gridpoints on branch. gridpointscount = 0 ! localOffsets, localGpsX, localGpsY and localGpsID will be filled in add_point else gridPointsCount = lastNode - firstNode + 1 localOffsets(1:gridPointsCount) = meshgeom%nodeoffsets(firstNode:lastNode) localGpsX(1:gridPointsCount) = gpsX(firstNode:lastNode) localGpsY(1:gridPointsCount) = gpsY(firstNode:lastNode) localGpsID(1:gridPointsCount) = gpsID(firstNode:lastNode) endif firstLink = lnkFirst(ibran) lastLink = lnkLast(ibran) if (firstLink < 0 .or. lastLink < 0) then linkCount = 0 else linkCount = lastLink - firstLink + 1 localUOffsets(1:linkCount) = meshgeom%edgeoffsets(firstLink:lastLink) end if if (nodesOnBranchVertices==0 .and. linkCount /= 0) then if (gridPointsCount > 0) then startEndPointMissing(1) = (localUOffsets(1) < localOffsets(1)) startEndPointMissing(2) = (localUOffsets(linkCount) > localOffsets(gridPointsCount)) else startEndPointMissing = .true. ! both are missing end if do i = 1, 2 if (startEndPointMissing(i)) then call add_point(i == 1, localOffsets, localGpsX, localGpsY, localGpsID, idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes, gridPointsCount, ibran, meshgeom) endif enddo endif call storeBranch(network%brs, network%nds, branchids(ibran), nodeids(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(1,ibran)), & nodeids(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(2,ibran)), meshgeom%nbranchorder(ibran), gridPointsCount, localGpsX(1:gridPointsCount), & localGpsY(1:gridPointsCount),localOffsets(1:gridPointsCount), localUoffsets(1:linkCount), & localGpsID(1:gridPointsCount), my_rank_) enddo call adminBranchOrders(network%brs) call fill_hashtable(network%brs) network%loaded = .true. end function construct_network_from_meshgeom !> helper function to add a point at the start or end of a branch subroutine add_point(atStart, localOffsets, localGpsX, localGpsY, localGpsID, idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes, gridPointsCount, ibran, meshgeom) use meshdata, only : t_ug_meshgeom use precision logical, intent(in ) :: atStart !< add point at start (true) or end (false) of branch double precision, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: localGpsX double precision, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: localGpsY double precision, allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: localOffsets character(len=*), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: localGpsID character(len=*), allocatable, dimension(:), intent(in ) :: idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes integer, intent(inout) :: gridPointsCount integer, intent(in ) :: ibran type(t_ug_meshgeom), intent(in ) :: meshgeom if (atStart) then localOffsets(1:gridPointsCount+1)=(/ 0.0d0, localOffsets(1:gridPointsCount) /) localGpsX(1:gridPointsCount+1) =(/ meshgeom%nnodex(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(1,ibran)), localGpsX(1:gridPointsCount) /) localGpsY(1:gridPointsCount+1) =(/ meshgeom%nnodey(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(1,ibran)), localGpsY(1:gridPointsCount) /) localGpsID(1:gridPointsCount+1) =(/ idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(1,ibran)), localGpsID(1:gridPointsCount) /) else localOffsets(gridPointsCount+1)= meshgeom%nbranchlengths(ibran) localGpsX(gridPointsCount+1) = meshgeom%nnodex(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(2,ibran)) localGpsY(gridPointsCount+1) = meshgeom%nnodey(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(2,ibran)) localGpsID(gridPointsCount+1) = idMeshNodesInNetworkNodes(meshgeom%nedge_nodes(2,ibran)) end if gridPointsCount = gridPointsCount + 1 end subroutine add_point subroutine read_1d_ugrid(network, ioncid, dflowfm) use io_netcdf use io_ugrid use m_hash_search use gridgeom use meshdata implicit none type(t_network), target, intent(inout) :: network integer, intent(in) :: ioncid logical, optional, intent(inout) :: dflowfm integer :: ierr integer :: numMesh integer :: meshIndex integer :: networkIndex integer :: startIndex character(len=ug_idsLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: branchids character(len=ug_idsLongNamesLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: branchlongnames character(len=ug_idsLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: nodeids character(len=ug_idsLongNamesLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: nodelongnames character(len=ug_idsLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpsID character(len=ug_idsLongNamesLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpsIDLongnames character(len=ug_idsLongNamesLen) :: network1dname character(len=ug_idsLongNamesLen) :: mesh1dname integer, parameter :: nodesOnBranchVertices = 0 !< Structure where all mesh is stored. Internal arrays are all pointers type(t_ug_meshgeom) :: meshgeom ! Make indexes 1-based startIndex = 1 ierr = ionc_get_mesh_count(ioncid, numMesh) if (ierr .ne. 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error Reading Number of Meshes') endif if (numMesh < 1) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Data Missing') endif ! Get Index of 1D-Mesh ierr = ionc_get_1d_mesh_id_ugrid(ioncid, meshIndex) if (ierr .ne. 0 .or. meshIndex <= 0) then if (present(dflowfm)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_INFO, 'Network UGRID-File: No 1D-Mesh Present, Skipped 1D') network%loaded = .false. return else call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error Reading Mesh ID') endif endif ! Get Index of 1D-Network ierr = ionc_get_1d_network_id_ugrid(ioncid, networkIndex) if (ierr .ne. 0 .or. networkIndex <= 0) then if (present(dflowfm)) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_INFO, 'Network UGRID-File: No 1D-Network Present, Skipped 1D') network%loaded = .false. return else call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Network UGRID-File: Error Reading Mesh ID') endif endif ! Get all data in one call: mesh and network ierr = ionc_get_meshgeom(ioncid, meshIndex, networkIndex, meshgeom, startIndex, .true., & branchids, branchlongnames, nodeids, nodelongnames, & !1d network character variables gpsID, gpsIDLongnames, network1dname, mesh1dname) !1d grid character variables ! Fill the flow1d m_network::network data structure based on the meshgeom from file. ierr = construct_network_from_meshgeom(network, meshgeom, branchids, branchlongnames, nodeids, nodelongnames, & gpsID, gpsIDLongnames, network1dname, mesh1dname, nodesOnBranchVertices) !deallocate memory ierr = t_ug_meshgeom_destructor(meshgeom) deallocate(branchids) deallocate(branchlongnames) deallocate(nodeids) deallocate(nodelongnames) deallocate(gpsID) deallocate(gpsIDLongnames) end subroutine read_1d_ugrid subroutine adminBranchOrders(brs) type (t_branchset), intent(inout) :: brs integer i, ibr, j type(t_branch), pointer :: pbr, pbr2 do ibr = 1, brs%count pbr => brs%branch(ibr) if (pbr%orderNumber > 0) then do j = 1, 2 if (pbr%nextBranch(j) < 0) then ! find neighbouring branch do i = ibr+1, brs%count pbr2 => brs%branch(i) if (pbr%ordernumber == pbr2%ordernumber) then if (pbr%nodeIndex(j) == pbr2%nodeIndex(1)) then ! found one pbr%nextBranch(j) = i pbr2%nextBranch(1)= ibr ! finished cycle elseif (pbr%nodeIndex(j) == pbr2%nodeIndex(2)) then ! found one pbr%nextBranch(j) = i pbr2%nextBranch(2)= ibr ! finished cycle endif endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo end subroutine adminBranchOrders subroutine readNode(nds, md_ptr) implicit none type(t_nodeSet), target, intent(inout) :: nds type(tree_data), pointer, intent(in) :: md_ptr character(len=IdLen) :: nodeId character(len=IdLen) :: nodeName double precision :: x double precision :: y logical :: success call prop_get_string(md_ptr, 'node', 'id', nodeId, success) if (.not. success) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Node ID') endif call prop_get_string(md_ptr, 'node', 'name', nodeName, success) call prop_get_double(md_ptr, 'node', 'x', x, success) if (success) call prop_get_double(md_ptr, 'node', 'y', y, success) if (.not. success) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Node '''//trim(nodeId)//'''') endif nds%Count = nds%Count+1 if (nds%Count > nds%Size) then call realloc(nds) endif nds%node(nds%Count)%id = nodeId nds%node(nds%Count)%name = nodeName nds%node(nds%Count)%index = nds%count nds%node(nds%Count)%nodetype = nt_NotSet nds%node(nds%Count)%numberOfConnections = 0 nds%node(nds%Count)%x = x nds%node(nds%Count)%y = y end subroutine readNode subroutine storeNodes(nds, nNodes, nodesX, nodesY, nodeids, nodelongnames) implicit none type(t_nodeSet), target, intent(inout) :: nds integer, intent(in) :: nNodes double precision, dimension(nNodes), intent(in) :: nodesX double precision, dimension(nNodes), intent(in) :: nodesY character(len=*), dimension(nNodes), intent(in) :: nodeids character(len=*), dimension(nNodes) , intent(in) :: nodelongnames integer :: iNode do iNode = 1, nNodes nds%Count = nds%Count + 1 if (nds%Count > nds%Size) then call realloc(nds) endif nds%node(nds%Count)%id = nodeids(iNode) nds%node(nds%Count)%name = nodelongnames(iNode) nds%node(nds%Count)%index = nds%count nds%node(nds%Count)%nodetype = nt_NotSet nds%node(nds%Count)%numberOfConnections = 0 nds%node(nds%Count)%x = nodesX(iNode) nds%node(nds%Count)%y = nodesY(iNode) enddo call fill_hashtable(nds) end subroutine storeNodes subroutine readBranch(brs, nds, md_ptr) use m_branch implicit none type(t_branchSet), target, intent(inout) :: brs type(t_nodeSet), target, intent(inout) :: nds type(tree_data), pointer, intent(in) :: md_ptr ! Local Variables integer :: ibr type(t_branch), pointer :: pbr type(t_node), pointer :: node logical :: success integer :: istat integer :: ibegNode integer :: iendNode integer :: orderNumber integer :: gridPointsCount integer :: uPointsCount integer :: igr integer :: gridIndex integer :: j integer :: ip1 integer :: ip2 character(len=IdLen) :: branchId character(len=IdLen) :: begNodeId character(len=IdLen) :: endNodeId character(len=IdLen) :: Chainage double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpX double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpY double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpchainages character(len=IdLen), allocatable, dimension(:) :: gpID brs%Count = brs%Count + 1 ibr = brs%Count if (brs%Count > brs%Size) then call realloc(brs) endif pbr =>brs%branch(brs%Count) call prop_get_string(md_ptr, 'branch', 'id', branchId, success) if (.not. success) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Branch ID') endif call prop_get_string(md_ptr, 'branch', 'fromnode', begNodeId, success) if (success) call prop_get_string(md_ptr, 'branch', 'tonode', endNodeId, success) if (success) call prop_get_integer(md_ptr, 'branch', 'order', ordernumber, success) if (success) call prop_get_integer(md_ptr, 'branch', 'gridpointscount', gridPointsCount, success) if (.not. success) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Branch '''//trim(branchId)//'''') endif ibegNode = hashsearch(nds%hashlist, begNodeId) if (ibegNode <= 0) then write(msgbuf, '(4a)') trim(branchId), ': fromNode ''', trim(begNodeId), ''' does not exist' call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, msgbuf) endif iendNode = hashsearch(nds%hashlist, endNodeId) if (iendNode <= 0) then write(msgbuf ,'(4a)') trim(branchId), ': toNode ''', trim(endNodeId), ''' does not exist' call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, msgbuf) endif if (ibegNode == iendNode) then write(msgbuf, '(5a)') trim(branchId), ': fromNode ''', trim(begNodeId) , ''' is identical to toNode ''', trim(endNodeId)//'''' call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, msgbuf) endif pbr%id = branchID pbr%index = ibr pbr%FromNode => nds%node(ibegNode) pbr%FromNode%numberOfConnections = pbr%FromNode%numberOfConnections + 1 pbr%ToNode => nds%node(iendNode) pbr%ToNode%numberOfConnections = pbr%toNode%numberOfConnections + 1 pbr%orderNumber = orderNumber pbr%nextBranch = -1 pbr%nodeIndex(1) = ibegNode pbr%nodeIndex(2) = iendNode ! The Gridpoints call realloc(gpX, gridPointsCount, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(gpY, gridPointsCount, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(gpchainages, gridPointsCount, stat=istat) if (istat .ne. 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Reading Branch: Error allocating Gridpoint Arrays') endif call prop_get_doubles(md_ptr, 'branch', 'gridPointX', gpX, gridPointsCount, success) if (success) call prop_get_doubles(md_ptr, 'branch', 'gridPointY', gpY, gridPointsCount, success) if (success) call prop_get_doubles(md_ptr, 'branch', 'gridPointOffsets', gpchainages, gridPointsCount, success) if (.not. success) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Grid Data from Branch '''//trim(branchId)//'''') endif ! Check chainages of Grid Points do igr = 1, gridPointsCount - 1 if (gpchainages(igr) + minSectionLength > gpchainages(igr + 1)) then ! Two adjacent gridpoints too close write (msgbuf, '(a, a, a, g11.4, a, g11.4)' ) 'Two grid points on branch ''', trim(branchid), ''' are too close at chainage ', & gpchainages(igr), ' and ', gpchainages(igr + 1) call SetMessage(LEVEL_WARN, msgbuf) endif enddo pbr%gridPointsCount = gridPointsCount uPointsCount = pbr%gridPointsCount - 1 pbr%uPointsCount = uPointsCount call realloc(pbr%gridPointschainages, pbr%gridPointsCount) call realloc(pbr%uPointschainages, pbr%uPointsCount) call realloc(pbr%Xs, pbr%gridPointsCount) call realloc(pbr%Ys, pbr%gridPointsCount) ip1 = brs%gridPointsCount + 1 brs%gridPointsCount = brs%gridPointsCount + gridPointsCount ip2 = brs%gridPointsCount pbr%StartPoint = ip1 pbr%gridPointschainages = gpchainages pbr%uPointschainages = (pbr%gridPointschainages(1:uPointsCount) + pbr%gridPointschainages(2:uPointsCount+1) ) / 2.0d0 pbr%length = gpchainages(gridPointsCount) pbr%Xs = gpX pbr%Ys = gpY pbr%fromNode%x = gpX(1) pbr%fromNode%y = gpY(1) pbr%toNode%x = gpX(gridPointsCount) pbr%toNode%y = gpY(gridPointsCount) pbr%iTrench = 0 do j = 1, 2 if (j==1) then node => pbr%fromNode gridIndex = ip1 else node => pbr%toNode gridIndex = ip2 endif if (node%nodeType == nt_NotSet) then ! probably end node (until proved otherwise node%nodeType = nt_endNode node%gridNumber = gridIndex elseif (node%nodeType == nt_endNode) then ! Already one branch connected, so not an endNode node%nodeType = nt_LinkNode node%gridNumber = 0 endif if (node%numberOfConnections > nds%maxNumberOfConnections) then nds%maxNumberOfConnections = node%numberOfConnections endif enddo ! Get and Set grid point IDs call realloc(gpID, gridPointsCount, stat=istat) if (istat .ne. 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Reading Branch: Error allocating Gridpoint Array for IDs') endif gpID = ' ' call prop_get_strings(md_ptr, 'branch', 'gridPointIds', gridPointsCount, gpID, success) call realloc(pbr%gridPointIDs, gridPointsCount) if (success) then pbr%gridPointIDs = gpID else ! Create grid point IDs pbr%gridPointIDs = ' ' do igr = 1, gridPointsCount write(Chainage, '(F35.3)') pbr%gridPointschainages(igr) pbr%gridPointIDs(igr) = trim(pbr%id)//'_'//trim(adjustl(Chainage)) enddo endif ! Clear Grid Point Arrays if (allocated(gpX)) deallocate(gpX, stat=istat) if (istat == 0 .and. allocated(gpY)) deallocate(gpY, stat=istat) if (istat == 0 .and. allocated(gpchainages)) deallocate(gpchainages, stat=istat) if (istat == 0 .and. allocated(gpID)) deallocate(gpID, stat=istat) if (istat .ne. 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Reading Branch: Error Deallocating Gridpoint Arrays') endif end subroutine readBranch subroutine storeBranch(brs, nds, branchId, begNodeId, endNodeId, ordernumber, gridPointsCount, gpX, gpY, & gpchainages, gpUchainages, gpID, my_rank) use m_branch implicit none type(t_branchSet), target, intent(inout) :: brs type(t_nodeSet), target, intent(inout) :: nds character(len=*), intent(in) :: branchId character(len=*), intent(in) :: begNodeId character(len=*), intent(in) :: endNodeId integer, intent(in) :: orderNumber integer, intent(in) :: gridPointsCount double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: gpX double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: gpY double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: gpchainages double precision, dimension(:), intent(in) :: gpUchainages character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: gpID integer , intent(in) :: my_rank ! Local Variables integer :: ibr type(t_branch), pointer :: pbr type(t_node), pointer :: node integer :: ibegNode integer :: iendNode integer :: uPointsCount integer :: igr integer :: gridIndex integer :: j integer :: ip1 integer :: ip2 character(len=IdLen) :: Chainage brs%Count = brs%Count + 1 ibr = brs%Count if (brs%Count > brs%Size) then call realloc(brs) endif pbr =>brs%branch(brs%Count) ibegNode = hashsearch(nds%hashlist, begNodeId) if (ibegNode <= 0) then write(msgbuf, '(4a)') trim(branchId), ': fromNode ''', trim(begNodeId), ''' does not exist' call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, msgbuf) endif iendNode = hashsearch(nds%hashlist, endNodeId) if (iendNode <= 0) then write(msgbuf ,'(4a)') trim(branchId), ': toNode ''', trim(endNodeId), ''' does not exist' call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, msgbuf) endif if (ibegNode == iendNode) then write(msgbuf, '(5a)') trim(branchId), ': fromNode ''', trim(begNodeId) , ''' is identical to toNode ''', trim(endNodeId)//'''' call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, msgbuf) endif pbr%id = branchID pbr%index = ibr pbr%FromNode => nds%node(ibegNode) pbr%FromNode%numberOfConnections = pbr%FromNode%numberOfConnections + 1 pbr%ToNode => nds%node(iendNode) pbr%ToNode%numberOfConnections = pbr%toNode%numberOfConnections + 1 pbr%orderNumber = orderNumber pbr%nextBranch = -1 pbr%nodeIndex(1) = ibegNode pbr%nodeIndex(2) = iendNode ! The Gridpoints ! Check chainages of Grid Points do igr = 1, gridPointsCount - 1 if (gpchainages(igr) + minSectionLength > gpchainages(igr + 1)) then ! Two adjacent gridpoints too close write (msgbuf, '(3a, g11.4, a, g11.4)' ) 'Two grid points on branch ''', trim(branchid), ''' are too close at chainage ', & gpchainages(igr), ' and ', gpchainages(igr + 1) if (my_rank >= 0) then write(msgbuf,'(a,i4,2a)') 'Rank = ', my_rank, ': ', trim(msgbuf) end if call SetMessage(LEVEL_WARN, msgbuf) endif enddo pbr%gridPointsCount = gridPointsCount uPointsCount = size(gpUchainages) pbr%uPointsCount = uPointsCount pbr%active_branch = merge(1, 0, uPointsCount /= 0) call realloc(pbr%gridPointschainages, pbr%gridPointsCount) call realloc(pbr%uPointschainages, pbr%uPointsCount) call realloc(pbr%Xs, pbr%gridPointsCount) call realloc(pbr%Ys, pbr%gridPointsCount) ip1 = brs%gridPointsCount + 1 brs%gridPointsCount = brs%gridPointsCount + gridPointsCount ip2 = brs%gridPointsCount pbr%StartPoint = ip1 pbr%gridPointschainages = gpchainages pbr%uPointschainages = gpUchainages(1:uPointsCount) pbr%length = gpchainages(gridPointsCount) pbr%Xs = gpX pbr%Ys = gpY pbr%fromNode%x = gpX(1) pbr%fromNode%y = gpY(1) pbr%toNode%x = gpX(gridPointsCount) pbr%toNode%y = gpY(gridPointsCount) pbr%iTrench = 0 do j = 1, 2 if (j==1) then node => pbr%fromNode gridIndex = ip1 else node => pbr%toNode gridIndex = ip2 endif if (node%nodeType == nt_NotSet) then ! probably end node (until proved otherwise) node%nodeType = nt_endNode if (gridPointsCount > 0) then node%gridNumber = gridIndex else node%gridNumber = -1 endif elseif (node%nodeType == nt_endNode) then ! Already one branch connected, so not an endNode node%nodeType = nt_LinkNode node%gridNumber = 0 endif if (node%numberOfConnections > nds%maxNumberOfConnections) then nds%maxNumberOfConnections = node%numberOfConnections endif enddo ! Set grid point IDs call realloc(pbr%gridPointIDs, gridPointsCount) do igr = 1, gridPointsCount if (gpID(igr) .eq. ' ') then write(Chainage, '(F35.3)') pbr%gridPointschainages(igr) pbr%gridPointIDs(igr) = trim(pbr%id)//'_'//trim(adjustl(Chainage)) else pbr%gridPointIDs(igr) = gpID(igr) endif enddo end subroutine storeBranch subroutine read_network_cache(ibin, network) type(t_network), intent(inout) :: network integer, intent(in) :: ibin call read_node_cache(ibin, network) call read_branch_cache(ibin, network) end subroutine read_network_cache subroutine write_network_cache(ibin, network) type(t_network), intent(in) :: network integer, intent(in) :: ibin call write_node_cache(ibin, network%nds) call write_branch_cache(ibin, network%brs) end subroutine write_network_cache subroutine read_node_cache(ibin, network) type(t_network), intent(inout) :: network integer, intent(in) :: ibin type(t_node), pointer :: pnod integer :: i read(ibin) network%nds%count network%nds%growsby = network%nds%count + 2 call realloc(network%nds) read(ibin) network%nds%maxNumberOfConnections network%nds%LevelBoundaryCount = 0 network%nds%DisBoundaryCount = 0 network%nds%bndCount = 0 do i = 1, network%nds%Count pnod => network%nds%node(i) read(ibin) pnod%id read(ibin) pnod%name read(ibin) pnod%index read(ibin) pnod%nodeType read(ibin) pnod%x read(ibin) pnod%y read(ibin) pnod%gridNumber read(ibin) pnod%numberOfConnections enddo call read_hash_list_cache(ibin, network%nds%hashlist) end subroutine read_node_cache subroutine write_node_cache(ibin, nds) type(t_nodeSet), intent(in) :: nds integer, intent(in) :: ibin type(t_node), pointer :: pnod integer :: i write(ibin) nds%Count write(ibin) nds%maxNumberOfConnections do i = 1, nds%Count pnod => nds%node(i) write(ibin) pnod%id write(ibin) pnod%name write(ibin) pnod%index write(ibin) pnod%nodeType write(ibin) pnod%x write(ibin) pnod%y write(ibin) pnod%gridNumber write(ibin) pnod%numberOfConnections enddo call write_hash_list_cache(ibin, nds%hashlist) end subroutine write_node_cache subroutine read_branch_cache(ibin, network) type(t_network), intent(inout) :: network integer, intent(in) :: ibin type(t_branch), pointer :: pbrn integer :: i integer :: j read(ibin) network%brs%Count network%brs%growsby = network%brs%count + 2 call realloc(network%brs) read(ibin) network%brs%gridpointsCount do i = 1, network%brs%Count pbrn => network%brs%branch(i) read(ibin) pbrn%id read(ibin) pbrn%index read(ibin) pbrn%name read(ibin) pbrn%length read(ibin) pbrn%orderNumber read(ibin) pbrn%iTrench read(ibin) pbrn%flapGate read(ibin) (pbrn%nextBranch(j), j = 1, 2) read(ibin) (pbrn%nodeIndex(j), j = 1, 2) pbrn%FromNode => network%nds%node(pbrn%nodeIndex(1)) pbrn%ToNode => network%nds%node(pbrn%nodeIndex(2)) read(ibin) pbrn%gridPointsCount allocate(pbrn%gridPointschainages(pbrn%gridPointsCount)) allocate(pbrn%gridPointIDs(pbrn%gridPointsCount)) allocate(pbrn%Xs(pbrn%gridPointsCount)) allocate(pbrn%Ys(pbrn%gridPointsCount)) read(ibin) (pbrn%gridPointschainages(j), j = 1, pbrn%gridPointsCount) read(ibin) (pbrn%gridPointIDs(j), j = 1, pbrn%gridPointsCount) read(ibin) (pbrn%Xs(j), j = 1, pbrn%gridPointsCount) read(ibin) (pbrn%Ys(j), j = 1, pbrn%gridPointsCount) read(ibin) pbrn%uPointsCount allocate(pbrn%uPointschainages(pbrn%uPointsCount)) read(ibin) (pbrn%uPointschainages(j), j = 1, pbrn%uPointsCount) read(ibin) pbrn%StartPoint enddo call read_hash_list_cache(ibin, network%brs%hashlist) end subroutine read_branch_cache subroutine write_branch_cache(ibin, brs) type(t_branchSet), intent(in) :: brs integer, intent(in) :: ibin type(t_branch), pointer :: pbrn integer :: i integer :: j write(ibin) brs%Count write(ibin) brs%gridpointsCount do i = 1, brs%Count pbrn => brs%branch(i) write(ibin) pbrn%id write(ibin) pbrn%index write(ibin) pbrn%name write(ibin) pbrn%length write(ibin) pbrn%orderNumber write(ibin) pbrn%iTrench write(ibin) pbrn%flapGate write(ibin) (pbrn%nextBranch(j), j = 1, 2) write(ibin) (pbrn%nodeIndex(j), j = 1, 2) write(ibin) pbrn%gridPointsCount write(ibin) (pbrn%gridPointschainages(j), j = 1, pbrn%gridPointsCount) write(ibin) (pbrn%gridPointIDs(j), j = 1, pbrn%gridPointsCount) write(ibin) (pbrn%Xs(j), j = 1, pbrn%gridPointsCount) write(ibin) (pbrn%Ys(j), j = 1, pbrn%gridPointsCount) write(ibin) pbrn%uPointsCount write(ibin) (pbrn%uPointschainages(j), j = 1, pbrn%uPointsCount) write(ibin) pbrn%StartPoint enddo call write_hash_list_cache(ibin, brs%hashlist) end subroutine write_branch_cache end module m_1d_networkreader