When executing "build.bat" on the toplevel of the source code tree, the items 1, 3 and 4 below are handled automatically. 1. Create on toplevel (next to "src", "examples") directory "build_dflowfm_interacter" 2. EITHER: Define environment parameter: INTERACTER_DIR To point to a directory containing intmwi64.lib OR: Copy: https://repos.deltares.nl/repos/ds/branches/dflowfm/dflowfm_interacter/third_party/interacter To: "third_party\interacter" 3. In "build_dflowfm_interacter", execute: cmake ..\src\cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -B "." -D CONFIGURATION_TYPE="dflowfm_interacter" 4. In "build_dflowfm_interacter\dflowfm_interacter.sln": dflowfm-cli project -> properties -> Linker -> General -> Link Library Dependencies = Yes 5. Compile 6. To run: - Add to working dir: .ini/.hlp/.hls files from "src\engines_gpl\dflowfm\res" - Add to command line options: --display:opengl=0 7. When running D-Flow FM via Interacter, the GUI may possibly be blocked (and does not open). To solve this: Open "Task Manager" -> tab "Performance" -> "Open Resource Manager" link at the bottom, right-click on "dflowfm.exe" process, "Analyze Wait Chain", end all processes in the list. (see also: https://publicwiki.deltares.nl/display/DSCMEET/Way+of+Working%3A+D-Hydro+Kernel+Development+Team)