subroutine update_weirs(structures, weirs) ! convert structures to weirs (fortran to c conversion) use m_structure use MessageHandling use m_weir implicit none type(t_structureSet), intent(in) :: structures type(weir), dimension(:), intent(inout), allocatable :: weirs integer :: istruct, iweir integer :: nweirs type(t_structure), pointer :: structure type(t_weir), pointer :: fortranweir type(weir) :: c_weir nweirs = 0 write(msgbuf,*) 'Searching through', structures%Count, 'structures for weirs' call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) do istruct=1,structures%Count structure => structures%struct(istruct) if ( structure%st_type .eq. ST_WEIR ) then fortranweir => structure%weir nweirs = nweirs + 1 end if end do write(msgbuf,*) 'Checking if weirs is allocated', allocated(weirs) call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) if ( allocated(weirs) ) then write(msgbuf,*) 'Deallocating weirs of size', shape(weirs) call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) deallocate(weirs) end if write(msgbuf,*) 'Allocating weirs to', nweirs call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) allocate(weirs(nweirs)) write(msgbuf,*) 'Checking if weirs is allocated', allocated(weirs) call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) iweir = 0 do istruct=1,structures%Count structure => structures%struct(istruct) if ( structure%st_type .eq. ST_WEIR ) then fortranweir => structure%weir iweir = iweir + 1 c_weir%id = string_to_char_array(structure%id) c_weir%x = structure%x c_weir%y = structure%y c_weir%branchid = structure%ibran c_weir%chainage = structure%chainage c_weir%left_calc_point = structure%left_calc_point c_weir%right_calc_point = structure%right_calc_point c_weir%link_number = structure%link_number c_weir%crest_level = fortranweir%crestlevel c_weir%crest_width = fortranweir%crestwidth c_weir%discharge_coeff = fortranweir%dischargecoeff c_weir%lat_dis_coeff = fortranweir%latdiscoeff c_weir%allowed_flow_dir = fortranweir%allowedflowdir weirs(iweir) = c_weir end if end do write(msgbuf,*) 'Allocated weirs to shape', shape(weirs) call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) end subroutine update_weirs subroutine update_orifices(structures, orifices) ! convert structures to orifices (fortran to c conversion) use m_structure use MessageHandling use m_orifice implicit none type(t_structureSet), intent(in) :: structures type(orifice), dimension(:), intent(inout), allocatable :: orifices integer :: istruct, iorifice integer :: norifices type(t_structure), pointer :: structure type(t_orifice), pointer :: fortranorifice type(orifice) :: c_orifice norifices = 0 write(msgbuf,*) 'Searching through', structures%Count, 'structures for orifices' call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) do istruct=1,structures%Count structure => structures%struct(istruct) if ( structure%st_type .eq. ST_ORIFICE ) then fortranorifice => structure%orifice norifices = norifices + 1 end if end do write(msgbuf,*) 'Checking if orifices is allocated', allocated(orifices) call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) if ( allocated(orifices) ) then write(msgbuf,*) 'Deallocating orifices of size', shape(orifices) call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) deallocate(orifices) end if write(msgbuf,*) 'Allocating orifices to', norifices call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) allocate(orifices(norifices)) write(msgbuf,*) 'Checking if orifices is allocated', allocated(orifices) call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) iorifice = 0 do istruct=1,structures%Count structure => structures%struct(istruct) if ( structure%st_type .eq. ST_ORIFICE ) then fortranorifice => structure%orifice iorifice = iorifice + 1 c_orifice%id = string_to_char_array(structure%id) c_orifice%x = structure%x c_orifice%y = structure%y c_orifice%branchid = structure%ibran c_orifice%chainage = structure%chainage c_orifice%left_calc_point = structure%left_calc_point c_orifice%right_calc_point = structure%right_calc_point c_orifice%link_number = structure%link_number c_orifice%crest_level = fortranorifice%crestlevel c_orifice%crest_width = fortranorifice%crestwidth c_orifice%open_level = fortranorifice%openlevel c_orifice%contraction_coeff = fortranorifice%contrcoeff c_orifice%lat_contr_coeff = fortranorifice%latcontrcoeff c_orifice%allowed_flow_dir = fortranorifice%allowedflowdir c_orifice%limit_flow_pos = fortranorifice%limitflowpos c_orifice%limit_flow_neg = fortranorifice%limitflowneg orifices(iorifice) = c_orifice end if end do write(msgbuf,*) 'Allocated orifices to shape', shape(orifices) call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) end subroutine update_orifices subroutine update_pumps(structures, pumps) ! convert structures to pumps (fortran to c conversion) use m_structure use MessageHandling use m_pump implicit none type(t_structureSet), intent(in) :: structures type(pump), dimension(:), intent(inout), allocatable :: pumps integer :: istruct, ipump integer :: npumps type(t_structure), pointer :: structure type(t_pump), pointer :: fortranpump type(pump) :: c_pump npumps = 0 write(msgbuf,*) 'Searching through', structures%Count, 'structures for pumps' call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) do istruct=1,structures%Count structure => structures%struct(istruct) if ( structure%st_type .eq. ST_PUMP ) then fortranpump => structure%pump npumps = npumps + 1 end if end do write(msgbuf,*) 'Checking if pumps is allocated', allocated(pumps) call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) if ( allocated(pumps) ) then write(msgbuf,*) 'Deallocating pumps of size', shape(pumps) call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) deallocate(pumps) end if write(msgbuf,*) 'Allocating pumps to', npumps call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) allocate(pumps(npumps)) write(msgbuf,*) 'Checking if pumps is allocated', allocated(pumps) call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) ipump = 0 do istruct=1,structures%Count structure => structures%struct(istruct) if ( structure%st_type .eq. ST_PUMP ) then fortranpump => structure%pump ipump = ipump + 1 c_pump%id = string_to_char_array(structure%id) c_pump%x = structure%x c_pump%y = structure%y c_pump%branchid = structure%ibran c_pump%chainage = structure%chainage c_pump%left_calc_point = structure%left_calc_point c_pump%right_calc_point = structure%right_calc_point c_pump%link_number = structure%link_number c_pump%start_level_suction_side = fortranpump%ss_onlevel(1) c_pump%stop_level_suction_side = fortranpump%ss_offlevel(1) c_pump%capacity = fortranpump%capacity(1) c_pump%oldcapacity = fortranpump%oldcapacity c_pump%reduction_factor = fortranpump%reduction_factor c_pump%actual_stage = fortranpump%actual_stage c_pump%is_active = fortranpump%is_active pumps(ipump) = c_pump end if end do write(msgbuf,*) 'Allocated pumps to shape', shape(pumps) call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) end subroutine update_pumps subroutine update_culverts(structures, culverts) ! convert structures to culverts (fortran to c conversion) use m_structure use MessageHandling use m_culvert implicit none type(t_structureSet), intent(in) :: structures type(culvert), dimension(:), intent(inout), allocatable :: culverts integer :: istruct, iculvert integer :: nculverts type(t_structure), pointer :: structure type(t_culvert), pointer :: fortranculvert type(culvert) :: c_culvert nculverts = 0 write(msgbuf,*) 'Searching through', structures%Count, 'structures for culverts' call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) do istruct=1,structures%Count structure => structures%struct(istruct) if ( structure%st_type .eq. ST_CULVERT ) then fortranculvert => structure%culvert nculverts = nculverts + 1 end if end do write(msgbuf,*) 'Checking if culverts is allocated', allocated(culverts) call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) if ( allocated(culverts) ) then write(msgbuf,*) 'Deallocating culverts of size', shape(culverts) call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) deallocate(culverts) end if write(msgbuf,*) 'Allocating culverts to', nculverts call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) allocate(culverts(nculverts)) write(msgbuf,*) 'Checking if culverts is allocated', allocated(culverts) call MESS(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) iculvert = 0 do istruct=1,structures%Count structure => structures%struct(istruct) if ( structure%st_type .eq. ST_CULVERT ) then fortranculvert => structure%culvert iculvert = iculvert + 1 c_culvert%id = string_to_char_array(structure%id) c_culvert%x = structure%x c_culvert%y = structure%y c_culvert%branchid = structure%ibran c_culvert%chainage = structure%chainage c_culvert%left_calc_point = structure%left_calc_point c_culvert%right_calc_point = structure%right_calc_point c_culvert%link_number = structure%link_number c_culvert%left_level = fortranculvert%leftlevel c_culvert%right_level = fortranculvert%rightlevel c_culvert%allowed_flow_dir = fortranculvert%allowedflowdir c_culvert%crosssection_id = fortranculvert%crosssectionnr c_culvert%length = fortranculvert%length c_culvert%valve_inuse = fortranculvert%has_valve c_culvert%valve_opening = fortranculvert%inivalveopen culverts(iculvert) = c_culvert end if end do write(msgbuf,*) 'Allocated culverts to shape', shape(culverts) call mess(LEVEL_DEBUG, msgbuf) end subroutine update_culverts