subroutine rdbcc(lunmd ,lundia ,error ,nrrec ,mdfrec , & & nrver ,runid ,filbcc ,eol ,nambnd , & & namcon ,nto ,lstsc ,kmax ,rtbcc , & & itstrt ,itfinish ,mxbctm ,nbcctm ,salin , & & temp ,const ,lconc ,sab ,tab , & & cab ,zstep ,tprofc ,bubble ,gdp ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2019. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: - Reads the boundary condition records from the ! MD-file: FILBCC,TSBCC, SAB, TAB and CAB ! - The order of reading is sequential for each ! opening. ! Method used: ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use globaldata use string_module use system_utils, only: exifil ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! integer , pointer :: itis integer , pointer :: itdate real(fp) , pointer :: dt character*20, dimension(:) , pointer :: keywrd character*38, dimension(:) , pointer :: fmtbcc ! ! Global variables ! integer :: itfinish ! Description and declaration in inttim.igs integer :: itstrt ! Description and declaration in inttim.igs integer :: kmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , intent(in) :: lconc ! Number of constituents (excl. salinity, temperature, secondary flow, ! turbulence energy dissipation and production) integer :: lstsc ! Description and declaration in dimens.igs integer :: lundia ! Description and declaration in inout.igs integer :: lunmd ! Description and declaration in inout.igs integer , intent(in) :: mxbctm ! Maximum number of times for which time varying boundary conditions are ! allowed in the Md-file integer :: nbcctm ! Actual number of times for which time varying data for processes on ! boundaries are allowed in the Md-file integer :: nrrec ! Pointer to the record number in the MD-file integer , intent(in) :: nrver ! Version number (240/249) integer :: nto ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 logical , intent(in) :: bubble ! Description and declaration in procs.igs logical , intent(in) :: const ! Description and declaration in procs.igs logical :: error ! Flag=TRUE if an error is encountered logical , intent(in) :: salin ! Description and declaration in procs.igs logical , intent(in) :: temp ! Description and declaration in procs.igs real(fp) , dimension(4, 5, mxbctm, nto) :: cab ! At most MXBCTM time varying concentrations on boundaries (end A and end B) real(fp) , dimension(4, mxbctm, nto) :: sab ! At most MXBCTM time varying salinities on boundaries (end A and end B) real(fp) , dimension(4, mxbctm, nto) :: tab ! At most MXBCTM time varying temperatures on boundaries (end A and end B) real(fp) , dimension(mxbctm) :: rtbcc ! At most MXBCTM times for time varying data on boundaries for processes real(fp) , dimension(mxbctm, nto, lstsc), intent(out) :: zstep ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 character(*) :: filbcc ! File name for the time varying data on boundaries for processes file character(*) :: mdfrec ! Standard rec. length in MD-file (300) character(*) :: runid character(1) :: eol ! ASCII code for End-Of-Line (^J) character(10), dimension(nto, lstsc) :: tprofc ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_char.f90 character(20), dimension(lstsc) :: namcon ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_char.f90 character(20), dimension(nto) :: nambnd ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_char.f90 ! ! Local variables ! integer :: ib integer :: ibcc ! Help var. for times read integer :: inprof ! Index number of first character in PROFIL string of TPROFC definition integer :: iocond ! IO status for reading integer :: irec integer :: itold ! Help var. to store last read time to test accending order integer :: ittdep ! Help var. for the time read (now de- fined as multiples of DT, but in fu- ture it may take any value) integer :: j ! Help var. integer :: l ! Help var. for constituents loops integer :: lenc ! Help var. (length of var. cvar to be looked for in the MD-file) integer :: lf ! Help var. specifying the length of character variables for file names integer :: lkw ! Length (in characters) of keyword integer :: ll ! Help var. for constituents integer :: lrec ! Length of direct access records if file already exists integer :: lrid ! Length of character string runid integer :: lunout ! Unit number for the transformed file between tdatom and trisim integer :: lunrd integer :: mxlrec integer, external :: newlun integer :: nlook ! Help var.: nr. of data to look for in the MD-file integer :: nn integer :: ntrec ! Help. var to keep track of NRREC integer, dimension(0:7) :: ntpara ! Total number of parameter records integer, dimension(7) :: npara ! Number of parameter records logical :: ex ! Flag to test if file exists logical :: found ! FOUND=TRUE if KEYW in the MD-file was found logical :: lerror ! Flag=TRUE if a local error is encountered logical :: newkw ! Logical var. specifying whether a new recnam should be read from the MD-file or just new data in the continuation line logical :: nodef ! Flag set to YES if default value may NOT be applied in case var. read is empty (ier <= 0, or nrread < nlook) logical :: noread ! Flag if FILBCC is equal to TMP file and should not be read. real(fp) :: rdef ! Help var. containing default va- lue(s) for real variable real(fp), dimension(4, 7) :: rwbval ! Help array (real) where the data, recently read from the MD-file, are stored temporarily real(fp), dimension(7) :: rval ! Help array to read the data from MD-file real(fp), dimension(7) :: rwdep ! Help array (real) where the data, recently read from the MD-file, are stored temporarily character(1) :: cdummy ! Character help variable character(1) :: quote ! Apostrophe ASCII-character 39 character(10) :: cdef character(10) :: chulp character(10), dimension(2) :: parunt ! Unit name fitting the parameter character(12) :: fildef ! Default file name (usually = blank) character(256) :: filout ! Help variable for file name character(36), dimension(2) :: parnam ! Names of the paramaters to write to time dependent files for BCC character(40) :: cntain character(40) :: profil ! Total string of possible profiles character(6) :: keyw ! Name of record to look for in the MD-file (usually KEYWRD or RECNAM) character(63) :: tablnm ! Table name specification character(300) :: message ! data profil/'uniform linear step 3d-profile'/ ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! fmtbcc => gdp%gdfmtbcc%fmtbcc keywrd => gdp%gdkeywtd%keywrd itdate => gdp%gdexttim%itdate dt => gdp%gdexttim%dt itis => gdp%gdrdpara%itis ! lerror = .false. newkw = .true. nodef = .false. found = .false. noread = .false. rdef = 0.0 cdef = 'uniform ' nlook = 1 fildef = ' ' filout = ' ' chulp = ' ' quote = char(39) cntain = ' # at ends A&B of open boundary segment ' ! lunout = 8 ! ! Initialize global parameters ! filbcc = fildef ! ! Locate 'FilbcC' record for time varying process data on boundaries ! in extra input file ! keyw = 'FilbcC' ntrec = nrrec lenc = len(filbcc) call read2c(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,filbcc ,fildef ,lenc ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then lerror = .false. filbcc = fildef endif ! ! Read data from external file ! if (filbcc/=fildef) then ! ! Define length of RUNID ! Check filename "filbcc" <> TMP file or ! "filbcc" = TMP and access is direct ! open output file (ONLY VERSION 2.49 or lower) + ! Set name for the constituents, Regenerated locally ! call remove_leading_spaces(runid ,lrid ) filout = 'TMP_' // runid(:lrid) // '.bcc' ! ! Check filename and access ! For NRVER =< 249 this cannot be the case ! if (filout==filbcc) then inquire (file = filout(:8 + lrid), exist = ex) if (.not.ex) then call prterr(lundia ,'G004' ,filout ) ! error = .true. goto 9999 endif ! lunout = newlun(gdp) open (lunout, file = filout(:8 + lrid)) read (lunout, '(a1,i5)', iostat = iocond) cdummy, lrec close (lunout) lunout = 8 ! ! Not able to read record length for direct access ! if (iocond/=0) then call prterr(lundia ,'U081' ,filout ) ! error = .true. goto 9999 endif ! ! Record length read ! noread = .true. endif ! ! define length of file name ! call remove_leading_spaces(filbcc ,lf ) ! ! Test file existence -> open file -> error ! if (exifil(filbcc, lundia)) then if (nrver<=249) then ! ! Open file only in case NRVER =< 249. Otherwise it will be ! opened later as the record length is dependent on the ! profile type Maximum number of values to write is 5 (for ! profile = ) ! Total lenght from strings formats FMTBCC(2) = 89 ! from Profile = 83 ! mxlrec = 89 lunout = newlun(gdp) inquire (file = filout(:8 + lrid), exist = ex) if (ex) then open (lunout, file = filout(:8 + lrid)) close (lunout, status = 'delete') endif open (lunout, file = filout(:8 + lrid), form = 'formatted', & & access = 'direct', status = 'unknown', recl = mxlrec) write (lunout, fmtbcc(1), rec = 1) '#', mxlrec, eol ! ! Open FILBCC to read data from ! lunrd = newlun(gdp) open (lunrd, file = filbcc(:lf), form = 'formatted', & & status = 'old') write (message, '(2a)') 'Reading BC-transport file ', filbcc(:lf) call prterr(lundia, 'G051', trim(message)) call rdtdc(lundia ,lunout ,lunrd ,error ,filbcc , & & runid ,profil ,eol ,itstrt ,itfinish , & & nto ,lstsc ,nambnd ,namcon ,gdp ) ! close (lunrd) elseif (.not.noread) then ! ! Open FILBCC to read data from ! lunrd = newlun(gdp) open (lunrd, file = filbcc(:lf), form = 'formatted', & & status = 'old') write (message, '(2a)') 'Reading BC-transport file ', filbcc(:lf) call prterr(lundia, 'G051', trim(message)) call rdtdcn(lundia ,lunout ,lunrd ,error ,filout , & & filbcc ,runid ,profil ,eol ,itstrt , & & itfinish ,nto ,lstsc ,kmax ,nambnd , & & namcon ,bubble ,gdp ) ! close (lunrd) else ! ! Reading TDD file for open boundary transport data skipped ! in TDATOM ! Define "fake" timeframe ! write (message, '(3a)') 'BC-transport file ', filbcc(:lf), ' will be skipped in TDATOM' call prterr(lundia, 'G051', trim(message)) endif else error = .true. endif ! ! Time varying data for processes on boundaries in file? ! This part is from now obsolete (all data are read from file) ! It is kept here to guarantee downwards compatibility ! elseif (nto>0) then ! ! Define length of RUNID ! open output file (ONLY VERSION 2.49 or lower) + ! Set name for the constituents, Regenerated locally ! call remove_leading_spaces(runid ,lrid ) filout = 'TMP_' // runid(:lrid) // '.bcc' ! ! Open file only in case NRVER =< 249, which always the ! case for data in MDF file ! mxlrec = 89 lunout = newlun(gdp) inquire (file = filout(:8 + lrid), exist = ex) if (ex) then open (lunout, file = filout(:8 + lrid)) close (lunout, status = 'delete') endif open (lunout, file = filout(:8 + lrid), form = 'formatted', & & access = 'direct', status = 'unknown', recl = mxlrec) write (lunout, fmtbcc(1), rec = 1) '#', mxlrec, eol ! ! Define parameter name for time column ! ntpara(0) = 0 parnam(1) = 'Time starting at ITDATE = 0.0 ' parunt(1) = '[ min ]' ! ! Time varying data for processes on boundaries contains a group ! of records. all records part of the group are supposed to lie ! between two records with keyword 'TsbcC ' ! first set records = first opening => start on top of file ! Count for number of times specified ! keyw = 'TsbcC ' lkw = 5 newkw = .false. ntrec = nrrec ! nbcctm = 0 !==> 150 continue call search(lunmd ,lerror ,newkw ,nrrec ,found , & & ntrec ,mdfrec ,itis ,keyw ,lkw , & & 'NO' ) if (found) then nbcctm = nbcctm + 1 goto 150 endif ! ! Read time dependent data from MD_file ! ittdep = -1 itold = -1 ! rewind (lunmd) read (lunmd, '(a300)') mdfrec nrrec = 1 ntrec = nrrec newkw = .true. lenc = 10 ! do ib = 1, nbcctm ibcc = 1 ! ! Locate 'TsbcC ' record and read RVAL ! keyw = 'TsbcC ' nlook = 1 call read2r(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,rval ,rdef ,nodef ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. exit endif ! rtbcc(ibcc) = rval(1) ! ! Perform some checks with the time read ! call chckit(lundia ,lerror ,'MD-file' ,rval(1) ,dt , & & ittdep ,itold ,itstrt ,ib ,gdp ) ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. exit endif ! if (ittdep>itold) itold = ittdep ! ! Read process values and write to help array's for every NTO ! do nn = 1, nto ll = 0 ! ! Salinity ! if (salin) then ll = ll + 1 ! ! Locate and read 'Sab ' record ! default value not allowed (IER < or = 0) ! nlook = 4 keyw = 'Sab ' ! rval(1) = -1.0 rval(2) = -1.0 rval(3) = -1.0 rval(4) = -1.0 call read2r(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,rval ,rdef ,nodef ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! ! Copy RVAL to appropriate array ! do j = 1, 4 sab(j, ibcc, nn) = rval(j) rwbval(j, ll) = rval(j) ! ! Check for negative values ! if (sab(j, ibcc, nn)<0.0) then call prterr(lundia ,'V061' ,'Salinity at open boundary' ) ! error = .true. goto 700 endif ! ! If an NaN is read -> error ! if ( isnan(cab(j, l, ibcc, nn)) ) then write(message,'(a,a)') 'Salinity containing NaN in ',filbcc call prterr(lundia ,'P004' ,message ) error = .true. goto 700 endif enddo ! ! Locate and read 'ProfC ' record for version 2.40-2.49 ! Read ZSTEP from record ! nlook = 1 keyw = 'ProfC ' call read2r(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,rval ,rdef ,nodef ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! zstep(ibcc, nn, ll) = rval(1) rwdep(ll) = rval(1) ! ! Read TPROFC from record in CHULP ! nlook = 0 call read2c(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,chulp ,cdef ,lenc ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! ! Redefine name in small characters, save original ! name in case of an error (first entry) ! if (ib==1) then tprofc(nn, ll) = chulp call small(tprofc(nn, ll) ,lenc ) ! ! Check for undefined profile definition ! inprof = index(profil, tprofc(nn, ll)) if (inprof==0) then call prterr(lundia ,'U066' ,chulp ) ! tprofc(nn, ll) = cdef endif ! ! Check for not allowed profile (3d-profile) ! if (tprofc(nn, ll)=='3d-profile') then call prterr(lundia ,'V095' ,'for v249 or less' ) ! error = .true. goto 700 endif else ! ! Check for changing of profile definition in time ! all but first entry ! call small(chulp ,lenc ) if (chulp/=tprofc(nn, ll)) then error = .true. call prterr(lundia ,'U066' ,chulp ) ! goto 700 endif endif endif ! ! Temperature ! if (temp) then ll = ll + 1 ! ! Locate and read 'Tab ' record ! default value not allowed (IER < or = 0) ! nlook = 4 keyw = 'Tab ' ! rval(1) = -1.0 rval(2) = -1.0 rval(3) = -1.0 rval(4) = -1.0 call read2r(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,rval ,rdef ,nodef ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! ! Copy RVAL to appropriate array ! do j = 1, 4 tab(j, ibcc, nn) = rval(j) rwbval(j, ll) = rval(j) ! ! Check for negative values ! if (tab(j, ibcc, nn)<0.0) then call prterr(lundia ,'V061' ,'Temperature at open boundary' ) ! error = .true. goto 700 endif ! ! If an NaN is read -> error ! if ( isnan(cab(j, l, ibcc, nn)) ) then write(message,'(a,a)') 'Temperature containing NaN in ',filbcc call prterr(lundia ,'P004' ,message ) error = .true. goto 700 endif enddo ! ! Locate and read 'ProfC ' record for version 2.40-2.49 ! Read ZSTEP from record ! nlook = 1 keyw = 'ProfC ' call read2r(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,rval ,rdef ,nodef ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! zstep(ibcc, nn, ll) = rval(1) rwdep(ll) = rval(1) ! ! Read TPROFC from record in CHULP ! nlook = 0 call read2c(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,chulp ,cdef ,lenc ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! ! Redefine name in small characters, save original ! name in case of an error (first entry) ! if (ib==1) then tprofc(nn, ll) = chulp call small(tprofc(nn, ll) ,lenc ) ! ! Check for undefined profile definition ! inprof = index(profil, tprofc(nn, ll)) if (inprof==0) then call prterr(lundia ,'U066' ,chulp ) ! tprofc(nn, ll) = cdef endif ! ! Check for not allowed profile (3d-profile) ! if (tprofc(nn, ll)=='3d-profile') then call prterr(lundia ,'V095' ,'for v249 or less' ) ! error = .true. goto 700 endif else ! ! Check for changing of profile definition in time ! all but first entry ! call small(chulp ,lenc ) if (chulp/=tprofc(nn, ll)) then error = .true. call prterr(lundia ,'U066' ,chulp ) ! goto 700 endif endif endif ! ! Other constituents ! if (const) then do l = 1, lconc ll = ll + 1 ! ! Locate and read 'Cab ' record ! default value not allowed (IER < or = 0) ! nlook = 4 keyw = 'Cab ' write (keyw(4:4), '(i1)') l ! rval(1) = -1.0 rval(2) = -1.0 rval(3) = -1.0 rval(4) = -1.0 call read2r(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,rval ,rdef ,nodef ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! ! Copy RVAL to appropriate array ! do j = 1, 4 cab(j, l, ibcc, nn) = rval(j) rwbval(j, ll) = rval(j) ! ! Check for negative values ! if (cab(j, l, ibcc, nn)<0.0) then call prterr(lundia ,'V061' ,'Concentration at open boundary') ! error = .true. goto 700 endif ! ! If an NaN is read -> error ! if ( isnan(cab(j, l, ibcc, nn)) ) then write(message,'(a,a)') 'Concentration containing NaN in ',filbcc call prterr(lundia ,'P004' ,message ) error = .true. goto 700 endif enddo ! ! Locate and read 'ProfC ' record version 2.40-2.49 ! Read ZSTEP from record ! nlook = 1 keyw = 'ProfC ' call read2r(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,rval ,rdef ,nodef ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! zstep(ibcc, nn, ll) = rval(1) rwdep(ll) = rval(1) ! ! Read TPROFC from record in CHULP ! nlook = 0 call read2c(lunmd ,lerror ,keyw ,newkw ,nlook , & & mdfrec ,chulp ,cdef ,lenc ,nrrec , & & ntrec ,lundia ,gdp ) ! ! ! Reading error? ! if (lerror) then error = .true. lerror = .false. goto 700 endif ! ! Redefine name in small characters, save original ! name in case of an error (first entry) ! if (ib==1) then tprofc(nn, ll) = chulp call small(tprofc(nn, ll) ,lenc ) ! ! Check for undefined profile definition ! inprof = index(profil, tprofc(nn, ll)) if (inprof==0) then call prterr(lundia ,'U066' ,chulp ) ! tprofc(nn, ll) = cdef endif ! ! Check for not allowed profile (3d-profile) ! if (tprofc(nn, ll)=='3d-profile') then call prterr(lundia ,'V095' ,'for v249 or less' ) ! error = .true. goto 700 endif else ! ! Check for changing of profile definition in ! time all but first entry ! call small(chulp ,lenc ) if (chulp/=tprofc(nn, ll)) then error = .true. call prterr(lundia ,'U066' ,chulp ) ! goto 700 endif endif enddo endif ! ! Write constituent data to LUNOUT ! do l = 1, ll ! ! Define number of parameter records ! if (ib==1) then if (tprofc(nn, l)(:7)=='uniform') then ntpara(l) = ntpara(l - 1) + 3 elseif (tprofc(nn, l)(:6)=='linear') then ntpara(l) = ntpara(l - 1) + 5 elseif (tprofc(nn, l)(:4)=='step') then ntpara(l) = ntpara(l - 1) + 6 else endif endif ! ! Define record ! irec = (nn - 1)*(ll*(nbcctm + 8) + ntpara(ll)) + (l - 1) & & *(nbcctm + 8) + ntpara(l - 1) + 1 ! ! Write first 8+NPARA(L) records with block ! information for time IB=1 ! if (ib==1) then ! ! Define table name ! tablnm = 'T-serie BCC ' // nambnd(nn) // '-' // namcon(l) & & // ' for run: ' ! ! Write first 7 description records to file ! write (lunout, fmtbcc(2), rec = irec + 1) & & keywrd(1), quote, tablnm, runid, quote, eol write (lunout, fmtbcc(3), rec = irec + 2) & & keywrd(2), quote, tprofc(nn, l), quote, cntain, eol write (lunout, fmtbcc(4), rec = irec + 3) & & keywrd(3), quote, nambnd(nn), quote, eol write (lunout, fmtbcc(7), rec = irec + 4) & & keywrd(8), quote, 'non-equidistant' , quote, eol write (lunout, fmtbcc(8), rec = irec + 5) & & keywrd(9), itdate, eol write (lunout, fmtbcc(9), rec = irec + 6) & & keywrd(10), quote, 'minutes', quote, eol write (lunout, fmtbcc(10), rec = irec + 7) & & keywrd(12), quote, 'linear', quote, eol ! ! Write parameter name for time to file ! npara(l) = 1 write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (1), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (1), quote, eol ! ! Define parameter name for constituent L ! parnam(2)(:20) = namcon(l) parunt(2) = '[ - ]' if (parnam(2)(:8)=='salinity') parunt(2) = '[ ppt ]' if (parnam(2) & & (:11)=='temperature') parunt(2) = '[ deg ]' ! ! Write parameter names for profile ! if (tprofc(nn, l)(:7)=='uniform') then npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end A uniform ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end B uniform ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol ! ! Write parameter names for profile ! elseif (tprofc(nn, l)(:6)=='linear') then npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end A surface ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end A bed ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol ! npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end B surface ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end B bed ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol ! ! Write parameter names for profile ! elseif (tprofc(nn, l)(:4)=='step') then npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end A surface ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end A bed ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol ! npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end B surface ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2)(21:) = ' end B bed ' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol ! npara(l) = npara(l) + 1 parnam(2) = 'discontinuity' parunt(2) = '[ m ]' write (lunout, fmtbcc(11), rec = irec + 7 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (14), quote, parnam (2), quote, keywrd (15) & & (:10), quote, parunt (2), quote, eol else endif ! ! Write number of time dependent data to file ! write (lunout, fmtbcc(12), rec = irec + 8 + npara(l) & & ) keywrd (16), nbcctm , eol endif ! ! Write time dependent data to block for constituent ! L skipping first 8+NPARA(L) records with block info ! irec = irec + ib + 8 + npara(l) if (tprofc(nn, l)(:7)=='uniform') then fmtbcc(13)(10:10) = '2' write (lunout, fmtbcc(13), rec = irec) & & rtbcc(ibcc), rwbval(1, l), rwbval(3, l), eol elseif (tprofc(nn, l)(:6)=='linear') then fmtbcc(13)(10:10) = '4' write (lunout, fmtbcc(13), rec = irec) & & rtbcc(ibcc), (rwbval(j, l), j = 1, 4), eol elseif (tprofc(nn, l)(:4)=='step') then fmtbcc(13)(10:10) = '5' write (lunout, fmtbcc(13), rec = irec) & & rtbcc(ibcc), (rwbval(j, l), j = 1, 4), rwdep(l) , eol else endif enddo enddo enddo ! ! Stop reading ! ! ! Define actual number of times for time varying data for ! processes on boundaries and maximum time ! 700 continue if (itold/= - 1) then if (itold < itfinish) then call prterr(lundia ,'U042' ,'Last time for time varying constituents boundary conditions <') error = .true. goto 9999 endif endif nbcctm = ibcc - 1 else endif ! ! close files ! 9999 continue if (lunout/=8) then if (error) then close (lunout, status = 'delete') else close (lunout) endif endif end subroutine rdbcc