subroutine wrrolm(lundia ,error ,filename ,itmapc ,nmax , & & mmax ,nmaxus ,ewave1 ,eroll1 ,qxkr , & & qykr ,qxkw ,qykw ,fxw ,fyw , & & wsu ,wsv ,guu ,gvv ,rbuff1 , & & hrms ,tp ,teta ,rlabda ,uorb , & & irequest ,fds ,iarrc ,mf ,ml , & & nf ,nl ,roller ,xbeach ,gdp ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2019. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Writes the time varying data for wave model (WAVE coupling, Roller, or XBeach) ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use datagroups use globaldata use dfparall, only: inode, master, nproc use wrtarray, only: wrtarray_nm, wrtvar use netcdf ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! integer , pointer :: celidt type (datagroup) , pointer :: group1 type (datagroup) , pointer :: group2 integer , pointer :: nmaxgl integer , pointer :: mmaxgl integer , pointer :: io_prec ! ! Global variables ! integer , intent(in) :: itmapc integer :: lundia ! Description and declaration in inout.igs integer :: mmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer , intent(in) :: nmax ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 integer :: nmaxus ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_int.f90 logical , intent(out) :: error logical , intent(in) :: roller logical , intent(in) :: xbeach real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: eroll1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: ewave1 ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: fxw ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: fyw ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: guu ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: gvv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: hrms ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: qxkr ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: qxkw ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: qykr ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: qykw ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: rlabda ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: teta ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: tp ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: uorb ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: wsu ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) , intent(in) :: wsv ! Description and declaration in esm_alloc_real.f90 real(fp), dimension(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub) :: rbuff1 character(60) , intent(in) :: filename ! File name integer , intent(in) :: irequest ! REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE: define variables, REQUESTTYPE_WRITE: write variables integer , intent(in) :: fds ! File handle of output NEFIS/NetCDF file ! integer , dimension(4,0:nproc-1) , intent(in) :: iarrc ! array containing collected grid indices integer , dimension(0:nproc-1) , intent(in) :: mf ! first index w.r.t. global grid in x-direction integer , dimension(0:nproc-1) , intent(in) :: ml ! last index w.r.t. global grid in x-direction integer , dimension(0:nproc-1) , intent(in) :: nf ! first index w.r.t. global grid in y-direction integer , dimension(0:nproc-1) , intent(in) :: nl ! last index w.r.t. global grid in y-direction ! ! Local variables ! integer :: filetype integer :: i integer :: ierror integer :: m integer :: n integer , dimension(1) :: idummy integer , external :: clsnef integer , external :: open_datdef character(16) :: grnam1 character(16) :: grnam2 character(256) :: errmsg character(1024) :: error_string integer :: iddim_time integer :: iddim_n integer :: iddim_nc integer :: iddim_m integer :: iddim_mc ! ! Data statements ! data grnam1/'map-infrol-serie'/ data grnam2/'map-rol-series'/ ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! call getdatagroup(gdp, FILOUT_MAP, grnam1, group1) call getdatagroup(gdp, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, group2) celidt => group1%celidt ! mmaxgl => gdp%gdparall%mmaxgl nmaxgl => gdp%gdparall%nmaxgl io_prec => gdp%gdpostpr%io_prec ! filetype = getfiletype(gdp, FILOUT_MAP) ! ierror = 0 select case (irequest) case (REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE) ! ! Define dimensions ! iddim_time = adddim(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, 'time' , nf90_unlimited) iddim_n = adddim(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, 'N' , nmaxgl ) ! Number of N-grid points (cell centres) iddim_nc = adddim(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, 'NC' , nmaxgl ) ! Number of N-grid points (corner points) iddim_m = adddim(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, 'M' , mmaxgl ) ! Number of M-grid points (cell centres) iddim_mc = adddim(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, 'MC' , mmaxgl ) ! Number of M-grid points (corner points) ! ! Define elements ! ! map-infrol-serie ! if (filetype == FTYPE_NEFIS) then call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam1, 'ITMAPS', ' ', IO_INT4 , 0, longname='timestep number (ITMAPS*DT*TUNIT := time in sec from ITDATE)') endif ! ! map-rol-series ! call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'HS' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_m/), longname='Significant wave height', unit='m', acl='z') if (gdp%gdflwpar%flwoutput%waveqnt) then call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'TP' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_m/) , longname='Peak period', unit='s', acl='z') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'TETA' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_m/) , longname='Wave direction relative to local grid direction', unit='deg', acl='z') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'LAMBDA', ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_m/) , longname='Wave length', unit='m', acl='z') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'UORB' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_m/) , longname='Orbital velocity near bed', unit='m/s', acl='z') endif if (roller) then call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'EWAVE1', ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_m/) , longname='Short-wave energy', unit='J/m2', acl='z') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'EROLL1', ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_m/) , longname='Roller energy', unit='J/m2', acl='z') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'QXKR' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_mc/), longname='Transport velocity of roller energy in ksi direction', unit='m/s', acl='u') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'QYKR' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_nc, iddim_m/), longname='Transport velocity of roller energy in eta direction', unit='m/s', acl='v') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'QXKW' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_mc/), longname='Transport velocity of wave energy in ksi direction', unit='m/s', acl='u') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'QYKW' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_nc, iddim_m/), longname='Transport velocity of wave energy in eta direction', unit='m/s', acl='v') endif if (roller .or. xbeach) then call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'FXW' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_mc/), longname='Component of wave force in ksi direction', unit='N/m2', acl='u') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'FYW' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_nc, iddim_m/), longname='Component of wave force in eta direction', unit='N/m2', acl='v') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'WSU' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_n, iddim_mc/), longname='Component of roller force in ksi direction', unit='N/m2', acl='u') call addelm(gdp, lundia, FILOUT_MAP, grnam2, 'WSV' , ' ', io_prec , 2, dimids=(/iddim_nc, iddim_m/), longname='Component of roller force in eta direction', unit='N/m2', acl='v') endif ! group1%grp_dim = iddim_time group2%grp_dim = iddim_time celidt = 0 ! case (REQUESTTYPE_WRITE) ! celidt = celidt + 1 group2%celidt = celidt ! ! Writing of output on every itmapc ! if (filetype == FTYPE_NEFIS) then call wrtvar(fds, filename, filetype, grnam1, celidt, & & gdp, ierror, lundia, itmapc, 'ITMAPS') if (ierror/=0) goto 9999 endif ! ! element 'HS'. hs = sqrt(2)*hrms ! rbuff1(:,:) = -999.0_fp do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus rbuff1(n, m) = sqrt(2.0_fp)*hrms(n,m) enddo enddo call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, rbuff1, 'HS') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! if (gdp%gdflwpar%flwoutput%waveqnt) then call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, tp, 'TP') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, teta, 'TETA') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, rlabda, 'LAMBDA') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, uorb, 'UORB') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 endif ! if (roller) then ! ! element 'EWAVE1' ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, ewave1, 'EWAVE1') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! ! element 'EROLL1' ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, eroll1, 'EROLL1') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! ! element 'QXKR' ! do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus if (abs(guu(n, m))>0.) then rbuff1(n, m) = qxkr(n, m)/guu(n, m) endif enddo enddo call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, rbuff1, 'QXKR') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! ! element 'QYKR' ! do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus if (abs(gvv(n, m))>0.) then rbuff1(n, m) = qykr(n, m)/gvv(n, m) endif enddo enddo call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, rbuff1, 'QYKR') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! ! element 'QXKW' ! do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus if (abs(guu(n, m))>0.) then rbuff1(n, m) = qxkw(n, m)/guu(n, m) endif enddo enddo call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, rbuff1, 'QXKW') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! ! element 'QYKW' ! do m = 1, mmax do n = 1, nmaxus if (abs(gvv(n, m))>0.) then rbuff1(n, m) = qykw(n, m)/gvv(n, m) endif enddo enddo call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, rbuff1, 'QYKW') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 endif ! if (roller .or. xbeach) then ! ! element 'FXW' ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, fxw, 'FXW') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! ! element 'FYW' ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, fyw, 'FYW') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! ! element 'WSU' ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, wsu, 'WSU') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 ! ! element 'WSV' ! call wrtarray_nm(fds, filename, filetype, grnam2, celidt, & & nf, nl, mf, ml, iarrc, gdp, & & ierror, lundia, wsv, 'WSV') if (ierror /= 0) goto 9999 endif ! end select ! ! write error message if error occured and set error = .true. ! 9999 continue if (ierror /= 0) error = .true. end subroutine wrrolm