subroutine wrm_main(lundia ,error ,selmap ,grdang ,dtsec , & & itmapc ,runtxt ,trifil ,wrifou ,gdp ) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2019. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Main routine for writing the FLOW HIS file. ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision use dfparall, only: inode, master, parll, dfint, nproc use datagroups use netcdf use dffunctionals, only: dffind_duplicate ! use globaldata ! implicit none ! include 'fsm.i' include 'tri-dyn.igd' ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! integer , pointer :: itmapl integer , pointer :: nmax integer , pointer :: nmaxus integer , pointer :: mmax integer , pointer :: kmax integer , pointer :: lmax integer , pointer :: lstsci integer , pointer :: lsed integer , pointer :: lsedtot integer , pointer :: ltur integer , pointer :: noroco integer , pointer :: norow integer , pointer :: nsrc integer , pointer :: nostat integer , pointer :: ntruv logical , pointer :: lfsdu logical , pointer :: zmodel integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ibuff integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: irocol integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kcs integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kcu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kcv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfs integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfumin integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfvmin integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfsmin integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfumax integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfvmax integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: kfsmax integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: mnksrc integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: alfas integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: cfurou integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: cfvrou integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: cvalu0 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: cvalv0 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dicww integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dp integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dps integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dpu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dpv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: dzs1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: enstro integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: eroll1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: evap integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ewave1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: fxw integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: fyw integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gsqs integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: guu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: gvv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: hrms integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: p1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: patm integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: precip integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qxkr integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qxkw integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qykr integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: qykw integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: r1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rbuff integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rho integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rich integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rlabda integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: rtur1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: s1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: sig integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: taubmx integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: taubpu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: taubpv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: taubsu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: taubsv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: teta integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: thick integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: tp integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: u1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: umnldf integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: uorb integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: v1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: vicuv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: vicww integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: vmnldf integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: vortic integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: w1 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: windcd integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: windu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: windv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wphy integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wrkb3 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wrkb4 integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsu integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: wsv integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: xcor integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: xz integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: ycor integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: yz integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: z0ucur integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: z0vcur integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: z0urou integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: z0vrou integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: namcon integer(pntrsize) , pointer :: namsrc integer , pointer :: itdate real(fp) , pointer :: dt real(fp) , pointer :: tunit real(fp) , pointer :: tzone logical , pointer :: lfbedfrm logical , pointer :: roller logical , pointer :: sferic logical , pointer :: xbeach character(20) , dimension(:) , pointer :: namsed character(8) , pointer :: dpsopt character(4) , pointer :: rouflo integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: order_sta integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: order_tra ! type (datagroup) , pointer :: group logical , pointer :: first real(fp) , pointer :: rhow integer , pointer :: ktemp ! integer , pointer :: mfg integer , pointer :: mlg integer , pointer :: nfg integer , pointer :: nlg integer , pointer :: nmaxgl integer , pointer :: mmaxgl integer , dimension(:,:) , pointer :: iarrc integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: mf integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: ml integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: nf integer , dimension(:) , pointer :: nl ! logical , pointer :: mergemap ! ! Global variables ! integer :: itmapc !! Current time counter for the map data file integer :: lundia ! Description and declaration in inout.igs logical :: error !! Flag=TRUE if an error is encountered real(fp) :: dtsec !! Integration time step [in seconds] real(fp) :: grdang ! Description and declaration in tricom.igs character(23) :: selmap ! Description and declaration in tricom.igs character(30) , dimension(10) :: runtxt !! Textual description of model input character(*) , intent(in) :: trifil ! File name for FLOW NEFIS output files (tri"h/m"-"casl""labl".dat/def) logical :: wrifou ! ! Local variables ! character(10) :: velt ! Velocity type 'Eulerian' or 'GLM' integer :: nostatgl ! global number of stations (i.e. original number excluding duplicate stations located in the halo regions) integer :: nostatto ! total number of stations (including "duplicate" stations located in halo regions) integer :: ntruvgl ! global number of tracks (i.e. original number excluding duplicate stations located in the halo regions) integer :: ntruvto ! total number of tracks (including "duplicate" stations located in halo regions) integer :: irequest integer :: ierror integer :: ifile integer :: filetype integer :: fds integer , external :: open_datdef integer , external :: clsnef character(256) :: filename integer(pntrsize) :: velu ! U velocity array (FSM r-index) integer(pntrsize) :: velv ! V velocity array (FSM r-index) character(256) :: version_full character(8) :: cdate character(10) :: ctime character(5) :: czone character(1024) :: error_string character(16) :: simdat ! Simulation date representing the flow condition at this date character(20) :: rundat ! Execution date of the simulation character(6) :: ftype ! String containing to which output file version group should be written ! integer :: ii integer :: ip integer :: istat integer :: n integer :: m character(4) :: part_nr integer :: bck_inode integer :: bck_nproc logical :: bck_parll type(dfparalltype) , pointer :: bck_gdparall integer , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: ipartition ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! wrkb3 => gdp%gdaddress%wrkb3 wrkb4 => gdp%gdaddress%wrkb4 itmapl => gdp%gdinttim%itmapl nmax => gdp%d%nmax nmaxus => gdp%d%nmaxus mmax => gdp%d%mmax kmax => gdp%d%kmax lmax => gdp%d%lmax lstsci => gdp%d%lstsci lsed => gdp%d%lsed lsedtot => gdp%d%lsedtot ltur => gdp%d%ltur noroco => gdp%d%noroco norow => gdp%d%norow nsrc => gdp%d%nsrc nostat => gdp%d%nostat ntruv => gdp%d%ntruv zmodel => gdp%gdprocs%zmodel ibuff => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ibuff irocol => gdp%gdr_i_ch%irocol kcs => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kcs kcu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kcu kcv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kcv kfs => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfs kfu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfu kfv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfv kfumin => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfumin kfvmin => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfvmin kfsmin => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfsmin kfumax => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfumax kfvmax => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfvmax kfsmax => gdp%gdr_i_ch%kfsmax mnksrc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%mnksrc alfas => gdp%gdr_i_ch%alfas cfurou => gdp%gdr_i_ch%cfurou cfvrou => gdp%gdr_i_ch%cfvrou cvalu0 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%cvalu0 cvalv0 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%cvalv0 dicww => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dicww dp => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dp dps => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dps dpu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dpu dpv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dpv dzs1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%dzs1 enstro => gdp%gdr_i_ch%enstro eroll1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%eroll1 evap => gdp%gdr_i_ch%evap ewave1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ewave1 fxw => gdp%gdr_i_ch%fxw fyw => gdp%gdr_i_ch%fyw gsqs => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gsqs guu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%guu gvv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%gvv hrms => gdp%gdr_i_ch%hrms p1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%p1 patm => gdp%gdr_i_ch%patm precip => gdp%gdr_i_ch%precip qxkr => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qxkr qxkw => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qxkw qykr => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qykr qykw => gdp%gdr_i_ch%qykw r1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%r1 rbuff => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rbuff rho => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rho rich => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rich rlabda => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rlabda rtur1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%rtur1 s1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%s1 sig => gdp%gdr_i_ch%sig taubmx => gdp%gdr_i_ch%taubmx taubpu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%taubpu taubpv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%taubpv taubsu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%taubsu taubsv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%taubsv teta => gdp%gdr_i_ch%teta thick => gdp%gdr_i_ch%thick tp => gdp%gdr_i_ch%tp u1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%u1 umnldf => gdp%gdr_i_ch%umnldf uorb => gdp%gdr_i_ch%uorb v1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%v1 vicuv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%vicuv vicww => gdp%gdr_i_ch%vicww vmnldf => gdp%gdr_i_ch%vmnldf vortic => gdp%gdr_i_ch%vortic w1 => gdp%gdr_i_ch%w1 windcd => gdp%gdr_i_ch%windcd windu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%windu windv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%windv wphy => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wphy wsu => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsu wsv => gdp%gdr_i_ch%wsv xcor => gdp%gdr_i_ch%xcor xz => gdp%gdr_i_ch%xz ycor => gdp%gdr_i_ch%ycor yz => gdp%gdr_i_ch%yz z0ucur => gdp%gdr_i_ch%z0ucur z0vcur => gdp%gdr_i_ch%z0vcur z0urou => gdp%gdr_i_ch%z0urou z0vrou => gdp%gdr_i_ch%z0vrou namcon => gdp%gdr_i_ch%namcon namsrc => gdp%gdr_i_ch%namsrc itdate => gdp%gdexttim%itdate dt => gdp%gdexttim%dt tunit => gdp%gdexttim%tunit tzone => gdp%gdexttim%tzone lfbedfrm => gdp%gdbedformpar%lfbedfrm roller => gdp%gdprocs%roller sferic => gdp%gdtricom%sferic xbeach => gdp%gdprocs%xbeach namsed => gdp%gdsedpar%namsed dpsopt => gdp%gdnumeco%dpsopt rouflo => gdp%gdtricom%rouflo rhow => gdp%gdphysco%rhow ktemp => gdp%gdtricom%ktemp mergemap => gdp%gdpostpr%mergemap lfsdu => gdp%gdprocs%lfsdu ! if (wrifou) then ifile = FILOUT_FOU filename = trifil(1:3) // 'f' // trifil(5:) else ifile = FILOUT_MAP filename = trifil(1:3) // 'm' // trifil(5:) endif ! call getdatagroup(gdp, ifile, 'map-const', group) first => group%first ! if (first) then mfg => gdp%gdparall%mfg nfg => gdp%gdparall%nfg mf => gdp%gdparall%mf ml => gdp%gdparall%ml nf => gdp%gdparall%nf nl => gdp%gdparall%nl ! allocate(ipartition(gdp%d%nlb:gdp%d%nub, gdp%d%mlb:gdp%d%mub), stat=istat) if (parll) then do ip = 0, nproc-1 do n = max(gdp%d%nlb,nf(ip)-nfg+1), min(nl(ip)-nfg+1,gdp%d%nub) do m = max(gdp%d%mlb,mf(ip)-mfg+1), min(ml(ip)-mfg+1,gdp%d%mub) ipartition(n, m) = ip enddo enddo enddo else ipartition = 0 endif endif ! if (mergemap) then part_nr = ''; else bck_inode = inode bck_nproc = nproc bck_parll = parll bck_gdparall => gdp%gdparall ! write(part_nr,'(A,I3.3)') '-',inode ! inode = 1 nproc = 1 parll = .false. ! if (first) then gdp%iopartit%mfg = 1 gdp%iopartit%mlg = mmax gdp%iopartit%nfg = 1 gdp%iopartit%nlg = nmaxus gdp%iopartit%mmaxgl = mmax gdp%iopartit%nmaxgl = nmaxus allocate(gdp%iopartit%nf(1)) allocate(gdp%iopartit%nl(1)) allocate(gdp%iopartit%mf(1)) allocate(gdp%iopartit%ml(1)) allocate(gdp%iopartit%iarrc(4,1)) allocate(gdp%iopartit%order_tra(1:ntruv)) do ii = 1,ntruv gdp%iopartit%order_tra(ii) = ii enddo allocate(gdp%iopartit%order_sta(1:nostat)) do ii = 1,nostat gdp%iopartit%order_sta(ii) = ii enddo endif gdp%gdparall => gdp%iopartit endif ! mfg => gdp%gdparall%mfg mlg => gdp%gdparall%mlg nfg => gdp%gdparall%nfg nlg => gdp%gdparall%nlg mf => gdp%gdparall%mf ml => gdp%gdparall%ml nf => gdp%gdparall%nf nl => gdp%gdparall%nl iarrc => gdp%gdparall%iarrc mmaxgl => gdp%gdparall%mmaxgl nmaxgl => gdp%gdparall%nmaxgl order_tra => gdp%gdparall%order_tra order_sta => gdp%gdparall%order_sta ! call dattim(rundat ) simdat(1:16) = 'yyyymmdd hhmmss' simdat(1:4) = rundat(1:4) simdat(5:6) = rundat(6:7) simdat(7:8) = rundat(9:10) simdat(11:12) = rundat(12:13) simdat(13:14) = rundat(15:16) simdat(15:16) = rundat(18:19) ! call getfullversionstring_flow2d3d(version_full) call date_and_time(cdate, ctime, czone) ! filetype = getfiletype(gdp, ifile) filename = trim(filename) // trim(part_nr) if (filetype == FTYPE_NETCDF) filename = trim(filename)//'.nc' ! if (gdp%gdflwpar%flwoutput%veuler) then velu = wrkb3 velv = wrkb4 velt = 'Eulerian' else velu = u1 velv = v1 velt = 'GLM' endif ! if (parll) then ! ! Recalculates the effective number of stations, filtering out duplicates affected to more ! than one partition (i.e. located in halos) ! call dfsync(gdp) call dffind_duplicate(lundia, nostat, nostatto, nostatgl, order_sta, gdp) ! ! Recalculates the effective global number of cross sections ! call dfsync(gdp) call dffind_duplicate(lundia, ntruv, ntruvto, ntruvgl, order_tra, gdp) ! ! When order_tra points to tra_orgline, both partition-related and re-ordering-related stuff are taken care of ! order_tra => gdp%gdstations%tra_orgline elseif (part_nr == '') then nostatto = nostat nostatgl = nostat ntruvto = ntruv ntruvgl = ntruv ! order_sta => gdp%gdstations%sta_orgline order_tra => gdp%gdstations%tra_orgline endif ! ierror = 0 do irequest = REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE, REQUESTTYPE_WRITE ! ! request REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE: define all groups, dimensions, and elements ! REQUESTTYPE_WRITE : write the data ! if (irequest == REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE) then if (.not.first) cycle if (inode /= master) cycle call delnef(filename,gdp ) endif ! ! create or open the file ! if (inode /= master) then ! only the master needs to open the file elseif (first .and. irequest == REQUESTTYPE_WRITE) then ! the file has already been opened in step 1 elseif (filetype == FTYPE_NEFIS) then if (first .and. irequest == REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE) then write(lundia,*) 'Creating new '//trim(filename)//'.dat' write(lundia,*) 'Creating new '//trim(filename)//'.def' endif ierror = open_datdef(filename ,fds , .false.) if (ierror /= 0) then write(error_string,'(2a)') 'While trying to open dat/def-file ',trim(filename) call prtnefiserr(trim(error_string), gdp) endif elseif (filetype == FTYPE_NETCDF) then if (first .and. irequest == REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE) then write(lundia,*) 'Creating new '//trim(filename) ierror = nf90_create(filename, or(nf90_clobber,nf90_64bit_offset), fds); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "creating file", filename) ! ! global attributes ! ierror = nf90_put_att(fds, nf90_global, 'Conventions', 'CF-1.6 SGRID-0.3'); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "put_att global Conventions", filename) ierror = nf90_put_att(fds, nf90_global, 'institution', trim('Deltares')); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "put_att global institution", filename) ierror = nf90_put_att(fds, nf90_global, 'references', trim('')); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "put_att global references", filename) ierror = nf90_put_att(fds, nf90_global, 'source', trim(version_full)); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "put_att global source", filename) ierror = nf90_put_att(fds, nf90_global, 'history', & 'This file is created on '//cdate(1:4)//'-'//cdate(5:6)//'-'//cdate(7:8)//'T'//ctime(1:2)//':'//ctime(3:4)//':'//ctime(5:6)//czone(1:5)// & ', '//trim('Delft3D')); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "put_att global history", filename) else ierror = nf90_open(filename, NF90_WRITE, fds); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "opening file", filename) endif endif if (ierror/=0) goto 9999 ! ! time independent data ! if (first) then call wrimap(lundia ,error ,filename ,selmap ,simdat , & & itdate ,tzone ,tunit ,dt ,mmax , & & kmax ,lmax ,lstsci ,ltur ,nmaxus , & & noroco ,norow ,nostat ,nsrc ,ntruv , & & grdang ,dpsopt ,sferic ,lsed ,lsedtot , & & zmodel ,ch(namsrc),ch(namcon),namsed , & & i(kcu) ,i(kcv) ,i(kcs) ,i(irocol) , & & r(xcor) ,r(ycor) ,r(xz) ,r(yz) ,r(alfas) , & & r(dp) ,r(thick) ,r(sig) ,r(sig) , & & d(dps) ,r(dpu) ,r(dpv) ,r(gsqs) ,wrifou , & & irequest ,fds ,iarrc ,mf ,ml , & & nf ,nl ,nostatto ,nostatgl ,order_sta , & & ntruvto ,ntruvgl ,order_tra ,ipartition,gdp ) if (error) goto 9999 endif ! ! data per time step ! if (wrifou) then ! no data per time step elseif (irequest==REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE .or. .not. first) then call wrtmap(lundia ,error ,filename ,selmap ,itmapc , & & rhow ,mmax ,itdate ,dtsec , & & kmax ,nmaxus ,lstsci ,ltur , & & nsrc ,zmodel ,i(kcs) ,i(kfs) ,i(kfu) , & & i(kfv) ,i(kfumin) ,i(kfvmin) ,i(kfumax) ,i(kfvmax) , & & i(kfsmin) ,i(kfsmax) ,i(mnksrc) ,r(s1) , & & d(dps) ,r(dzs1) ,r(thick) ,r(windcd) , & & r(velu) ,r(velv) ,r(w1) ,r(wphy) ,r(r1) , & & r(rtur1) ,r(taubpu) ,r(taubpv) ,r(taubsu) ,r(taubsv) , & & r(vicww) ,r(dicww) ,r(rich) ,r(rho) ,r(p1) , & & r(vortic) ,r(enstro) ,r(umnldf) ,r(vmnldf) ,r(vicuv) , & & r(taubmx) ,r(windu) ,r(windv) ,velt ,r(cvalu0) , & & r(cvalv0) ,r(cfurou) ,r(cfvrou) ,rouflo ,r(patm) , & & r(z0ucur) ,r(z0vcur) ,r(z0urou) ,r(z0vrou) ,ktemp , & & r(precip) ,r(evap) ,irequest ,fds ,iarrc , & & mf ,ml ,nf ,nl ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9999 ! if (lsedtot>0 .or. lfbedfrm .or. lfsdu) then call wrsedmgrp(lundia ,error ,filename ,itmapc ,mmax , & & kmax ,nmaxus ,lsed ,lsedtot , & & i(kfsmin) ,i(kfsmax) ,irequest ,fds ,iarrc , & & mf ,ml ,nf ,nl ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9999 endif ! if (lsedtot > 0) then if (itmapc==itmapl .or. gdp%gdmorpar%moroutput%cumavg .or. irequest==REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE) then call wrsedmavg(lundia ,error ,filename ,itmapc ,mmax , & & nmaxus ,lsed ,lsedtot ,irequest ,fds , & & iarrc ,mf ,ml ,nf ,nl , & & gdp ) if (error) goto 9999 endif endif ! if (gdp%gdflwpar%flwoutput%waveqnt .or. roller .or. xbeach) then call wrrolm(lundia ,error ,filename ,itmapc ,nmax , & & mmax ,nmaxus ,r(ewave1) ,r(eroll1) ,r(qxkr) , & & r(qykr) ,r(qxkw) ,r(qykw) ,r(fxw) ,r(fyw) , & & r(wsu) ,r(wsv) ,r(guu) ,r(gvv) ,r(rbuff) , & & r(hrms) ,r(tp) ,r(teta) ,r(rlabda) ,r(uorb) , & & irequest ,fds ,iarrc ,mf ,ml , & & nf ,nl ,roller ,xbeach ,gdp ) if (error) goto 9999 endif endif ! if (irequest == REQUESTTYPE_DEFINE) then ! ! upon first request: define all groups, dimensions, and elements on file ! call defnewgrp(fds, ifile, gdp, filename) ! if (filetype == FTYPE_NETCDF) then ! ierror = nf90_enddef(fds); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "enddef", filename) if (ierror/=0) goto 9999 ! endif endif enddo ! 9999 continue if (ierror/= 0) error = .true. if (inode == master) then if (filetype == FTYPE_NETCDF) then ierror = nf90_sync(fds); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "sync file", filename) ierror = nf90_close(fds); call nc_check_err(lundia, ierror, "closing file", filename) elseif (filetype == FTYPE_NEFIS) then ierror = clsnef(fds) ! ! wridoc needs to be called AFTER defnewgrp because this routine will ! add the map-version not just to the file, but also to the group ! administration in memory and calling defnewgrp afterwards would thus ! duplicate definition of the map-version group. ! if (first .and. .not.wrifou) then ftype = 'map' call wridoc(error ,trifil ,ftype ,simdat ,runtxt , & & .false. ,part_nr ,gdp ) ! if (.not. parll .and. .not. error) then call wrplot(filename ,lundia ,error ,mmax ,nmax , & & nmaxus ,i(kcs) ,i(ibuff) ,r(xz) ,r(yz) , & & sferic ,gdp ) endif endif endif if (ierror/= 0) error = .true. endif first = .false. ! if (allocated(ipartition)) deallocate(ipartition, stat=istat) if (.not.mergemap) then inode = bck_inode parll = bck_parll nproc = bck_nproc gdp%gdparall => bck_gdparall endif end subroutine wrm_main