module m_readBoundaries !----- AGPL -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2017-2018. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use m_GlobalParameters use MessageHandling use m_network use m_boundaryConditions use properties use m_tables use m_hash_search use string_module use m_ec_module implicit none private type(tEcInstance), pointer :: ec => NULL() ! needed to communicate with ec integer , dimension(:), allocatable :: ec_target_items_ids character(len=maxNameLen), dimension(:), allocatable :: ec_loc_names character(len=maxNameLen), dimension(:), allocatable :: ec_quant_names logical , dimension(:), allocatable :: ec_item_is_lateral ! meteo item in ec integer, public :: ec_itemId_air_temperature integer, public :: ec_itemId_cloudiness integer, public :: ec_itemId_humidity integer, public :: ec_itemId_winddirection integer, public :: ec_itemId_windvelocity integer, public, parameter :: ec_lat_vartype_disch = 1 ! todo: move to m_laterals, and use where applicable integer, public, parameter :: ec_lat_vartype_sal = 2 integer, public, parameter :: ec_lat_vartype_temp = 3 integer, public, parameter :: ec_lat_num_vartypes = 3 logical , dimension(:) , allocatable :: ec_item_has_been_set_externally integer, public , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ec_bnd_2_ec_index integer, public , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ec_lat_2_ec_index public ec_target_items_ids, ec_loc_names, ec_quant_names, ec_item_is_lateral, ec_item_has_been_set_externally public readBoundaryLocations, readBoundaryConditions, getBoundaryValue, closeBoundaryConditionFiles contains subroutine readBoundaryLocations(network, boundaryLocationFile) implicit none type(t_network), target, intent(inout) :: network character*(*), intent(in) :: boundaryLocationFile logical :: success type(tree_data), pointer :: md_ptr integer :: istat integer :: numstr integer :: i integer :: icon integer :: ityp character(len=IdLen) :: nodeID integer :: nodeIdx integer :: boundaryType integer :: icount double precision :: returnTime = 0.0d0 type(t_boundarySet), pointer :: boundaries !< set containing boundary conditions type(t_nodeSet), pointer :: nds !< set containing node data boundaries => network%boundaries nds => network%nds call tree_create(trim(boundaryLocationFile), md_ptr, maxlenpar) call prop_file('ini',trim(boundaryLocationFile),md_ptr, istat) numstr = 0 if (associated(md_ptr%child_nodes)) then numstr = size(md_ptr%child_nodes) end if do i = 1, numstr if (tree_get_name(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr) .eq. 'boundary') then ! Read Data call prop_get_string(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, 'boundary', 'nodeid', nodeID, success) if (success) call prop_get_integer(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, 'boundary', 'type', boundaryType, success) if (.not. success) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Boundary '''//trim(nodeID)//'''') endif nodeIdx = hashsearch(nds%hashlist, nodeID) if (NodeIdx <= 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Boundary '''//trim(nodeID)//''': Node Not Found') endif if (.not. doReadCache) then ! When Reading Cache This Already has been Checked and Set. if (nds%count > 0) then if ((boundaryType == 1 .or. boundaryType == 2) .and. & (nds%node(nodeIdx)%nodetype == nt_LevelBoun .or. nds%node(nodeIdx)%nodetype == nt_DischBoun)) then ! two boundaries on one node call setMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Boundary: On node '//trim(nds%node(nodeIdx)%id) //' more than one boundary condition is defined.') elseif (boundaryType == 2 .and. nds%node(nodeIdx)%nodetype /= nt_EndNode) then call setMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error Reading Boundary: Discharhe Boundary Node '//trim(nds%node(nodeIdx)%id) //' is not an end node.') return endif endif if (nds%count > 0) then if (boundaryType==1) then ! water level boundary nds%node(nodeIdx)%nodetype = nt_LevelBoun elseif (boundaryType==2) then ! discharge boundary nds%node(nodeIdx)%nodetype = nt_DischBoun endif endif endif boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%Count = boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%Count + 1 icount = boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%Count if (icount > boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%Size) then call realloc(boundaries%tp(boundaryType), boundaryType) endif boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%bd(icount)%nodeID = nodeID boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%bd(icount)%node = nodeIdx boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%bd(icount)%salinityIndex = -1 boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%bd(icount)%iopt = 1 boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%bd(icount)%length = 2 call setTable(boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%bd(icount)%table, 0, (/0.0d0, 1.0d0/), (/0.0d0, 1.0d0/), 2) do icon = 1, transportPars%constituents_count ! For each constituent add a boundary condition ityp = transportPars%co_h(icon)%boundary_index boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count = boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count + 1 if (boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count > boundaries%tp(ityp)%Size) then call realloc(boundaries%tp(ityp), ityp) endif ! Get Thatcher-Harleman Return Time call prop_get_double(md_ptr%child_nodes(i)%node_ptr, 'boundary', 'thatcher-harlemancoeff', returnTime, success) if (.not. success) returnTime = 0.0d0 boundaries%tp(ityp)%bd(boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count)%nodeID = nodeID boundaries%tp(ityp)%bd(boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count)%node = nodeIdx boundaries%tp(ityp)%bd(boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count)%salinityIndex = -1 boundaries%tp(ityp)%bd(boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count)%iopt = 2 ! Thatcher-Harleman boundaries%tp(ityp)%bd(boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count)%length = 2 boundaries%tp(ityp)%bd(boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count)%returnTime = returnTime call setTable(boundaries%tp(ityp)%bd(boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count)%table, 0, (/0.0d0, 1.0d0/), (/0.0d0, 1.0d0/), 2) boundaries%tp(boundaryType)%bd(icount)%salinityIndex = boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count boundaries%tp(ityp)%bd(boundaries%tp(ityp)%Count)%returnTime = returnTime enddo endif end do boundaries%count = 0 do i = 1, NUM_BOUN_TYPE boundaries%count = boundaries%count + boundaries%tp(i)%Count call fill_hashtable(network%boundaries%tp(i)) enddo call tree_destroy(md_ptr) end subroutine readBoundaryLocations subroutine readBoundaryConditions(network, boundaryConditionsFile) use m_ec_bccollect use m_globalParameters implicit none type(t_network) , target, intent(inout) :: network ! the model's network character(len=*), intent(in) :: boundaryConditionsFile ! file containing the lateral conditions logical :: success ! return value of function call integer :: istat ! status after function call integer :: i, inod, ityp ! loop counter, node index, boundary type integer :: total_items ! total number of items expected in bc-file (boundaries, laterals) character(len=IdLen) :: locationID ! boundary location identifier (node name) character(len=IdLen) :: quantityID ! water level or discharge integer :: bc_count ! #boundary conditions read from bc file integer :: ec_bc_item ! boundary condition item id in ec- module logical :: is_qh_bound ! Q(h) boundary? real(hp), dimension(:), pointer :: h_values, q_values ! Q(h) table integer :: numValues ! #rows in Q(h) table type(t_tp), pointer :: p_bnds ! pointer to boundaries (q-bnds, h-bnds, etc.) integer :: numpars integer :: j inquire(file=boundaryConditionsFile, exist=success) if (.not. success) then call setmessage(level_error, trim(boundaryConditionsFile) // ' not found.') return endif if (associated(ec)) then success = ecInstanceFree(ec) ec => null() if (.not. success) then call setmessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Reading Boundaries: Could not free/deallocate ec-instance') endif endif if (.not. ecInstanceCreate(ec))then call setmessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Reading Boundaries: Could not create ec-instance') endif bc_count = ecCollectBCBlocks(ec, boundaryConditionsFile, istat) if (bc_count /= 0 .and. istat /= 0)then ! boundaries/laterals found, but error in reading them print *, 'ecCollectBCBlocks error: ', istat call setmessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Reading Boundaries: could not read boundary blocks from file '// trim(boundaryConditionsFile)) return endif istat = 0 total_items = network%lts%count + network%boundaries%count if (bc_count < total_items) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Reading Boundaries: Not enough boundaries in file ' // trim(boundaryConditionsFile)) else total_items = bc_count endif call realloc(ec_target_items_ids, total_items, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(ec_loc_names, total_items, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(ec_quant_names, total_items, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(ec_item_is_lateral, total_items, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(ec_item_is_lateral, total_items, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(ec_item_has_been_set_externally, total_items, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(ec_bnd_2_ec_index, NUM_BOUN_TYPE, network%boundaries%count, stat=istat) if (istat == 0) call realloc(ec_lat_2_ec_index, ec_lat_num_vartypes, network%lts%count, stat=istat) if (istat .ne. 0) then call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Reading Boundaries: Error Allocating Arrays') endif ec_target_items_ids = -1 ec_loc_names = ' ' ec_quant_names = ' ' ec_item_is_lateral = .false. ec_item_has_been_set_externally = .false. ec_bnd_2_ec_index = -1 ec_lat_2_ec_index = -1 bc_count = 0 ! laterals do i = 1, network%lts%count locationID = network%lts%lat(i)%id numpars = 1 + transportPars%constituents_count do j = 1, numpars if (j==1) then quantityID = 'water_discharge' else quantityID = trim(transportPars%co_h(j-1)%name) endif ec_bc_item = ecFindItemByQuantityLocation(ec, locationID, quantityID, isLateral = .true.) if (ec_bc_item < 0)then call setmessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not find ' // trim(locationID) // '.' // trim(quantityID) // ' in file ' // trim(boundaryConditionsFile)) else is_qh_bound = ecItemGetQHtable(ec, ec_bc_item, h_values, q_values, success) if (is_qh_bound) then if (.not.success) then call setmessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error getting lateral discharge qh-table for ' & // trim(locationID) // '.' // trim(quantityID) ) else call SetQlatQh(network%lts%lat(i), h_values, q_values, size(h_values)) endif else bc_count = bc_count + 1 ec_target_items_ids(bc_count) = ecCreateTimeInterpolatedItem(ec, ec_bc_item) ec_loc_names(bc_count) = locationID ec_quant_names(bc_count) = quantityID ec_item_is_lateral(bc_count) = .true. ec_lat_2_ec_index(j,i) = bc_count endif endif enddo enddo ! boundaries do ityp = 1, NUM_BOUN_TYPE p_bnds => network%boundaries%tp(ityp) do i = 1, p_bnds%count inod = p_bnds%bd(i)%node locationID = network%nds%node(inod)%id if (ityp==H_BOUN) then quantityID = 'water_level' else if (ityp==Q_BOUN) then quantityID = 'water_discharge' else if (ityp==S_BOUN) then quantityID = 'water_salinity' else if (ityp==T_BOUN) then quantityID = 'water_temperature' else call setmessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Boundary type not supported') cycle endif ec_bc_item = ecFindItemByQuantityLocation(ec, locationID, quantityID) if (ec_bc_item < 0)then call setmessage(LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not find ' // trim(locationID) // '.' // trim(quantityID) // ' in file ' // trim(boundaryConditionsFile)) else is_qh_bound = .false. if ((ityp==Q_BOUN) .or. (ityp==H_BOUN)) then is_qh_bound = ecItemGetQHtable(ec, ec_bc_item, h_values, q_values, success) if (is_qh_bound) then if (.not.success) then call setmessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error getting boundary condition qh-table for ' & // trim(locationID) // '.' // trim(quantityID) ) endif endif endif if (is_qh_bound) then numValues = size(h_values) p_bnds%bd(i)%length = numValues p_bnds%bd(i)%iopt = 2 if (ityp==h_boun) then call setTable(p_bnds%bd(i)%table, 0, q_values, h_values, numValues) else call setTable(p_bnds%bd(i)%table, 0, h_values, q_values, numValues) endif else bc_count = bc_count + 1 ec_target_items_ids(bc_count) = ecCreateTimeInterpolatedItem(ec, ec_bc_item) ec_loc_names(bc_count) = locationID ec_quant_names(bc_count) = quantityID ec_bnd_2_ec_index(ityp,i) = bc_count endif endif !TODO invullen: function type for interpolation\n ! - div(interpoltype, 10) == 1: periodical function (nvt) ! - mod(interpoltype, 10) == 0: linear function ! - mod(interpoltype, 10) == 1: block function ! - mod(interpoltype, 10) == 2: linear function in degrees p_bnds%bd(i)%table%interpoltype = 0 enddo enddo ! Meteo ec_bc_item = ecFindItemByQuantityLocation(ec, 'model_wide', 'wind_speed') if (ec_bc_item > 0) then ec_itemId_windvelocity = ecCreateTimeInterpolatedItem(ec, ec_bc_item) else ec_itemId_windvelocity = 0 endif ec_bc_item = ecFindItemByQuantityLocation(ec, 'model_wide', 'wind_from_direction') if (ec_bc_item > 0) then ec_itemId_winddirection = ecCreateTimeInterpolatedItem(ec, ec_bc_item) else ec_itemId_winddirection = 0 endif ec_bc_item = ecFindItemByQuantityLocation(ec, 'model_wide', 'humidity') if (ec_bc_item > 0) then ec_itemId_humidity = ecCreateTimeInterpolatedItem(ec, ec_bc_item) else ec_itemId_humidity = 0 endif ec_bc_item = ecFindItemByQuantityLocation(ec, 'model_wide', 'air_temperature') if (ec_bc_item > 0) then ec_itemId_air_temperature = ecCreateTimeInterpolatedItem(ec, ec_bc_item) else ec_itemId_air_temperature = 0 endif ec_bc_item = ecFindItemByQuantityLocation(ec, 'model_wide', 'cloudiness') if (ec_bc_item > 0) then ec_itemId_cloudiness = ecCreateTimeInterpolatedItem(ec, ec_bc_item) else ec_itemId_cloudiness = 0 endif ! Prevent crash in Model-API ! TODO: Remove this when not necessary anymore allocate(network%boundaries%tp(B_WINDVEL)%bd(1)) call setTable(network%boundaries%tp(B_WINDVEL)%bd(1)%table, 0, (/0.0d0, 1.0d0/), (/0.0d0, 1.0d0/), 2) allocate(network%boundaries%tp(B_WINDDIR)%bd(1)) call setTable(network%boundaries%tp(B_WINDDIR)%bd(1)%table, 0, (/0.0d0, 1.0d0/), (/0.0d0, 1.0d0/), 2) ! call ecInstancePrintState(ec, callback_msg, 1) ! for debugging purposes ! call ecInstanceListSourceItems(ec,6) end subroutine readBoundaryConditions subroutine callback_msg(lvl,msg) integer, intent(in) :: lvl character(len=*), intent(in) :: msg write(6,'(A)') trim(msg) end subroutine function getBoundaryValue(ec_target_item, timeAsMJD) result(value_from_ec) double precision :: value_from_ec integer , intent(in) :: ec_target_item double precision, intent(in) :: timeAsMJD double precision, dimension(1) :: array_values_from_ec value_from_ec = 0.0 if (.not. ecItemGetValues(ec, ec_target_item, timeAsMJD, array_values_from_ec) ) then ! call SetMessage(LEVEL_FATAL, 'Error ec_target_item value from EC file') else value_from_ec = array_values_from_ec(1) endif end function getBoundaryValue subroutine closeBoundaryConditionFiles() logical :: success if (associated(ec)) then success = ecInstanceFree(ec) ec => null() endif end subroutine closeBoundaryConditionFiles end module m_readBoundaries