subroutine esm_alloc_char(lundia, error, gdp) !----- GPL --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2022. ! ! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation version 3. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program. If not, see . ! ! contact: ! Stichting Deltares ! P.O. Box 177 ! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ! ! All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares" ! are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of ! Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! $Id$ ! $HeadURL$ !!--description----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Function: Determines memory requirements for the ! CHARACTER ARRAY. In this subroutine the start ! indices of all character arrays are calculated by ! using the memory management function MKCPNT. ! The start adress of an array can be found by using ! the function GTCPNT. ! Function MKCPNT will when errors occure call an ! errorroutine (ERRPNT). The function MKCPNT will ! return with value 1 or for memory already ! declared with correct length with value -1 ! Because the Delft3D-FLOW module can use static ! array declaration the error messages will stay ! at the end of the routine ! Method used: ! !!--pseudo code and references-------------------------------------------------- ! NONE !!--declarations---------------------------------------------------------------- use precision ! use globaldata ! implicit none ! type(globdat),target :: gdp ! ! The following list of pointer parameters is used to point inside the gdp structure ! integer , pointer :: lmax integer , pointer :: lsts integer , pointer :: lstsc integer , pointer :: nto integer , pointer :: kc integer , pointer :: nsrc integer , pointer :: nofou integer , pointer :: ndro integer , pointer :: nsluv integer , pointer :: ncpntr ! ! Global variables ! integer :: lundia ! Description and declaration in inout.igs logical, intent(out) :: error ! TRUE if an error is encountered ! ! Local variables ! integer :: ierr ! errorflag integer, external :: mkcpnt character(6) :: pntnam ! Pointername ! !! executable statements ------------------------------------------------------- ! ncpntr => gdp%gdpointrs%ncpntr lmax => gdp%d%lmax lsts => gdp%d%lsts lstsc => gdp%d%lstsc nto => gdp%d%nto kc => gdp%d%kc nsrc => gdp%d%nsrc nofou => gdp%d%nofou ndro => gdp%d%ndro nsluv => gdp%d%nsluv ! ! Initialize local variable ! ! arrays for: discharge sources ! pntnam = 'disint' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, nsrc, gdp) ! Interpolation flag for discharges if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! pntnam = 'dismmt' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, nsrc, gdp) ! Option to take momentum into account ! for the disch. Time dependent values ! for velocity magnitude and direction ! should be added in case DISMMT=Y if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! pntnam = 'NAMSRC' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, 20*nsrc, gdp) ! Names of discharge points if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! ! arrays for: time varying and fourier openings ! constituents Sal., Temp. & Cons. ! pntnam = 'nambnd' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, nto*20, gdp) ! Array containing the coordinates of the open boundary section if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! pntnam = 'typbnd' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, nto, gdp) ! Type of open boundary prescribed: ! - Z : water level ! - C : Current ! - Q : Discharge ! - R : Riemann ! - T : Total discharge ! - N : Neumann if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! pntnam = 'tprofu' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, nto*20, gdp) ! Type of vertical velocity profile ! - uniform ! - logarithmic ! - 3d-profile if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! pntnam = 'tprofc' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, nto*lstsc*10, gdp) ! Shape function for constituent ! - uniform ! - linear ! - step ! - 3d-profile ! old and new time in index 1 and 2 if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! ! arrays for: constituent names (all) ! pntnam = 'namcon' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, lmax*20, gdp) ! Names of the constituents ! (excl. salinity and temperature) if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! ! arrays for: bottom stress term ! pntnam = 'ROUFLO' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, 4, gdp) ! Selection flag for the computation of ! bottom stress term due to flow: ! [MANN, CHEZ, WHIT, 3D] if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! ! arrays for: drogue track definition ! pntnam = 'namdro' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, 20*ndro, gdp) ! Names of the drogues if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! ! arrays for: barriers ! pntnam = 'nambar' ! Global data ierr = mkcpnt(pntnam, 20*nsluv, gdp) ! Barrier names if (ierr<= - 9) goto 9999 ! ! Test if pointer declaration outside declaration in POINTRS.INC ! if (ierr== - 3) then error = .true. call prterr(lundia ,'G005' ,' ' ) ! write (lundia, *) ' Parameter MXCPNT to small, add ', & & ncpntr - mxcpnt endif ! ! Test exit code which are not allowed (in theory not possible) ! 9999 continue if (ierr<= - 9) then error = .true. call prterr(lundia ,'G920' ,'esm_alloc_char' ) ! endif end subroutine esm_alloc_char